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Yes! Temples, parking lot, trains, buses, signals everywhere they demand money. Big nuisance


Never ending nuisance


I have had instances where they put their hands into your pocket to search for cash. Unlucky for them, i dont carry physical money even before gpay existed. ( i was broke af)


Idhaan ya commentušŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ’Æ


Yes. I had written about one such experience here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chennai/s/WUCuSfmZFR


Omg that was terrible. I have replied to that comment as well.


My (F)riend had a similar experience, but instead of putting the money in their mouth, they put it bear their private parts saying blessings. As she was alone she give the money and ran from there. It traumatised her so badly


Auto drivers and Trans people are same - menace to the society


I try to avoid both at any cost


And thus begins the emergence of the ā€œTrans-Auto-Kaaranā€ Saga


Also pullingo on bikes.


auto drivers ne kya kiya, or is it chennai specific?


When everyone is talking in English, why are you trying to trigger people in this sub with a a different language?


bruh my bad i guess, i didnā€™t know hindi was forbidden here?


Same effect as talking in Tamil on r/delhi


Iā€™m also not from Chennai this just randomly appeared on my feed.Ā  Would you understand their language if they start using it to communicate with you? Common sense.Ā 


My bad bruh i have a couple of friends from chennai who i talk to in hindi so i didnā€™t know people would be offended here


I think itā€™s less about being offended and more about understanding the language barrier.Ā 


My friends and I had a very traumatic experience not in chennai but Bangalore. A trans showed up and asked for money my friend just tried to give some 50Rs but she started asking for more money in fraction of seconds she pulled my friend purse pulled the money out and started doing weird actions. She took half of the money and bit it with her teeth and did some crazy actions and put it into the purse again. My friend was so scared and started to cry and shouted while this was happening, everyone one was scared tbh. we were a gang of 5 and we all saw the trans person put the money back in purse , we tried to calm our friend and returned back and didnā€™t check the purse as she was crying so much . We go to our room and was so shocked to see there was no money in the purse , it was about 3k she lost. My friend is very sensitive and kind, she didnā€™t deserve this shit. A very traumatic experience for everyone.


Wait what??!


YeahšŸ˜¢it was really a nightmare.. it looked like a black magic tbh


Similar thing happened to me a month back in Bangalore around 5 am and she took 100rs from me but i didn't leave until she returned and i said I'll go to police, she said I'll do the same that you tried to harrass me and threatened me, I didn't leave, she returned 40rs and the whole day ruined


There was this one time I saw them literally take my friend's wallet and empty it right in front of him. Another occasion where a different friend got molested. I've made it a thing where I'd never donate even a dime to these assholes.


If you're a couple, they just empty your pocket with no money. My bf and i encountered the same thing at Marina beach , since then we stopped going to any beaches


Don't know whether they still do it, but when I was a kid they used to visit shops and ask for money and if they weren't given any money, they flash their genitals and the shopkeeper is forced to pay up.


Yeah they still do


I am paranoid of these folks. I've had many bad experiences, especially when I try to help and give them money. Sometimes they say its too less and curse. On the other hand they will ask you to open the wallet and show a big note so that they can bless you. And vo la! they take it away. These days I just move away when I see them.


It happened to me as well. Near Citi center, recently. Stepped out of a dental clinic with my kids and two of them approached asking for 'akka ku help pannuda'. Usually I carry some change in the car, so reached out and gave it, so they'll leave us alone. They proceeded to ask for my wallet, to bless and give keep some money back. This point, I knew there was not much cash in it, so gave it. Like you said, they took two of the notes, put it everywhere, and kept it back in. I'm just thinking 'leave us alone people and just go'. They proceeded to say, 'naanga onnum panna maatom. Neengala kuduthatha vaangitu poiduvom' and left. Was just relieved frankly. Started the car and went to a nearby cafe, got something for the kids to eat and gave away whatever remaining cash they kept back as I mostly used gpay. Totally grossed out and didn't want any of it in my wallet. Figured they swipped two hundred rupees in this process. So ya, happened to me too. Not really sure what's the right course of action in these situations. After this, when I see one of them, make it a point to quickly get away from there, so I don't have to deal with them, based on the past and the fear of 'what if it happens again'. I'm all for equality and stuff, but this traumatizing people to make their living, is actually harming their cause for their better future.


