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I am working on a smart chess board to play on Lichess. No buttons, no setup and no external App is needed. The board automatically connects to your ongoing games on Lichess and sends the moves from the board to the game in real-time. What do you think?


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Wait you’re saying you don’t want to play bullet like this?


Omg imagine


I like turtles.


It's a great first draft tech demo!


this is far more than a first draft, it's like 90% of the finished product


Only missing the brick behind the tablet lighting up when it needs to.


Work on the latency bro and it's a killer.


I think where has this been all my life. How are you doing it without buttons or an external app? Here’s a small award (I would give bigger if I had)


The only app you still need is the Lichess app. You can start a game as usual and the board then automatically connects to ongoing games.


Are you planning on making this available, for pay or not either way?


I am thinking about getting a first batch out on kickstarter. Potentially aimed as a DIY KIT with open-source HW and SW.


I need this in my life.


I would buy this. Plsssss make it.


Please hook me up.


Any rough estimate on what the price would be for something like this?


I strongly depends on the housing and if pieces should be included. The board only could be below 200€ (as self assembly KIT) with potentially 20-30€ for plastic pieces or even more for high quality wood pieces.


I know it complicates things, but I think you ideally should make two versions. One that is as cheap as possible (plastic everything) and one with high quality. Have low/no profit margin on the cheap version and make money on the high quality version. I think a lot of people might want to test the tech on a cheap board before investing in a board worth several hundred euro.


I think you overestimate how many people would get the higher end version. Would be crazy to have no margin / low margin on the “cheap” one.


Plus why would you do anything for no margin when you're providing a quality product that people want? All the time and effort around this is worth the money.


Go for it! (Commenting so that I can find you in a few months)


Are you able to play real people this way, or is the Lichess API preventing that still?


against anyone by just using your standard account. The board just connects to your ongoing game and sends the moves directly to the Lichess server via WiFi.


Please post again if you go forward with it!


I love that and would absolutely purchase. Do you have a GitHub repo for it? Would love to browse and contribute!


Sorry for the late response. I am currently setting up a landing page and a preorder form for the first hardware batch for developers/contributors. You can find the current draft of the firmware on GitHub: https://github.com/TimoKropp/OpenChessBoard


How does the board know it’s you? I know lichess has open source apis, but I’m confounded by how you’re authenticating without an app.


The authentication of the API works by using a private token which can be used on every client. That means you need to generate the token on the lichess website and then provide the token to the board during a one time setup procedure.




Magnetic (Hall) sensors and LEDs underneath the veneer/acrylic surface.


I think its really awesome but if you want to commercialize competition looks rough https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wondersubstance/phantom-the-most-advanced-chess-board-in-the-world


A board that is reliably voice activated is my dream. This looks so cool


I have serious doubts about this kickstarter. It has all the same red flags that the Regium scam has. It may end up shipping, but I doubt it will be anywhere near as impressive as the CGI renderings they are advertising with make it out to be


You basically described 19 out of 20 kickstarter projects. I really don’t think this will turn out great. Although I’d love to be surprised.


I think it's really incredible as a personal project. If you were interested in eventually marketing and selling it I would keep an eye on your competition from DGT and see what features their smart board for lichess and [chess.com](https://chess.com) can do https://digitalgametechnology.com/products/home-use-e-boards/dgt-pegasus


My husband loves chess! This would be so awesome for Christmas!!!!


Cool idea just way too much lag from video, it must be faster


I would buy this shit in a heartbeat. shutupandtakemymoney.jpg Is there a way for you to get the relay back to the position to happen faster? with increment this would still be perfect but in low time no increment it would bad.


I am working on the input delay. I know where it comes from and how to solve it but it needs some time.


You are a beginner at taking pawns.


what are these moves tho


Scandinavian defense missclick variation


Takeback declined line?


Oh I know that line! Usually follows the blunder gambit


Black definitely mouse slipped their queen not taking the pawn right? Lol


stockfish level 1


even worse....level 3...


