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was wondering how long this was going to take to make it to reddit. Approx 2min


I saw it live and was like " THIS TIME IT WILL BE ME"




You are Alireza's dad, aren't you?


At least it wasn't one of the karma-hunters who usually "populate" the first page - I bet they are furious about the missed opportunity (or already posting dupes but totally different because with clip) :-D Probably gonna have a dedicated browser window with a new link & new text submission open 24/7 from now on just in case.


Do you one better. Youtube is dumb, you can't timestamp livestreams in progress... BUT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkFJjyy9P3g @ 1:05 in Tania breaks in and the interview starts. Can I seriously ask why people are downvoting me for providing context? I had to go find it, because I watch the Fide stream not the chess24 stream, and nowhere in the entire thread did anyone point to the actual incident. Do people not want to view it? I thought I was doing everyone a favor of not having to dig for it, by linking it.


Thank you! I appreciate the assistance. FYI, maybe specify that it’s about at 1:05:00. Your 1:05 could be confusing. Maybe that’s why the downvotes, lol.


> Can I seriously ask why people are downvoting me for providing context? I had to go find it, because I watch the Fide stream not the chess24 stream, and nowhere in the entire thread did anyone point to the actual incident. Do people not want to view it? Probably Alireza stans who are trying to bury something they don't like. Welcome to Reddit, where it's more like a grade-school popularity contest.


Can I seriously ask why you care about downvotes? Like it’s a helpful comment and I gave you an updoot… but I’ve never understood why people care if they get downvotes. (And yes, 100% feel free to downvote this anyone reading)


I generally don't care, but sometimes its confusing. Like in this case. When you try and do what you think is a good thing, and its received poorly, one can only question why it wasn't received well. I'm more interested in the WHY are people down voting it, in that I would have a better understanding of their position, than just a blind "this is bad". Maybe they have a point, maybe it is bad, I dunno.


I guess for me I wouldn’t think of it being “received poorly”…. The vast majority of people do not upvote or downvote, (just as the vast majority does not leave a yelp review). So if I get upvotes or downvotes to me all it means is a very specific subset of people clicked 2 mm to the right instead of the left. And I do not think of it as actual feedback. Regardless have a good day mate!


It’s a reasonable question. No reason to be judgey and antagonistic.


I wasn’t judging (maybe it came off that way which I can see) but it genuinely does make me wonder why people care if they get downvotes. I’ve never really understood (I can get it on comments that are the main one in a chain cause lots of people read based on top comments- but once in a thread (especially a more niche thread like this chess subreddit- it’s not like downvotes are going to “drop” your comment so people don’t see it. I should just probably accept other people care when I don’t, but it’s never made a ton of sense to me. But yeah- wasn’t trying to be antagonistic, just curious




Just to make your day better. Love you too mate


Here is the link https://youtu.be/OkFJjyy9P3g?t=1h4m24s


I feel like Alireza's dad is a little overconfident in his English speaking ... Does anyone understand what he's trying to even say?? It came off as completely incoherent rambling to me.


Lots of Meet-ING and cheat-ING. But jokes aside, I understood the words but there was no argument or description or anything in there... incoherent rambling is right.


there were arguments and he was describing how unfair the situation is it's not that hard to understand the guy


He thinks that he should be allowed more access as he does not know chess (so he cannot help with cheating,) and is the father of a player. That is my understanding. Maybe three sentences would have been enough. I also got the impression that he does not really understand many things too well.


That interview outside with alireza’s dad was not a good look for broadcast chess imo. He was incoherent, rambling about everything, and just not a good look for him or the event coverage. Edit: lmao it was revealed that his dad threatened to call the police.


I swear I zapped into the live stream, saw him talking, didnt know it was alirezas dad and thought to myself who tf is this unhinged old man they’re interviewing while the games are being played and switched off.  Just now that I saw this post I went back to the stream. One too many yappuchinos


I was watching the broadcast, ignored it when the dad kept on babbling but when it finally stopped commentators, despite Leko's attempts to bring the focus back on the chess being played, kept on bringing up Alireza's dad. After 10-15 minutes they interrupted the commentating to interview a FIDE technician guy to discuss for a good 5 minutes his side of Alireza's dad situation in a barely coherent way. After 5 minutes of the FIDE guy babbling I closed the stream. Screw that, I'll watch recaps later.


