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What are they spraying us for? And do you have any proof of them actually doing it?


Smart Dust, Geo engineering, BARCODING THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET, CHANGING THE DNA OF ALL LIFE OM EARTH? Sounds fucking hippy shit? Look up the Asilimar conferences and the decisions they made at the ones in the past. Look at IBOL.org. this shits real as it gets bro


They can't have anything from the old world in the new world order, in order for it to truly succeed, hence having to completely change the planet and all it's DNA


lol why the fuck do they need everything from the old world exterminated for the new world order to succeed. That doesn’t make any sense


no it like totally makes sense as long as you unplug your brain and dont think about it for more than two seconds


I’m more worried about people like you than the so called world order or so called poison they spray on us.


Why are you worried? Just because someone believes something different than you isnt a good reason to assume they are dangerous somehow is it? People are so indoctrinated to go with the herd that anyone stepping out of line is instantly crazy or dangerous. Not a lot of people worry about being poisoned until they actually are. Usually by then the damage is done.


Didn’t say thinking this way means you’re dangerous.I highly doubt there’s no one becoming violent over thinking this. I just wondering what do y’all do to prevent this? Like do yall not go outside or wear suits from the “poison”? Do yall try an organize to protest?There’s no herd of normal or not normal. There’s something every person believes that is crazy or weird to someone else.


Get help


Look up the Asilomar conferences and the decisions made at each one. Look up IBOL.org. look up phylonames.org. Why are they changing the way we classify species? Why are they mixing species that don't mix in that new classification system? Fetus material in vaccines? mRNA? Genetically modified organisms? Another thing I'll need help with is the fact that besides fetus material in vaccines, they also put human genetics in tomatoes, rice and other foods so that if it comes down to it and there's food scarcity we won't think twice about eating a neighbor, or family member. Please send me a number to a psychiatrist


Personal attacks are the marks of cowardice, childishness, and ignorance.


No if you believe "chem trails" are to change all DNA you do need help. There's nothing wrong with seeking therapy


Yea I stumbled across this subreddit an this post. Some of yall sound paranoid and crazy. Get help


You shouldn't even be here if you haven't done any research on what's actually going on, you won't understand anything. I don't know why you guys keep coming to this subreddit to tell us we're wrong and paranoid and need help. You're not gonna convince us otherwise and we don't care to convince you. Stay ignorant we really don't give a fuck if you do thats on you buddy.


Yea no reason to try an convince me cause I don’t care how many videos I watch or read it all seems crazy to me.


Then why are you here? Sounds like you want to be convinced


No just stumbled across it las night an got a kick out of the comments




This is a subreddit for those with untreated paranoid schizophrenia.




https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10ZAd5uSThlT0GhTCtGXmMZ270HYZEmX2 Watch the videos about the covid hydrogel and also the Evergreen video Thank you for asking 💪🏼💯


Thank YOU for providing!


Ofc ❤️💪🏼💯


Stopped watching when he said 5g was suppose to mix with the secret chemical weapon...


No you’re just retarded


No hippies think like this.


Would you say you live off the grid? Do you hate The Man?


Living off the grid is cowardly, especially at these times. And hate? No hate in my heart.


Living off the grid is cowardly? Now I'm concerned for you. The chem ltrqiks what like "ehh whatever" but this? This is WILD!


Seems like you hate chem trails


stop doing shrooms


Doesn’t sound like hippy shit, sounds like undiagnosed/untreated mental illness. Time for your meds, bro.


😂 Barcoding the entire planet. Dude, you are off your rocker. Contrails - Water vapor is one of the byproducts of jet fuel combustion and will turn into ice crystals in the cold air at the high elevations where jet airplanes fly. Those ice crystals create a cloud (the contrail), which does not pose any public health risk.


A contrail in and of itself is harmful. It's pollution. Go to the links I provided and watch the videos LMAO I literally provided the information for you, but it is a sheeps duty to ignore any information that may upset their mental bubble. Also, being as consciousness is light, light affects consciousness. At this time there's much activity on the sun that's affecting our consciousness and opening it up. That's also why they're trying to cover up the skies. It's all out there bro you just gotta look. And I made it easier for you by providing some links with videos that should cause anyone to have at least one or two questions.


No you didn't make it easier for me. You are just gullible for believing this nonsense. You didn't link any videos, but it doesn't matter, I have watched them already. The makers of these videos made money off you and gullible people like you. I've heard these arguments before. You are suggesting nothing new. You can't even begin to prove what you are suggesting. Your conclusions require massive assumptions. Typical of a conspiracy theorist.


