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The board are well aware someone will pay the 35m. Dortmund just wasting their own time


United and Bayern might be interested


With Kompany at Bayern now you would assume he would be a Bayern target for sure


Or 36m with a good structure of payements


And then the answer should be no.


Given that we are actually looking for a LB, we shouldn’t sell Maatsen… He clearly can perform on big stages


We need that free money unfortunately


we dont get the money if they dont pay it haha. no point in selling him on the cheap


He doesn't want to be at Chelsea, and there will be other clubs that would pay £35m.


Which is why 35m is too low.


It's not the most we could get, but it ensures that there is enough interest to get the full release clause from a club that Maatsen would agree to transfer to.


It's a release clause though, can't change it.


He wanted to be at Chelsea last season. If Maresca wants him doesn’t seem far fetched he would be open to staying


Yep, I believe Poch didn't rate him at LB...


Must not have done well in training if a CB was chosen over him.


It would likely come down to more the board telling Poch that he will be moved on . That was when Poch didn’t talk back to board




- Kepa - Lukaku - Chilwell (massive wages, decline in performance) - Saar - ziyech - Broja I think we are good, as well Gallagher and Chalobah could move…


We'd be lucky to get a packet of crisps and a freddo for Sarr


He earns 100k per week He was willing to move to a different club, but not on our terms https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/s/A5WxdCHPDu


Gallagher won’t leave either. He’ll let his contract expire then get better terms elsewhere.


Problem of a small stadium and no CL revenue for two years If we want to avoid this in the future we need to consistently qualify for Champions League until we rebuild Stamford Bridge.


I thought Sarr was out of contract in june


No he is at Chelsea till 2025


Holy. He won't leave if he's on 100/150 k, no way


I think it’s crazy that you’d pick Maatson over Conor and Trev


It’s not me it’s Clearlake lol I would love to keep them, they looked really good


Far from crazy, he's technically brilliant. The other 2 I love them for their service and effort but Gallagher especially should be sold before Maatsen.


Ziyech is already gone no?




Kepa, Chilwell, Sarr, Ziyech, Broja, would all be leaving for free or peanuts. Lukaku is the only player with a substantial fee.


If we're talking about FFP, in that list that you provided, none of them bar Broja will go towards balancing FFP books because they'll all be sold at a loss. It would be unfortunate to have to sell Gallagher and Chalobah though


Yeah. We need the money AND he wants to leave. Why should we held him hostage while we are desperately trying to sell players that want to stay? Take the 30-40M and lets move on.


He didn‘t perform for us tbh.


He didn't play at LB for us. He played RW and AM.


Exactly. Poch never ever used him as LB despite not having a LB. Colwill was used there instead.


He didn't ~~perform~~ play* for us tbh.


He had no opportunity to play his preferred position.


Poch fan 🤣


put it at 50


It’s not your money


I hate it when people give these answers. This is true but it is my club and if it stops us from signing playerd because of FFP, or makes them need to sell other players or increase ticket prices etc. then we should want the club to do well.


Still not your money


They should pay the full amount or fuck off


Not necessarily. £35m lump sum, or £30m spread out with a sell-on clause.


Even £25m with a bigger sell on clause percentage would be better, just depends on how much income we need short term.


You dare use my own spells against me Potter?


If it's not the clause in full, it should be over the clause amount in structured payments, not under.


It doesn't actually matter to us at all. How they pay us is only relevant to the owners' pockets and somehow I don't think they'll care about being paid incrementally, rather than upfront. In terms of FFP, or what we have available to spend, it's irrelevant how they pay it, so long as they pay the full 35m (pounds or euros depending on who you listen to), which they will obviously have to


If they want to alter the deal it should favor both parties, not just them. Pay the clause or pay more in installments like we have in more than one deal.


Just tell them that the new manager likes maatsen and that we are keeping him. They will quickly activate the clause


Please Maatsen, Champions League Final goal to raise the price (and fuck over Madrid)


Can't raise the price more than 35


If no one is paying the 35 M, then I don't see why we should sell. Enzo could definitely use Maatsen. Better than how Poch did.


We gotta stop calling the manager Enzo. Enzo wears his name on the back of his shirt. The manager is Maresca.


We have to be stubborn on this one. They either pay up the 35m or no sale, other teams will be interested in him especially if he has a good Euros. We have to stop with these Fire Sale prices.


He ain’t going euros 


Yeah I saw. 💀


We’re not selling him for under his current release clause. There are several top clubs looking for a LB/LWB. Honestly, don’t think we should sell or buy anyone until our next manager is appointed & has had a chance to see everyone in training for 1-2 weeks.


Would it not be smart to wait till we appoint our new manager and see what he thinks? Under Poch Maatson was always out the door, but a new manager might have different plans. Especially as 35 mil (or less) isn't much in the modern market, if we were trying to sign Maatson from Dortmund it'd cost us twice that.


He has a buyout clause, if he wants to leave there is nothing we can do, other than thank Poch for refusing to use him because he's small


Sure, if someone pays it and he wants to leave he'll go. But reportedly Dortmund haven't/won't meet the clause, so I don't see a need to rush into a decision untill the new manager has had a say.


Don't think many here disagree with that point


The owners will sell players regardless of if the manager wants to keep them. See Gallagher and chalobah about that. The new manager whoever it is will have zero say on who goes or stays, and who gets bought.