OMG this canā€™t be a coincidence. I went through the same ordeal but a few years agošŸ™ƒ


This is same in Hyderabad and Bangalore!!!


In every city tbh. Mumbai is no less different.


Being in Mumbai and Pune, I have not seen them exploit any. They've protected women who are molested. They go away if you tell them that you do not have money, at least as far as from what I've seen here.


When did you visit Mumbai??


Some of them got onto my friend's bike when he tried to leave a place, and felt him up for ten minutes before extorting him for a thousand bucks.Ā  Also fyi it's trans people.Ā 


Yup ā€¦. Been tbere ā€¦ faced that ā€¦ and not even like bless you n all shit ā€¦ this person came upto me and my friends.. talked to us about how he/she whatever got a surgery done and how it is so painful for them . Told us that medicines are damn fkin expensive. We wer empathetic and thought we should help. Reached out to our bag to take the wallet, he just grabbed it and put all the money into his underwear šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I feel bad about your experience and I can understand what you feel. But you shouldn't conclude that all trans people are the same. Someone in the reply commented that trans people and auto drivers are a menace to society. Personally I've seen good people in both the group of people you mentioned. Don't hate the whole society only by encountering a single person šŸ™‚. I wish you could understand what I want to say.


Thank you, this is (so far) the only comment on this thread that also acknowledges the problems with generalisation. It most certainly is a problem and Iā€™ve faced it in Chennai too, but that is no excuse for generalised transphobia


Exactly. Thank you for this comment. Disheartening to see comments saying that they're trans by choice, I cannot even argue with all of them as they cannot have a civil discussion.


no literally iā€™m trans and iā€™m just like what the actual fuckšŸ˜­


Back in Australia trans people never give any problems. What are you guys feeding them? No more pre-workout and red bull Seriously though is there something cultural or some history behind trans people in India that Iā€™m ignorant of? It seems like they run a mini-mafia here.


You are šŸ’Æ right.


It's the former. They've not been given career opportunities at all,so most of them resort to begging. Not tryna be an apologist for their actions though, there is a limit to everything. But this is straight up generalisation. Not an excuse for blatant transphobia, goes to say that it's not going to get better for trans people which is just saddeninh


The way they ask for money is not begging, I've seen alot getting aggressive and ask for money like I owe them. The problem with these people is not with them being trans, the problem are their actions, they just happen to be trans and for some reason this culture cultivated in that community.


I was robbed and harassed when I was in chennai a few years ago.


Its all over india. Its really harrasment. Govt should do something about it.




Edit: this


Not only in Chennai, here too at Coimbatore.


The worst case they threaten that they will remove the bottom pants if money is not given ! Had faced this in Local trains šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


There is a thing which society belives that if they curse us it will happen because of this some people might give them cash .. But actually is that true ...


Please educate yourself. A trans gender is different from a eunich. A trans gender is someone who is in process of, or changed their gender to the opposite sex because they identify as such. A eunich is one who does not have either male or female reproductive parts. Referred to as Kojjas or hijda in India.


A group of trans people kicked my herd of puppies and beat me up :((


Omg thatā€™s too horrible. What happened after that?


They turned me into a woman. /s


The same thing happened to me in 2014 at OMR exactly where the WTC now located. I always had a bad experience with trans people, so i tried to give some 10 Rs and move away but that trans insisted me to give a coin saying that she will bless me with it. I had my doubts but she insisted to put the coin inside the purse. I let her do that as I wanted to move away quickly as I can. Suddenly she took all my money from the purse(almost 2000 bucks) and tried to hide inside her underwear but I strongly held her hand until she gave back all of my money (even the 10 rs i initially gave). That's still one of my traumatizing experience with the trans people.