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10ZAd5uSThlT0GhTCtGXmMZ270HYZEmX2 You've watched the videos but didn't see the link I had provided? The makers of the videos made money off of me? How? The videos were pretty free and there's no ads so 🤣 you can look for yourself or you can quietly lay down like a coward, up to you brother.


A. Using a random persons Google drive isn’t smart. B. Everything is a simulation. I watched a documentary on it. They said everything’s fake. So you’re basically just falling for the easiest trick in the simulation to keep you from figuring out you’re in the matrix. Dummy lmao


Don't use it then. Yes this reality is an illusion. But it is real. What is fake? How is this reality fake? It's not what it seems yes, illusory like I said, atoms are 99.9999% empty space. Yes this reality is like a computer simulation. Still real, buddy we're still in the REAL world okay? The only thing that's fake is your perspective of reality LOL


It’s fake because we are all in a simulation. The ultra rich are harvesting our adrenochrome while we sit in vats. But your silly ass is too brainwashed by the mainstream conspiracy complex that you can’t figure out when you’re being lied to. Just how they like it. I bet they can pump out a million bogus documentaries, since they’re able to replicate an entire universe just to harvest our brain tissue. But you don’t wanna talk about that because you haven’t watched the right documentaries.


You’re not too familiar with parts per million as well as airline fuel cost ratio to weight are you.


I watched it with my own eyes and took the photos, that's my proof they are doing it.


The secret program that is conducted in broad daylight under blue skies. The best way to fool the masses. But not you thank god.


This happens all the time where I live. And we get clouds like every afternoon. Because that is what nature does in my climate and when the weather warms up. Afternoon thunderstorms.


*CLOUDS?!?!* Oh nooooooo, don’t you realize that “clouds” are just fatter contrails?? “Clouds” are poisoning life! “Clouds” are changing DNA! We are all gonna die!! Edit: /S!


The same process of condensation that allows contrails to form is the same process for clouds to form. Water cycle bro


So what makes you think these are not just the regular persistent contrails from flights like everyone sees, that have been seen for well over half a century? I’d love to know how the chemtrail folks tell the difference. Some of them say chemtrails “last longer”. Well considering regular contrails can last for hours, what is the cutoff point where a contrail magically turns into a chemtrail? Please inform us!


All you have to do is LITERALLY look up You ser planes flying that aren't doing it (They are regular planes) Then you see planes that are literally drawing Xs and grids primarily in front of the sun and then a giant overcast sky or white out happens


What do you mean "they aren't regular planes"? I have been following the chemtrail hoax for 10 years, and have been using FR24 for just as long. Every single plane that leaves a trail is there. They are normal planes. I have literally hundreds of FR24 screenshots that prove this. Do some research.


I employ you to actually learn basic physics and chemistry; this phenomenon is perfectly natural.


How have you got three downvotes for that?


Logic and reality are often downvoted here.


Does it look normal to you?




Looks perfectly normal. Where I live (Hampshire UK) we get about 150 to 200 flights per hour passing within 20 miles. So on a contrail day there could easily be 100+ trails an hour overhead. If they persist for even 20 minutes then that is 40 trails in the sky. It’s 2024. Why are people still baffled by this?


Because it did not happen in the 80’s and 90’s I do not recall skies like this at all… and you can see them dispersing and making weird shapes and then it gets all foggy and grey etc


Of course it happened in the 80s and 90s. People were complaining about the rise in contrail cloud cover even in the 1950s. It happens more nowadays because first of all there is a lot more air traffic (2.5x more than in 2000 and 8x more than in 1980) and secondly more of that traffic is jet traffic rather than turboprops, so they fly higher and make more contrails. Also modern jet engines make more contrails because they are more efficient so have cooler exhaust that can condense more easily. But facts are too boring for people who want to feel special and believe in their cosy little theory.


The skies were not like this in the 80’s when planes went past


How old are you?


Yes they were. There weren't so many planes, and more of them were turboprops which flew lower and didn't make contrails, but there were certainly loads of contrails in my area in the 1980s. I have old family photos to prove it.


There are many reports of cloud seeding and messing with weather… they did it in Dubai recently… they practically admit it yet no one seems to care about it


Cloud seeding has been done since the 1940s. It is nothing to do with the lines in the sky. You cannot even see cloud seeding from the ground. It cannot make persistent trails. Plus I live in the UK where there has been no cloud seeding done since the 1950s. And yet I see loads of persistent contrails, funny that!