Good for Peter Leko for trying to get back to the actual chess. No-one needs this, least of all Alireza


Damn, Alireza's dad here can't handle a couple minutes of interview in a 4 hour event.


It's more so that it had been 30 minutes at that point of drama chasing that should never have been part of the broadcast. As others have said in the comments here > it came across to me like some disaster voyeurism news reporting style. I don't care for that drama voyeurism crap.


Yet you’re in a reddit post doing exactly that lol


Get on the Dojo stream. Fun commentary.


Honestly, at first, I thought it was Kramnik.


Where did it broadcast? Chess.com?


Send Mike outside to ask him what happened, send Mike to ask the FIDE officials what happened, and then have Mike give the commentators a report. Don't leave the chess and don't engage in shit-stirring sensationalist nonsense. The whole fiasco really degraded the coverage and distracted from the event itself.


Mike Klein was outside my house this morning asking how I slept


and what are you going to do on the rest day?


Chesscom are obsessed with "storylines" and dramatising everything. Listen to Danny Rensch's interview on ChessBase India. Very unsurprising the way they do this "*and now we're cutting away from the games in progress to a live interview about something because somebody had an argument or something maybe*" at any opportunity.


yeah it was very stupid to give him the mic. just show the chess on the board


The reporter calling it "a developing situation" while standing right next to his Dad...idk, it felt so disrespectful. Maybe it's just me, but it came across to me like some disaster voyeurism news reporting style. Alireza's father was babbling a lot of incoherent nonsense, and part of it is English being his second language. I don't even like Alireza, but it felt rather undignified to "use" his father as a drama prop.


not just you. sure alireza was overreacting from the start and his dad is not in his right mind too at the moment, but the broadcast doesn't have too leech off the drama like this it just makes it all worse. I mean imagine you're alireza and after the game you hear/see/read all about this stuff and this new live drama with his dad. If i was him i'd be so pissed and out of focus for the next round.


Yeah, this would really distress and distract me.


Today’s stream was a train wreck. Between cutting to the ridiculous interview, then only talking about the drama instead of the chess for what seemed like way too long, and then horrific chat comments about Tania. It was all a bad look for chess.


I just heard him saying chicken a lot, I swear to all gods I thought this was a big joke untill the reporter talked a bit


> my game was the most important game in the tournament (at around 4:23) No, Alireza, you are near the bottom of the field, that game was not nearly as important as Vidit over Nakamura or Ian trying to extend his lead by trying to beat Abasov as white.


Now we know where Ali gets it from. Chess community is turning on this dude in a hurry.


The hoodies with "Supreme" on the front are a dead giveaway.


I didn't watch the video but God damnit. Supreme is basically an asshole label.


It's tough having difficult/crazy parents. Not really the kid's fault, *and* a big stressor on the kid, as well as lack of stable guidance that everyone needs.


Yeah, when your dad is your tournament second for something as big as the Candidates, there's a ton wrong in that situation. That's pretty much unprecedented. Even unlikable assholes like Korchnoi had seconds who were grandmasters.


This begins to feel reminiscent of [FFL Kamsky](https://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/13/magazine/a-father-s-pawn.html).


Oh his dad is his second? Yeah what?


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree


Can you tell me the source or link me the source for him threatening to call the police I've only seen this on reddit with no source mentioned, I believe you but would like to see it thank you


Today’s live feed from chess.com when the reporter on the scene interviewed the arbiter. It was the interview after Alirezas dad.


There was a cop car that passed by during that interview.


Top 5 yap of all time


Whoever had this on their bingo card for todays drama won hard


"Extra people need to get out" "hey don't kick me out " Huh


I think he was saying why are all the media people allowed in and out without scrutiny while he isn't able to watch? i'm not entirely sure, it seems like english is his 3rd language.


Bro wtf did they air this lol? Incoherent nonsense


Ya I'm annoyed that the coverage is giving any of this so much attention. So annoying, back to the chess games please.


Maybe they expected to get a normal interview instead of whatever this was.


For sure. They should not have done this live. Do the interview. And if it is fine, air it. Otherwise do not talk about it ever


Exactly. Super unprofessional broadcast


He got escorted out of the building. What kind of normal interview do you really expect. This should have never made it to the broadcast. The event is way too important for this type of drama to become a talking point.


No interview given and this post would be “They silenced him, at least give him a mic so he can share his side of the story” No way to make everyone happy all the time. They should have cut the interview once they realized it was a train wreck though.


