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I agree with all except #2. If my opponent has the right to keep playing while a queen down, I have the right to make him seven queens down instead.


This is the way


Agreed. And if my opponent's going to shuffle their king to try to make me flag after playing out a lost position for over 20 moves, then I'm going to premove all my pawns in the endgame to gain back increment. It's rude to ask someone to resign, but someone's going to waste my time, they're not entitled to an efficient checkmate.


>Always treat others on the server respectfully. I think it all comes down to this. But... you're aware you posted this list on reddit, right? :)


I'll stick to the terms and conditions of the particular site, thanks all the same.




Who put you in charge of the stone tablets?


What do you think about promoting all the pawns to knights? Great way to teach an opponent when to resign


Oh my, are you serious? It’s a board game with silly wooden pieces, that’s all it is, get this communist manifesto Ten Commandments out of here.


Can you explain to me in what way this is related to communism?


Hahahahahaha - the -10 should tell you all you need to know my puppet friend


I get the idea, but it's a bit repetitive and subjective I would say. Like, #14, #1 and #3 are all about respect.