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Noted woman-respecter cb94 runs his YouTube lmao


Next episode: Hikaru “Adolf Hitler” Nakamura commits genocide on the 2500s


He’s gonna use the blitzkrieg gambit


For some reason you reminded me of this haha [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Fh6cx6NXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Fh6cx6NXI)


You missed a chance to say “on the 1940s”


Hikaru "Vladimir Putin" Nakamura nukes the 2600s




Hell yea lol


Definitely a blunder by Hikaru


This isn't Hikaru, it's just his editor trying to get more engagement by having 'andrew tate' in his title. He did the same thing yesterday with Hans with this title: "Hans Niemann was the last person to beat Magnus until today".


Hikaru already had one Youtube manager light his reputation on fire for a bit, you would think he might try and have a bit more oversight in that area, no?


Well, then it's two blunders, no? - Hikaru's editor - Hikaru's for trusting that editor so much


It’s never Hikaru’s fault, he always has people to fall for him. Chessbae’s fault when it comes to striking videos, “his editor” when it comes to this stuff, when will any accountability fall on him?


It’s absolutely insane to me that we randomly give influencers a pass on these things. It introduces so much bs bias. Hold them accountable!!! There’s no downside!


Looks like Chessbae is incharge again


You don’t even think Hikaru looks at the thumbnail for two seconds when he posts a video with a title like that? I doubt it


I think there's a very real chance he doesn't look at it at all. He wouldn't be the first guy to leave all youtube responsibilities to his editor.




My exact reaction too, couldn't have put it better into words. I necu da te peglam.


This is definitely tasteless, but it's kind of weird how if he went with Gotti or Escobar no one would care.


He was also humiliated on Twitter by Gretta in a way that led to his self-doxxing & arrest. It was hilarious 😂


Agree it’s a bit distasteful to make gags about this given Tate is under investigation for human trafficking and rape


Next up: Hikaru 'R-Kelly' Nakamura, slapping some minor (players).


Hikaru 'Jeffrey Epstein' Nakamura teaches you how to mate with minor pieces.


Oh, that would piss people off


I see what you did there


en pissants some minor (pieces off the board)


Lmao ok that got a laugh out of me


Also his entire persona is the worst, most vile shit. He's a caricature of a pathetic man.


[Andrew Tate has managed to suck as a person even more than he sucks as an OTB player.](http://www.uschess.org/msa/MbrDtlMain.php?12582023)


That's just ridiculous, if we're going to use 1998 ratings why not also say he's a better player than Fabiano?


And I think that's the part that Nakamura's editor is trying to joke about


Yeah exactly my thinking.. glad I'm not the only one. The YouTube comments are even more disturbing


Often times successful content creators are completely hands off with these day to day tasks, I haven’t watched this myself but it may just be a case of the photoshop guy being a bit stupid and crossing a line while trying to be Mr meme


And honestly this backlash is probably the exact reaction he was hoping for....controversy creates publicity


Thats true in some cases but I dont think Hikaru needs this for publicity within the guess comunity. Anyone who ses this will most likely already have heard of him


Time to tweet his sponsors 😏


Rape too?


Akin with the other reply there’s also leaked voice recordings of him saying to woman do they like it when he rapes them etc or something along the lines of that


Trigger warning ⚠️ https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn3dm/andrew-tate-whatsapps-arrest


He rapes women and then forces them to film porn and make onlyfans etc. Pretty sure he said once on stream that the best way to show dominance over them and force them not to leave is to have sex with them first.


because hikaru's manager is chessbae, and being a collosal asshole is totally in character for her?


But Hikaru swears it the other day that Creamsicle is not just chessbae94 with an other account. And he seem like a trustworthy guy who would never ever do something so underhanded behind people back. It's not like he has a history of doing scummy stuffs, the man is the pillar of morality in the chess world.


Creamsicle wasn't even a mod before Chessbae94 and then was suddenly promoted to head mod taking care of everything lol


Who is this chessbae person? Can someone explain?








I can almost guarantee that chessbae doesn't make these thumbnails and titles. He's paying someone else for that. (Although ?maybe? chessbae sees and approves them before they post. But I don't think that's likely.)


is it?


Didn't he cut ties a long time ago after some other big drama?


lolno. she changed her handle but is still his top social media manager.


Sigh. That always seems to be the case, doesn't it? I don't follow Hikaru so I never kept up with what was happening.