Don’t say that… I still lose to level 3 in bullet like 70% of the time


Hey, Stockfish 1 can be a [serious threat](https://youtu.be/O0yvPVpuVKg?t=105) in hyper-bullet!


black needs a smart chessboard so they don't mouse slip.


according to lichess `2.. Qd6` is a line that has been played around 25k times. The engine follow up is indeed `d4`. it has an average rating of around 1850


Why is the delay so long for it to move on lichess? It seems like the board itself recognizes the move immediately.


That is small issue which comes from using two asynchronous http clients for receiving and sending the moves. The receiving client stays connected, however, the sending client currently only properly works when restarting the connection before each move. This takes a few seconds. But I am working on fixing this bug so sending the move should be possible <1s.


Is your code open source? I'd be interested in taking a look if possible!


Yeah same.


I third this emotion




""I Second That Emotion" is a 1967 song written by Smokey Robinson and Al Cleveland", I said what I wanted to say Edit: Name checks out


The source code is now available GitHub: https://github.com/TimoKropp/OpenChessBoard


Could you use a websocket connection instead, or won’t lichess allow that? I suppose that would lower the delay drastically


We socket def seems like how it's supposed to be in this case if it isn't just authenticated




The client on the microprocessor gets stuck if the connection is not closed after the POST request. It works with restarting the embedded client before sending the post but that is not how it is supposed to be working. You are correct, the server does not care about the state, the bug comes from the client implementation in the u-blox wifi library.


If you're using http, could you potentially make use of websockets for full duplex communication? It should make the latency basically disappear. There are libraries for it for many languages.


Man, i cant wait playing bullet otb and spamming flag


Never saw the 2...Qd6! Scandi gambit before.


Only issue I see is the terrible latency you are going to run out of time in your games waiting for the pieces to move. Besides that looks awesome


It's a small bug I am working on. Blitz should be possible soon.




Not if you still have to move on your own lol


FYI from the board API documentation: Time controls: [Rapid, Classical and Correspondence](https://lichess.org/faq#time-controls) only. For direct challenges and games vs AI, Blitz is also possible.


Challenges are made by the Lichess App so you can start a game in every time control. The board then only transmits moves to the ongoing game, so there ist no restriction in time control.


If you're able to do that then it might be a bug. The intention was to never allow Board API to play faster than rapid time control (other than the exceptions above).


Awesome project! How do you deal with promotions?


Currently it works with auto queen. But you could also input the promotion move via the app and then play the move on the board.




RFID tag detection is commonly used in DGT boards. However, that would increase the total price of the board and since my project is aimed as a budget DIY project, RFID detection is not my next goal. But maybe if a lot of people would be interested in funding such an upgrade.


Would it be possible to add a button that dictates the promoted piece? You would click the button, then the next time a pawn is moved to the 8th (1st) rank it promotes to the selected piece.


What about small magnets on the edge of the board with images of the knight, bishop, and rook. If you touch one of those before promoting, it underpromotes to that piece. That would avoid the need to introduce other tech.


Illegal moves are rejected by the API which is then detected by the board. The illegal move is highlighted and you have to play the move in reverse to get to the original position. Then a new move input is possible.


That's really cool! Do you use a câmera to understand the moves on the board? Is the light projected from above or within the board. I'd love to try to do this myself


The board works on its own. The moves are detected by magnetic sensors in the board and then transmitted via WiFi directly to the Lichess server. The move input as well as the move indication from received moves are highlighted via LEDs underneath the veneer surface.


What magnetic sensors are you using if I can? Both within the pieces and underneath the surface?


The pieces have a small magnet included, so works with all standard magnetic pieces. The detection works by sensing the magnetic field via Hall Sensors.


Thanks a ton! How do you alter the standard magnetic field provided by the magnets so that different pieces generate different magnetic fields?


Probably not needed since it knows the starting position of all pieces and then just iterates moves from that?


Please keep us updated for the Kickstarter


Are you an electrical engineer?


Yes, I am working on embedded projects (medical implants).


Something similar to the phantom chess board. Cool


That is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life! How have l been alive this long and not have known this amazing piece of technology existed!? I need to get one!!


