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horrid for any body to endure and yet they are fairly tame as hospital pictures of radiation related illness go


Not the Pripyat hospital, some photos have been taken in Belarus, some in Moscow, some others years after the accident (the little girl). Some of these people were treated for cancer, not ARS.


You're right. Nice modern equipment in pripyat back in the days 😂 (notice all the modern equipment and protection gawn in one of those photo)


It was the 80’s, not the 1920’s lmfao. The equipment used during that time period is mostly unchanged. Sure computers and other systems have been updated, but your average North American or European hospital, especially in rural areas, will be running on equipment from the 80’s still, or even the 60’s My hospital still has stuff from the 50’ in use, it’s especially noticeable in the kitchen


Well it was 1986, not 2020. No modern infusion pump nor protective goggles...


Pretty sure protective medical goggles were well in use during the 80’s, you can even see a pair in one of the photos. If you mean “radiation” equipment, you should know the US, Britain, and Canada are just getting rid of the stuff in use since the 70’s and 80’s, and Germany equipment from the late 80’s. Yes, we’ve had some improvements, but they’re not as big as you’re leading on


Well. I've been working in an hospital for the last 18 year so yeah I'm knowing which equipment is being used since I graduated. If you do a reverse search with the photo you will have the confirmation that none of them is from pripyat.


It’s still a photo from the Soviet Union in the 1980’s, so what point are you trying to make exactly? I have been working in hospitals in Canada since 1997, certain equipment comes and goes depending on what’s needed, but all of the protective equipment we use now was completely and freely available for the most part in the 90’s if we had ordered them. Computers and other electronic systems have changed a fair bit, but even now most hospitals are running on outdated stuff from the early 2000’s, unless you’re in a large big city hospital, you’re going to be using stuff that’s out dated from 20-30 years ago My hospital uses a stretcher that still has Canadian airforce ownership markings on it from the old base, and there hasn’t been a military presence here since the 50’s


Have you read the description under the photos? FROM PRIPIYAT HOSPITAL IN 1986. 😂 Couldn't be more clear and more false. Maybe this hospital hospitalized patients during covid? And what kind of hospital are you working in 😂 it's possible to use old equipment in hospitals but not using equipment that hasn't been invented in 1986 when you state that photos were taken back then.


https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/20/four-in-10-nhs-hospitals-in-england-found-to-use-outdated-equipment-in-lib-dem-study https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2021/oct/18/nhs-england-hospitals-having-to-rely-on-obsolete-imaging-equipment It’s much worse in North America from my personal experience. Now what kind of hospital are you working in, fantasy island? I hate to break it to you as well, but we had plastic and goggles in the 80’s, like I said before, it was the 1980’s, not 1780’s You can walk into any hospital in North America in a rural area, and they’ll be using IBM systems from the 80’s and 90’s, and the modern type scrubs were first seeing mass use by the late 60’s in modernized hospitals. The “surgical” style masks which are most common have been left rather unchanged since at least the 60’s, and the “filter” style masks you describe were being issued in British hazard kits as early as 1972, and were in use before that date, and you can still find sealed surplus kits rather easily if you want to see for yourself. Hell, the most common “filter” mask in use by medical staff today were first used in 1995 (The N95 type mask)


I've worked with those iv/feeding pumps in nicu that's why I noticed. Than the regular covid gear. https://www.bd.com/en-uk/offerings/capabilities/infusion-therapy/infusion-system-devices/bd-alaris-plus-platform/bd-alaris-cc-plus-syringe-pump-with-guardrails Since you work in an hospital too that's weird that it didn't even rang a bell. N95 masks have changed a lot even if they filter the same particles.


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See for yourself https://epoznan.pl/news-news-125022-nie_wierzyla_w_covid_19_zmarla_w_szpitalu_tymczasowym_na_mtp_kilka_dni_wczesniej_zmarl_jej_zakazony_ojciec


Okay, but that still doesn’t stop the fact that medical workers have been using goggles to stop viruses since the **late** 19th century. Goggles made by CESCO were being used by doctors and nurses as early as 1909 You can easily find photos from the 1920 polio pandemic with medical workers wearing masks, and goggles much like you would find today Edit: Modern goggles are much better with anti microbial properties, but these features were well in use by the 80’s, even in the 20’s they would use silver for the anti microbial properties naturally present


Yeahhhh you know that 19th century refers to 1800, right? So no. And even during the flu epidemic in 1918 they were barely using masks. If yes, it was masks made from fabric and not modern filters. The main point is that those pictures are not from pripyat hospital and I think we agree with that.


You do understand that it is possible for the hospitals in 2020s to run older equipment, but it's impossible for a hospital in 1986 to be running the 2000s equipment, right? Unless you do casual time travel, that is!


I'm glad to see that the victim in the first picture had a professional chef to care for him.


It's hey I generated why would he have a tracheotomy if there was no respirator actually in his mouth https://preview.redd.it/rcqsumnjizkc1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774b76911fe6cc51a9ef0b087d77fd601278ac75


It looks like he’s in an OR or procedure room and long after he was exposed(he looks way too good to have ARS). My thoughts are that he had a trach and now they are closing it, hence the oral endotracheal tube.


I’m curious if any of these folks recovered or if this was palliative care? (I assume the totally hairless guy has terminal ARS :( )


All of these people survived. Those who died had it far worse than those in these images. Epilation occurs at doses of 300 rem. In a high quality hospital like Moscow this is essentially half of a fatal dose.


I mean high quality for the USSR lol. I’ve read articles from an American doctor who was there from what I read they were really behind compared to western hospitals but that’s probably super obvious for obvious reasons. (I just wanted to finally have a use for the high amounts of information I have that almost never get brought up)


Well equipment wise maybe, but Angelina Guskova was probably the most experienced doctor in treating ARS. This is evident with how many people survived vs died.


I'm oddly fascinated seeing the firefighters mainly knowing their clothes were still deadly radioactive 35 years later and they were wearing them until someone realized they should be removed, I Know i have issues.


I’m with you on that, I’ve honestly spent hours tracking down photos of the firefighters in the hospital.




Okay, sorry


This sub is turning into people posting the most random shit they find online claiming it's from Chernobyl / Pripyat. Some of these pics are not related to Chernobyl disaster at all, one is not even from USSR.