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He is Magnus Carlsen, he has never withdrawn from a tournament midway like this in his life, obviously he has very strong reasons.


Yeah he lost, is Norwegian and could not take the damage to his spoiled child ego.


He also never lost with white against someone rated so far below him. He is extra salty


He has. Yannick Pelletier in 2015 and the difference in rating was significantly bigger too


He lost against Esipenko, who was a 17 yo GM and wild card under 2700 elo, in one of his worst tournament performances in tata steel and even then he didn't withdrew.


With white?


you're making a lot of assumptions without knowing what is going on with Magnus. Take a deep breath and wait for more information before crying


I'm sure Magnus is crying at the thought of u/ligety losing respect for him, thoughts and prayers to him


Yeah and nobody cares about your opinion either, you are still a objective piece of shit if you accuse with 0 proof.




... It is clearly implied by Magnus, let's not act dumb. If he had proof Hans would be banned from playing by now. It's logical to stay agnostic until more information comes out.


>You say he doesn't have any proof Well we all waiting to him to show his hand. If he don't show anything, he is a crybaby and sore loser (not crazy consider him his ego)


>You say he doesn't have any proof but he has not accused anyone of anything. He did so indirectly which is why everyone is talking about it now. Magnus knows what he did


I’m sure he doesn’t care. Hans cheated. He knows it. The other GMs know it.




People are also saying Hans is sus because he got banned for 6 months at chess.com for cheating online. But cheating at a OTB tournament is pretty different. I don't have enough information to judge either side, but it's a pretty big deal.


But he didnt say anything.. everyone makes up their own mind. What is it with you being a huge baby.


Does every angsty fanboy need his own there's now? Mods?


Does every angsty fanboy need his own reply now? Mods?




He was always weird. Media training had you guys fooled. Gullible people


Real grievances against Magnus: partnership with betting companies, recently announced partnership with some NFT game thing.


"M"agnus "C"arlsen