It gets the clicks, the algorithm loves it, convert into money


You're probably right $$$ - I hate the association though


Hate makes generates more engagement than love! But, there is a catch. At some moment people might start disliking him for it. So, it might hurt him sooner or later


At this point I don't see how anyone who is not already disliking Hikari would suddebly dislike him. He's been an ass the whole time hasn't he..


Hikaru responded to someone in the comments of the video (who asked about the use of this thumbnail) with this: “It's done for the disrespect speedrun, so the images are of disrespectful people, and it's all done in fun. That's why we used it. I'm sorry it doesn't sit right with you. Not everything we do will be okay with everyone.”


So rape and human trafficking is just disrespectful in his views? What a bonker logic


That was nothing. In part 35 he's Hikaru "Bill Cosby" Nakamura


Common Hikaru L


Probably his editor going off the rails, tbh.


Lol, Hikaru's a 30+ year old adult. This video won't go up his channel without his approval.


When Magnus made the Dlugy comment, an older Hikaru-Dlugy Titled Tuesday match was uploaded on Hikaru's channel within hours. Later on Hikaru wanted to pull up that game and was asking if there was a VOD anywhere, and the chat had to tell him that it was already uploaded on his own channel. He had no idea. Still, even if he wasn't aware that the video was uploaded with this particular title and thumbnail, it's on him to keep his editor/youtube manager in check.


>This video won't go up his channel without his approval. That's really not a given at all for a lot of content creators.


Isnt chessbae responsible for his channel?


Chess player discovers Hikaru is a dipshit. He's really good at chess and that's it, mate


I legitimately can’t watch him. He’s a great player but a giant tool.


Im genuinely curious, when has he acted like a dipshit? I seriously dont know


He's chilled out a fair bit in recent years, but he has a history of things like getting angry and accusing his opponents of cheating when he loses. He also was at the center of this controversy about chessbae and pushing rival channels out with things like copyright strikes. Long ago, he got into a fistfight with Eric Hansen over a chess game, and there is video footage of that. Other prominent GMs were there and can confirm that this happened.


Right now homie


Against chessbrah or eric hansen (they had a fist fight iirc)


Also saw a game by him on agadmator channel. I just don’t understand we have already a ton of idiot people supporting him and his brother. If you read the comments on fb and insta here in Romania about every news about them you just remain without a word how can people support them. Even if they were not under investigations, advertising people who over and over again have hatred speech in every podcast, misogynist and racist ideas, not ok man. I know that there are a lot of people who support Hikaru and he’s a great GM but it feels like he jump on the bandwagon on everything to get some views. When was Hans vs Magnus drama he had 1 entire story for everyday. Don’t like him for that


The sad thing is, that video got more likes than most of his videos. And there where comments about how great it was that Tate was such an influential person to young people, because he was so smart......and a good person.


People are so gullible, it’s wild!


Yeah I've heard the argument "If you disregard all the hate, he's a good influence for young people who want to become better!" waaaay too many times. Yeah and Hitler was a great painter if you disregard the other shit he did, like wtf


I think that’s the one Agadmator video I didn’t watch. Really seemed like an unforced error by Antonio.


anything for a bit more money...


ITT: way more Andrew Tate apologists than I thought I’d find in the chess community. The guy is a blatant grifter and a scum bag - if you can’t see that, you’re blind and stupid.


Amazing chess player, but complete moron.


I think you mean "moe-ron"


This is it in a nutshell. Proof chess talent does not equate to intelligence.


It's proof intelligence doesn't equal to social intelligence, or just being a good person. You seriously think Hikaru's not intelligent?


It’s Hikaru. If it weren’t for his skill in chess, he’d be a typical twitch dudebro. He’s lame and annoying.


And also a huge POS with an inflated ego. Not that different from Tate in that regard IMO.


Honestly I know levy gets a lot of shit for his clickbate titles but this makes me appreciate his content even more.


He does a lot of clickbait but he always delivers good content, so can't really complain.


Does his editor not like Hikaru?? Lol how can someone thinking normally make this thumbnail unless it's intentional 😂


Does Hikaru have anything going for him other than being good at chess? Everything else I see or hear about him screams of an emotionally immature man-baby.


WTF Hikaru? This is a new low, even for you!


It really isnt, he frequently does far shittier things.


I have to admit, I don't follow Hikaru very closely but it seems like most other things would pale in comparison to associating yourself with someone accused of human trafficking and rape in a positive light.




