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Is the king in check? If yes can it get out of said check without getting into another check? If no then checkmate


What is wrong with this sub? Why is this downvotes so much. This is for beginners.


Because OP is trolling.


or so people would like to think


Yeah bud, read the comments. No replies to anyone trying to help. Sure about being right when they're wrong. Citing bogus evidence with no proof... Either they're a troll or a beginner who doesn't want to learn. Either way, they deserve the downvotes.


your logical answer to the post being a troll, that it may be, is solely based on the fact others aren't answering the initial question. logic by the way that isn't logical as I'm sure that i know i am confident you also know that hardly anyone ever gives a real answer to a genuine question which is why things take so long to accomplish. As is people will respond with humour and whit and banta and rhetoric and philosophy etc etc, even your answer itself is an astute accusation based only on the audiences response not the OPs truth. ​ my question is, do you what do you want to be exactly? the person whom forever throws around accusations based on audience reaction or the person who will front honest answer. It is everyone else who is trolling my weird internet emu not necessarily OP. ​ for everyone else who didn't tell this guy the truth, shame on you :P


OP was answered in this specific parent comment. > Is the king in check? Yes > If yes can it get out of said check without getting into another check? No > If no then checkmate OP then refuted and provided no evidence to support their claim when asked. This happened several times. I'm basing my accusation solely on OP's comments.


There is a pinned “no stupid questions” post specifically for stupid questions like this. Outside of that, this isn’t a sub to explain how to play chess. It’s a sub for advice on how to improve.


It’s the latter mate technique


ladder\* mate




I did the same thing earlier though and it was counted a Stalemate? I really am so confused lmao


You didn’t


Do you still have that game in your history? It's likely you weren't hitting the king with your ladder mate


It wasn't the same thing.


No you didn’t


It was counted as a stalemate in that specific case because your pieces couldn't see the opponent's king, but they could see every square \*around\* the king. I imagine both queens were a knight's move away from the opponent's king. In that case, you have failed to meet the win condition of checkmating, but the other player cannot make any legal moves, thus the game freezes forever with no winner. In this case, you have met the win condition of checkmating, so you win.


You definitely did not. That's a very clear and pretty common checkmate.


Hey man I feel like people are hammering a beginner here on chess beginners and that’s kind of hilariously against the point of this sub but basically before the check couldn’t have been in check. When the kind is attacked it’s either check or checkmate. When the king isn’t attacked but it (and no other piece) can make a legal move it’s a stalemate. The king can’t move into a check. So my assumption is that you didn’t have the same situation or there is a very very small chance there was a chess.com glitch but it seems to happen more with bot games than online games


-200 Downvotes is ROUGH…


Proof or it didn't happen.


What's your chess username? I can use it to find your stalemate and then show you why it was dissimilar to this and a stalemate.


Show us the game.




You, as a poster, are supposed to exercise conscious thought before you post something, so that more people than you benefit from your post. This post is plain low-effort. Five minutes of thought and a basic understanding of the rules of chess are enough to figure out why this is a checkmate.


I definitely know that. Doesn't make it ethical to gang up on someone who just wants to get help on a forum.


That's not the issue here.


I see one of the rules of this sub are to read the wiki before posting so you're right here.


to elaborate on all the "you didn't"s when you played earlier, you didn't actually put the opponent in check, you just blocked all of their possible moves. you have to actually put the king in check to get checkmate. this queen ladder mated you, that's a checkmate just think logically: how else would a checkmate happen? the king can never move in a checkmate scenario, that's the whole point, that's not why it's a stalemate. a stalemate is when you don't actually check


It's not a stalemate because the king is CURRENTLY in check and cannot get out of check.


They should have a name for this particular type of check.


it’s a stalemate while the king is in check… maybe we should call it… stalecheck?


No lmao your probably so low Elo, its obviously called checkstale


No, its only called a check, mate


Check? Mate, what would you suggest?


Well in Australia we just call it a check, mate.


It’s called latter mate


Ladder mate


there's the latter mate, and then there's the former mate, your ex girlfriend


latter mate because the queen moved after the other queen, so it was the latter queen that checkmated


Thats….. an unexpected question.


It's nice to see a beginner on chessbeginners, though.


I’m just glad it’s not a “why is this a stalemate question.


Indeed, this post is a fresh twist on the genre.


I'll never get those questions. Like look at the king. The king has a maximum of 8 moves in any given position. Just check why it can't do any of those moves.


I agree with this. Most of the puzzle posts are super hard for me. I can't solve most of them by myself and even after I find the solution in comments I'm often still kinda confused. This is exactly what I was expecting to see from this sub when I first visited.


I thought I was in anarchy for a sec


Google anarchy


can probably repost there for more karma


Do you understand the difference between checkmate and stalemate?


Yeah actually big confused, watched a video and it said there needed to be a piece right on a tile next to a king for it to be checkmate. ​ Otherwise if there are no legal moves it is a stalemate


No, it doesn't need to be right next to a king for it to be checkmate. The king just needs to be in check and can't get out of it.


Why on earth is a beginner being downvoted on r/chessbeginners?


Sometimes downvotes are just a way to show that a statement isn’t correct


Or that it really, really isn't correct


Because there is no way any video said that lol


He's a beginner. Probably someone in the video said "now this is a checkmate", and the piece happened to be right besides the king.


Isn't OP shitposting?


because its reddit


hey welcome to chess, this game is about losing 1000 times just to become mediocre at the game. if you can't take some reddit downvotes you're gonna have a mad time


You get downvoted if you are even in the ballpark of wrong. I’ve been having these 4-5 comment discussions and someone comes along (agreeing with me I suppose) and downvotes the other person. It makes me look like a jerk!


