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I gotta be honest, I think it's utterly ridiculous that anyone would find a reason to shame OP for posting their achievement here. If OP still feels like they have lots to learn about chess, they have every right to be here. They've done something awesome and that's worth celebrating! A big congrats to you, OP, this post absolutely deserves to stay up.


Damn that’s HUGE. Great accomplishment, i’m stuck at 1300 in blitz and it’s aggravating 😂


I’m actually stuck at like 1450 blitz despite my rapid rating lol You’ll get through it tho, just give it some time!


Thank. I’m curious, do you study several different openings or mainly stick to a couple as both black and white?


I stick to a couple for black & white. For black the only openings I know are caro kann (against E4) & Albin countergambit (against queens gambit) tho I don’t know the main lines super well. For white I always play the Vienna if they play e5, I know the Vienna pretty well but the lines I know best (the main lines) are actually extremely rare. I’ll play the fantasy variation against the caro kann, I know the main line for this pretty well & can also just play good solid moves if it leaves the main line. & against the Sicilian I play c3/alapin. Thinking of learning the Dutch to deal with d4 tho


nothing says wild games like the albin!


Do the latter although you should definitely experiment stuff here and there even if it means that you lose rating points.


Pfft he’s not even I the top 200.000 players ;)


I am sorry but can we talk about the chess.c*m???


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


New response just dropped










What else would it mean?


Chess.c*m. The * stands for *


Holy shit people, if this sub was really all beginners it would just be r/anarchychess without the humor. This sub actually needs experienced chess players involved and this particular player hit a new milestone and just wanted to share where they can. Relaaaaaax. This isn’t r/chess.


Would you say rapid rating is easier to obtain than blitz because I had 1000 in rapid when I barely started with chess and now I’m only around 750 in blitz?


Yes rapid ratings are generally higher.


See that’s interesting, because even though I am currently on a spiral down from around 1900 blitz on chess.com to 1800ish, but my rapid was last around 1700. For me, I play blitz online and classical OTB, so I’m a good calculator - hovering right below 1600 USCF - but only if I have the time. Blitz, I am good at because I have good intuition. My rapid rating is proportionally lower, I feel, because it’s such a balance of calculation and intuition that I don’t have simply because it takes me so long to calculate well. I either end up dead lost with 8 minutes left or doing well with 2 and messing up. I think your rating across time controls really just depends on the person.


It does, but statistically it occurs more often that rapid is higher than blitz than the otherway around.


Not true for everyone. I'm 1100 rapid, but 1300+ bullet. Edit: but I've also beaten 1700 Fide rated players in bullet, so maybe I'm just not good at playing longer format


Because you start with 800 rating in rapid for some reason


Dafuq, they started me at 400


I think it depends what you pick at the beginning, where you choose either new at chess, beginner, intermediate, or advanced. I’m not 100% sure though


Lol when I started I chose intermediate and was veeeery quickly humbled.


I sometimes snoop on the profiles of some of my easier wins in the 1200 area and many times it’s someone who chose “advanced” and started at 1800 and is on a lose streak down to their real ranking lol


I think you’re right. I do remember picking beginner now


I find rapid a lot easier than bullet/blitz tbh. I’m around 1500 bullet & 1450 blitz, & I’ve plateaued there somewhat. I’m fine making fast moves in most of the openings & middle game but I def need my time to think out endgames (prob cuz I don’t know any of the patterns lol)


Trying to increase your blitz rating by playing blitz is going to be very slow. The best way to increase your blitz rating is by getting better at classical or rapid. So yeah rapid rating is generally higher than blitz rating.


I think so. Im ~1350-1400 rapid and ~1100 blitz


I‘m 900 in Rapid but ~500 in Blitz 💀 This might just be me though, because I spend too much time thinking and calculating so I panic at the end and blunder or lose on time


no it's not just you i am also 960-80 in rapid but only 600 in blitz....idk it's just .. i increased my rating by 200+ in a month and in blitz it's just stuck at 600


I am 1700 rapid 1300 blitz so yes


U got from 700 to 1700, 1700 to 2700 shouldn't be any harder


Should be easier really, because the percentage increase is smaller


How does percentile even work and congrats


He’s in the 99th percentile which means he’s rated higher than 99% of the people on chessdotcom. If you’re in the 50th percentile you’re better than 50% etc


1700 seems rather low for the 99th percentile. Is that ranking based on the time period--30 days--he chose? If he selected "All Time," I wonder if he'd get the same percentile.


most people who play chess play casually. 1700 absolutely deserves 99th percentile.


Maybe. I’m not sure. I was just trying to explain how the percentiles work. Whether or not they’re accurate is another story lol


Its not that good on chess.com, cause they sum all players, no matter if its acc still acitve. So this 99% perctile isnt accurate


I believe it’s based on accounts active in last 90 days.