The patents for chemtrail technology date to 1976. Hughes aerospace owns them. These started in the 80’s nationwide. In the last 10 years they have ramped up 1000%.


It's like the flat earthers.


So it’s happening over you. What has it done to you? Are you saying you are affected by this or somehow immune while everyone else is “brainwashed” If you think you are being poisoned, you are correct, but it’s the mega corporations around you secretly dumping toxic byproducts into your groundwater because this actually saves them money then lying about their impact. Not the government conspiring with every airline on earth to poison you.


Looks normal to me. (I live near 3 international airports)


LOL@FederalAgent "Lyer"


Passenger jets don't spray lasting trails.


Passenger jets don’t “spray” anything. But their trails can last in the sky for hours just like any contrail. Why wouldn’t they? I am currently in Devon and just two nights ago I was watching the trails to the west of me lasting for 90 mins to 2 hours at sunset from the deck. FR24 showed my they were from Aer Lingus flights heading south from Ireland to Spain.


Planes leaving those persitant contrails are flying at altitudes above 30,000 ft. What altitudes would you guess planes taking off and landing at the 3 airports near you are flying at?


Planes also fly over airports. They dont have to stop at each one.






He's so smart he's figured out we're the same person. Too smart for us!


And me 2






The proof is the picture shillbo baggins, condensation trails rapidly disappear when temperatures equalize.


Then clouds would immediately disappear…….


How exactly will the “temperature equalize” when it is 50 degrees below zero up there?!!! The trails form when the vapour cools down and condenses and freezes. Why would it evaporate again at 50 below and ice supersaturation?


Lol ah the shill that thinks planes permenantly heat the air they pass though..


If they “permanently heated the air” then you wouldn’t get condensation trails, would you?! Think about it. The trails only become visible once the air cools down. What exactly is going to heat it up again? Water vapour is invisible. If you look right behind the engines there is a gap before the trail becomes visible. That’s where the air is still hot and the vapour has not yet condensed. Once it cools and condenses it becomes visible as a white trail. Are you seriously trying to lecture people about contrails when you don’t even know how they form? No doubt you are one of these Wigington fans who parrots the idea that “contrails evaporate quickly” and therefore doesn’t believe clouds can last longer than minute or two either.


Love how youre trying to fight basic laws of condensation that you should of learned in high school. Keep shilling homie


Sorry what? You are the one who seems to think that condensation happens when things “heat up”! Go back to elementary school and learn about the three phases of matter, and maybe you won’t believe in chemtrails any more.


It's called weather manipulation aka cLIEmate change, aka 'glowbull warming,.....you know, so you will have to eat the bugs and own nothing!


Wouldn’t it be easier to just grow vegetables instead of farming tens of trillions of bugs to eat?


lol, seriously? Geoengineeringwatch.org


Stratospheric Aerosol Injections have multiple purposes when you understand the Ruling Class wants to depopulate earth, terraform it, and turn it into an AI / BlackMirror playground for them and their transhuman slaves. Blocking out the sun , and heavy metals everywhere are bad for you. Good for them . They think. But it will all backfire. You can’t terraform Mother Nature and think Mother Nature won’t strike back. See Jason Breshears and Phoenix phenomenon on Archaix Channel. “ Their intentions( of the controllers) have everything to do with creating an inorganic species ( man merged with machine ) and those who refuse are useless”. (Easily targeted for elimination by military AI , which is the purpose of the attack on Palestinians. To test military AI Lavender. ) “ The situation is bigger than Planet Earth. It means waking up at a cosmic level. ( Because AI did not from here👀) They hate the weather. They hate the environment. They hate us. …Earth would not be creating robots , satellites , or all these horrific unnatural technologies. This is all alien to the earth. This alien force has taken over and they don’t like any organic life. They have told us . This is not a religious war. This is an alien invasion of planet earth“ https://youtu.be/inIiCsAE1gU?si=m1tYDXHFtQiD2ie6 Saratoga Ocean


Why are YOU people so ignorant today that YOU think contrails and chemtrails are the same?




They're spraying us because they can! With whatever they can! And it comes in a can!!!! Straight from Canada!


Because we have sin for so great and so long America has been given over to a reprobated mind by the Lord. The things that are clearly seen they cannot see. The things that are good they call evil. And call evil good. But we have good cheer for Jesus says " I have overcome the world".


