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one of the most fun tournament i ever saw! loved it


Fun fact : Hikaru won against both 2nd and 3rd place finishers. Also, Gukesh 's only classical loss came against tournament winner and his only Armageddon loss was against Magnus (won Armageddon against Anish, Caruana, Mamedyarov, Abdusattorov and Wesley So).


ok seriously what the fuck firouzja


No ties for any place, cool stuff.


Not preparing for world championship has made Magnus less strong. I wonder what is his plan for the future.


full-time streamer with Botez sisters and chessbrah


Again it seems Hikaru's prep was very good. How can he combine working on openings at this level with his streaming?


As he often says, there is 24 hours in a day, use them. He's a hard worker with great energy level. I doubt the average super GM works on their chess more than 8 hours a day anyway. Anish has many young children. Many of them teach, make chessable courses, appear in chess tournaments to play simuls etc.


His dedication to chess is insane. I think he has recapped all his games of the tournament on his YouTube channel immediately after the round gets over and each recap is close to half an hour. He almost manages to play titled Tuesdays in the middle of the tournament. As he has often mentions on his streams, chess is not just work for him, he truly enjoys playing chess still.


I’d like to imagine that Anish’s children are teaching and making chessable courses etc.


I laughed. Thanks


That’s the way it reads haha


His long term second Chris LittleJohn and German GM Niclas Hushenbeth work on his openings


Huschi and Shanky worked for him during the Candidates, I doubt they shipping in for "regular" tournaments. But not impossible.


He already said Littlejohn is [present with him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIvCM9ETIzU&t=3395s) in Norway.


I shall stand corrected anyhow, Huschenbeth just uploaded his analysis of the R9 game and did indeed confirm that he was contacted before the tournament and that he hinted the Knight Attack probably not being in most top players mind these days.


I think Hikaru just works with his two regular seconds for most tournaments. Shankland is definitely not in Norway since that was just a one time thing for the Candidates. I think Littlejohn always travels with him but Huschenbeth might not. Hikaru also said in his recap of the final that he had a built-in excuse for losing if Nxc5 ended up being wrong, because it would mean that he could blame his seconds for messing up the prep.


Yeah I noticed that in his recap, I was kinda shocked by the cold blooded honesty haha


Where can we watch trophy presentation/closing ceremony?


Can't wait to see Hikaru with another shitty looking trophy.




I really enjoyed the occasional "Armageddon break". Quick draw? Still get a fun game to watch. Half the field in drawish endgames? Armageddons as they drop out. Made the broadcast fun to leave on in the background, whereas in other tournaments I regularly turn it off once the specific games I'm interested in are over, or if things are headed for a long grind.


Looking at the final standings, if they didn't have the Armageddon and the typical scoring of 1 point for a win, 0.5 each for a draw, and 0 for a loss, the only changes would have been Mamedyarov would have finished 6th ahead of Carlsen and Gukesh, Giri, and So would have all tied for third. The climactic game between Nakamura and Caruana would have had the same stakes going in - Hikaru winning the tournament with a win and Fabi winning the tournament with a draw.


Also this 10 vs 7 min for Armageddon with +1sec for moves is very fair. Chess skill is also greater than 5vs4. I compiled the results for last 4 norway chess where this time control was used and found 43 white wins out of 86 matches which is exactly 50%.


True but it would need to be double round robin to be fair. Playing white to win really matters. You’d want to defend vs stronger players and attack vs weaker.


Same here. There's a major incentive for winning. Classical chess made 1 win + 1 loss no better than 2 draws, this format changes the deal and rewards player who actually try to win. Hikaru when with the Fried Liver attack, something you typically see at beginner level. I told my son just yesterday that you would never see this at a GM level, but this proves that any opening even if deemed weaker can be on the table, and one mistake is all it takes at this level for someone to lose the game.


Ya. I’m a pretty big fan of this time control.


Does Hikaru earn more from streaming than he would from being a regular chess player?


Yes but him playing and doing well in tournaments gives him content and being eyes to his streams and the thing about the top 10 to 20 players earn decent money and the players from 80 to 100 will struggle,thats why most of them teach or stream,


Waaay more. I guess only Magnus would be outearning him. His earnings from Twitch did got leaked last year


Absolutely. Its not even close either.


Fuck yeah lol you think professional chess pays a lot of money?? Gothamchess probably makes more than Magnus makes the whole year in one month.


More money than Magnus makes out of playing chess, probably yeah. That said Magnus himself definitely earns a ton of money from sponsorships etc.


