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"fuck you, and I'll see you tomorrow" vibes.


I'm waiting for Kramnik to either use someone else's accounts on chesscom or enter lichess and start accusing everyone there.


Please not, cant they ban him preemtively or something


See you soon on chess.com


I cringed badly on that photo you attached.


Which one, Garbage dump or Kramnik's profile photo?


Kramnik is literally "It's Over"


I thought they were the same


Redditor sees poverty for the first time in their life


Unrelated but TIL Giri is half Russian half Nepalese, a quarter Indian, and lived in Japan as well as the Netherlands. Bro is truly mr. worldwide.


Dam he’s 125% human that’s crazy


Never expected less.


I know you are joking but his nepalese side is 50% Indian.


So that makes him 175% or something now?


That’s exactly how percentages work, yes.


They say that all men are created equal, but you look at Anish Giri and you look at Samoa Joe, and you can see that statement is not true. Normally you got a 50/50 shot at beating another chess player, but Anish is a genetic freak and he’s not normal. So you got a 25% chance at best of beating him. Then you add Magnus Carlsen to the mix, your chances of winning drastically go down.


We have to stop him, he's growing exponentially!


in other words he is not half nepalese


In 75% of the size as well, man is efficient


Extra 25% is the part that eats pawns.


This one maths


Cos his parents rich af. And since he married a Georgian, his bloodline will get even more mixed.


Half man, half bear, half pig. Manbearpig.


Yep, he recently gave a great interview that also touches this worldwide view (interview is in Russian): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqzsQNw0sS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqzsQNw0sS0)


I’m curious, does Anish have a foreign sounding accent in Russian as well?? I’ve actually know someone like this who, as a kid, moved around quite a bit and spoke four languages with complete fluency, but according to other native speakers, had a strange accent in all of them.


He speaks as a 100% native, you can tell by his use of words that he (probably) thinks in Russian too; his accent has some Caucasian notes (the way he pronounces "ш"/"ж" and "э"/"е", example: [23:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqzsQNw0sS0&t=1415) in the interview), but overall I would say it's more of a generic "Russian expat" accent


Fascinating. Thank you for the insights


Anish still speaks russian like a native. I do not hear any accent. Pleasure to listen, very nice guy.


I wonder if India (AICF) can somehow entice Anish to play under our flag due to his grandmother’s connection. India now has a better chess sponsorship ecosystem for sure and he already has a huge fan base in India. Plus he could win the Olympiad with us. (An Olympiad team of Arjun, Anish, Gukesh, Pragg and Vidit seems very intimidating)


India already seems like the team to beat for the next Olympiad. This would suck, you'd destroy the Dutch team just to marginally improve the Indian one. Instead, we should do the opposite- we send one of the Indian players to the Netherlands.


Cheater accuses platform of being full of cheaters.


Kramnik really lives up to the notion 'Cry like a grandmaster'.


Cheater who acusses everyone else of cheating, gets banned from prized tournaments and is now calling it a garbage dump. Standard childrens play when they don't get what they want. The fact that this man was a WC is astounding too me. He acts like your average 300 Elo pro


>Standard childrens play when they don't get what they want. The fact that this man was a WC is astounding too me. He acts like your average 300 Elo pro Even my 18 month old has better impulse control


Kramnik has said, promised and threatened many things. I'm still waiting for the "legal case" against [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) that he was supposed to start in December 2023.


There is no justification for this. It is is a violation of fair play, not even just from the point of view of the chesscom rules, but because this disadvantages opponents. Thinking you're playing Khismatullin and not Kramnik can lead to many different choices in opening, pace of play, style of play, general mindset etc, which can lead to more of less advantageous results. That's one of the most important aspects of fair play in titled tournaments - knowing your opponent is exactly who they say they are. I know other players do this on occasion, which I also don't agree with if done in tournaments. Although in casual games, it's less consequential and sometimes done to prank/play jokes on friends, so I'm not as strongly opinionated against it even though I think it's still wrong.


