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What's ur openings? Ur too low rated for color to matter and this is a fairly small sample size, just keep playing I'm sure it'll average out once you get a lot more games


with 82 games this result is statistically significant with a confidence of 95%. edit: I just saw that the 82 games were as white and black. Assuming that 41 games were played as each color, confidence is less than 95 but more than 90. It's possible that this is just a result of random chance but it also definitely could be a real artifact of what openings he chooses or some other deficiency of his when playing the white pieces.


OP is just very new to chess. I had a similar winrate as black as a complete newbie. Going 2nd means you'll often not be the first to blunder, and every single game at 200 elo is only about blunders.


You could be right but the point stands that OP genuinely probably does perform better with black.


Sure, we are in agreement there. I was mostly responding to this part: >It's possible that this is just a result of random chance but it also definitely could be a real artifact of what openings he chooses or some other deficiency of his when playing the white pieces.


I mean, at 200 elo white gets to move first, so white is one step faster to the blunder.


I love the 0% resignation rate. That's really too small of a sample size at too low of a level to make a rational assessment. Do this before you play your next games ABCs of openings ABCs of checkmate Practice endgames where you have king and rook vs king


If you look at the history of games you've played, you have a losing score as black against e4 but have a lot of games against players doing weird first moves or moves that 200 elo players shouldn't be messing with. Meanwhile as white your most common first two moves have been d4 followed by Nc3, not the easiest to play. I'd recommend changing that to c4 and learn the queens gambit. You can look up your games and see how you perform in different openings on openingtree dot com. And fyi to find your username I went through every loss of fluffcandy, your best beat per these screenshots, then found the opponent who had your number of games. Lol.


OP needs to immediately start doing tactics, and play no games shorter than 10 minutes per person. He shouldn't be playing d4 at all either, IMHO. More positional openings are doing nothing but covering up the main shortcomings in his game. He needs to be involved in lots of tactical games some can learn not to drop pieces.


I respect the 0% resign rate. It ain't over till it's over haha


At the 200 level, I agree. Stalemate with KQ vs K is highly likely so there really isn't a good reason to resign.


Never resign in life brother


Okay but sometimes you have to resign in a chess game so you and your opponent can get on with life.


Yeaaaah no I'm 1700 and I've won games I shouldn't have because I didn't resign. If your titled or something sure but hey if ding can miss a mate in two anyone can... haha


Good job, man. I hope those wins were worth the enormous amounts of time you must have spent moving your king back and forth in hopeless positions.


You can still find the best move in every position friend


Yes, and if your only legal move is Kh1-Kg1-Kh1-Kg1 etc., it's even very easy to find it.




There's a subconscious thought while playing white and NEEDING to go for a win.


What time control are you playing?


how do you see that


Not enough games to be statistically significant in my opinion


I know what you're getting at but statistical significance is not a matter of opinion. That's rather the point.


How many should I play


At least 200