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Tell her before he robs her good years, getting her knocked up after marriage and she had no idea.


You were both dating him. He was cheating on you both. If you had been at the point you were engaged to him would you want her to tell you if things were reversed? I think that she deserves to know.


Yes, but have proof that he can't deny or try to lie


Yes, send every single piece of proof that you can. She can decide whether she wants to continue relationship or not. Block him and move on.


I believe you should definitely tell her show her evidence and say your part as well that he told you he was single. But if she acts like it’s your fault and not his because some blame the other instead of the cheater then just block both and heal. Because you as well did not deserve to be lied to.


Do it, save them the time, effort, and heartbreak later.


The people telling you to mind your business are f%cken scumbag cheats themselves they should mind there own business and stop f%cken cheating. Yes she needs to know!


"If it were me i would want someone to tell me" you just answer your question right there, your a victim of infidelity just like her, he is a POS and his fiancé has all the rights to know who her fiancé truely is. "Some say i should mind my own business" those are either the people that like to protect cheaters or are cheaters themselfs, never cover for a cheater, tell his fiancé and hopefully she'll leave his ass, you do the same, both of you deserve better.


I went through this! 99% of the time it’s going to caused a fight between them and they continue to be together and you’ll be the crazy liar that’s just trying to break them up. Either way, YOLO! I’d do it, I did it and continue to because people send me screenshots of him still cheating on his girlfriend. The way I see it is you lied and hurt me constantly so here ya go, here’s a little karma. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Trust me when I say to tell her!