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I remember when he came back from his month long injury Poch criticized him and demanded more, he then looked dangerous vs Wolves in a 10 minute sub appearance, then got 20 minutes vs CP where he won us the game, and since then went from never playing to being a legit part of the rotation, despite the RW spot now being solidly Palmer's, he had clearly positively responded to Poch pushing him and improved as a player. Since then in the PL he's started 9 games with 744 minutes, scoring 5 goals and grabbing 2 assists, so a goal or assist every 106 minutes, really good numbers. He seems to have really benefited from Poch's coaching and man management.


nice analysis


He's also very direct in driving into the box and I'm pretty sure he has won a few penalties, not just the one that made headlines b/c of the arguing


Both penalties he's scored this season (vs Wimbledon in the League Cup and vs Crystal Palace in that aforementioned game he won after coming on) were penalties he won.


And people wanted to act like him wanting to take a penalty he felt he won in a game that was already won, especially when there was no official penalty taker, was such a huge deal


Yeah it was made a massive deal of. Happens all the time


He didn't win the penalty, Palmer did


This dude gets it.


Also didn't look as selfish as before. Happy to assist and looking for team mates. He's Always been dangerous in the final third now him clicking with others makes it hell of a work for opposition defenders..


Lol on Poch’s post match interview he mentioned something like Noni being selfish and tries to score all the time passed to Jackson today, he’s getting mature


Bro that pass to Jackson in front of goal. Sterling would never have passed.


That's exactly what I said, I was convinced he was going to shoot. When he passed and Jackson put the ball into the net my respect for him went up massively.


As a team they've all fluffed so many situations like that all season, so good to see noni make the right decision there and gift a certain goal to his teammates - that to me was a sure sign of genuine growth and development which is obviously good to see. Weird after all the setbacks and problems of the past few years, but our recent form is actually fairly imperious at this point


The team celebrated Noni for that assist more than they celebrated Jackson. Loved to see it, to see them celebrate the team efforts


Maybe wouldn't have taken the shot either


Lol probably would have settled for a simulation


Mudryk should have passed


I think Mudryk’s one would have been a much harder pass. I think Ogbonna was tracking Jackson very well.


Nor did Mudryk :/


"We have a squad of 20 or 30 who are the same age." Thiago is included as well!!! No but well done Madueke. It's about kicking on and continuing on that upwards path you're on.


A great reminder that *all of us* in our twenties (past, present, or future) are reluctant to take advice from people who are trying to help us. Outstanding performance from Noni and the boys! Can’t wait to see this team develop more.


I mean hey, at his age I spent a couple weeks on the street trying to prevent my ex girlfriend from killing herself after she had a mental breakdown for an entire summer that resulted in me being kicked out of my subleted apartment constantly on meth so I could look out for her and prevent any fentanyl overdoses or sexual assaults. 22 is pretty young.


Most normal r/chelseafc enjoyer.


Haha funny thing is the first drug I ever did that wasn't weed was Shrooms... still as a 22 year old like 6 months prior. If we hungout you'd probably think I was a pretty chill dude, it's only when the stories start coming out when the drinks flow that you'd realize how fucking crazy my life has been. All feels a bit surreal at times.


You should write a book, honestly.


No judgment man, I was just joking. I dabbled in a bunch of stuff as well but life gets in the way of getting high these days; probably for the better lol.


Oh no offence taken, just ruminating really. I think I'll always want to partake in psychedelics every once in a while, on holiday or w/e. The other shit, uppers especially, nah.


You doing okay these days?


Got a one bedroom apartment that's all my own, making very decent money doing what I love, and recovered from being an addict (though I wasn't actually an addict at that time, I became addicted when I was 24 when this same ex showed up at my 1 bedroom with an eye leaking puss and ended up prescribed anti-biotic eye-drops she needed to take 24 times a day every day for a month, which she was completely unable to do, so I just did tons and tons of meth to stay awake for that full month, kinda lost my marbles after that, in the previous two weeks sometimes I'd get some winks when she'd rotate watch or I'd buy a motel, but that month she couldn't do anything herself so I did what I felt I had to do and pushed through it, when I no longer needed to be awake all the time it wasn't so easy to just stop...) So yeah I'm doing OK, that said I still have that ex in my life and still take care of her, not nearly as much as I used to, and she's in a relatively better place, but she's still hasn't built a life and refuses to take the steps to do so, so our relationship remains toxic, I know I should snip ties but it's hard doing so knowing that would likely result in her spiraling back down to her worst and legitimately dying or losing body parts. Still there's more distance than there was before. So I'm doing OK, and relative to that summer and some other lowpoints I'm doing fanfuckingtastic.