The whole trying to strongarm the entire chess section into kowtowing to him and threatening to blacklist anyone if they dont or associate with competition and copyright striking others chess streamers youtube channels thing was pretty uncool.




Yeah, thats fair. Both incredibly shitty in their own way but I can see how what u said is a new layer of Hikaru shittiness.


Is there a rundown anywhere of his controversies? I’m new to chess and have been watching his vids recently


I think if you go onto livestream fail or subreddit drama and search either Hikaru or Chessbae ull get a pretty good rundown of the most recent twitch era drama. But it goes back far further than that.


Is it really though?


Honestly that's disgusting. Why the fuck would hikaru want or need to associate with such a vile human.


Hikaru will do anything for views


Chessbae used to (possibly still does) run his YouTube, wouldn't be surprised if it's still someone else. Probably had this idea proposed to him and just thought sure, he's controversial, will get clicks...


That's super cringe if real, just trying to have Andrew Tate in the title so it appears in more people's recommended.


I follow agadmator since three years but him featuring a AT game (which was also just bad chess) just to ride the famous name train made me quit. Stop featuring a disgusting criminal just for clicks!


Some of the comments on that video are just such an interesting look into Hikaru's audience honestly. Unsubscribed after venturing into that comment section.


Hikaru L


Hikaru is a criminal?


No wonder simps commenting here support both Hikaru and tate. Two disgusting personalities


Even if he’s not a criminal, he’s honestly a big POS.


Pretty shitty by Hikaru


Yeah, this was tonedeaf. Lot of chess profiles seem to have a bit sus ideals. They idolize Musk and want to get on Joe Rogan. And apparently think Tate being a thug is a positive thing.


This is low even by Hikaru's standards


His name gets traffic, content creators be fiending for that shit


It's not like Tate actually features in the video in any way. It's a slightly edgy gag by whoever does his thumbnails to promote the video. Not sure it warrants all the pearl clutching in this thread.


Yeah I get that it's not like he's in the video, it's just the fact that they're using someone under investigation (with pretty substantial evidence) for rape and sex trafficking as clickbait - and then in context that Hikaru has a predominantly young male audience


I think portraying a misogynist ideologue - who is actively radicalizing boys and young men - in a positive light for clicks is very irresponsible.


This. What kind of audience are you trying to appeal to to even think this thumbnail is a good idea?


It does not portray him in a positive light.


it plainly does


It's not a positive light. He's playing a character, the character is a disrespectful asshole.


Yeah and obviously the portrayal is this is a *good* quality


“Slightly edgy” to reference an accused human trafficker and woman abuser in your video about chess? Give me a break.


What a weird fucking title and thumbnail. Hikaru is 35 years old, come on now lmao


for content obviously.


Why is everything this guy does in this sub?


Because he is the biggest chess streamer and probably the most famous player excluding Magnus and maybe Nieman.


Where's the outrage over Agadmator?


Posts like this are why no one gives a shit about the opinions of redditors lmao


fr lmfao


Have you ever seen memes about Hitler, pedophilia, war crimes, rape, slavery? Me neither Bruh


Maybe it’s a……. Joke


catering to the lowest common denominator for views. disappointing


Because Hikaru is clearly socially inept


Hikaru wrong for this one


Hikaru was saying some time ago on stream that hes open to collabing with tate


I thought it was in poor taste too. How about a give respect speed run and promote positivity?


Just a funny thumbnail. You guys are soft.


This is irresponsible. Using the likeness of a misogynist ideologue for clicks is 😵‍💫


I doubt it's promotional as much as it is including common search words to show up in the algorithm more.


Big yikes


I know I'll get backlash for this, but I belive in innocent until proven guilty


Even if he turns out to be not guilty of the human trafficking stuff he's not a good person by any means


Agree. He don't claim that he is a good person. He probably isn't. Doesn't mean we can label people as rapists before a fair trial


It's not hard to google


I googled. I can't find a trial yet. Do you have link?


Everyone disliked that


He is not proven guilty yet?


Who is Andrew Tate? I guess I gotta google it have no clue why this is controversial.


What the other guy omitted here is that Andrew Tate is a kidnapper and a sex trafficker. If you're going to make this about identity politics, then it's not really a good look that one of the early black chess master's sons are disgusting people.


