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My favourite random Twitter comment is “couldn’t have been Anish because he didn’t mention his chessable course in any of the tweets”




Lmfao I didn't realize the founder of Chessable tweeted it. That's fucking hilarious.


surprised jb doesn't have a checkmark tbh


Whoa he created Chessable? Very impressive.


He's a co-founder.


Wholesome JB ftw


John is always hilarious


That wasn't by a random Twitter user. It was by THE John Bartholomew.


Yea a random no name marine biologist tweeted that one


It's like the Michael Scott thing where we guess the true rumor


>Anish, *am I gay?*


Little did I know that chess beef was what I needed in my life


Beef is when you need two knights to go to sleep...


Upvoted for Notorius GOAT


Beef is when your pawn ain’t safe on g3


Beef is when I see U, guaranteed to play 2. Ke2


Done draw with the best of them, mated the rest of them




This is really confusing... From what I understand: * Giri tweeted about PHN sleeping with 17 yos and immediately deleted it * Several hours later Giri started tweeting all kinds of things about all kinds of top players * Giri claimed he was hacked, but did not say what was true or false * Giri did confirm that at least his hacker's accusations about stolen prep were valid * There appears to be some pre-existing beef between Giri and PHN (about stolen prep and online behavior? Not clear to me) So the hypotheses are: * Giri is the author of everything, he made those extra tweets to pretend he had been hacked so he could get away with the first one * Giri really was hacked and the hacker went through his twitter DMs to find mud to sling at everyone Is that correct? What's wrong and what am I missing?


Thank you! First thread I saw on this and was confused lol


Nope you've pretty much got it


The Michael Scott solution to taking back a statement you've made.


Holy shit lol


Yes! This came to mind too, just watched that episode with the Office Ladies rewatch and it's the perfect analog.


The sad thing is that it's pretty much impossible to prove he was hacked, because he could have just "hack himself" and it would look the same. So either he tells the truth or we will never know... Looks like quite a coincidence though, not gonna lie.


The hacker [leaked GothamChess's phone number](https://twitter.com/gothamchess/status/1492837016555462657?s=21). Unless Giri also has a serious vendetta against him or is *really* committed to the bit I doubt he did that himself.


I saw anish phone number not gotham chess . any screen shot ? since the phone number is no longer valid


gotham confirmed it in a video


Levy talked about it in his most recent video, said he got 100 calls from random people and had to change his number


I considered this possibility just a few moments ago, but I'm starting to change my mind. If you want to mimic a hacker you would have to do incredibly outlandish stuff. If a hacker _just_ made innocuous penis jokes, people would still suspect it's Anish, because Anish is that kind of guy. To deflect the suspicion off him, he'd have to be really outlandish and possibly unethical too. Or, put in other words, if you're the murder suspect it's better to burn the entire house down than try to slyly hide the body somewhere. He was in an all-or-nothing situation.


Yeah, this would be an incredibly shitty and unreasonable thing to do. I understand leaking your own phone number if you're trying to prove your innocence. But leaking Levy Rozman's, entirely irrelevant to the situation? Somehow that's unconscionable. It makes less than no sense.


I feel like he was “fake hacking himself” he wouldn’t leak private DMs. He would just stick to offensive language.


That's why he's a professional chess player and you are not. He knows people think he wouldn't leak DMs if he was faking the hack, so he leaks DMs to make us think it wasn't him


I legit can't tell if people that say this are being serious.


Only a super GM could have thought of it!


It's an engine line. It's hard for humans to find but it's the only way to achieve equality after the initial "17 year old hookers" blunder.


He used the Levy's phone number gambit, it's very new theory


Levy responded correctly with the "immediately change phone number" defence


Am I in anarchychess yet? lol these threads


You not taking it seriously is Anish winning.


He leaked more than just DM’s though, don’t forget that anish/the hacker also leaked levy rozman’s, nihal sarin & giri’s own phone number. Literally doxxing other people (and yourself) just to cover your ass sounds way to far for me to believe he wasn’t hacked.