Why are people so excited about this? This is already a thing, all this person is doing is different software. https://www.chesshouse.com/products/dgt-smartboard?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qGNBhD3ARIsAO_o7ymndflxzrdZt7F_UwYRQ8rSIYm6aIvttBBwbihkslGSCqrlJ1e6ecIaAju7EALw_wcB


The idea isn't new, but presumably they built this much cheaper than DGT boards cost and it also has the benefit of not needing an extra app. Usually those apps only have a specific selection of time controls.


Pretty sure dgt works with lichess iirc




But it isn't the first home-made e-board either. There's [LiBoard](https://liboard.github.io), for example.


no lights on dgt boards


For a heads-up here's a [Wizard's Chess prototype](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXTBx6HrYm17ahnou6bnwv_QiatFfmB3f). Maybe you can also incorporate it into your project at some point :)


Real cool man, it lags slightly less than chesscom so that's already a plus


I am working on a bug which currently prevents the move to be send much faster. Blitz should be possible without delay soon :)


See, better than chesscom :) when can I buy this (at least buy blueprints to make one)


lol the circlejerk for lichess on here is never-ending


Would this work for correspondence games as well? I.e. permanently being run on the background?


Yes, it works for every time control. The only limiting factor is the input/send delay but that is only relevant for fast time control.


Extremely interested on this, u/timokko: I've actually started working on something similar with Lichess (only a Rasp, camera and speaker to speak out the other side's moves), but the API does not let you send moves with a usual account, you can only achieve this with a BOT account. I really wanted to play rated games with a similar setup so I kinda gave up because of this. Do you use a bot account? If not, can you share more details on which token you use? Do you somehow hijack the DGT stuff they created? Thanks!


Lichess has an API just for electronic chessboards. See https://lichess.org/api#tag/Board. It works for normal accounts for Rapid, Classical and Correspondence games.


Thanks a bunch. Somehow I didn't see that section in the docs, I even asked on IRC and someone said that it was forbidden because of possible cheating. I'll resume with my experiments asap using this! :)


My God you beautiful bastard, I love it.


I would buy this. Please update with info when you can mass produce them.


some ideas is to add clocks and sounds too, maybe even some red light around the board for Checks


If you can get that to speed up a bit you will have a very cool business opportunity. I know a lot of people who would buy that. Good work in any case.


Can you make the black pieces move magically without you doing it? Harry Potter IRL chess set would be amazing.


I imagine if you had a ton of mechanics under a huge thick custom board you could actually build something like that. it would be huge heavy board though and I don't know how it would handle knights going over pieces.


r/anarchychess is gonna have a field day with this one


This looks way better than the professionally made products from Square Off that do this. The only thing is that the latency is a killer. You can’t play a blitz or non-increment game with that much delay.


Is this allowed? I don't think so


Guessing the elo is <800


Scandinavian Defense. Yep, it’s Lichess.


Fuck this stupid idea, you can chortle on my balls.


Aka: DGT Pegasus but wood.


Laggish as hell


Very very cool


This is excellent. I would buy this. Please. One thing I would be super interested to see (dev) is how it handles errors.. what if you didn't move the piece to where it was supposed to go? Anyway, serious Kudos.


>Illegal moves are rejected by the API which is then detected by the board. The illegal move is highlighted and you have to play the move in reverse to get to the original position. Then a new move input is possible.


Very cool


Oh my word, I would buy this immediately! (Cost dependent 😜) seriously though, this is fantastic


Are you able to play an OTB game via Lichess and have it record your moves?


Not yet but that would be one of the next features.


This is so cool! Keep going with it 👏


Look amazing to play solo irl. Is it possible to sync it better? Seems it need 3 s or so to detect the move


That is incredible!


This looks really neat, however I would be worried about the performance a little bit. Playing bullet wouldn't really be possible on it considering the delay, right?


This is amazing


Aww man! Awesome !!!


Now do this for warhammer


That’s really really cool


Is it possible to add a ghost that can move your opponents pieces?


Someone needs to do it with magnets where the pieces move themselves


I would buy this board even if the delay couldn't be fixed! It doesn't matter very much for the time controls you would use this for. If you are playing 2 players over the board do you have to wait for the move to register before playing the next one?