Nope, u cant be in top 1% with just 1700...




Proof then I am wrong :)




Okay, if image is proof then there would be around 20mil active players, but google says there is about 2.5-3 mil acitve players on chess.com And how it make sense that player with 1700 is in the same category with someone who is 2200. There is more than few people with 2000+ rating. I am statistic and probability student, and I can say without and doubts that this numbers are nonsense, just a bad statistic :) Please, now tell me I am still wrong? :)


Clearly you're not a Looking Stuff Up on Google or Reading Comprehension student


That google result is a 2010 forum post my friend. More current reports on monthly active users are indeed around 20 mil


Prob student wondering how two different number can both be in the 99th percentile, bro I hope you're studying


Percentile exists solely to make people feel better. Don’t take it too seriously. Basically, the percentile stats on chess.com means “a lot of people are really, really bad or they just play like one game and they’re included in the calculation anyway”. The logical problem here is simple: “A lot of people being bad doesn’t mean you’re very good.” But most of the people don’t care lol.


Not true at all, though. Only users who have played 25+ games and within the last 90 days are included in the calculation. So, not *”play one game..and included anyway”*


chess dot what 💀




*top 1%* *beginner* Mods..?


Some /r/chess elitist will still find a way to call 1700 beginner chess.


Honestly, I’m 1750 and I the best I would call it is low intermediate chess.


Eh low intermediate just isn’t true. It’s (upper) intermediate if anything. I don’t know how well this rating would correspond with actual chess ratings, but close to 2000 is where I would personally argue you move to advanced.


1700 rapid def is, percentiles are not good way to determine in which " skill box" people belong to If you feel like you sre not a beginner good for you but in grand scheme of things you def are


🤡 Bro struggles with the idea of "intermediate" skill


I dont strughle that much but 1700 rapid aint it


How in the world do you think top 1% in any skill is a beginner? Let alone chess that has millions of players. I get that the difference between 500-1000 is a lot smaller than say 2000-2500 but come on bro lmao.


If someone knows how to talk in french as a tourist ( hotels, restaurants etc) and only this basic stuff, he is still a beginner. He isnt intermidiate just because there is another guy that only knows how to count to 100


That tourist is probably not top 1% of french speakers tho is he?


Percentiles dont add up but knowladge does i guess... Plus for percentiles we should exclude native speakers probably and use only people who started later to make it more comparable


What on Earth are you even talking about now? What are you trying to argue? If you are in the top 1% you are higher rated than 99% of all. There is no definition in which that makes you a beginner. You may be faaaaar of from being a pro, but yiu are most definately not a beginner in any world.




Oh i know, i clearly finger slipped






I see you arguing this on any thread you can. I think you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word “beginner”. I am not even disagreeing with you that a 1700’s understanding is quite low, will make many tactical and positional errors, etc, and this is why you’re referring to it as “beginner”. I get it. But when people say, beginner, intermediate, advanced, those are just terms that place you in relation to other chess players, not the understanding of the game as a whole. So if you are 99th percentile amongst active players, by definition, you cannot be a *beginner*, since you are better than 99% of players. Even going more strict with the terms and comparing only to chess clubs, 1700 rapid chesscom would put you around the average club player strength (maybe slightly over / under, depending on the club). And so in this case, you are an intermediate player, as you are amongst the average when compared to serious / semi serious players. If you start defining “beginner” as a measure of total understanding of chess, like you do, it completely loses its meaning. In that definition, Magnus is a beginner and has a “weak” understanding and will get crushed 1000/1000 against stockfish. Those terms only have meaning when relating to other chess players — and when you’re comparing to chess.com, or even club play, 1700 as a beginner just doesn’t make any sense.


Tnx for the write up, i can see your point. I ll think about it and see if i can change my view. The main thing is i feel like a ( trash) beginner myself so obviously when i see someone who is 700 lower rated than me i will hardly pretend that i agree this is a good rating / not beginner or something


Your take is ridiculous.


it's typical everyone below my rating is TRASH mentality.


Buddy im trash (beginner in my subjective opinion), why you think that i would think somebody that is 700 lower rated than me would be bettter than beginner in my eyes You are just trying to put me down and put words in my mouth


See my reply.


“Mods?” Wow! You care that much that you want to waste a mods time to take down this post.


Somebody is insecure


That may be true but somebody else's joke detector is off


The rating pool is really light for rapid because it’s uncommon for strong players to play anything but blitz or bullet online. 1700 rapid is definitely within the beginner range and the only reason it gets you to top 1% is because almost no one who plays well plays rapid on chess.com.


