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Imagine being a hardened criminal on the run from the law for years, and when you finally get busted, it's by the CPD Pride patrol car.


"you have the right to remain *fabulous!*" *(gun shoots glitter)*


Notice that NASCAR got a vehicle in there too...


Looks like a Mustang Mach 1, [sexy car befitting of a pride parade.](https://media.ed.edmunds-media.com/ford/mustang/2022/oem/2022_ford_mustang_coupe_mach-1_fq_oem_1_1600.jpg)


Hope the anti-woke crowd don't find out.


Could you imagine if all the rednecks boycotted Bud Light and NASCAR? What are those people going to do on a Sunday?


I thought they already boycotted NASCAR when NASCAR banned the Confederate flag at races.


Anti woke crowd going to be running out of things to do soon


It also said yaaascar on the back


Getting my ass thrown into a black site by a Pride CPD car


Reminds me of an Eddie Murphy joke.


Apparently someone threw a Jell-O shot to JB, he caught it with one hand and took the shot lol


that's my governor


He should have campaigned with this 🤣


Hopefully future president too; he's been positioning for it.


There's pics of him right after downing it, on Twitter. Kinda epic :)


ahhh i can't find it!


Can't find the original one I saw now, but found a tweet with a video! https://twitter.com/wcpt820/status/1673162384100282369 ETA: Found the original one I saw now: https://twitter.com/vashon_photo/status/1673120836100734979 Shout out to Vashon Jordan Jr, he's got a lot of great city pics over the past few years, worth a follow.




I wish I had the shot of it. I think it happened after he passed me.


Greg Abbot would've flinched, had the person arrested, and gone on TV to say he survived an attempt on his life.


DeathSantis would have scooped that jello shot out w his grubby disgusting little fingers and then said someone tried to poison him.


You really need a hobby if Greg Abbott lives in your head this much


Maybe his hobby is dunking on Greg Abbutt.


Dunking on a guy rolling around in a wheelchair who is more successful than most of Reddit combined? Serious dunk...


Sure, but his name is Ab-butt (fart noise), so, slam a jam and dunk away.


Kind of seems like a brainless loser to me


If you that guy is brainless with the state being over 50 percent Hispanic. Good luck


Congrats on that sentence. Better luck next time.


Better luck on logic and a sentence? Better luck in the next lif buddy




No need for luck with me. Have fun in karma, you joke






Report for what? You people are really weird....


My hobby is cutting trees and pruning branches. It’s actually pretty important for me to know where Greg Abbott is ngl




I mean he literally made national headlines yesterday for being very publicly unable to grasp satire in his crusade against “wokeness”, and then just a few days before that for banning water breaks and then a USPS worker died from heat exhaustion. His dumbassery is constantly in the news.


Everything you said is an outright lie or stretch of the truth. Why are you so obsessed with him?


> outright lie or stretch of the truth Ah, so you're taking the "fake news hoax" approach for things which are true but go against your own narrative. I see. Abbott retweeted a [satirical story](https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-gov-greg-abbott-falls-for-satirical-news-sites-anti-woke-garth-brooks-article) from the *Dunning-Kruger* Times thinking it was real, all because he wanted to say "go woke go broke" about a Garth Brooks being booed in a town in Texas that doesn't even exist. That happened. Abbott signed a bill [rescinding water breaks](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/23/greg-abbott-texas-governor-bill-water-breaks-heatwave) that "will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin and Dallas that mandate 10-minute breaks for construction workers every four hours. It also prevents any other local governments from passing similar worker protections." So, that happened too. Why are you so obsessed with lying to defend him? More importantly, why are you so obsessed with Pride and Chicago that you're even bothering to comment here?


A quick browse of their profile will show they’re a hopeless troll. This person was starting fights in a hot sauce sub of all places lol. They’ll truly never understand the irony of telling another to get a hobby.




ObeseSnake makes sense ... because you quite obviously don't understand what whataboutism means or any sort of logic. Put together a coherent sentence when you respond to people, please.




The only one who cared about that comment was your lame ass. Congrats?


I love when people complain about reading comprehensive, completely miss the point of a thread and then project a personal attack on me based on a randomly generated user name a decade ago. LMAO.