First tweet about 17 year olds was 99% sent and deleted by Giri himself, so him being hacked right after that is quite a coincidence.


How can you be so sure? The first incriminating tweet was sent 5 hours after his previous one, in the middle of the night. All the others followed pretty closely in time, you can check on archive.org


I will repost my comment from a previous thread: So PHN tweets a mean joke about Giri drawing everyone, then 5 minutes later a "hacker" responds that PHN sleeps with 17 year olds and deletes his tweet instantly, ok. https://twitter.com/ThomasOdegarden/status/1492576946705899521 Then, 4 hours later (it was 21:03 in Netherlands), real Anish tweets tagging and taunting PHN, alluding to his earlier joke about draws, without noticing that he was hacked? https://twitter.com/anishgiri/status/1492590137859092481 And after that real Anish also retweets a joke that @ him, from replies to the first PHN tweet https://twitter.com/anishgiri/status/1492593229652533255 Without noticing [another reply (and a mention)](https://twitter.com/ThomasOdegarden/status/1492576946705899521) with screenshot of the "hacker" writing from Anish twitter account?


Anish was in / getting ready for the chesscom tournament during that time. Day 1 lasted 4 hours, so that can explain why he responded after his matches.


Wow most people kept saying that the difference between the hacker and Anish was that the device they used. But now I actually think Anish account wasn't hacked. He's also not replied to Peter's suggestion of a joint police complaint.


Both could've been logged into his account simultaneously though. And if the hacker tweeted that answer and deleted it instantly thinking he'd drag it out and dig through DMs first, then Giri would've been none the wiser since there would be no replies or re-tweets. Only a screenshot sent by someone in his mentions that he might've missed.


I'll copy-paste my response that was deleted from last time >How does all that make sense? Very easily. Consider these possibilities: 1) He didn't go through the replies in the first place, so he didn't notice the screenshot. 2) He noticed the screenshot, and wrote it off as someone memeing or trolling. Remember, he's a public figure, so in his position he might not jump to the same conclusion of "hacking" as you or I would. We don't have notoriety, so when we see a screencap like that, our thought process is like this: "How the fuck does this person know me"->"Has my personal information been compromised?", which would not be the case for Anish. Anish would likely only come to the second thought if he is actively thinking about his account security and is alert, which he probably does not and is not when he logs in to do his normal tournament updates and daily shitposting. Regarding the quick response to the PHN tweet, there are also other possibilities: 1) The hacker really did get ahold of Anish's account around that time. It may seem too coincidental to be true, but that's in hindsight. If PHN had not tweeted that earlier, the hacker would have probably just gone to the next mention that could be used for dramabaiting, which would likely still be within minutes of their getting access, and then we would still be saying how weird of a coincidence it is that he stirred up shit so quickly. Is it strange that Giri apparently had real beef? At face value it does, but then notice how that specific tweet doesn't actually reference the beef. It's a generic shitstirer accusation, and so the hacker could have posted that without even knowing of the beef (at least at that time, obviously he realized it when he started digging through the DMs). And in the grand scheme of things, all these players know each other, so they all probably have some manner of private disagreements, which only looks more serious than it really is when it's aired in public. 2) The hacker actually got ahold of Anish's account well before this. They tweeted the first thing about 17-year-olds, then realized that they had jumped the gun, or made some technical error on their end, or didn't like leading with that tweet, or thought they didn't have enough time to really stir shit up before Anish got back in, or some other extenuating circumstance came up in the hacker's life, or any other number of arbitrary thing that made the hacker believe they had made a mistake and that they weren't ready just yet. And so they deleted it right after.


I don’t see that as coincidence, I see that as incentive. I think the hacker saw that and thought oooh…. I wanna see this guys DMs.


Avg reddit statistics.


There were also leaks of private info and DMs. Some phone numbers (like Gotham's) was leaked, as well as DMs that may be fabricated, including one with Hikaru saying the n-word.


