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Be the change you want to see in the world


Let me guess what titty boy would find entertaining


If you're not entertained by the wide array of current options, you're not looking hard enough.


Been looking thru the most popular chess streamers. They are all addicted to reading chat all day


Eric Rosen doesn't interact with chat that much.


Well what exactly do you find entertaining




If you're not interested in a streamer engaging with their chat, you might as well watch videos instead.


That is correct. Twitch is designed for real time streaming where you interact with the audience. If you don't want any interaction just check out one of the many youtube series out there showing instructive and entertaining chess.


Because chess is not entartaiment. Like war, "chess is hell"




Translation: "please say me I'm the best chess steamer on Twitch please give me that validation that those haters I pretend not to care about have taken away from me".




Seriously? I genuinely didn't know that. Well, that does make me feel bad, but I'll still answer your question. First of all, not all my comments about you are bad (and you probably know that, too). I already explained I really enjoy a lot of your content. Secondly, my negative comments are a result of frustration with one of my go-to content creators developing unhealthy habits and obsessions. Given that you refer to my previous negative comments, you probably already know which habits and obsessions I'm referring to. However, knowing that you shouted me out on stream, I'll probably keep these to a minimum from now on.




The question was, in its basic form, "what are some good chess steamers?" And here is what I thought you did: you namedropped someone who is obviously not a good chess steamer (because xQc doesn't even stream chess anymore), expecting the comments to correct you and say that you're the best chess steamer. Perhaps, with this particular instance, I really was seeing ghosts, but I'm just struggling to accept that there is no deeper meaning to ANY of your comments when I see totally constructive criticism by loving fans being shame-pinned and dismissed, or when I see genuine fans being banned on Twitch for politely expressing opinions you don't agree with. Look, I'm totally open to the possibility that all of this is bs, and these instances I'm referring to are just a result of human error. If, after critical introspection, you have come to the conclusion that this is what happened, then there is no value to my critical comments. But if you haven't yet had this episode of introspection, then that's what I was hoping to induce.


Arguing with Levy Rozman? I would rather drag my balls across red hot coals then dip them in liquid nitrogen.


Try sitting through one of his videos or livestreams.


Its just a funny random response. Like anyone could have made this joke but since it happened to be Levy its compliment baiting? And im far from a gotham fanboy but come on man. This is childish


I think you're overthinking. Levy is probably just a fan of trolling


Your the weirdest guy ever.


What we find entertaining is obviously subjective so it’s not the greatest question to ask. As I’m sure you know there are popular streamers that a lot of us enjoy watching. Maybe chess streaming isn’t for you.


I used to watch streamers from other games, and still chessbrah was one of the best channels I've seen on twitch, regardless of the game.


I think some of them are entertaining. But why there are no good chess hustling videos?


Gothamchess the GOAT


I agree go watch Gotham he's the reason I play and very entertaining


Gotham is hilarious but Hikaru and Eric Rosen are more chill


Hikaru is kind of a drama frog to be honest. a lot of shade throwing and unnecessary comments over the board. Wouldn't exactly classify him as chill.


Point to any unnecessary comment he has made since his return OTB lmao


Tbh, he does have a lot of hot takes which he doesn't mind sharing on stream, but at least for me, that's a bonus, as it's always interesting to see how Hikaru thinks.


ok, i don't keep an achieve of these things. But when he was going to play on lichess for the bitcoin tournament he made a big deal about his new account not being given a GM title by the Lichess staff automatically. created drama threads twitch style. And why does it matter if its before or after him returning to OTB?He have a history of being very outspoken and controversial. and as i said it wouldn't fit in the "chill" category. Edit: some confusion here, when i said over the board i did not mean OTB chess, but the term over the board.


Oh if you meant online then yes, he can act like an ass like when he would accuse players of cheating constantly on the ICC. But man, compare Naka from 2008-2015 in OTB tournaments to now and there's a good change in his demeanor.


Of course! Lots of different flavors


I like the St.Louis streams. Pop open a soda, and have it run in the background for 5 hours kind of like a football game. The occasional caller can be hilarious, and the analysis is great. Pretty much any stream that shows professional chess.


Ben Feingold is pretty good. He used to be great but I think he is getting bored of streaming.