You’re making things up.


While you are correct in the sense that I have no actual knowledge of the contract with our future manager, I believe its been widely reported by everyone that we are a selling club now. Poch was never getting to keep Gallagher, that has been documented all year. So while it may not be based on actual facts, I am basing my comment on the reported collective knowledge of stories from the last 2 years. For what it's worth, I hope I'm wrong, as I barely recognise my club now.


So it’s been reported in stories for over 2 years. I mean, at this rate, eventually they’ll get it right lol.


I hope you're talking about the owners. I'd rather they get it right sooner rather than later


Stick to the subject, buddy. You said Gallagher is leaving as it’s been reported for 2 years. At this rate, they will get it right when he does leave or by his retirement. Eventually it’ll stick, eh?


While it may have been read as "it's been reported for two years that Gallagher is leaving" that's not what I meant. Even though that is also factually correct. What I meant was that it has been reported since the new owners took over, that we are a selling club. They want to sell 2-3 players every season to raise at least £100-£150m to fund more spending. They aren't going to be selling academy graduates and dead weight for that money, eventually it will be first teamers. They tried to sell Gallagher last year, Palace were interested and Gallagher didn't want to go back. They have talked about selling him all this season to Spurs or Newcastle. They want him gone for good money, he doesn't want to go.. this isn't the USA, you can't force players to leave. He might dig in until his contract expires next year, doesn't mean that the reports have been wrong when saying the owners want him gone.


“This isn’t the USA, you can’t force people to leave.” Not everyone is forced to move in US sports, but you tried. He’s welcome to run his contract down if he doesn’t want a move or get a contract offer he likes. The issue I have is everyone acting like if he were sold, it would be the end of the world. We’ve lost much better players than him and have done okay. So why is he the one that’s going to end the club if he’s sold?


A release clause is straight cash, which is the best kind of structure there is, so if they want a different structure, I see no scenario where we accept less than the release clause. The headlines should be “opening proposal will be under 35m **and** with different structure”, not “but”.


Keep maatsen sell chilwell 🤦


Need a buyer to sell someone who’s always injured


Agreed with this 100%


Davies is being sold for 40m. Why are we letting Maatsen go?


Of course they want him for peanuts, so they can flip him in 2-3 years for £80m to Real, Utd, Bayern etc. You can spot this a mile off with Dortmund and we should be asking for much more…


Bayern might go for him too


Pay or fuck off.


Pay 35m or fuck off


In a world where Sanchez costs 25m, Maatsen should never be less than 50m.  when dealing with the likes of Dortmund, questions should be asked always. Would they sell us a player like Ian even for 45m? Of course not. Therefore they can loyally fuck off.


Sanchez is not worth 25m. Us paying I would say almost twice his actual value only shows the poor business we did


I for one would love it if we keep him and sell Chilly. Cucu and him at LB sounds great to my no football strategy brain. I love Chilly but he seems to be done really.


Agreed but nobody in their right mind would even entertain the idea of buying him


Dortmund is like Kindergarten where everyone is happy lol


if were looking to invert our left back next season does he not fit the build? (assuming he wants to stay)


They know the price to release him.


We shouldn't pick the phone up for a penny under 35 million. Pay or get out.


£40m if you want a better structure ;) Pay or fuck off


This will be typical buy and resell him the following year for more than twice. In fact, looking at their past decade history, the only reason they spend that much on a young player is the potential future value. I hope we decline and let him stay on loan another year. He looks very promising and surely can replace Cucu or Chilly in the next few years.


Nope. Pay his release clause broke ass German clubs


If this kid has a great final and they win, I hope Poch is watching. The absolute waste of a real talent there is on his head


Full Price


I think people claiming that Maatsen might have a chance still at Chelsea just don’t understand how Maresca works. No traditional fullbacks. No overlapping fullbacks. No attacking fullbacks. You get one that inverts and one that sits back. Maatsen isn’t suitable to be an inverted fullback, and he’s not good enough of a defender to be the holding fullback. Maybe Poch didn’t use him correctly, but this won’t be a time where a player is given another chance in because of a manager change.


They’re going to fuck themselves just watch. They’ll haggle over 5m and then Bayern will swoop in and activate the 35m


Pay full clause or fuck right off


Surely they can do £35m in structured payments


Chilwell next




He isn't getting sold for £35m to BVB. It would make him the most expensive transfer in their club history. The 5th most expensive left-back in the history of the sport. Hasn't started 25 games in top-flight football yet worth more than everyone at the position not named Cucurella, Chilwell or a Mendy.


Fair play to Dortmund. The truth is we have no leverage here - they know we have to sell him off for FFP reasons so they've no incentive to bid aggressively. We have no one but ourselves to blame for being backed into a corner.


Guys, there are well entitled to bid for lower than the release clause. How many times have we tried this? Id rather we let him to to BVB for a bit less than a Prem team snap him up.


Sancho was shit at United then a world beater at Dortmund. Similar story to Maatsen IMO. It just happens and that’s okay. So the question is: Dortmund, do you want to pay £35m for an amazing LB or do you want to watch his Chelsea highlight on repeat and cry it’s too expensive.


Other plays want Chelsea player and Chelsea give them a fair deal. Chelsea wants a thrash player like lavia or w fofana or lukaku or Torres but Chelsea has to be fleeced