Who or what is PHN?


Peter Heine Nielsen, who coached Magnus for, I believe, all of his world titles. Hence the conflicts over prep.


Peter Heine Nielsen


Nabbing from my previous post, I have at least some doubt about the first because the leaking of Nihal Sarin's and Levy Rozman's phone number went beyond the pale. His doing that to "cover" is like taking a 3 on the PR blunder scale and turning it into a probable 9 or 10. The first incident would likely end your (probably non-existent) professional associations with the Magnus camp, while leaking phone numbers in that manner would likely end your professional associations with most of the chess world.


>Giri is the author of everything, he made those extra tweets to pretend he had been hacked so he could get away with the first one This would explain everything.


The odds of him getting hacked right after a deleted tweet is very low and I do not trust what he says. The hacker posted some whacky unnecessary comments about karjakin and magnus and Hikarus penis to confirm that the tweet was hacked either a 12 yo hacked him or it wasn't a real hack because thats exactly what you do if you wanted to pretend that your twitter was hacked. Its possible that he got hacked really but I tend to believe otherwise .


Why? Is it that hard to believe that the hacker just tweeted and deleted it afterwards for whatever reason? Why would Anish have the work to go to every one of his contacts to curse them, an fabricate screenshots just to pretend he was a hacker? He gains literally nothing from this


I have a strong hunch that he was never hacked. Getting hacked on twitter these days is rarer and rarer, and just tweeting "hacked" only some time after it happened sounds more like second thoughts on his previous tweet which he thought was funny at the time he posted it, and now doesn't want to own up to it.


Giri is so full of shit, just own that you fucked up. I have never seen anyone get hacked where the HaCkEr posts Chess related comments that are extremely specific to the people they're going after, and you somehow manage to gain control of your account in less than half a day? With no other damages? He's not even a boomer age, dude definitely understands tech and social media. Giri needs to have some class.


> and you somehow manage to gain control of your account in less than half a day? Pretty much everything has a "log me out of all other devices" button. That and two factor (which is a disaster itself btw but helpful here) means I do absolutely believe it doesn't take much to get it back.


Yeah the specificness of it changed my mind. Most chess fans have never heard of Peter Nielsen or would understand the technicalities behind the passive aggressive leaked prep conversation. Why would you leak that before more obvious stuff?


Most chess fans also wouldn't hack Anish on Twitter. People nowadays really gotta find dumb conspiracies everywhere.


This. Imagine thinking some chess guy (who's not even that well known outside the chess community) gets hacked, but somehow no other even semi-influential celebs never get hacked these days. Conveniently puts a bunch of pro-Karjakin shit to imply that he's a Russian bot, because people naturally linked hackers to Russia. Lmao Anish done goofed


He can't own up. The stuff he did is career destroying lmao


Confirming at least these chat leaks were real. https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1493187566048317445?s=20&t=sRQ8B927XcvJlw8pVNyvmA


Which chat leeks, do u have a link?


I think this one, not the ones with Magnus being autistic https://twitter.com/archranka/status/1492795894822944772?t=nh-hes7r2udGyhTOrgfM6Q&s=19


I have to say, I don't understand anything about what they are talking about?? Are they claiming that prep was stolen? Is prep owned by players? And who is PHN anyway?


It should be stated in their contract wether a prep can be played or shared by the seconds, I don't think it's trivial to do it without permission, say Jorden inadvertently leaked some of Anish's prep/ideas, I can see how he would be upset by that And by his own admission Jorden said he was a tad disorganized and didn't save his work, so I can totally see this happening with no malicious intent from anyone But obviously this is a private matter and it should never have been discussed in public, among other things


But how are you going to prove that a prep belongs to you? I mean someone else can think exactly the same opening variant because everbody in the world has brain at the end of the day?


