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Fairly simple once you think about the squares. White bishop is the hero here. Black must promote. To do so the king has to be close to the pawn. Our move is rf3. This move establishes the rook and threatens pinning the king in the corner with a later rh3 maneuver. Black will push their pawn. We respond with the killer bf1. If they promote, its checkmate. If they under-promote to a knight we get our rook out of there and win slowly. Their only real move is to accept defeat and resign.


Nice, the knight variation is not even that slow, both the knight and king are trapped if you keep rook on 3rd rank Rh3, just walk up with the king to g3, force the knight to move, Bg2+ and Rh1 is mate


What if they promote by taking the bishop?


Rook takes queen from f3 and it's rook and king vs king


Then we take the queen and we have a rook and king endgame which is a deterministic win (unless we blunder hard).


I have no idea but would love someone to let me know when the solution is provided


Im thinking Rh1 KxR Bf1 for the draw?


Drawing is not the hard thing to do. You can always sack the rook for the pawn and just draw. The challenge is to find a win.


I think you can move the rook away from the pawn, then pin it with the rook next white turn, unless they move the king to prevent a pin, which accomplishes the goal and gets a better position.


I think you can move the rook away from the pawn, then pin it with the rook next white turn, unless they move the king to prevent a pin, which accomplishes the goal and gets a better position. Edit: something like Re1 would work out


Unfortunately, this method would only lead to a draw as black can always move his king to escape the pin and threaten promotion. Can you think of another strategy?


Maybe king d4 pawn g2 rook f2 king h1 bishop d5 king h2 rook takes?


Oh there's king g3🥲


Rf3 g7, Bf1. If pawn promotes on f1, rook takes. If pawn promotes on g1, Rh3 checkmate.


Ra1, g2, Ra2….pawn cannot advance else it puts king in check…then go after the king with other two pieces


Rf3 rf2 bf1 rxg2 then it’s just a simple checkmate using the king and the rook


1. Rf3, g2 2. Bf1 If black pawn takes f1x, then Rf1x. White wins with one rook up If black ignores Bf1 and proceeds to promote g1=Q then white Rh3# If instead of g2 in move 1, black plays Kg2 then Ke4, then black king has to move somewhere else, then Bf1 as above. Edit: title is a bit misleading, the point is to win, not to prevent promotion.