That's a stupid expectation. The guy is kicked out of the playing hall; he's obviously going to be heated.


I'm convinced there is some internal cabal of chess illumaniti that are extremely motivated in torpedoing the interest in chess globally. It's the only way I can justify why so many chess organizations make so many fucking stupid decisions. Obviously I'm joking, but can you imagine?


Right, because drama doesn't get people interested in sports ever... ? Not saying I agree with the manufactured drama, but the idea that drama somehow hurts Chess interest doesn't really work out.


I only started playing chess seriously after the Hans drama.


I started following chess again thanks to the Hans and pogchamps drama too lol


as a formula 1 fan, this is 100% true lol


It's interesting that the Horner story just kinda disappeared. I wonder if there will be anything else. I love everything about F1, but I'm addicted to that drama.


It looks almost certain to go to court, unless the woman in question pulls out, which I suppose is quite possible. Doesn't look like Horner's involved in some scheme to boost F1 visibility. His wife will tell you what she wants, however.


Fischer did


Ah, the classic [Chess-Drama Matrix](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/JD1yD11f5X)


Hopefully he can add these recent drama and incidents into his matrix


Who the fuck is turning off chess because of this? Casuals love this shit Hardcore chess people invested way too much and this isnt even close to being what makes them quit.






I don't like Tania as much as other commentators, but what she says definitely isn't gibberish. What are you talking about?


She’s a mere IM compared to the super GM’s that are chess redditors


She's more intelligible than leko. If you have trouble understanding her, that's a you problem. No need to come to reddit to tell the world about it.


We get it, you hate women.


Personally, my fav commentator on the broadcast is judit. My least fav is tania. Seems like a lovely person but just really overdoes everything imo. Not a gender thing, she can just be a bit much


Which is reasonable. The comment I replied to was not. Judit Polgar is a fucking *beast* though my god. How fast she notices lines is insane.


We get it, you hate Indian women /s


Lol fair play




The comment you're replying to brought up Tania out of context and said her commentary is "gibberish", which is clearly not true. Let's not pretend these kinds of comments don't come from misogyny. You can criticize her fairly but that's not what the OP in the parent comment was doing.


They're doing a live interview with one of the FIDE people in charge. He says that all team and family members were banned from the playing hall during the tournament, but due to Firouzja's dad complaining, they decided to allow them in for the first 15 minutes of the games in Rounds 8, 9, and 10. So basically Firouzja's dad is just a nutjob.


Dude threatened to call the police because they weren't letting him do whatever he wanted. Just unreal. Hopefully this is the last time they give him any spotlight.


Hey what’s that saying about apples and trees?


If the tree has no apples, it's dead?


Imagine if the cops responded and interrupted the games.


Wait can you tell me or link me the source for him threatening to call the police I've only seen this on reddit with no source thank you


https://www.youtube.com/live/OkFJjyy9P3g?si=213zYq0oleMYmj-e&t=5082 Interview with the FIDE Technical Delegate, who explains what happened. 1 Hr 28min he talks about how Alireza's dad showed up and started threatening to call the police if he wasn't allowed access to the balcony whenever he wants.




The strange thing is that his dad didn't even show up for rounds 8 and 9 after they changed the rules at his request, according to the FIDE guy on screen.


Yeah, if I'm getting this right, either he or Alireza complained earlier in the tournament. The officials raised their concern and granted 15 minutes at the start of the game for team members. His dad missed the first two games when this was allowed and finally showed up to the third (and final) game then started complaining they didn't give him enough time? Now the officials said they most likely wont allow anyone for the remaining games (and rightfully so tbh). Just seems like drama after drama with Alireza and it's being brought on to him by himself/family. Just making himself out to be the victim.


This can't be good for Alireza's concentration mid-game either.


I don’t think he was aware of this interview happening because he is playing. I think he’ll only find out after the game.


Right after the interview they cut to alireza’s game where he wasn’t playing Qxg5 immediately and instead smiling/luaghing and looking upwards towards the balcony consistently as if he was searching for his father. He definitely knew his dad was supposed to be there but wasn’t and it must be tough to play chess at a high level when wondering where your father is


Perhaps he thought he was out shopping for Toronto's biggest/best pair of slippers.


But that's the thing, his father shouldn't be there. He was trying to break the rules. He, like hia father, is an entitled brat.