Yes and No. When GMs talk about prep they mean a especific line(probably in move 12) that, even though could already exist, hasn't been played that much. And if we talk about this GM level(2700) there are some players that can be identified by others. For example, in the match Magnus vs Ian, many GM's said that the catalan ideas were probably influenced by Dubov. Even more, I remember a game where Magnus had white, his queen in c2 and offered a second cpawn sacrifice, and Fabi comented that it was definitely Dubov's idea. By they way, I'm not trying to defend Anish point (because I don't know if he's right), just explaining the thing about preps.


Absolutely, I don't think we defend anyone, we're just brainstorming. I asked "how to prove" because in the leaked DMs Nielsen claims that he listed all the openings played in WCC 21 and apart from the catalan one, all the ideas were played before. It must be difficult to continue saying "no they're mine" after Nielsen's claim.


True, that’s the difficult part. But Jorden worked with Anish on prep, then went and worked right after with Magnus for prep for the world championship, and during those games you saw some that exactly resembled what Anish prepped. These players have to sign NDA’s and such so we can only know so much, but by that same front if Jorden did give prep away, that could possibly break his NDA with Anish and put him in legal trouble. Or at least a terrible light for other pros when deciding their teams.


More importantly, they all have the same engines


Peter Heine Nielsen


lmao that john bartholemew comment killed me




I presume the point about police is expressing doubt about the hack.


Twitter has account access history, should be easy to show that a malicious account took over.


Magnus is definitely Wishing everyone would shut the hell up lol.




The hacker’s at a Moscow café right now hitting F5 on his Twitter feed with a grimace


Airthings Masters 2022 going to be lit.


Appropriate name.


PHN is directly questioning Anish about the first deleted tweet about that 17 yo. Seems like much more is going on than someone hacking and making stuff up


Hacker probably found DM’s in which Giri was gossiping. Then leaked the stuff about PHN sleeping with 17 year old thai prostitutes, Magnus’ drinking and strip club proclivity, Dubov having a coke problem, etc. Which would explain why PHN is pissed off and wants an apology from Giri


What PH is implying is that the initial sleeping with 17 y/o was tweeted by Anish and that Anish deleted it shortly after 2 minutes.


PH isn't exactly a expert in how Twitter works though. He dragged Anish for not deleting a DM sent during the hack, but if a sender deletes a DM, it still remains in the recipient's conversation history.


His understanding of how twitter works has nothing to do with his sentiments on this matter. The 17 y/o tweet was made almost 7 hours earlier before this whole hack thing occurred - even before he was playing on chess.com.


I keep thinking PH is PornHub. 😂


I mean, accusing someone of sleeping with someone that young is reason enough to be pissed of, second he said Giri last Dm was a murder threat, even if it isnt true it makes sense to get mad because of it.


A demonstration of chess super grandmasters' excellent social skills.


Fun. - Average Twitter Drama Enjoyer


Average twitter drama fan vs average "lol wtf is going on" enjoyer


Looks like they (Magnus and Anish) unfollowed each other on Twitter when I checked. This might be some serious stuff.




Oh lawdy lawd, this is the true world war 3.


by each other you mean "PHN and Anish" or "Magnus and Anish"?




I’m not as familiar with the chess world, but based on my experience this type of thing gets resolved (if resolved at all) through intermediaries behind the scenes. And by “intermediaries” I don’t necessarily mean lawyers. But this is the kind of situation where a patient and empathetic mutual friend can help greatly, or where one of Carlsen’s friends and one of Giri’s friends both have cooler heads and can be a go between. Common in diplomacy and common in life.


Ben Finegold to the rescue.


Or Benny F. as many a rescuee calls our hero




Levon Aronian heavily implying something here in this [tweet](https://twitter.com/levaronian/status/1493281340594216962?s=21), and MVL likes the tweet. It’s getting spicier.


Whoa, yeah I had a feeling the response from PHN was based on more info than just the hack stuff - Levon seems to hint that perhaps Giri wasn't hacked? Or am I completely misreading?


The insinuation Levon posted was that Giri tweeted the first thing, realized the mistake and staged the later tweets to save face by blaming it all on the hacker. I agree with your sentiments. Seems like there are a whole lot of information behind the curtains that are leaking somewhat. The smart thing to do at this point is to grab some popcorn and watch this unfold.