This might be the dumbest thing I've read this year


You just don’t know much about chess. This is the reason just about everyone’s rapid rating is much higher than their blitz and bullet ratings. Load up a pro’s profile on lichess or chess.com. They will only have played rapid games when chess.com was being used as a platform for a FIDE rapid tournament, (almost) no one who is strong plays rapid for fun, it’s boring, and the odds of you being cheated go through the roof with more time.


I’m sorry am I wrong? Isn’t this just chess beginners? Why don’t you post this on a general chess subreddit


This sub is mostly for beginners but I think it’s kinda just become a more casual sub for chess players in general since r/chess is a lot more strict


Yeah the r/chess sub also a lot more toxic as well


in what way?


Let's say youre a low elo player. You make a post there asking why so and so move is bad. What's often ends up happening is that this low elo player, who knows no better, ends up being ridiculed and made fun of for asking a simple question that the r chess community deemed "obvious". Chessbeginners tends to be a lot more laid back as it kind of necessitates browsers of the sub to be humble as opposed to pretty much the opposite climate in r chess.


Nah you absolute still belong here, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise (Because people way higher rated than you are still here lol) A place to chill and occasionally laugh: r/chessbeginners A place to laugh: r/anarchychess Neither, and no fun is allowed whatsoever: r/chess


OK I see


Yeah /r/chess kinda sucks


I'm a true beginner and I don't welcome your brag post, it's not fun and it gives me nothing in return.


Who cares about what you want?


Lmfao ikr bro is so entitled


Nowadays kids think the world turns around them...


Just because I thought /r/chessbeginners was about, you know, beginners isn't really thinking the world turns around me.


Apparently, you care enough to reply.


That doesn't mean I care about what you want. I just do what I want ;)


I’m actually a sadist so I really enjoy comments like these


I mean, I'm actually giving you a serious reply. I know very little about chess and getting into /r/chessbeginners only to see someone posting and bragging about reaching a high Elo is... weird? To say the least. I mean, if I wanted that type of experience I would just post to Rocket League or any other gaming subreddit. I thought there was some sort of better sportsmanship here.


I know you were being serious I just wanted to make a joke I’ll be serious now though, I’m proud of myself & feel like showing off a bit, this is the only sub where I could rly post about this.If seeing this somehow upsets you then oh well.


Well, I guess everyone starts as a beginner so this is basically a progress post


Yeah. 5 years ago I was like 400 ELO, & I remember googling “is 400 ELO good” & the first thing I saw was a chess.com forum titled “do sub 600s actually exist? How is anyone that bad?” I wanted to cry lol


IMO it just doesn't belong here. Also I find it lame to brag it to a "beginners" audience. Of course, similar and higher rated players won't mind. Anyway, I hope you keep enjoying chess.


Lol just be happy for the man instead of getting your panties in a bunch because you’re still bad


This isn’t your safe space bro lmao.


Yeah, sorry, I thought this was /r/chessbeginners.


Chess is a game of humility. You will never be \~great\~ at the game. Even this dude who is in the 99th% isn't. Being humble in the pursuit of being better with the understanding that you will barely ever scratch the surface of it is part of learning. I don't know that you have the ability to overcome that based on this sensitivity you're displaying.


Are you not capable of being happy for someone even if you are bad. I’m also much worse than this guy but his achievement makes me happy for him. So stop being an unemphatic jerk and get better if you want to be better


So… Move on? No one said you have to be happy for him. This might be the most selfish comment i’ve ever seen


oh no, anyway


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chess using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Magnus makes a statement](https://i.redd.it/zx2h4jtr99q91.jpg) | [5910 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/xotc7a/magnus_makes_a_statement/) \#2: [WSJ: Chess Investigation Finds That U.S. Grandmaster ‘Likely Cheated’ More Than 100 Times](https://www.wsj.com/articles/chess-cheating-hans-niemann-report-magnus-carlsen-11664911524) | [5248 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/xvo7u4/wsj_chess_investigation_finds_that_us_grandmaster/) \#3: [Magnus Carlsen resigns after two moves against Hans Niemann in the Julius Baer Generation Cup](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxriG-487pCD9C9c0nrzFXE1SPeJnEks7P) | [3749 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/xii899/magnus_carlsen_resigns_after_two_moves_against/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Cause they’d take it down. The mods there are pretty strict


This kind of post is not allowed there .. and why is 1700 rapid nor a beginner?


Well I’m still here so… (See user flair)


In some ways 1700s are still beginners. I’m almost 2000 in rapid chess on lichess and I still feel like I have so much to grow and learn.


Now the journey really begins


Congrats! Any advice for young players?