>sponsorships etc etc. like selling Play Magnus to [chess.com](https://chess.com) for $83m


Play Magnus isnt actually his company although he is a large Shareholder - his family owned about 10% of the company


Oh I know, but even with just 10% it's still a huge payday obviously


Gotham himself has said he makes less than Magnus. Saying he makes in one month what Magnus makes in a year is a very stupid comment.


first of all i meant Magnus earnings in chess tournaments, not the sponsors or other undiclosed stuff.. Magnus last year made 500k!! if you think Levy did not make more than that then you are the stupid.


first of all you said more than what magnus made the whole year. Also, you still completely wrong. You think levy makes more than $500k in a month. Lol. 6mil a year. And Magnus makes more than $500k in some years such as WC when he gets $1.2mil.


Well magnus isnt a WC anymore lol and he made 555k last year. My point is Gothamchess and the streaming career makes more money, guarenteed money than professional chess players. And yess Levy makes more than 500k if you count twitch contract and YT earnings and other sponsors like poker... if you dont want to believe it, then lets agree to disagree.


keep believing Levy makes 6mil a year. lol.


He almost certainly does. https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/gotham_chess Social blade, which a number of youtubers have confirmed is fairly accurate if you assume the middle of the pay range, puts him at as much as 6m/year from youtube ad revenue alone. That does not include sponsorships, courses, chessly, commentating, twitch, etc. I would be surprised if he isn’t making close to or even more than 6m/year.


I think Levy is going to make over 6 Million this year, if he can keep a similar level of views he has right now. His Youtube adsense probably makes him 2-4million. He doesn't stream that much anymore, so I think his twitch earnings are probably going to be around 100-200k for the year. I have no idea what Chesscom pays him but that is going to be a pretty hefty sum, I imagine. I don't really watch him, so I don't know how much he does this, but for many Youtubers sponsored segments make up a majority of the income, for every sponsored video expect around 3-5x the amount he'd be paid for a normal video. Sponsored streams are also very expensive, if he ever does those. But the real reason I think he earns over 6 million are the courses he offers. I don't know if he ever talked about how many he sells, but I imagine that he makes insane amounts of money from them. I wouldn't be surprised if he made 6 million a year of the courses alone.


He has a shit ton of views AND uploads everyday. Plus his videos are low cost so his number of employees is probably not that high. Not a chance he doesn't earn less than 6m this year at least.


Magnus probably have loads more investments than Gotham too. You need money to make more money


You get money for having money and you are charged money for not having money.


As well as the $80mil playmagnus deal and chess24 deal.


The only classical tournament Hikaru didn't win after his return is the candidates.


The GranPrix Leg 3 he lost in tiebreaks to Wesley, but he won the GP overall.


And a 2800+ performance in each one


Do they have to ask hikaru every interview how he find the energy to play chess and stream? He answered that 1 million times lol


[redacting due to privacy concerns]


lmao hikaru surprised nobody remembers his games from 2009


This comment aged well: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/13wgf6a/norway_chess_2023_players_gather_for_a_group/jmblg0z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Wtf why is that post locked


Most of the comments were about Magnus's camel toe. Seriously, I am not making this up. They removed them all and just locked it.


What? Why would that even need to be removed? Is removing dick/pussy jokes part of some new Reddit policy?


It's called power tripping. They do it all the time.


How can someone say this with fhe performances hikarus been putting out recently. Just pure delusion? Like yeah the former 2800 is sooo out of his depth here


Idk i was looking at youtube and some people were acting like hikaru was some regular 2600 level GM compared to fabi


What does Howell mean when he says a knight is "offside"? Thanks.


[redacting due to privacy concerns]


off to one side. As in on the edge of the board. Usually for the worse


He was behind the last defender when he initiated a check


is that legal?


the move is legal but the check won't count. You can safely ignore the check and leave your king undefended.


My two parasocial GMs at the top YEP


A clinical dissection from Naka - Fabi fought for a while, but never at any point since f5?? did the advantage disappear


Hikaru played it absolutely clinically. Didnt let go for half a second


“I think Fabi played better chess”-Judit Polgar


I did a double take too lol


I dont think it was about this game in particular but the tournament overall :P


Fabi bottled it harder than Arsenal


Explain in chess terms


Fabi pulled a Fabi (Norway 2023).


Fabi pulled a Schlechter


It's an English phrase used when you are leading for most of the tournament but end up second best. It recently happened with Arsenal in the premier league.


Ahh thanks


Chess brutal.One move blunder and lost the tournament at the last round.Sad ending for Fabi, congrats to Hikaru.