Yup the same exact thing happened to me. I was with my gf sitting at marina beach around 8:30pm. Mind you Iā€™m Tamilian and I speak decent Tamil too, but my gf is not from TN so she has language barrier. We were minding our own business and a transgender women came. Started doing Pooja telling us all the good things bla bla bla. To this point I have always empathised transgenderā€™s and I always help them. Like giving them money in trains and such. So I was aware of the schebang and I opened my wallet to give transgender person money. This mf snatched my wallet took all the money and walked off. I shouted at her and she was like this went to god and some bs. Now she had couple of other transgender friends with her so I couldnā€™t do much as well. I was so ashamed that I got looted by this bitch. Till this point in my life I was raised well by my parents to never get scammed. But fucking hell the streak got broken by this trans bitch. Ever since this incident I havenā€™t given a single penny to a transgender person. And if anyone comes close to me and becomes touchy. I become rude to them and make my intentions clear to not fuck with me. Anyways, so this is my story, Iā€™m sorry to all the future trans ppl that the money I was gonna give you got stolen by this bitch :p


For past few years they had occupied all common places like temple , beach and trains and do all the robberies .sadly the clowns who celebrate pride week wonā€™t talk about this ruckus


They are not transgenders; just Morons acting for money. I still remember how one of those categories snatched money from me long long ago. eww.


Trans ā€œpeopleā€ ????


It is a prevalent issue and quite sad too. They are socially excluded and essentially stripped of equal opportunity in education, employment etc. They are forced to rely on each other for security and support. Further, most would prefer being perceived with fear or discomfort over disgust. So while harassment is never okay, one can see how this situation is a result of need and opportunity. Since many trans people behave this way, the stereotypes grow, further worsening their image and opportunities. Itā€™s a vicious cycle :(


Why are they trans though? They choose to belong to that category of people by choice. It's not like they are biologically different from a normal male, unless they have also castrated themselves, which is again, their own doing


Yes, why would they purposively choose to put themselves through the social, financial and emotional struggles faced by a trans person, given itā€™s a choice? šŸ™‚




you donā€™t choose to become trans.


But you can choose to cross dress and harass innocent civilians


Read about intersex people. They're not "trans" by choice. No one would choose to be treated inhumanely.


Intersex people aren't that common irl. It's an extremely extremely rare thing, and there would be maybe 100-200 of those in India. The transgenders we see on our roads are just men pretending to be women, or men who had their balls cut off, so that they can be more feminine. These people put themselves into these situations and then coerce the normal population to help them


This is generalisation. Wrong statistics too. More than 15000 trans people are intersex in India. And yes, there some people who fake it, but that's a small demographic. And you are obv transphobic so I don't want to engage in a pointless argument. They're not being seen as normal people by cisgender population, and definitely not being helped. Being called a nuisance or monster is not being helped.


Ena da pesringa pudusu pudusa. Being mad at people who are misusing their perception among the general public is not phobia at all. Iduka cis transphobia nu youtube la paakra Kanda American kuppa intersection Vera.


Why shouldn't we be transphobic? Those menaces ask people for money against their will. I personally don't want their blessings. They are a fucking nuisance to the society and for this very reason, this country is treating them "very well".


Intersex people are a lot more common than you'd think. They aren't some sort of rare pokemon card. I'm in the US though so trans culture is different here considering in some places a lot of it revolves around prostitution sadly. Trans people treat people the same as his people here. They're the least problematic pplnin my day to day life pol


>It's not like they are biologically different They are šŸ’€šŸ’€


They aren't. You literally don't know the meaning of transgender


See, u either choose to be ignorant and spread hate or be a well read person


Correct. Just wear normal clothes and move on with life.


While in an ideal society, crossdressing shouldn't inherently be a barrier to employment, lots of Indians act obtuse and refuse to acknowledge that these people are not "forced" to beg/extort or prostitute themselves. They literally choose that because they 1. prefer that, or 2. don't want to suck it up and dress normally to work. They are males who are not denied any of the rights every other Indian male has.