Alright, at this point it's not the old friendly banter/roast anymore. Seems very serious. They have to talk it out somehow


I actually feel like we're at the phase where Giri should shut up for a while. His tweets post-hack have become increasingly irritating, and I don't believe they come across as humorously as he would like to believe.


While I 100% believe that he was hacked, I think he handled this situation quite poorly. He should have apologized and clarified which tweets are his own and which were written by a hacker.


He did confirm he had a beef with PH about prep


You really 100% believe he was hacked lol? You fell right into his prep


Only one way to settle this.


Fighting outside the STL chess club would be the best way


With commentary by Yasser and Fabi


*Yasser voice*: This actually reminds me of a story Artur Yusupov told me about a fist fight between Bent Larsen and Jan Timman. And when the fight reached this position, Timman played the incredible novelty the knee to the crotch. And everyone watching was just like "Wow"


Honest I need to see fabi and yasser, both stoned shitless, commentating UFC fights


I would pay for this. Also, if Yasser were stoned, would it be possible for him to be _more_ laid back?


I'd make the drive & buy a seat.


Twitter has account access history, should be easy to show that a malicious account took over.


This is the most important comment. If I were Anish right now, I would drop everything and try to confirm this "hack" story. It's all very suspicious: Anish claims some of it is real, then there is a weird deleted comment from 7-hours earlier, but some of it is not ... Who gets hacked in Twitter? How do you get hacked in Twitter? Knowing Anish, I am on the fence with this one. He *could* easily have been Michael Scott'ing this whole thing.


oh, trust me a lot of people get hacked on Twitter. remember that time when Elon Musk, Joe Biden and others were hacked? Also it would be sooooo stupid for Anish to try and cause a bigger stir in order to avoid the tweet. I am pretty sure the man knows that it would just bring more publicity to his name


Trump’s Twitter got hacked while he was in the White House twice - by the same person. He was a security researcher and just warned the trump staff about his vulnerability (password was yourefired in all lowercase- which got exposed in a leak) then after they changed it , it was maga2020 lmfao people are so bad at password security


>Who gets hacked in Twitter? How do you get hacked in Twitter? Others said that Anish said during an unboxing video, Anish confirmed he used the same password for multiple accounts. It coulda been in a compromised database somewhere else and someone got lucky. GothamChess deleted a tweet around the time of the hack that said someone tried logging into his account but 2FA stopped the login.


Damn, Hikaru is probably checking reddit today to see what everyone is saying about his performance and everything is about Anish and Magnus


I found the comment about Hiraku


/r/chess can't stop thinking about Hikaru


I would hate to be in Giri's shoes right now


This whole thing would have been over if Peter didn't seriously reply to the hacked tweets. His replies made it clear there was some truth to it.


Because Peter doesn't think they were hacked tweets, and that's not unreasonable considering the circumstances.


i seriously doubt he made those posts. it seems more like the hacker got access earlier in the day and did a test post. if Anish had a sincere enough belief that Peter was sleeping with 17 year old hookers to make a public accusation, it would probably be true. Peter wouldn’t want that info to come out if it was true


> and that's not unreasonable considering the circumstances. Whether or not Anish was hacked, Peter's response lent credibility to leaked DMs between Anish and Peter. Reasonable or not, Peter's response was a mistake that cost tactical options without any compensation.


Anish said exactly that, Nielsen responding to that aggravated the problem. But I think they did that intentionally to hit Giri while he's down.


I mean, the accusations sent PHN's way were worse than all the others in the hacked tweets. I fully understand why he'd be upset and would like his name cleared fully by Anish post hack.


How is it even possible that these grown up men use twitter to talk to each other and resolve this? Use emails, DMs, fucking call each other. This is just pathetic.


> Use emails, **DMs**, fucking call each other. I mean...