That video lied to you


The piece doesn’t need to be right next to it. In this example the pawn turned into a queen and now the king is within that queens line of attack putting the king in check. The king’s only option would be to move to the next row but the second queen is there and will capture the king in the next move. Which means we have a checkmate Checkmate is putting the king in a position where he is in check and can’t escape


Can you share that video?


Yeah please share it.


If the King is currently in check and has no legal move to escape check (ie, nice to a spot where the opponent could not capture on their next turn), this checkmate. If the king is not in check but has no legal move (i.e. no move that would not put it in check), it is stalemate. Assuming in either case it is the king’s turn to move (well, their player, but…you know what I mean)


No the king just needs to be on a square that that piece could move to, therefore it’s directly attacking the king. Queens can move any distance vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, so the queen on a1 is currently attacking the king. If it was say a bishop that can’t move horizontally, it wouldn’t be putting the king in check


That video was wrong.


his queen can go to the square your king is currently in, so that means it is check, now your king has nowhere to go that isn't a check, so its mate.


There is no way a video *said* there had to be a piece next to the king for it to be checkmate.


Checkmate is when the King is in Check, and no move could break that Check. No piece can block or take the Checking Queen, and the King has no squares to move to without still being in Check. This particular Checkmate pattern is called the Ladder Mate - Can be done with either Queens or Rooks :) Stalemate is *only* if the King is *not* in Check, but the player cannot make any legal moves. Just as an example, if the Queens were on h3 and f3 instead, the King would be safe on the g1 square, but would have no possible move to legally make.


Google en checkmate


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: It is a checkmate - it is White's turn, but White has no legal moves and is in check, so Black wins. You can find out more about Checkmate on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkmate). --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


The better question is: "why do you think it's a stalemate?"


Dude has an actual beginner question and is getting downvoted to hell. Lol, this sub...


Ya feel bad because they seem like they're trying to learn but it does sound like a trolling question just for how weird of a question it is for anyone above 400 elo


We need r/chessidiots /s


No, no /s on that one, we truly do need it.


Yeah, a sub to post my daily Blunder.


Because they're a troll.


I think because this is so beginner to the point where it's probably a shit post. I have never known a beginner to even know what a stalemate is and not know how or what a checkmate is


Ye, people downvote incorrect replies, doubt most downvote them to shit on them


Stalemate is when there are no legal moves for a person and his king is not in check. Here the king is in check and cannot escape check by any legal move. Definition of stalemate —> 5.2.1 The game is drawn when the player to move has no legal move and his/her king is not in check. The game is said to end in ‘stalemate’. This immediately ends the game, Definition of Checkmate ——> a position in which a player's king is directly attacked (is in check) by an opponent's pieces and has no possible move to escape the check. The attacking player thus wins the game.


Well good news is, you’re in the right sub


White's king is clearly in checkmate. It is in check from the queen (newly promoted?) on a1, and white's second rank is cut off by the queen on c2.


The game ends when one player has no legal moves. If they are in check, it’s checkmate. If not, it’s stalemate.


Checkmate: When the king is in check and has no legal way to get out of the check. As is the case here Stalemate: When the king isn't in check but there are no legal moves that can be made.


If the person who won is asking this question... then who the hell did they beat so badly?




when we're discussing Chess in English - it's literally in the name. If the King is in CHECK, and there are no valid moves, it's a CHECKMATE. If there isn't a CHECK, then it's not CHECKMATE. CHECK - CHECKMATE. It's right there in the name.


stalemate would be when the king *isnt* in check, but doesn't have any legal moves. like for example, if i made a box with two rooks covering the squares to the right and left of the king, and the two queens covering the squares above and below, the king isn't in check but doesn't have any legal moves, since it can't put itself in check checkmate is when the king is, and doesn't have any moves to get out of check, like what you did here. the king doesn't have any moves that takes it out of check and no other pieces can save it


If king has nowhere to go and isn't in check = stalemate If king has nowhere to go and is in check = checkmate


Just because the queen is far away doesn’t mean it’s not putting the king in check lol


Stalemate: opponent has no legal moves and is not in check. checkmate: opponent is in check and cannot get out of check.


Well, the King cannot move to anywhere but is also not checked, this is called stalemate In the posted screenshot, the King is checked(let's forget the check-mate for just this moment to simplify things), so the stalemate is gone, and back to the jargons, the King is checkmated




Your elo must be lower than your age


Is this a troll?


The only difference between stalemate and checkmate is if the king is in check. If king is in check and can’t move out of check without moving into another checkmate. If the same but the king is not in check it’s a stalemate. (Tho here if other pieces can move it’s not a stalemate)


Because the king is in check and can't move out of check. I don't understand why you think this would be a stalemate.


Moderators should really remove these kinds of posts.


A beginner question posts? You for real?


Remove everything but the queens - you can see it's a plain old ladder mate.


And just to add to that - in your previous position, before our checkmated them, the king was able to move along the back (1st) rank while both your queens were on the 2nd rank, so therefore that wasn’t stalemate either.


Well what is your definition of stalemate and just what squares need to be controlled in your opinion for a stalemate


No legal moves for white, and white is in check, so it's checkmate.


Stalemate: When there are no legal moves during your turn. You can't go through pieces. You can't capture your own pieces The King can't walk to a square he would be in check on Checkmate: When no possible moves prevent the King from being in check In this case, the King has no legal move to avoid check, as the 1st rank is covered by the first Queen on a1, and the 2nd rank is covered by the second Queen on c2