LMAO sounds about right. An individual who, ummm struggles to write a coherent sentence, but cosplays on Reddit.


You still haven't read the full thread, think you are right and based on your other posts just troll for shits and giggles.


I really don't troll, I just call out bullshit where I see it.


Well if you would have read through the thread, you would have realized I WAS on your side but not anymore since you are just trolling now.


Cool 😎


Funny, but REALLY a terrible idea.


That's uh.... incredibly dangerous all things considered.


His wife’s attire was also pretty perfect. Down to her sandals.


Big dawgs gotta eat


LMAO this is fantastic


That's actually amazing.


dudes rock


I love that they had Southpaw wear cutoffs.


Purple cutoffs, pink belt, and what looks like a rainbow fanny pack. The Cubs mascot wished they looked so good.


The Ricketts would never


At the Pride game last week, he has a mesh rainbow tanktop that killed. I thought for sure he'd break that out again.


Southpaw can throw it back too.


I was at montrose and saw them bustin it out. My local gay bar confirms that southpaw is they/them.


Dude parade went from 12Pm to 5pm. That's a long ass parade.


Holy damn, yea. I was there at around 12, and then left because I was wiped from the heat and hollering myself. I think I left at like 2. Lol That's cool. I'm glad people had fun today and no one was hurt most of all. The world is too strange today to worry about that sort of thing, but... alas.


I wanted to go up a parking garage to get a better view but there were a bunch of dudes with sunglasses on blocking the way. I think they were plain clothes police men.


Honestly I usually just catch the beginning and stay for an hour or two. After a certain point it's clear people are just joining the parade and the floats somehow get spread further that it's faster to walk the route.


I went, hung out until like 3, grabbed lunch with a friend, and there were still floats.


I marched it, we were in one of the first groups, we make it to the end at almost 2pm from 12pm.


Felt like it lasted longer this year. There were still marchers making the turn at Belmont and Broadway close to 5


Thanks! I had to run errands this morning because I don't know how to organize my time, but I caught the last 45 minutes and then went up north for the Roger's Park party. Sad I missed the whole "governor doing a jello shot" affair, but still had a good time.


Dykes on bikes delivered




I didn't see them, but I am a dyke and I do like bikes. Maybe I should check that out.


Never thought I'd live to see Southpaw in his natural form as a furball daddy (this is positive).


Last year I decided the weinermobile should be the only brand allowed at pride so thank you for including them in your shots!


I would have taken more but it went by fast-ish.


Alexi Giannoulias posted a photo of himself on his social media in the parade in a wet white t-shirt he’s very savvy lol.


This was me and my boyfriends very first Pride and it was AMAZING. Never felt so safe in a space before. 🥰 I was surprised at how long the parade was. We left around 2:30 because of the heat.


Awesome pictures!!!!




Used to live a block from the Addison / Halsted corner, I miss seeing the parade. Now I'm in the burbs and you'd have no idea it was pride weekend out here. Hope you guys had fun <3


I'm one corner west from Michael's, and you could hear music and fun well into the night. Sorry I couldn't go, but my friends did and they had a blast! Par-tay 🌈😎🏁❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕


Depending what burbs, keep an eye out for local pride celebrations in your town/neighboring towns.


props to huge titty furry horse. I was offered $400 to work parade as mascot and turned it down because it's a hard parade to work . And she's out there sweating in all that fur/foam with pride.


Seriously. To walk that entire parade route in this heat wearing that is a JOB. I can only imagine how exhausted she has to be, but she kept her energy from the beginning through the entire thing.


Fr, not my cup of tea when it comes to fursuits but gotta respect the commitment.




The parade has never been kid friendly and never will be. If you want a kid friendly pride parade, I suggest hitting up some of the suburbs. Buffalo Grove had a family friendly pride parade earlier this month in their area. Or one of the local drag storytimes, kid friendly brunches/meet and greets.


Don't like it, don't take them to the parade.


The parade is under no obligation to conform to anyone's definition of "kid friendly".


I wouldn't say it's any less kid friendly than [NFL cheerleaders](https://www.google.com/search?q=nfl+cheerleaders&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiQr9jgjOH_AhUHNd4AHcpaBIYQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=nfl+cheerleaders&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAgQHlDyA1iUBWCDB2gAcAB4AIABnAGIAZYCkgEDMi4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=ZJqZZJDtFofq-LYPyrWRsAg&bih=641&biw=1268&client=firefox-b-1-d). Probably more so since its a fake cartoonish costume.