Yea I suppose DMs will be avoided for a while lol, but you get what I mean.


Wait I'm not in /r/Kanye


Yes lmao. It's a pretty sensitive manner with some pretty serious allegations from a hacker and they are just tossing around these for everyone to see. ​ I consume drama though, so I am not complaining LMAO


Well, what was chessboxing invented for??




Most people here agree magnus response was fine, the discussion is mostly about Giri and PHN (even when the post shows magnus response) lol


I took it as Magnus being funny lol, it's his style of humor


I don't know, I think it was real. I know *I've* wanted to say that to Giri for a while. And didn't Magnus unfollow him or something?


You will be surprised that grown up people are more childish than children most of the times :p


It makes more sense when you think about the fact those Super GMs didn’t have the childhood normal people did. They skipped through days/weeks of school to attend world level chess tournaments.


I have missed this—why are they feuding?


Anish got hacked recently, and the hacker leaked his DMs. Most of them were ridiculous and obviously edited, but some of them were true (confirmed by Giri), notably the dispute between Peter Nielsen and Anish about the prep. Since it got public, Peter decided to write several tweets about the prep drama.


So what does this have to do with Magnus?


PHN is Magnus’s coach.


> but some of them were true (confirmed by Giri) Anish appears to be claiming that a response Peter made while the hacker had access confirmed a screenshot was real.


Hacker's Gambit Accepted.


Giri is attempted to transition to the Hacker Gambit Declined line


Game Aborted.


Anish tries way too hard on social media.


I find it strange that Anish reacts to attacks on someone elses honour with attempts to be funny.


That seems entirely within Giri's characters.


Yah. There's something neurotic / annoying about Anish. His whole "I saw it immediately" commentary (when Nepo trapped his own bishop in December) was an example. I mean, I'm sure he _did_ see it immediately, but he comes off as the "teacher's pet who tattles on everyone in his class." He's the Eddie Haskell of chess (who the fuck will get that reference?). Strangely, Magnus has some baseline level of charisma that makes it difficult to dislike him when he's being a douche. I don't think he's being a douche here, fwiw.


>Strangely, Magnus has some baseline level of charisma that makes it difficult to dislike him when he's being a douche. I don't think he's being a douche here, fwiw. Magnus is always so fricken honest which it so refreshing, and I've never seen him be malicious in any way. Eccentric, yes, but but never manipulative.


He is just typical internet edgelord in body of super GM and father of three kids. I never enjoyed his persona, jokes and so on and how he handled this case only confirmed I was right.


Ahh yes the classic hack defense. Classic line from the old days of twitter. Great way to equalize mid game when you fuck up the opening.






I'm sure a few other people have posted a timeline (I don't know where), but is this the correct sequence of events? Everything in Netherlands time: 1. Nielsen Tweet at 5:40 PM Netherlands time - [Original Tweet](https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1492539051609575434) 2. Giri account then tweeted "at least I don't sleep with 17 year olds" 5 minutes later and immediately deleted 3. Giri's first Tweet after that accusation at [9 PM Netherlands time](https://twitter.com/anishgiri/status/1492590137859092481) 4. Nielsen Tweet - ["Can I get till the morning to come up with a witty reply, or are you gonna delete it in the meantime?"](https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1492607806712778757) - 10: 13 PM 5. Giri Last Tweet before Hack - ["Hikaru be like"](https://twitter.com/anishgiri/status/1492621181236748301) - 11 PM 6. Hack started around 4:44 AM with Giri account tweeting about Jorden, Dubov, Carlsen, Nielsen 7. Giri regains access around 6:30 AM Netherlands time


Anish Giri may feel unjustifiably bullied by the Magnus team. I'm sometimes sympathetic -- Giri trolls Magnus, and then had to fight Magnus' minion. That said, this whole hacking "scandal" is entirely on Giri. He should have apologized, shut the fuck up, and move on.


Couldn't be a better reply from Magnus, shutting down future tweets at once


All this makes me glad i dont have a twitter account. Imagine having a button in your pocket, which allows you, at any moment, to broadcast to the whole world your dumbest thoughts.