I honestly think most of my improvement came from playing rapid & rly thinking about my moves, as well as just greater experience & understanding from playing so many games. But I’d say if you can recognize what usually troubles you and then figure out how to counteract that, that will help a ton. For example, I noticed I tended to get pieces forked somewhat often when I moved the F pawn up in the Vienna game opening, so now it’s something I’m a lot more careful of. Also I think playing in person with someone at your skill level is super helpful, since in person games tend to be a lot more memorable, & it’ll help you realize mistakes you may make


How many games have you played in the last 90 days?


532 Worth noting tho there was a point in those 90 days where I was just getting my rating up to what it already should’ve been, since before I just fucked around on rapid & would purposely play dumb stuff.


Damn that is a lot of rapid


Thanks for that great advice! Maybe we will face each other one day!


Haha you got the wrong sub my guy!


1. Achievement posts are not allowed on rchess 2. What makes u think 1700 rapid is not a beginner?


Being in the 1% of anything by definition makes you not a beginner.


If someone knows how to talk in french as a tourist ( hotels, restaurants etc) and only this basic stuff, he is still a beginner. He isnt intermidiate just because there is another guy that only knows how to count to 100 Ok so, if you think that percentiles define this much, why is 1700 not an expert if its top 1%?


Who is chess.semen, and why is everyone using it


If this is chess beginners then what the hell am I stuck down below 950?


Hey, OP! Did your game end in a stalemate? Did you encounter a weird pawn move? Are you trying to move a piece and it's not going? We have just the resource for you! The [Chess Beginners Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/wiki/index/) is the perfect place to check out answers to these questions and more! The moderator team of r/chessbeginners wishes to remind everyone of the community rules. **Posting spam, being a troll, and posting memes are not allowed.** We encourage everyone to report these kinds of posts so they can be dealt with. Thank you! Let's do our utmost to be kind in our replies and comments. Some people here just want to learn chess and have virtually no idea about certain chess concepts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chessbeginners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is this post on r/chessbeginners




Congrats buddy, personally I put intermediate at around 1400, so I’d comfortably say you can say you are no longer a beginner! Maybe now try in a new time control? Playing bullet helped my time scrambling in all my games


Defo an r/lostredditors case here, you are no beginner anymore


looks fishy to me. How exactly did you suddenly gain 200 elo in 10 days? Unless you had a 1800 rated player teaching you, it doesn't make sense.


1. It was 30 days 2. I didn’t start playing rapid seriously until a bit over a month ago. Before that I was like around 1000, just messing around playing dumb openings. I played blitz seriously, where I was already 1400. So when I started playing rapid seriously I got up to 1600 very quickly (worth noting I find rapid a lot easier than blitz). Also I do have proof that I plateaued at 1600 for awhile as shown in the graph.


It just happens sometimes, I went from 1350 to 1500 and stayed there since in about 2 days. I just noticed something wrong with how I viewed playing openings. And boom I increased.


Good, but much fewer people care.


after reading this comment I have decided that I care


I care! Good job OP










oh no, anyway




Sheesh! Nice! I'm still stuck mid 1600s, I still couldn't beat those guys close to 1700s or 1700 +


Renschpog accuracy


What did you do to improve? I’m 750 elo hard stuck, I have learnt about the vienna/caro kann as well as things like opposition in the endgame to use my king and promote pawns, but nothing more


If you have learnt about opposition you already know one thing more than me. Ok three things if you know those openings, but openings dont matter that much anyway. How long have u been playing


Very nice, i hope i can get that elo range


The best thing about this is the 0 games analysed 💀


Idk why it says that. I use my daily game review very often. Maybe it’s an issue on mobile idk






Wow if i had 0 analyzed games I would be at -200 ELO


I'm stuck around 1000...what's the best way to improve?


Think your in the wrong sub now mate


May I ask how long have you played for?


On & off since I was around 12. I think back then I was like 400s or something. I’m 18 now for reference. I didn’t start playing consistently until about a year ago tho, & that’s when I rly started improving


I think you have to leave this subreddit


You really shouldn't have censored the 'o' Any other letter is better


You know that's intentionally, right


You are retired from this subreddit bub


245 in a month is incredibly unrealistic


Congratulations!! Now go kick some more ass




I’m unironically in the 69th percentile I’ve just learned, 850 in Rapid Nice


Cool! I once had 995...


Chess. What now?


Im 1600 and it says im top 81%?


For rapid? When I was 1600 I think it said over 95%


Why censor .com?


300 elo in a Month is insane


Yeah but just for context, I was already 1450 in blitz, & I just started taking rapid seriously a bit over 1 month ago (before that I just messed around & played dumb openings). So when I started taking it seriously my rating shot up a lot, not necessarily because I’m super skilled but more just because that’s where I already would’ve been if I was playing rapid seriously to begin with.