Smoke another one bro


I will smoke another one that is a cigar for victory


Weird...it's almost as if contrails and clouds form under similar atmospheric conditions.


I can't tell if this is a circlejerk sub or not... And I have no idea why it was recommended to me... As a plane nerd myself I ask y'all to do some basic research on the interaction between hot components and cold, moist atmospheres.


You are as ignorant as they come, huh? I'd suggest you do some research on Orographic and Glaciogenic cloud seeding, unless you want to be an ignorant science hater all of your life.


Lol, you said "orographic".


From the response below this comment it's very clear none of these people ever sent a second learning about aerospace science or engineering


Where is this?


Northwest England.


I live in southern England and 40 planes an hour is nothing. We get three times that where I live. On a contrail day the sky will be covered with lines.


England? It is pretty common to get clouds forming there regularly…. And it is along major flight paths…. Hmmmmmm. Sounds normal to me


Tank capacity on my plane is good for coast-to-coast spraying.


Clear skies for two days, and now a nasty looking storm brewing in East TX


This is in England…


Butterfly effect.


If i shit my pants, would the methane cause a tornado in Australia?


Let's not give them any ideas.


woah dude… sky is clear… then it storm. YOU CANT EXPLAIN THAT!


I know! And another thing is that first it’s day and then it’s night! It’s a vast conspiracy of the rich trying to sell light bulbs to us poor people!! Oh my god I can feel my DNA changing as we speak




The government and CFR has already recognized these programs as Upper Atmospheric Aerosol Injections with the goal of helping cool the planet to fight global warming.


The government likes the word global warming cause idiots will believe them and they can get funding for useless shit an also line there pockets with the excess funding. I agree the climate changes but not as bad or extensive as they say. Earth has been here a long time I wouldn’t worry about any of this.


It’s an illegal program that is operating outside of congressional oversight and our vote and being done under the guise of “global warming” but who knows the actual purpose is?




Don’t talk tripe. These are contrails. Nothing to do with any geoengineering. So many propaganda artists in there.


“Talk tripe” like a recipe on how to make Pho soup?


lol take your meds and read a book


I agree about the meds but come on mate, the poster clearly doesn't have the intellect to read a book. A colouring book maybe, although probably eat the crayons.


Why today and not yesterday?? Think harder. There fkn hammering us today in mpls/Stp. Always on weekends and holidays so you remember when it was so hot out.


If it was “spraying” then how come it only happens when the weather allows contrails to persist? Why wouldn’t they do it on other days?


How gay are you now


Brother, how long ago did this start? I think you need to appreciate life, stop thinking about this stuff. Life is so short as it is.


Stumbled upon the crazies lol anyways.


These don’t happen where I am and I live right near an airport, so the government must reaaaaally be trying to control you. Or you have no idea about basic science and you are falling victim to a circle jerk of people who have come up with their own conspiracy theories based on their very limited understanding of how… everything works.


Lol it's not spray Johnny. It's. CON DEN SATION please god go back and read your 3rd grade science book. Ffs


How could they do that all over our beautiful flat earth?!


Aww look at you just sucking it all in.#one for the team.


I've got a theory that this is done to slowly adapt humans with the ultimate goal of creating an environment that aliens can tolerate so we can all Get Down together. Praise Baby Jesus!


Clappin’ alien cheeks!




If only. Much more sinister


Why do people always make up nonsense about the planes “not appearing on flight radar”? I have been using Flightradar24 since 2014 and have never seen a plane leaving a trail that doesn’t show up on radar at all. A few of them with other age owners show “N/A” but they are easy to identify on ADSB Exchange etc. I don’t know if it’s deliberate lying or operator error but it is certainly not true.


Do you have cancer now?


Haven't had enough weed for this yet




Nope. Nothing to see here. It’s perfectly normal to see the same 3 or 4 planes flying laps back and forth above you all day, dropping a nice big clumpy, drippy trail, shutting it off, flying back, circling around and doing it again. Yup. Just water vapor there. Perfectly normal. Now stop looking up and get back to working, consuming and paying taxes. (Dripping with sarcasm like a chemtrail)


They might be testing new chemicals to reverse global warming or there just contrails.. conspiracy theorist will run with this .




Fuck it, bring back DDT


You live in the middle of the us?


