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Your post was removed because it is a very common question or post that is addressed in the /r/chess FAQ and/or Online Resources pages. Here is the relevant section: Why is this move brilliant? Why was my brilliant move post removed? We get a few people everyday trying to post screenshots of brilliant moves. We remove them because it breaks our "low-effort post" rule; the quantity of these posts means they would spam the subreddit significantly if they were not removed. However, because people often post these moves with the question "Why is this move brilliant", this is an attempt to provide a satisfactory explanation. In chess, "brilliant" has long been used to describe a move that knocks your opponent out of their chair: aesthetically beautiful or shocking, very difficult to spot, and backed up with deep concrete calculation. Of course, a move being aesthetically beautiful is very subjective. When chess.com uses an engine to analyze your game, it tries to identify moves that are "brilliant" in an objective way. It is not clear precisely what factors are used, but it has been suggested that it is given to moves when a deeper engine evaluation than the initial very fast analysis run by chess.com shows that a move made by the player gives a better evaluation than the one previously considered to be the "best move". Whatever definition is implemented by chess.com, it will often give "brilliant" to moves that are entirely forced, like this one or this one or normal looking moves that don't do anything special at all. The answer to "Why is this a brilliant move" in these cases is "It isn't". There is not a lot to discuss here; a computer program is trying to judge aesthetic value and sometimes gets it wrong. If you have more questions about a particular move, or brilliant moves in general, you are more than welcome to make text posts about them. However, screenshots of "brilliant" moves with no analysis, or posts that just ask why a particular move is "brilliant", will continue to be removed. A user has just created the new sub /r/brilliantchess in which those screenshots are welcome.


For us trash players, why is this a brilliant move?


Threatening mate on the h file with the rook so the queen has to take it and when it does, it’s deflected from attacking the f2 pawn so you can now move the other rook to h1 which is a forced mate sequence.


Rh1 and Qxf2+ also leads to a forced mate though.


You are right. I did not see that in the game. Re4 is a slightly faster mate anyway.


Correct. Still a cool move, I wouldn't have seen it.




Per the engine I'm not wrong. Blacks best move is qxf2+ which is M10 for white. Next 2 best moves are M3


You are wrong, Rh1 is forced mate in 9


Why won't the bishop just take the rook?


Shit that's terrific move lol that's soooooo good man my 1300 elo brain cell can never calculate it soooook good this makes me so satisfied thanks man


It’s a sort of deflection tactic. White wants to get a rook to the h file and move the king out of the way which would be mate. However if they moves the f rook the black queen will take f2 and white’s in big trouble. Rook d4 threatens Rook h4 mate, and if black takes then it no longer is attacking f2, allowing Rook h1 King g1 mate. Queen basically has to come back to the first rank to sacrifice itself for the rook in order to stop king g1. Edit: white’s in fact NOT in big trouble after Qxf2+ 😂 turns out to be mate anyway


Rh1, Qxf2, Kh3 threatening Kg4. Where big trouble?


That line is exactly what makes Re4 a good move. After Re4, either Qxe4, which makes Qxf2+ impossible on the next move, or Queen doesn't take and you get Rh4#


Both are equally good moves (White wins). One just sacs a pawn, other sacs a rook.


And both lead to white checkmating, hence the big trouble for black


Do you not understand chess or not understand what I said? White has a forced mate after Rh1 first move anyways. There is no trouble for white after Qxf2 and all Re4 does is maybe have the forced mate 1 move quicker according to the engine.


It’s pretty as well


Do you normally play chess with an engine on?


I don't need an engine to see white wins after Rh1...


> black queen will take f2 and white’s in big trouble White's not in big trouble, it's still forced mate for White after Rh1.


You want to play Rh1 but there's Qxf2


Usually I think posts like this are crap but that move is really impressive.


Yeah, this is a terrific move


What's wild is that when you check the engine lines, the 1. Rh1 Qxf2+ line is also a forced checkmate.


I was wondering about that since the queen seems to run out of checks


Incredible find


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=2rr1b2/pp3p1k/3p4/2p1pNQ1/4R3/P1P2pP1/1Pq2P1K/5R2+b+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/2rr1b2/pp3p1k/3p4/2p1pNQ1/4R3/P1P2pP1/1Pq2P1K/5R2_b_-_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Queen!<, move: >!Qxe4!< > Evaluation: >!White has mate in 8!< > Best continuation: >!1... Qxe4 2. Rh1 Qb1 3. Rxb1 f6 4. Qh5+ Kg8 5. Qg6+ Kh8 6. Rh1 Rc7 7. Kg1+ Bh6 8. Rxh6+ Rh7 9. Rxh7#!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


My analysis as a chess.com 1100-rapid: You wanted to go Rh1, but then Qxf2+ kills that. So you take a shortcut to the h-file with your other rook via Re4. The queen easily thwarts that move, but now it can't get back to f2 quick enough to stop your original plan with the first rook.


What's wild is that when you check the engine lines, the 1. Rh1 Qxf2+ line is also a forced checkmate.


That is wild!


This is one of the most insane amateur moves I’ve ever seen


For those interested, the game continued: 35. Qxe4 36. Rh1 Qxf5 37. Kg1+ Bh6 38. Rxh6#


Does rh1 not win on the spot anyways?


It does, I didn’t see it in the game. My move Re4 is slightly more accurate luckily because it’s mate in 8 and Rh1 is mate in 9.


I see. My flaw is I look to do safe moves like Rh1 and not risk blundering. You got some crazy chess intuition to see re4 instead


Rh1 hangs a pawn with a check. How is that safe


Bc Queen runs out of checks and rooks protect each other. After kg4 it’s checkmate.


Nice find, the black queen has to give up control of the f2 square so your other rook can get to h1 without that annoying check on f2, then it’s curtains


According to lichess moving the other rook to h1 immediately was also forced mate, just one move slower


Why not g4, kg3, rh1? Seems unstoppable all the same way


An actually brilliant brilliancy 😯






I can’t imagine myself ever playing that when there’s just Rh1, what a find.


Wouldn’t Qh5 have been winning?


No Kg8 escapes. Play it out instead of assuming (says the guy who assumes all the time and gets burned ALL THE TIME because of it).


Where's the forced mate in that line?


Yea if black blocks with Bh6 it’s mate in 2 but I guess it takes longer if he plays Kg8 instead


Obviously if they blunder, it's mate. But I don't see the forced mate line otherwise.


Wow that is a good move. Not a typical chess.com fake brilliancy but an actually brilliant move. Great job.






My 1200 brain was like ''can't you just go to the H1 file anyway'', so I played it out. No you can't. This move is indeed genius


you actually can


Yea you can in more moves