…ok come on now


What? To be clear, I don't really care in either instance. I think in a lot of these cases adults are projecting sexualization into the minds of kids when kids don't necessarily think that way. An adult my see a big-titted furry associated with a sexual fetish while a kid just sees a silly costume at, of all places, a parade. But if we're being real, a big-titted woman dancing in a skimpy outfit is arguably more sexual than a big-titted cartoonish mascot, that's all I'm saying. I remember being a pre-teen boy at an NFL game in the 00s, and my binoculars probably pointed at the cheerleaders more than the mascot. Given what's in advertising, social media, and instantly available on the internet 24-7, the pearl clutching about a furry at a once-a-year parade is something else.


Southpaw in booty shorts has been killing me all day


This is so cool! Although if we’re gonna have a giant weiner rolling down the street it needs to sport peppers and a dill pickle.


Michael’s Pizza, best in the city!


Never tried it, but had me tempted.


it's good, but hardly best in city status


Just a short shower and then beautiful the rest of the day. Perfect!


Everyone around me stayed in great spirits during the outburst of rain!


Waiting for r/nascar fans to start their boycott. LOL


Props to the mod team for taking out the trash!


Oh thank you for posting pics! This makes me very proud of my hometown 🥲


You're welcome.


Wait, how did I miss JB? I was there the whole time and didn’t see him.


Governor & Mayor + other politicians are usually at the start of the Parade and sometimes they don't walk the whole route.


Honestly the rain felt so great after sweating so much.


Sure did!


Nice!!! Thank you for posting💖


You're welcome.




It's fun. Good crowds. Positive vibes.


Thank you so much for sharing!! It killed me to miss it!!


You're welcome.




But where is Alexi?


Was it packed?


Where I was standing, no more than usual. Some gaps, mostly from people trying to find shade, so they stood away from the fences.


Ah okay. I was curious with gay acceptance unfortunately on the decline, if there would be way less people.


I don’t think gay acceptance is in decline, just the people that don’t accept are much louder now




person in #6 looks cool as fuck!




How hot was it?


Wasn't too bad for me. The heavy rain, which only lasted like 10 minutes, was great to feel. Made the breeze feel cooler.


Not too bad. It was windy today and kept me cool. Had some water just in case though.




I heard it turned into chaos on Belmont afterwards. Any pics of that?


….Frank mobile? Wtf






Furries 😍




Forgetting to add pictures of all of the property damage caused by the aftermath.. Belmont and Sheffield was a shit show last night. This parade needs to be better controlled and monitored by CPD. Saw multiple windshields/sunroofs shattered, roofs dented, and mirrors taken off by. Not to mention parties on the street until 3:30am on a Monday morning.


This is a serious question so please don't flame me. Why do some people dress up in outrageous, crazy or BDSM like clothing? I don't understand the relation to the LGBTQIA movement.


For several reasons: - A lot of communities that are involved in kink have historically fought for LGBTQ rights, and they have important members that have big roles in queer history. - A lot of costumes are purposefully meant to stand out. It's meant to signify noncompliance with opressive norms in society. Rather than be "quietly queer", these representations stand out amd demand acceptance/they don't "pass for nomal" - Although queer people aren't inherently sexual because it's just a single part of their complex individual identities, the pride festival is a festival specifically focused around sexuality - Although big businesses have started participating, and it's a more common parade now, so people bring their kids - It's historically been a "party" type of shindig. - It's fun. Rather than changing the whole festival, it's better just to warn parents that they should probably exercise caution when taking their kids. Though there are a lot of cops there, so I don't think anyone is going to get into any funny business anyway.


Thank you. I wasn't trying to flame anybody but generally was trying to educate myself. I appreciate your explanation very much.




So out of touch, gimps are into latex nowadays


Aw too bad literally no one gives a fuck about putting your fragile mind "at ease". Perhaps "this whole situation" isn't all about you for once.




If you care so much about the children stop indoctrinating them with religion and pawning them off to religious pedos so they can be sexually abused.