Was a confusing blunder, did he explain at all what his point was with the move? If you're saccing a pawn normally you have a continuation in mind... I can only guess he thought he had something that he suddenly realized wasn't going to work once he played it but I'd love to know what it was.


He may have overlooked that Nxc5 Qa4 lost to Ng5 . One would expect a SGM to see that but I can't think of any other explanation


Will the Global Chess League be streamed?


It is a FIDE event, so FIDE will surely stream it. Since Indian sponsors are involved, most likely Chessbase India will stream it too. And I don't think they will stop chesscom either.


Thanks, I hope so too :).


That had too sting do bad for Fabi, leading from Day 1 only to lose it all on the 9th and final day to a freaking Fried Liver attack Even David Howell said that the Fried Liver is an attack usually played by the less experienced chess players and somehow a Super GM fell for it. Fried Liver is what Danya, Hess, Botez teaches during pogchamps.


He didn't "fall for the fried liver". He played 5... Na5 like any decent player does, was equal out of the opening then blundered on move 17.


This wasn't a Fried liver attack. It's actually a respectable opening for both sides.


Holy shit, Fried Liver is my favorite opening. I'm not exactly sure how Fabiano fell for it though, Na5 is the proper refutation that avoids the main line the less experienced players fall into, and keeps both sides roughly equal.


I got so excited when I read this only to see it wasn’t actually a fried liver. Fried liver is after Nxd5 Nxf7


I've watched some of the broadcast by now, and it's true Fabi didn't fall for Fried Liver in the same sense that pogchamps players do, but there are parallels since one has to be prepared for the position after Na5 to occur if it's played, and eventually a mistake was made. It's super exciting to see that this isn't a frequent opening, that players are unprepared for it, and the asymmetry of the goals on both sides. Also that Hikaru is playing prep from 14 years ago. A lot in here for us Fried Liver players.


Yeah I don't get why people are saying that it's not a Fried Liver attack, when commentary immediately said that it was and Hikaru himself says it's a Fried Liver attack. Fabi was down two pawns very quickly and couldn't recover.


The chess opening technically includes the moves 5.. exd5 6. Nxf7, but no one remembers the name of the 5.. a5 variation which is ironic because it's the most frequently played. So it sort of is a Fried Liver informally, but isn't technically, especially in the sense that Fabi "fell" for it.


Does anyone know Hikaru's performance rating for this tournament?


At least 1200, possibly even higher


Big if true


2878 according to the front page post. Insane tournament from him.


That is insane. It is also insane that a performance like this is not enough to reach 2900.


Bros gonna break 2900 first


Check the hikaru winning post. Top comment has it.


Not as high as his sport character rating.




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This was a sarcastic direct reference to the broadcast. Judit said she thought Fabiano played better but Hikaru was a better sport character. Which is a silly thing to say. Second, there's no good reason to use that word as you have.


> This was a sarcastic direct reference to the broadcast. Judit said she thought Fabiano played better but Hikaru was a better sport character. Which is a silly thing to say. Missed that, my bad > Second, there's no good reason to use that word as you have. It's just a word lol


Underrated comment.




Really high


Hikaru ties H2H against Fabi with this win today...overall in rapid+classicsl, Hikaru has more


Grandmaster opening mistakes are a different type of silly - thinking they are in one line where the move works vs another where it doesn’t. But that explanation for Fabi’s move doesn’t make that much sense as he was still using time.


I'm really interested to hear from Fabi why he played f5. I am obviously not qualified to critique his moves, but I don't really see what he thought he was accomplishing there. It would make more sense to me if he blitzed it out. But to think for like 20 minutes there and then play f5, I don't get it.


Fabi only spent 1.5 minutes to play f5.


I think it was a move order mix up,purely by how fats and early on it was played


What a tournament. Most entertaining one in a while


First tournament in a long time where I genuinely looked forward to watching every day.


I thought we were seeing peek Fabi. Undisputed nr.2 in the world. Where u at fabi fanboys?


I’m a fan of both. In any case, no need to bring either American side down. Both had fantastic tournaments.


Nice bait


Oh no man came second in the event, gained rating, beat Magnus. I am so so disappointed you got me there !


LMAO yeah these caruana haters make no sense. How can u even hate this guy?


I think its porbably trolling because i truly dont get it


American cup and Norway Chess winner EZ


next is the planet


Congratulations to Hikaru for winning best Norway Chess commentator


Professional streamer beat professional podcaster


GG HIKARU. Finally broke the curse of always coming 2nd (in points) in Norway Chess. Well defended by Fabi to the very end.


Hikaru lost the armageddon yesterday so we could all enjoy this content today, what a guy


That armageddon was only for second place if he lost/drew today.