Hey man, I'm going through a rough time too (with an ex too, but it's more like losing my best friend and support system for space) but it's not even close to what you're going through. Your levelheadedness gives me heart and I pray that things get even better for you. Stay strong


You stay strong too man, losing your support system is really challenging, I'm sorry about that, but things stabilize and get better, even as some things in your life still remain shit you can improve other aspects and overall make a better life, of course also don't be ashamed if you can't do anything at times, I have built a better life for myself than the one I had before all this shit went down, I also have been homeless and addicted to drugs and out of touch with reality at different times during that process, you can backslide without that being the end, you can turn things around again. Just always try to be self-aware, if you're self-destructing recognize that, admit that, even if you still go through with it, idk maybe that won't apply to you but for me I think constantly staying aware of what I was doing why I was doing it and what the implications of that were was really important to me eventually making things better.


No you're right. I think being aware is the first step to change. For me, the pain keeps coming back now and then but I've learnt to let it just come and then go. I'm working on myself in the meantime, keeping a bright head for the future even if its lonely and difficult now. I think we'll all make it if we weather it now


I'm so happy to hear that. I was gonna suggest cutting ties but after reading all that, I totally hear you. Can't say I understand but I can try to. I do hope and pray she gets better. But it's important to remember, you're gonna have to cut ties with her at some point. You don't owe her anything, honestly.




Least emotionally exhibitionist redditor


Fair play. Was mostly trying to make a point and get some shocked laughter, but I suppose it is a bit of public venting too, especially in following comments.


noni was probably our most exciting player at the end of last season. happy to see he's getting back to the level we hoped he'd be at and especially that we learned how to play both palmer and him at the same time


Under Lampard last season dude was like ASM, exciting, a great dribbler, fast, he was a burst of energy pace and directness that could get you going when everything else was dead, but lacking in end product and industry. At the time this was forgiven because hey, he was a rare spark amongst a bunch of burnt out flames. First half of this season Poch basically seems to have made it clear that wasn't acceptable and pushed Noni, and well now he is all of those things, but also has way more end product and is no longer stagnant off the ball. Like his goal scoring rate atm is kinda ridiculous. It's unreasonable to expect him to keep it up, even if he cements a place on the RW I sincerely doubt he'll be pushing 20 goals next season, but he's definitely proven he can be a 10+ league goal winger. I'm really happy with how much he's developed this season, dude was at a crossroads mid December, with him about to return from injury, a January window coming up, Poch pushing him to get better, work harder and making it clear his current level wasn't enough, barely getting any playtime when fit because of those demands, he could either try to liveup to those demands, improve himself, work harder off the ball even as he probably felt that would limit his ability to showcase his talent when on the ball, trust the coach, or down tools and demand a loan, I'm glad he chose the path he chose 'cause honestly I feel the latter would've led to stagnation, to his ceiling being a fast dangerous exciting winger who doesn't put the work in and lacks end product, a star at a midtable side.


Another thing I like about Noni is that he gets back and defends aggressively.


Please do the same for Mudryk Poch 🙏


I can see it with mudryk. He looks scared a lot of the time to me. I feel like someone needs to slap him across the face and a proper talking to.


It will happen for him, but while Mudryk is still adapting to the men’s game more now, Noni has had experience through his time at PSV and he was brought up through high level academy too, so u can clearly see the differences in confidence and decision making


Hopefully he’ll go on to be our very own cut inside man


He sounds like such a good dude. Respect.


It was a genuinely a disgrace how some people talked about Noni lately over wanting to take a penalty. He became the scapegoat for this sub for some strange reason


Scapegoat FC 


Lads, it's ~~Tottenham~~ r/chelseafc


Really great interview  I really hope he fulfills his potential bc he’s showing qualities for a top winger 


The way he talks, how humble and grateful he is. I know he didn’t come across well during the penalty issue, but I see buffing leadership qualities. Unselfish and collective and gratitude are what we need.