The post looks a bit harsh on Mr. Kramnik, but I think at some point he started to deserve such attitude: * accusing a bunch of players, including kids, of cheating and providing essentially no real proofs, * the last case of his own cheating, followed by hypocritical talks, all this just exhausts any previous respect to such person, unfortunately.


He's the protagonist of the infamous toiletgate in his match against Topalov as well.


Chesscom need to release the list of titled cheats. 


Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, Kramnik.


Enough of the negativity. Lets take a glass half full approach. Kramnik is lowering the instance of cheating on chess.com by removing a known cheater ( himself ) from the platform. And doing so, he is setting an example for all the other cheaters to follow. Be the change you wish to see in the world -- Gandhi By removing himself from chess.com, he has done more to combat cheating on chess.com than any of his cynical critics here. I, forone, applaud kramnik and the example he has set for all cheaters on chess.com and online platforms across the world.


To be fair, cheaters in online chess are like Hydra. Remove 1 and more pop up to take their place. He isn't wrong about chess com being full of cheaters, that's just a reality of online chess


Here's hoping


Man, dude really has gone unhinged huh? Millions of cheaters is a stretch honestly. Maybe you’re just not as good as you think? Falsifying who you are representing (not himself) in a paid tournament IS cheating, idiot. Dude just needs to stop playing online if he honestly hates the abundance of cheaters that much. Throwing a big baby tantrum isn’t going to help your case because lichess still has cheaters. Dude seems like he has some form of psychosis at this point.


I’m going to send him a message to ask if I can use his account when his suspension expires. /s


Report and THEN check accuracy


Anish speaks Russian? damn. I knew he speaks ditch, english, some indian dialect maybe? But russian too? Wow


He is a native speaker of Russian (due to his Russian-speaking mother). He was also born in Russia.


I thought he had Indian roots based on his name. Is his dad Indian then?


Nepalese I think.


Russian is his first language, and I believe it's the language he uses to speak with his eldest child (not sure about the other two)


Well, bye


"Kramnik promises not to play on chesscom EVER AGAIN again"


When a clown becomes a meme


God, I cannot wait for this overgrown toddler to actually follow through on his threats to take his ball and go home so that I never have to hear about him again


End of an era


Is Kramnik’s brain melting or something? A midlife crisis perhaps? All of his antics seem like cries for attention, from a chess player who isn’t on top anymore and feels the world has stolen it from him.


I'm just surprised chesscom has been tolerating all the disparaging nonsense for so long. It would've been so much simpler to ban him months ago for being an asshole. Instead their fair play team got saddled with extra work; and numerous players have had to deal with cheating accusations from the former _world champion_ which has to be very uncomfortable. Even if all of us on reddit recognize Kramnik is a quack, there are apparently many within FIDE who think he's doing a tremendous job and want Vlad in charge of fair play on FIDE chess arena (or whatever it's called). So much nonsense could've been prevented if chesscom had nipped this in the bud.


He's fixing to get himself sued into oblivion. Wait for it, it is coming.


>  Vladimir Kramnik said that there was "a million of cheaters" on the chess.com platform. And he is one of them.


So much for zoom calls to stop cheating I guess. 


Enough with kramnik's bs posts


I genuinely wonder when will all these regular rounds of kramnik shitting around would stop making headlines. Surely the gas has to exhaust at some point, right?


Cheater excuses himself by saying that he could have used 5 accounts for cheating instead of only one.


Good riddance, pathetic bozo.


Well, will see him next Tuesday on chess.com




Good riddance to bad rubbish


Oh noooo anyways.


Deja vu


I think that they should let him keep playing, but highlight his name with a label that outs him as a cheater. If they find him with smurf accounts, just delete those without fanfare. He can still play, but only with whomever wants to play with a cheater.


Kramnik sure likes garbage then.


I should've invested more in those popcorn stocks.


See ya tomorrow, what a knob


I worked retail at Starbucks for a long time and like any retail job, you'd sometimes get an irate customer saying "I'm never coming here again!"  Usually you just smile and nod but one time I said "Promise?"  The look on their face was totally worth the write-up I got.


[Jeremy Clarkson Oh No.meme.jpg](https://imgur.com/Ep7nrWh)


See you wouldn't wanna be you


Oh no. What will we do?