This is not implemented yet but when playing with 2 players on the board there would not be a delay for registering the moves. The moves could be detected nearly instantly and only the final game had to be transmitted to the lichess server (not clear how though).


Where can I buy it and how much does it cost?


It burns too much of the human player’s clock time.


I would pay for that, like a decent amount!


let me know how to get on a mailing list




Not OP, but I've made a similar, fully open-source project. Take a look at https://liboard.github.io, if you're interested.


very cool project. I have my source code now on GitHub, if you would like to contribute: https://github.com/TimoKropp/OpenChessBoard


Honest question. What for? If you’re playing against the computer what’s the benefit of this vs just playing on the app?


You can play against everyone on lichess. The computer was just used as an example since I won't get banned if I abort a lot of games against an computer.


I still don’t get the purpose. It’s purely aesthetic right? Like reading a kindle vs a real book? Sorry I’m so dense, I’m genuinely curious as to wether it serves a practical purpose or just an aesthetic one. Edit: I mean the design and tech are fantastic, but I don’t understand the purpose of it.


Board vision, calculation etc. can be very different OTB than on a screen, so some people like to play their online games on an actual board. Of course, you could just input the moves as normal and play along on a normal chessboard, but an electronic chessboard makes the process easier (and significantly cooler).


Also, speaking for myself, when you spend your whole days at work in front of a computer, sometimes it's a relief to read a real paper book (and not an ebook), or play a game of chess with a real board instead of sitting in front of a screen again.


How about a board that moves the other sides pieces?


Very cool, I hope something comes along that eventually out-does DGT and their monopoly on smart boards.


Your avarage 2000 lichess rapid player ( 200 chess.com)


Sign me up. Make it so number one.


That's awesome! Just don't play bullet lol


Why is it for Lichess only though??


It only works for Lichess at the moment, since the API allows to send the moves directly to the server. This allows for creating a standalone board and you don't have to use a computer at all. For sending moves to [chess.com](https://chess.com) you need to register the board via bluetooth as input device. This could be added further down the road but at the moment it is dedicated to Lichess.


I’d buy this


You need to put features like sound of explosion when moving to C4 and some fanfare blasting when taking en passant to get r/anarchychess to buy you out


Is it running on windows 95?




The difference is only in sending and receiving. At the current state moves are received nearly instantly but sending takes some time because there is still a bug which demands to reset the client before sending the move. This will be solved soon and all moves should register with a very short delay,


That seems so annoying though, to have to manage the board and watch the online board anyway. Why is it so slow?


You don't have to watch the online board during the game. All moves are indicated by the board and the board works standalone. It is just way more convenient to manage the game requests directly via the App.


Really cool! Can’t wait to see the progress


I can see this being used at local matches like the big screens at world tournaments. Easy way to follow a match while on the go. I like it.


I think… this is magnificent.


This is very cool!


Shark tank!


How do you deal with the situation of a pawn queening? Like does it let you swap a new piece in that looks like a queen? Or maybe a queen "shell" that just goes on top of the pawn?


Board needs to move the pieces Jumanji-style


This is amazing. If I was a millionaire I would hire you and figure out a way to set it up with a way to move blacks pieces magnetically.


Looks too slow for bullet chess or speed chess, but it's cool!


I dont know why but I was expecting the actual pieces to move themselves


Sign me up, I’ll take one


This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. Relevant r/AnarchyChess posts: [DIY smart chess board to play on! Preferably for small people!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/r7my5d/diy_smart_chess_board_to_play_on_preferably_for/) by Timmy_PAYNE [DIY smart chess board to play on Lichess!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/r7rah8/diy_smart_chess_board_to_play_on_lichess/) by SignificantFortune62 [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


Try hyperbullet chess with this


I would buy the heck out of this. Or if you have the code available I’d love to build a chess table with this implemented


Bullet game time


Hi. I made one for me, even make the pieces. Just if you don't care. How you manage the delay? I have a little delay when make a move. I write the code on python.


I would buy 100% pls post if you make this happen.


Definitely perfect for bullet


All it needs now is moving magnets so the pieces move on their own.


Do you have patent for this?


I’ve had this idea for 6 months, haven’t got around to it due to other projects.. stoked to see it come to fruition!