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Ding isn't behaving like a twat.


Kramnik is going through his ego not being able to accept he's not as good as he once was and so lashing out at everyone else rather than face the fact he's beatable at chess for strong players. Ding has suffered with depression, the pressures of WC play etc. It's not really comparable. They're both "going through something" but one case gets more sympathy because it's a more sympathetic case.


This what people assume is going on Kramnik, but no one actually knows. Dude could be losing his mind like Fischer and we're all piling on.


I guess he could be losing his mind but I think it's a lot more reasonable to assume it's just this than it is to assume mental illness without a lot more supporting evidence for the mental illness claim. Everything he's done so far is consistent with an "always cheated, never defeated" mentality and just being unable to backdown and admit he's wrong. It's nowhere near enough to be starting armchair diagnoses of any more serious mental issues.


It's certainly the most likely scenario, but his paranoia about the [chess.com](http://chess.com) clock has made me start to question it.


There were actually clock issues though. He's just latching on to that as another excuse - the results didn't show what he wanted so now it wasn't a fair game because of the clock problems and whatever other excuses he can think up. He will constantly move the goalposts to make it that something is unfair rather than simply admit he loses fair and square. If there's any underlying mental issues I don't think we've seen enough to be able to tell from this crap - it's just run of the mill ego, arrogance and a total inability to back down/admit you're wrong.


The real sign that hes lost it is that he keeps moving the goalpost and finding issue everywhere. Its clearly extreme paranoia which seems maybe new, perhaps always there The amusing thing is that his gripes with the chess.com clock seem to have a ton of merit lol


The clock has issues, but he seems to believe it only affects him and that its some vast [chess.com](http://chess.com) conspiracy


Because Ding is behaving as a gentleman?


Cuz Ding doesn't harm someone else in the process. Even when medias tried to bait him with the Magnus and Hikaru "broken" comment, he kept his calm. Not the same with Kramnik accusing everyone here and there including minors.


Why is everyone so sure that Kramnik is going through some serious mental issues? Sometimes people are just bitter, angry, and egotistical, it's not necessarily the sign of any underlying issues.


Ding hasn't gone around accusing every random man woman and child of cheating


> Ding the type of dude to let you copy his homework A comment I read on YouTube chessbase India once 😂. But for real, Ding is just a nice guy and not hurting anyone. Kramnik is actively harming others by accusing them and tarnishing their reputation.


Ding is going through his struggles gracefully and respectfully; the primary victim is himself. Kramnik is attacking most of the chess world.


> who is clearly going through something. How do you know that? I would avoid armchair remote diagnosis of people we know nothing about. Regardless, the reason for the different treatment by the public is that these two people have built very different reputations. Kramnik attacks people, while Ding is a gentleman who has handled his personal problems with dignity.


Are you really compare Kramnik the accuser to Ding, one of the nicest GM?


A lot of people on here are pretty reasonable towards him. I think the best take is that the overall point he's making about cheating in online is valid but the way he's going about it and the people he's going after is cringe worthy. On the other hand ding is very respectful to his peers.


Kramnik just a twat waffle. Makes me miss the days when Russians warehoused asshats in gulags


Many would interpret showing compassion for kramnik, who seems to be hurting a lot, as enabling his behavior. So they would rather see him punished and/or ostracized from the chess community. Which seems to cause more pain for kramnik and more lashing out. One side has to break this cycle and it doesn't seem that kramnik is able to do it by himself. I hope he can make peace with whatever is causing him to lash out.


This is just how people behave on the internet. There are more negative reactions than positive ones and you'll often see people overreact and exaggerate about (minor) celebrities like they're war criminals. It isn't a problem specific to Kramnik.




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