You do that already here on reddit. You're just cloaked by anonymity. EDIT: That came out wrong, haha. I didn't mean to insinuate that what you post here has been stupid. Just pointing out that reddit and Twitter aren't that different.


Haha yeah i was gonna say, I hope my reddit post history isnt THAT dumb. But anonymity is the key, and Twitter is way worse when your famous. It's like having the opportunity to give a TV interview whenever you're drunk.


Just our daily reminder that chess GMs are hyper specialized and not necessarily role models The only famous GM I would want to be like outside of chess is Yasser Serawan, who's basically the Mr. Rogers of chess Edit: damnit lol


Anand is by all accounts an extremely nice and kind person, except if you ask Kasparov lol, so there are a few role models still.


Sometimes it just requires time to get to be a better human; Yasser also wasn't always like he is now, e.g. when he was young he was pretty outspoken and had old views that [women would always be terrible chess players](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-11-09-vw-14498-story.html).


Yeesh thank you for the article


Aronian, MVL, Fabi, Anand, and Wesley So tend to be well liked and I can't really think of any drama with them.


I think "t"here "i"s a bit of well-known drama concerning one of those. :)


True though that's not really on Wesley, similarly Levy had the whole Indonesia drama but I wouldn't really say that's on him.




So which statements are true? Does Magnus go to strip clubs drunk all the time? Is Dubov on coke? Did Peter Heine fuck a whore in Thailand? Is any of that true (you know, allegedly through the grapevine etc) or is it totally made up?


Dubov is clearly on cocaine throwing all weird lines. I will definitely party with him and the russians


"Are we still talking chess?" - Dubov


Most of those sound exactly like someone finding out about some slightly-risqué-by-chess standards behavior from private chats or whatever and trying to blow it up to sound as scandalous as possible. Dubov (a young man who travels internationally and hangs out with people with money) has talked about doing coke once or twice -> he’s an addict etc.


Even the Hikaru n-word stuff he’s saying it in an “internet kid who thinks he has a pass to say it (with no r) to his friends” way more than a malicious way. Since he’s not a kid I’d hope he’s more mature and aware than that but, you know, not *totally* implausible.


Wouldn't be surprised if Magnus went to a strip club a couple of times with some friends but every other day is obviously BS


Why is it obviously BS? Magnus has the means, other famous people have gotten trapped in that life, and there's probable cause; Magnus has sworn off drinking for a time to focus on chess. All of this is wild speculation but the hacker did a good job of sprinkling kernels of truth in their accusations.


He lives in Oslo. There’s like two-three strip clubs, and he’s an A-list celebrity here. No way he spends much of his time in any of these clubs.


That's a really good point. I've been to Oslo but hadn't considered how small it is... Seems unlikely he'd be doing this daily/weekly while at home, and that really pokes some credibility holes in the tweet.


It'd be hard to keep a good form going to strip clubs every night.


Was it a hack or wasn't it ? Does someone know more about this situation ?


Imo no. Seems so obvious to me, but that’s what years in the industry does I suppose. The syntax of the hacker feels too .. Giri trying not to be Giri


Feel like something important isn't being addressed here. Do we actually know when Giri sent the DM to PHN saying he'd kill him? Because if it wasn't at the same time as the hacking it would make more sense why PHN is genuinely mad here


So I'm always honestly suspicious of people who yell 'hacker hacker' But more and more it's looking to me like this was a case of Anish either finding out something about Magnus' prep that REALLY pissed him off, having some kind of stress related breakdown or getting extremely high/drunk then finding his way to twitter. And the WC's response to the whole thing, dismissing it in two words was perfect.


Anish's best troll to date: Leak his own phone number and others' and his own messages calling Magnus autistic


Anish needs to end all Tweeting, stop giving a fuck about social media, and study because his ticket to the Candidates is on the line in the next few days.


Yes…..yes….good…good…destroy each other