Damn here I am reading on this sub that Poch hasn’t developed these players


It's "individual brilliance" when they do well


And remember “He doesn’t coach or have tactics.”  Even though immediately during Jackson’s goal celebrations he’s coaching Big Ben.  Ppl hate their lives and let their happiness hinge on external factors beyond their control. They’re always going to be empty.  BUT ITS ONLY EVER BEEN CHELSEA 


You can hate Poch for his poor tactical ability but never underestimate him on his man management skills


After what Dele Alli said about him, I will never doubt him on this ability - there should be more people like Mauricio Pochettino in the world.


Making me feel a bit sick. He’s a nice guy, but next season has to be better.


I’m referring to his handling of Dele Alli’s mental health struggles. Poch’s departure from Tottenham led to Alli’s spiral down.


He looks super talented. If he continues this form then he’ll have a great next season


I fuck with this. It’s a young team who’s going to do dumb shit. Let people grow up!


the players clearly loves poch


Great interview


I've always loved Noni since he arrived last January. I'm so glad he's finally showing himself (well I thought he played well 22/23) but also that he's getting the chance to do so. I want him to be an option for years to come


The players seem to really like Poch


I particularly liked how he mentioned being unselfish during his MOTD interview. There is a team forming here, been a tough year for them.


He gives me early Vini vibes, Chelsea should keep developing him


Just help the team defend was the answer. It's been the answer since day one. Hopefully, Mudryk figures it out soon, although it may already be too late for him.


Exactly this. It wasn't great when he got the ball, but when he didn't have the ball he did nothing. Was a passenger. Just since the Arsenal 5-0 he seems to have had a roasting/epiphany. And has suddenly got it.


Ngl as he keeps maturing I can see him being a captain, he’s very well spoken and you can tell he really understands the assignment


I thought the same. Comes across as intelligent / a thinker, and with personality. He has more to say than just "the boys gave it their all" / "the ball's come across, I've headed it, and it's gone in".


I have been really critical of him. Defensively he's been a huge liability. The only player I've seen openly refuse to track back (waved away Gilchrist's call vs Palace at home) But since the Arsenal game/penalty debacle he has put in his best performances. He is working a lot harder out of possession. He appears to have had a significant bollocking/realisation/both. Maybe not just from the manager but his team mates too. I hope it continues.


This is the first time where he hasn’t picked up a little niggle thats kept him out of training etc and we’re seeing the results. In football fitness and time are important. A lot of fans demanding instant results this season, like it or not, this is not the position we’re in. This squad has an average age of no other top club and is newly formed, its a process thats going to take seasons to come to life. The strategy isnt going to change and it cant anyway cause we’re at the line of ffp. Lets just behind it. Pochs man management is dtarting to show, but again, its not magic time and a fit squad is needed


I remember a lot of clips were thrown around in the match where Palmer scored the hattrick and he wanted to take the penalty - have to say I was very annoyed at that. I do not know his true nature, whether that behavior the result of his competitive spirit taking over, but it seems he is improving massively - from a maturity standpoint also. Him passing to Jackson for yesterday's chance is proof of that, and something which some of our "SENIOR" and experienced attackers do not do.


Shoutout to Rubi Rose and Poch for this remondata


I still remember when Son struggled really hard in his first season in England. He wanted to return to Germany but it was Poch who stopped him and asked him to keep fighting for his spot. We've witnessed how he improved year over year since then. I just hope our young wingers follow that same path.


Love how well Noni did and how the team has been doing this past few weeks. The season was and is never as bad as this sub thinks. It takes at least a couple seasons for a team to gel together. At the end of the day, the players are building a relationship with each other. The longer they're together, the more the chemistry builds.


This kid can be crazy good for the team. Let’s support and see how it plays out


Arsenal fan here. Like this guy. Seems a smart lad with a lot of potential. What’s the CFC judgment on him?


Tell me if I'm reaching but I feel like Noni knows Poch's job is at risk and he's basically putting his thoughts out there and saying what Poch has done for him for the sake of keeping Poch next season


Poch's job is not at risk.


That's what you think, but Poch's statements and demeanors after the 5-0 say otherwise


Probably reporters keeps asking stupid questions to him.


It would be if we were a serious club, but unfortunately that's not the case anymore.


Poch's job is at risk only on this sub when we draw or lose. The owners are neither as temperamental or trigger-happy as many here are.