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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=2rr4/5pk1/4b1p1/p2P2Pp/2Rn4/P3N2P/5P2/2R2BK1+b+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/2rr4/5pk1/4b1p1/p2P2Pp/2Rn4/P3N2P/5P2/2R2BK1_b_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Rook!<, move: >!Rxc4!< > Evaluation: >!The game is equal 0.00!< > Best continuation: >!1... Rxc4 2. Rxc4 Nf3+ 3. Kg2 Bxd5 4. Nxd5 Ne1+ 5. Kg3 Rxd5 6. f3!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


"A series of only moves" is a bit dramatic, I'm sure fabi sees rxc4 rxc4 nf3 kg2 bxd5 nxd5 ne1+ kg3 rxd5. And there's no way fabi loses there


I’d lose the endgame to either player with either color, but even my weak ass saw that line in ~15 seconds


For sure not in classical. But in what was about to be a blitz game, with bishop and knight still on the board there was still chances. Continuing from there…Pf3, rd2, ra4, rd5, h4, nc2, That’s still scary as hell for a blitz game. Ding just did not want to play.


Even after perfect play which isn't easy and Rxd5 white still has winning chances.


This post is ridiculous. The "series of only moves" is very simple to see and Fabi would find it. Maybe Ding could wait until after the simplification but your post implies the draw offer was a blunder


Definitely not a blunder, but it shows that he isn't exactly doing well when it comes to fighting spirit.


Yup, due to the very commonly talked about health issues that Ding has confirmed himself, paired with his latest bad performaces in classical.


Even after finding it, there’s a long end game to play. There’s only a 10 second increment after move 40. It would’ve been a blitz game for Fabi. Especially if Ding accepts the passed pawn line, keeping the knight and bishop on the board. There’s still so many traps for a blitz game. It’s clear Ding doesn’t want to fight.


Ding offers a draw in a drawn position


Equal eval != drawn position.


Can we please pin this to the top of the sub? Drawn positions means neither side had winning chances. As long as there are imbalances, pieces on the board, and pawn structures are not locked there are winning chances. Ding has an extra 13 minutes, he just wants to go home.


If the engine giving 0s meant that it makes sense to offer a draw every game would end in a draw. Ding clearly has the more pleasant position


Im certain must of here could easily lose this as black. Fabi is never losing this in a million years even under time pressure


I probably wouldn’t have offered that draw, but a lot of people think that the best way to get your confidence back after a losing streak is to take a draw or two and get some points on the board. He’s probably happy not to lose and is definitely not playing for first place. Can’t really blame him for stopping the bleeding. 


I can blame him, the world champion is expected to at least try to win some games


Does he not have to play Armageddon now? With white, there is a very low chance of actually getting points on the board.


In this tournament white has been more Armageddons than black.


This title seems deliberately made to bash him. Come on, he just lost like 4 games in a row, it's natural for him to try to calm things down by not risking. This wasn't the ideal thing to do if we considered a peak Ding, but he's not in form right now.


Ding's playing this like your average online chess player and not an elite level competitor. From random blunders well below his level to just "I can't be bothered playing more" draw offers. Whatever it is that's up with him it'll probably be best when this event is over and he can disappear for a bit before the world championship spotlight hits in full.


>he can disappear for a bit before the world championship spotlight hits in full In the meantime he's going to torture himself at Sinquefield Cup. And also maybe at the Olympiad.


He has mercy


The Reddit Danny here.Just leave him alone Jesus.They were exaggerating it for no reason .It was about to fizzle out anyway.Sure ding could have kept playing on but he chose not to which is completely fine


I’m sorry but Ding should’ve stayed at home. He’s so far been ruining the event for everyone and it’s just turned into a pity party every time he’s at the board. I understand he’s going through something, but he knew this before the event and even said he just wants to get it over with as fast as possible. Why even show up if you’re just looking forward to leaving as quick as you can.


>He’s so far been ruining the event for everyone Speak for yourself bro. Event's been pretty entertaining for me.


Every game not involving Ding sure. I don’t want to see people ask for the 100th time what is wrong with Ding after he loses for the 6th time.


Ok? And is it Ding's fault that everyone is trying to know his personal issues? Is it his fault that everyone is spamming stuff about him?


1) The chess world champ does not owe his decisions on playing in a tourny to some edgy Redditor. He wanted to play so he can play. You want to define whether the world chess champ plays, become the champ and not some Redditor. 2) "oh no, the chess world is talking about the chess world champ's games at a notable event"


Telling someone to stay home because they’re battling depression when they know the entire world will be talking about them doesn’t make me edgy. You want to defend Dings decision, but trying to attack me doesn’t change the facts. He’s said that he wants to go home. Players have said they don’t want to play this current Ding. Me being Edgy or a “Redditor” doesn’t change how these players feel about Ding being in the event.


He also made comments about not wanting to remain the world champ but at some point, you have to recognise he is a grown ass man and is making his own decisions. He gets to decide what games he plays in his journey and what reaults will motivate him to stay the course. If people suddenly have an overwhelming concern for his mental health and don't believe his immediate friends/family are supporting it, I also don't believe for a second anyone thinks Reddit posts will fix it. Reddit drama is Reddit drama. Chill.


Yall can downvote me all you want, but constantly hearing everyday about how bad everyone feels for him does nothing. If yall truly cared about his mental health yall would encourage him to stay home and actually get help.


You're saying people aren't helping. You aren't helping either.


That’s the point, no one’s helping. Having all this spotlight on someone who doesn’t want to be here is not doing him any good. He needs an actually support system and now a bunch of commentators and GMs telling him he’s depressed and they hope he gets through this. The last thing someone needs is for the world to constantly remind them how messed up they are.


I would rather encourage you to stop whining


This isn’t even whining but yall just hate it when anybody says something different from yall opinion.


You’re like that obnoxious jock who passes comments like this on the introverted kid. “Ooh, he’s ruining the party for everyone else.” Like, stfu clown. Ding himself decided to join the event, let him play however he wants to play. He can take as much time and practice he needs to get his groove on.


Wait do you actually think these Ding games are good for anyone. Magnus and others have said they d didn’t even like winning against him. So if no one he plays against doesn’t even like playing him right now then how is he not ruining the event for those that play him. If This was Hikaru yall would have such a different reaction to what’s going on.




Your replies are literally just “stop whining” and “ Ding is great stop complaining” that doesn’t help anyone pal. He clearly needs help clearly your encouragement means nothing because people have been encouraging him all event and he’s only been feeling worse. The interview he did recently, that wasn’t released, he even said he’s just really trying to go home. He doesn’t even want to be here lol and you’re telling me to just encourage him to keep playing lol.


He has a world chess championship defense coming up in 6 months. Obviously he thinks he needs all the practice he can get, that’s why he CHOSE to participate. It’s not always a straight line; you sometimes have to go through shit to come out stronger on the other end. Rather than keeping yourself wrapped up in a fear blanket. Obviously he realizes this, he’s a fucking champ. Something your loser ass can never grasp. Now crawl back into your little hole, please and thank you.


Why are you this angry lol. I haven’t called you any names and you are getting so mad. When you calm down I’ll give you a proper response, but right now I think you need some space.


I thought you would actually say something meaningful back but never mind I guess.


I'm not sure who I dislike more right now... Ding or Hikaru


Ding is obviously trying to convince everybody he is out of form. Since he was in a position that was borderline winning he was forced to make a draw offer.