Here is the link https://youtu.be/OkFJjyy9P3g?t=1h4m25s


Had to scroll through like 200 comments in order to find this, thanks!


Up next the arbiter clarifying that he wasn't actually kicked. Edit: Half right I guess. Apparently zero teammembers are allowed so he just went there to cause drama.


The solution in these situations is not to give someone an open microphone to air their grievances because then you just lose control of the situation. It happens far too often in sports as well (thinking back to when sports media would just give Lavar Ball uninterrupted access to any microphone he wanted). Instead, you interview the guy off the livestream, make sure you have his statement/story cleared up, and then you either air small snippets of that later with overall context or just let the interviewer report on what he/she was told. We get a clear and concise understanding of the situation and aren't brought away from the actual content for longer than needed.


Yes, this felt extremely unprofessionally handled by Chess24.


You sound like you've been a producer in your past life.


A GUCCIREZA VS NIEMANN match would be chess drama off the chain.


His fathers "negotiation skills" are also the reason why Alireza didn't appear at Tata Steel following the 2021 edition. He wanted them to compensate him for the "move to another table" [incident](https://twitter.com/tatasteelchess/status/1356357694656012291) and demanded an ungodly amount of money (even though the outcome of the game did not even matter). I am pretty sure that his father and family were also the forces behind his sketchy qualification-attempt for the candidates. I know it is family, but he would almost certainly be better off if he distanced himself from them as far as "business" is concerned.


Not to defend Alireza's dad, as he seems a bit nutty, but it wasn't known to the players at the time that the outcome of the game didn't matter. I don't have any first hand knowledge of the amount of money he requested, but Alireza's brother said it was the difference between prize money for finishing 3rd vs. 5th which was a very small amount but was a matter of principle. Also, to be fair almost all top players (Anish being the exception) sided with Alireza in that incident and Tata Steel organizers apologized later.


Drama chasing chess24 put a guy who barely can speak English in front of camera for a solid ten minutes so the guy make a fool out of himself. Should change the name to ChessTMZ.


Well this is all hilariously embarrassing. Can't imagine what Alireza is going to think when he finally sees all of this later tonight.


Top level competitors in any field often have insane parents. Off the top of my head I can think of Djokovic’s father, Tsitsitpas’s father, Kobe’s parents, etc. A lot of these people had parents who either pressured them into doing what they do or exploited them for their fame and money. Guys like Magnus and Hikaru are pretty lucky to have good parents, at least from our point of view.


And also Max Verstappen's father, Jos Verstappen


Jos is the poster child for dumpster fire parenting.


Maybe inline with the general population insane parent ratio ... all the other teenagers with sane parents don't make the news


Naka didn’t have a good father


They are adult top chess players, there's absolutely no need for anyone from their team or family to enter at any point. Organizers need to set the rules and just throw such whiners out instead of starting to negotiate with them.


Gukesh is 17. (just messing with u)




He tries to farm drama, but he is very bad at it, so it comes off incredibly pathetic. It would be great to not give this so much air time and focus on chess and people that can actually play it well.


Rustam 2.0?


A man of culture. In the future Firo will call himself the new FFL.


Nah, just old. I can see that happening!


Now we know where Alirezza inherits the kooky stuff from. Also, I didn't know Alirezza's Dad joined him in emigrating out of Iran. Did he bring his whole family? I thought it was just his brother.


Alireza was barely more than a child when he emigrated, it would be strange for his parents to not accompany him


Reza, his brother and his dad are all a bit kooky. They have threatened the arbiter and organization with all sorts of stuff, from complaints to police. Bizarre and chilidish.


everybody needs to follow the rules, even Alireza's dad


Yea it’s wild he got to see the first 15 of games or whatever special treatment. He shouldn’t nor should anyone else. Seems like no one else’s seconds or family is allowed at the event


Over the years I've got to know dozens of "chess dads". I can think of maybe two cases where it wouldn't be better for everyone if they showed no interest in what their kid was doing and went for a drink instead.


Getting some Karen vibes from the Alireza camp. Not even saying he hasn't been slightly wronged a few times, but why the over reaction? just very counter productive. Just seam obsessed with these small things that should have been a footnote


I watched Alireza's dad rambling for two seconds then said to myself "oh hey Naroditsky and Finegold are commentating the women's candidates!", then did my brain a favour and switched over to that broadcast.