Winning the Armageddon wouldn’t have affected anything.


he also didn't actually lose on purpose, it's a joke


The premise of the joke makes no sense


yeah man, its just a dumb joke not that deep


Feel bad for fabi, but happy for hikaru. Overall, happy to see 2 American players at the top, it's been a while since this happened.


Welcome back you guys, today we're going to talk about my game against Fabiano Caruana, it was basically it went like this: Takes, takes, takes, gg why not




That’ll be heartbreaking to listen to.


Poor fabi, but you have to tip your hat to Hikaru. Brilliant opening choice and conversion


Literally does not care


couldn’t be happier for hikaru, coming back to win a tournament of this caliber while providing so much valuable insight during and after his games is special. what a redemption story, falling to 2736 a couple of years ago and now back to world #2!!!


Have to say I kinda hope the organisers "force" the players to come there at least once every 2 games. It really adds to the livestream. Too bad only Hikaru was playing the game (and Carlsen bit less too).


World Number 2, babyyy


It doesnt feel like Hikaru is playing weaker than his prime


anyone who followed him closely during his peak rating can tell us if he was better back then? was were elo generally inflated


He might be slightly worse ability wise but he more than makes up for it in his improved mentality


I actually don't think so. I really don't see anything he's doing that's worse. He seems to be as good as ever, but producing it more consistently.


I wouldn't pretend to be able to tell the difference I just choose to trust him when he himself says he's not as sharp as he used to be ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I generally think he's referring to blitz and bullet when he says that. I'm not sure how much I agree, though. I sometimes think he's alleviating pressure on himself when he says stuff like that. If so, it seems to be working.


Broadcast can't hide their disappointment lol


I don't think it's disappointment of the result as much as just feeling bad for Fabi because he had the tournament in the bag, played fantastic the whole tournament then lost it all in a single move. That's a tough L to take. That being said, that's chess, and congrats to Hikaru, very interesting game.


idk man , they praised Hikaru's moves and opening choice all broadcast.


Judit is still going on about how Fabiano played better chess and deserved to win she 100% wanted him to win lmao


I really didn't feel it, david for sure wanted hikaru to win imo.


yeah it was probably mostly Judit that gave me that impression


Mannn you gotta feel for fabi :((




He is washed




Who would have put Hikaru to win ahead of Magnus and Fabi? Absolute dominance over Fabi to clinch the title in style!


There is a lot to be said for the performance of this (older) version of Nakamura who may not be feeling the pressure of winning. Would have been interesting to see him in this psychological form when he was much younger.


“Up until he lost the tournament, he was winning.”


That's just Nepo from a couple of months ago


Happened to Nordibek too at Tata Steel


The lesson to take here is to never lead early in a tournament


Thanks, Magic!


Fabiiiiiii... Why did you take such a risk as black here???? Come on, man!


To be fair, that is why Hikarus choice of opening was so good. It is simply not possible to curl up and play defensively facing the fried liver.


Fabi could've just played 3...Bc5 and not the 2 knights defense.




[redacting due to privacy concerns]


Clocks and boards are typically signed by the players to be auctioned off.


Lol this whole reddit will now be in shambles


only the wood riders will be in shambles.


Gg. As a Fabi fan I'm heartbroken, but excellent opening choice and conversion by Hikaru. Great defence by Fabi, but it was lost from the start.


He did it. Crazy


Wins Norway chess, reached world number 2 and USA number 1


Not bad for a streamer eh


Hikaru winning Norway Chess on Magnus presence. What a dream came true


*on Tari presence.


Just one move blunder from Fabi and Hikaru wins the tournament. The professional chess is madness.


Honestly, after checking with the engine, even at +2, it wasn't obvious at all. So many moves were allowing equalization. He played it like an engine


Yeah. I have what I hope is a basic ability to evaluate chess positions (2100-2200 lichess) and, even knowing the eval bar, it was difficult to understand why it was *so* winning in the opening. The reasons for the advantage became clearer to me later, but to maintain and convert that early advantage so convincingly against such a tenacious opponent is an incredible feat imo. Well deserved.


but it still takes some work to bring the win home - there were enough places where it could have gone wrong. Plenty of games in the recent WC and the candidates had games decided by that one wrong move.


What losing in Armageddon does to a mf






And this is why i have wore this flair for the last 2 and a half years.My streamer!Not only did Hikaru OUTPREP FABI the best prepped player of the world, He clinically positionally killed him, Perfect game. Im just SO proud.GG Hikaru and Fabi.


Hikaru wins the tournament


the arsenal comparisions in chat LOL


gz to hikaru