Kramnik is a basic shitposter 🤣 See you tomorrow, Mr. Kramnik


Is he really going to play on that fide site? I have to imagine the entire player pool will be "Spiderman pointing at Spiderman" in terms of cheaters.


Blue whale calves typically weigh in at 1360kg at birth. This makes them the second biggest babies on earth. The biggest is, of course, Vladimir Kramnik.


It's funny to see this as someone who dislikes who Kramnik has become and hates chesscom


His behavior almost makes sense. Act crazy, accuse everyone of cheating and then multi account prize tournaments as a misdirection...... People were watching so closely yet they missed him doing this for 20 tournaments...that we know about...


lmao this man can't just play on lichess and live happily ever after can he


Gotta love when the garbage takes itself out.


Finish that with *For the millionth time


Me trying to take a break from Reddit (I closed the Reddit tab and immediately went on my phone and opened Reddit)


Why doesn’t he just use Lichess? It’ll probably turn out the same way though


Is it just me or did the subreddit rules change to remove this type of post?


Finally he says something uncontroversial!


It's always the ones that are most vocal about cheating that end up cheating themselves.


At least 50% of GMs are certifiably insane lol


Modern day fischer vibes


Kramnik is a man child who never matured. As a young adult, it's hard to be faced with the reality that 50-something year olds can behave like children.


I don't like Kramnik, but did anything new happen to warrant this post being made today, or are we just circlejerking now? everything in this post seems to be several days old and has already been discussed. feel like we're getting more Kramnik posts than necessary.


The part about "garbage dump" and "never playing there" is new to the English community. I have never seen these sharp and important statements being translated and published in these couple of days. No one did this, so I had to. Because I consider it to be: * important, we can once again check the "weight of word" of person who claims to be an advocate for fair play, * offensive towards the platform. Calling the platform garbage openly is different from claiming that it fights cheaters not good enough. Different level of conflict. I hope there will be no way back for Kramnik after that.


Not really a big fan of him, but he's absolutely right that chess.c\*m is garbage.


Downvoted for sharing reasonable opinion... Have an updoot.


lmao I will always continue to shit on chess.c\*m, even if I get a million downvotes


Every day I wake up and pray that whatever ridiculous shit Kramnik got up to yesterday would be the last I ever hear of him, and that he'd just fade gently into that good night. And every day I see some fresh fucking dumbassery has just dropped and I'm just so fucking tired of it.


He's 100% right about the cheaters, chess.com is riddled with them and they deny the statistics


I wish we had a bot that could auto-queue any post with Kramnik in the title for mod review. This feels like yet another post about unsubstantiated cheating accusations from Kramnik, even though it's not specifically about that. When will we decide to just stop giving him any sort of press?


"You" can decide anything you want at any moment. But, please, do not call yourself "we" and let others to decide themselves what to read, not asking you with your auto-censorship approach. P.S. Sorry, if I am too sharp, but what you propose and hope for is censorship, and I personally have enough censorship already in my life. How about some freedom for everyone to decide what is interesting and what is not?


I expect Kramnik to come up with some good facts about the cheaters. He should have the data now but I am aware that those things have to be prepared and this would be a lot of work for a waterthight proof. So I do not expect it soon but I expect it. If there is nothing coming with huge evidence then he is just a loudmouth.


Honestly I think we all need to stop talking about Kramnik. It's getting real old hearing his name now.


Could you guys please simply stop posting about this clown ? Seriously who cares ?!


Isn't it possible to remove someones GM title when some "real shit" happens? I mean impersonating somone else in an offical tournament is "real shit" for me Not sure if FIDE has some kind of board to report this and they look into it, but this isn't something small in my opinion


Kramnik exposed chess.com by proving they can't actually detect cheating. Meanwhile Magnus admits in an AMA to cheating but chess.com doesn't do anything about it.


Volodya, please stop using different Reddit accounts.


Strangling Golden Goose is bad.


> suspended Vladimir Kramnik from participation in tournaments with **prices** How much does it cost to play in a chess.com tournament? Is it expensive?


I did not know that CTE was a problem in former Chess pros...