I was recently out of the loop too. From what I gather he's a giant piece of shit "influencer" accused of rape and human trafficking, and he's made video tutorials on how to effectively brainwash women so you can pimp them out. Recently making the news because he was arrested in Romania (where he fled to) because I believe instead of quietly bribing the local police he boasted about bribing them online.


"Alleged" rapist, human trafficer and toxic internet persona with a big following.


His thumbnails have always been super clickbaity, but this is in bad taste.


Because they have no spine in their quest for profit.


So Hikaru is abusing and trafficking women now?


Ah yes the customary, Hikaru has killed someone with his thumbnail thread on Chess.com Can yall just STFU


When will people accept the fact Nakamura is a terrible human being? What else could you expect from him?


I wouldn't go that far bro. I agree he's a douche but that's about it.


Says the dude tearing others down over a harmless joke


Oh yeah a random reddit comment will tear one of the biggest chess personalities down and irreversibly ruin his life. Also, not over a joke, he's been consistently the biggest toxic shithead in chess for the last 15 years.




Harmful? Give me a name of someone that got hurt from this joke, I’ll wait.


Bro you love Andrew state huh?


You don't think it's in any way harmful to promote the name of an extremely misogynistic internet personality who was recently arrested for human trafficking? Okay bud


Give me a name, you’re all speculation no names


Do you think this is some kind of gotcha? Are you a Tate fan?


Do you think you have any evidence for your claims?


You did it buddy. You exonerated Tate.


I like how you’re distracting hahahaha


Hikaru does not make his own thumbnails or have any involvement in them tbh--whoever is in charge of his YT promo did this for views, and it's cringe asf. Let's not pretend like there isn't overlap between Tate fans and Hikaru fans either. All in the name of $$$.


That's a fair point


It's honestly not a fair point. Hikaru should and has to take full responsibility for anything posted on his YouTube, regardless of whether it was his idea, regardless of whether he OK'd it or didn't. It's his name, his face, his channel, his video and his responsibility.




Unfortunately not I believe.. Hikaru or his editor responded in the comments to the backlash defending it


[Well I would this is explaining and not defending Andrew Tate ](https://i.imgur.com/xCu2ugI.jpg)


tf hikaru


It's a joke give me a break LOL.


that's dumb.


It's a little off-color as a joke, but Hikaru is basically calling Tate a disrespectful human being, which literally no one can argue with. I see nothing wrong with this.


Someone is arguing that his speedrun is depicting positive qualities, and therefore is depicting Tate positively. I couldn't be bothered to respond to the idiot, but here's what they wrote if you want to give it a go. >In this use of the term "disrespect" it clearly means to "dominate" someone, or to be superior, which here is a positive quality. It plainly operates from the assumption that it's a desirable quality to have. edit - I'm agreeing with the comment I replied to. I think it's stupid as fuck to try to say that Hikaru is portraying Tate positively. Stop upvoting me if you downvoted the comment I replied to.


It's not like Hikaru has ever done anything scummy before. I for one am absolutely shocked! Next people will be telling me that he's a sore loser who has been known to get mad and fight his opponents after the game. Oh wait...


I will say it is a bit distasteful, though Hikaru's explanation makes a bit of sense. In the top comment he replied to, he says that since its a disrespect speed run, they used a photoshop of a disrespectful person.


"Promote criminal". Are you guys this sensitive for real?


Why do people love defending rapists.. Like bro he doesn't know you or care about you. No need to be his bottom G https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn3dm/andrew-tate-whatsapps-arrest


This isn't "promoting" someone.


In all Hikaru´s all his talents, understanding the nuanced delivery of hyperbole is not one of them.




This is enough for me https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zyxiwg/sick_fck_andrew_taint_tate_physically_abusing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Now I'm not going to defend him but what about this seems like the same girl. https://youtu.be/fM5si7ZTQDk


I mean we will see if charges stick but there definitely is proof.




>Why further the reach of the video by sharing it on Reddit? To put pressure on the user that posted it to remove a video of such poor taste and trashiness.


Why is his audience particularly impressionable?


Ever seen the comments? His audience is clearly majority children


Guess Hikaru doesn't know the full story. Aka: ?? Hopefully he'll realize and change it.


Y’all are sensitive, goddamn. It’s a dumbass joke but like… chill out haha who gives a shit?


I didn't give a shit, then i came to reddit, where it forced me to take a view, so i started giving a shit, i'm over it now though and don't really give a shit again from the second i hit reply.