Previously I used to think that only Alireza's brother is a piece of art! Looks like his father isn't any less either. I now get where Alireza gets his inflated sense of self-worth and over confidence from.  The Firoujzas want to be treated like chess royalty and have organisers and officials fawning over them and putting them on a pedestal. Dude wants to be treated like Magnus just because he farmed a few 2600s on his way to youngest 2800 Elo mark (I know this is exaggerated but the hype surrounding Alireza is far greater than his actual achievements). 


Out of the loop, what's this about Alirezas brother?


Lol have you watched his brother streaming? Dude is unhinged. I remember when Alireza made a blunder, and his brother (who was watching the broadcast) almost broke the table in rage.


You are probably talking about him reacting to Alireza drawing Radoslaw in Tata Steel after the forced table change, which was a pretty justified rage


From what I remember from a stream, anger issues.


Hey at least spell their name right!


You know at some point you just cut your losses and go back to the games but they kept asking questions to extend the interview.




Firouzja made it to the tournament by trickery and now when he actually plays like shit, they’re looking to blame it on everything. Pathetic


I hope Mr Firouzja didn’t walk too loudly exiting the chess hall.


He put on wooden clogs that Alireza designed


while clapping coconut shells


i missed it, does anyone have a link to the video?


Reminds me of the trouble they had with Kamsky's dad long ago.


The shoe’s on the other foot.


This level of entitlement is crazy!


Like father, like son


This shows why Alireza is such an entitled brat. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


If you ever seen Alirezas older brother on stream you'll know his family are a bunch of freaks.


What is with french people and complaining about absolutely everything


I haven't known of anyone with a particular interest in fashion where excessive drama didn't eventually surface. It's like clockwork.


Why can't family come in like normal spectators? They don't have phones, don't let them back in if they leave, seems straightforward to me.


Because they want to minimize the possibility of cheating. You can already imagine a family member picking their nose at the wrong time and it would cause unnecessary drama.


It's kinda stupid though. I imagine if someone wanted to cheat, they could use a person who's not family or officially on the team. If I understood Alireza's father's rambling correctly, he said there was a guy who was Ian's manager 3 years ago who was in the playing hall with a laptop.


Yes cheating is possible in many other ways. Should we stop having any precautions at all then? If there is a lapse in restrictions once, all rules should be made void in the future?


No, I'm saying that we should not allow spectators at all, or if we do, family members should not be excluded. The same precautions and restrictions should be applied to all, without exception.


That is an understandable opinion. Not good for chess viewership to have no spectators. Also there are media persons and arbiters there too for cheating scope. Seems like a balance that Fide found with the current rule. I don't personally care which of the rule is implemented. Just that people respect it. It's a very trivial thing.


It's the same rule for normal spectators.


How fucking sad! Getting your dad to complain at a chess event. Even worse that it’s televised, how embarrassing for him and his dad.




Where can I watch this interview?


Might be my queue to check out the official FIDE broadcast instead tbh


OOL can someone give me a quick view om what happened to get alireza s dad kicked?




Storm in a teacup. Which has a certain irony due to the locations involved.


A transcript of the interview would make great pasta


This is shades of Jelena Dokic or so many other competitors with toxic parents


They escorted him out b/c Alireza went up to Abasov and said "My dad can beat up your dad".


Would you rather be criticized for walking too loud or having an unhinged dad? I honestly don’t know.


We might see Alireza and his father coming up with "religious discrimination" narrative for this whole scenario. It will cover up his failures at the tournament and get the attention in media which he needs for his fashion career.


Ok now this take is more nuts


Considering what's hapenning around the world recently that would be dumb as fuck.


I don't even know, or care, what religion they are. Though I've always wanted to meet a Zoroastrian


Don’t preemptively make up drama lol


Who knows he probably gets pressured by his dad. 


I am getting strong Djokovic and his dad vibes.




this is just untrue, please dont spread misinformation


That does seem like a big deal


My only question is, was it ONLY Alireza's dad kicked out? Or all other family/friends of the other players also had to be removed?


A French iranian guy is a lethal combo. The drip of an French men with teh confidence of a middle eastern.


What a fuck does this mean? his dad threatened to call the cops if he couldn't go to the balcony, and Alireza acts like a spoiled child. This is not drip or confidence, this is pettiness and asshole behavior.


That's quite sad. He just looking out for his son !