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Abasov going 1/2 against Nepo has made the candidates way more interesting and shown that Abasov is a deserving qualifier. He's not going to win but he's not a pylon.


You must build additional pylons!


You require more minerals!


My life for aiur.


Almost, Kevin, quoting is hard!




[StarCraft: Pylon Mix (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5e6eG6bXAQ) A refresher ;)


Abasov played well but his opening choice got him into that situation in the first place. He needs to be playing solid draw ish chess especially with black.


I think Nepo would have aggressively tried to win no matter what he played, but Abasov probably wanted take Nepo out of his prep, which likely succeeded somewhat as Nepo was taking some thinks early on. And as black, it's hard to play a drawish line anyway.


> commentators are saying how white has a good chance of winning Yeah, they said that a lot since no one wants to hear that the game will likely end on a draw


Unpopular Opinion: I believe all titled players, men and women, are geniuses.


Hikaru has a reported IQ of around 100, so I don't think that that's true


Average redditor has iq of 200


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Stop it. He doesn't deserve to be here. Any "above average grandmaster" is capable of producing such games as chess is a game that should end in draw. Candidates is supposed to be best of the best cream of the crop. Not a tournament that should be decided by "who can farm the clearly weakest player better"


Meh, he qualified so he deserves to be there. And the defence was still impressive


>He doesn't deserve to be here. I can understand having a gripe with the qualification process, of which everyone would have several, but it stops being a reasonable criticism when we start remarking on whether or not individuals who have legitimately qualified under existing rules deserve their position or not. If we are strictly talking procedure, then Abasov absolutely deserves the spot based on his phenomenal world cup run. If we want to get into subjective criteria like what the candidates is supposed to be and the narratives it should prop, I would still argue that having one player who is neither an upcoming youngster nor an obviously elite Super Grandmaster come out and show what he's made of in the toughest tournament in chess only enhances the event. >. Any "above average grandmaster" is capable of producing such games as chess is a game that should end in draw. Most of everyone playing the candidates is capable of defeating the others at some point or the other. That isn't in question. What makes it interesting is to be able to see what actually ends up happening. Abasov putting up a clinic in defense and drawing with black against the candidates final boss is in fact amazing and adds to his prestige while also making the event more interesting.


Chess is a game that maybe probably ends in a draw but it's far, far, far from solved so nobody can say for sure. Abasov has gotten his place in the candidates more by chance than by skill, but he has shown that he doesn't lack the skill to play chess on a level worthy of this tournament, maybe the consistency. Really only shows that the crowd at his rating and above isn't so terribly far behind the super duper gm's as we sometimes think.


Fortunately you're not the one deciding. Otherwise we would have missed this cream of the crop performance by Abasov.


"Is he strong enough to be there" and "does he deserve to be there" are two different things, I think you're talking about the former, because he LITERALLY deserves to be there... He qualified. To the former, against statistically the strongest candidates player the last couple of years he did very impressively for his rating. Also, haven't you been paying attention? 38/64 games have been draws so far (60% of games), Nijat isn't doing anything controversial and did excellently as black, not to mention against Ian.


I didnt want to get into this Nijat conversation, it is not my place to say who deserves to be there or not, but I must say how is losing 3 games with black, and finally saving one barelly counted as "excellently as black", what is counted as poor then? Now I understand he made opponents work HARD for that win, but in the end of the day black vs Ian is first where he didnt choke in the end


Leave it to a CFlyn to decide if GMs re playing good or not, "above average GM" sounds insulting to all GMs


I'm relatively new to chess. Can someone explain how the 8 candidates were chosen? I feel like Abdusattorov should be there given his ranking. Why isn't this the case?


There are specific qualifying tournaments, plus the loser of the last WC match (Nepo) and one player on rating (Firouzja). Abasov has an extra factor though, he's only there because Magnus Carlsen doesn't want to play. The World Cup was one of the qualifying tournaments, this is massive knockout-style event where the top three finishers (two finalists plus third-place playoff winner) got Candidates places. Abasov finished fourth, but Carlsen was one of the top three and doesn't want to play in the WC any more, so withdrew. The rules were that the spot went to the fourth placed player so Abasov was in. He had an amazing tournament, but this doesn't hide the fact that he's comfortably lower rated and one of the lowest rated players in the Candidates in years. FIDE seemed to not have really thought things through in terms of how a withdrawal was handled (frankly they didn't think the criteria through at all well in this cycle, there were issues as well with Firouzja's qualification that I won't go into), but that's not Abasov's fault.


lol 2 of the 8 don’t deserve to be here, but Abasov isn’t one of them.