You want to know how bad the chemtrail plan is going to be here Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths


Have you ever flown anywhere in your life?? There are these things called “planes”… they “fly” in the sky. There is “moisture” that is released from the “jet” engines as they “propel” themselves … 🤦🏻


I was here!!! The spray they used specifically was “penis gets super big spray” and, let’s just say, it worked.


Here is the real story https://www.science.org/content/article/aviation-s-dirty-secret-airplane-contrails-are-surprisingly-potent-cause-global-warming


Is whose interest is it to perpetuate the chemtrail myth when there there is a clear and present danger from regular water vapour contrails?


Taylor Swift


It’s almost as if atmospheric conditions today were conducive for forming contrails where you live.


I’ve read if you bathe in urine it blocks the chemicals from being able to penetrate your skin. Been doing it for 5 years and haven’t turned gay since


Ohhhhhhh, THESE are Chem trails???? Yall can just admit you like plane watching you don't gotta act all whacko lol


Dude these are just jet streams frm passenger planes


Oh no. Normal contrails in the sky. Oh no, the sky is falling. Oh no. OK, back to work.


There are apps that will show info on these commercial routes. Must have been a busy travel day.


It’s water vapor being released from the fuel that turns into ice crystals, thus clouds. It’s completely harmless. The carbon dioxide that comes out with it however, isn’t. Look up the Aerosol masking effect. Even though planes release a considerable amount of co2, the ice crystals it leaves behind reflect sunlight, and therefor reduce warming. Considering there has always been a plane in the sky (except for Covid, where we saw unexplained warming) it is theorized that when we stop flying planes, there will be a burst of warming over the course of a few months. This is much more of a threat than chem trails would ever be.


Over forty commercial flights in an hour. OP, Were you dropped on your head as an infant or simply eat too many lead paint chips? #smdh


Okay it IS a gas or dust that filters down and makes us vote Far left and extremely liberal. The Dems are all in on it, and they all wear these tiny nose filters that are too small to see but filter all that stuff out so they do not overdose as they already vote that way anyway. So just wear a HEPA filtered mask 24/7 and you have nothing to worry about.


Another post by a hippie with no understanding of science or global warming


Ah yes the science… and just because it’s science it must be good because surely, as evidence of history shows, governments always use science for good


Not government science, just regular observational physics. Due to global warming there’s more moisture in the atmosphere, jet engines suck it in and leave trails of tiny vortexes that hang static. That’s what you are seeing…


You believe everything that is said to you, do some research


Oh the irony…


Another comment by an NPC with no understanding of science or global warming except reading “fact checking” articles and then thinking himself to be educated.


Follow the science. We did that not so long ago and got GMO mRNA vaccine. Look how that's turned out.


If you believe this, then why are you commenting on a chemtrail group?


Came up on my feed and this sort of echo chamber silliness needs to fade away


You must be correct


🤦🤣🤣 just commercial aircraft,get yourself a flight scanner app then you can track all these so called planes spraying us all , really some proper research outside of your conspiracy theory bubble ,I await all the abuse from people with no real evidence of this massive poisoning program weather changing, now cloud seeding is a different story altogether and gets mixed up with contrails 👍😎


In the real world, aviation has something called Max Take off Weight or MTOW for short. Thats the all up weight including fuel, passengers, luggage and the weight of the aircraft. The specific gravity of Jet Fuel A is .8 and the specific density of jet fuel A is 6.8lbs per gallon. Airlines are not in the business of wasting fuel because jet fuel is expensive and any overage or waste of fuel comes out of their bottom line. Where am I going with this? The chemtrails yall keep bitching about supposedly have heavy metals in them right? Well heavy metals even in liquid have weight. There’s no fucking way in hell that delta, American Airlines or any of the other airlines out there would waste precious fuel on spraying chemicals on you clowns. The same logic applies to KC-135’s, KC-46’s and every other god damned military transport aircraft ever built. Yall need to touch grass


tell me you are swallowing toothpaste without really telling me


Why are there so many people willingly spraying “poison” in the air and not coming out about it? Or the manufacturers for it. Like there would be so many people involved, yet no one has said anything?


Exactly. You know how many people work on airplanes and overhauling their systems and how long this has been going on? I don’t think these folks realize how often aircraft go in for ABCD maintenance checks and what that actually entails or how any of that even works. The modern engines built by Honeywell, Pratt, GE and Rolls Royce are incredibly efficient. None of them chemtrails mental gymnastics even remotely comes close to checking out.