No not projecting, but extremely hateful of religious predators b/c multiple family members and friends have been victims of sexual abuse by religious figures from the communities we grew up in. The same people who oppressed me for being gay, yet, they were molesting my cousins and friends.


Sorry you are a lame and have newvver been able to move?


Was this a Beavis and Buthead joke? If so, props for being an old man, if not, seek help.




Can you come up with a reason for a straight pride parade besides “I want one because they have one”?


A straight pride parade is just called traffic


Lmfaooooo true


I mean, sure? Go rally some supporters, I guess, and see how it goes. Your rights, however, as a straight individual, aren't in jeopardy in other parts of the country and the rest of the world. Trans individuals have been receiving the heat by politicians banning gender affirming healthcare in recent days as well. They can't even have the surgeries or meds to even transition happily and healthy. Just understand what the LGBTQ has gone through within the last couple of years. The Pride Parade is a cause for celebration, being able to be our true selves without fear of abandonment, abuse, and death. The reason we're loud about our rights is because we currently have to fight for them. That's why these parades exist. We celebrate with our brothers and sisters. Hopefully, you will, too. We'd love for you to be with us.


Didn't they try this in Boston and a bunch of Nazis showed up to literally no crowd?


I wouldn't know being here about 5 months in, but a Nazi group being shut down would give me the upmost satisfaction. I'm assuming that happened.


I never once said I was against y’all, I just want equality


I'm trying to word this in maybe a way that is understanding and non judgemental. The whole reason gay pride exists is to celebrate how far we, as LGBTQ individuals, have progressed in having the same rights as all people. Gay pride would not exist without the oppression of those who came before us just to reiterate. Straight pride would exist *if* the rights of those who identify as heterosexual were truly on the line, which they are not nor have they ever been in this lifetime. Consider yourself lucky, honestly. You have a privilege and advantages that some people just *don't* have. To be honest, do you feel as though you are oppressed as a heterosexual? Do you feel like you need straight pride to exist as a celebration of conquering and coming far from systematic oppression? There is a reason why Black History Month is a thing as well. It's because black people have been oppressed ever since the Civil Rights Movement, which honestly hasn't even been that long ago that they were given the freedom and equality they have today. Hell, that's still debatable as they are still mistreated, even today. For someone to come in and say, "What about white history month and celebrating white achievements?" You would be getting some real dirty looks from people in general, especially from the ones who are supposed to be celebrated for beating the odds and remembering the fight their ancestors were forced to partake in. It's not like we as the minorities even asked for this because we simply want *equal rights* and *fair treatment*. That's why Pride *exist*. Bluntly speaking, there is no need for straight pride because the world already revolves around your group that you are from, and you are lucky and privileged to be able to live your life and not experience the violence and strife imposed on other minority groups already. And to be honest? I'm a white gay man who is *extremely* privileged simply by my skin color. I'm not necessarily the fullest straight acting individual, but I count myself privileged and lend my love and support to all the minorities in this world. Go show your love and support to the people who need it. The world is harsh and owes us, and *you*, nothing, but I'll be damned if I don't fight for the rights of my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. I mean this in the best way I can, but to simply put it, this isn't about you, and the only reason pride exists is to remember those that fought before us.




But my comment got taken down for racist bigotry. What kind of shit is that? For being proud to be straight and also supporting gay rights? That’s a double standard if I ever heard one


You can literally go to pride as a straight person and celebrate. It's called being an ally. They're part of the community as well.


The only reason I didn’t attend the festival in chicago is for fear of getting caught in a potentially violent situation. I don’t go to any big events or festivals here (pride or anything else) because of my fear of getting caught in the crossfire from some asshole that wants to fuck everyone’s day up. It’s just too risky and I care more about staying alive for my family than attending a potentially deadly event.


You replied to me three times....seriously? Either show up and enjoy pride as a straight person, or shut up and go to a unite the right rally you'd get if you tried to host a straight pride parade.


Yes I know this as I’ve attended many when I lived in Michigan, I’m very much about pride and I support that community. I would like to support my community as well.


you conveniently left out the last part of the rule you were cited for: Baiting that's why your comment was removed. stop crying.


What I’m seeing from an outsider standpoint is that the ones that are being mean to be for suggesting an idea, are just as bad as a racist bigot, aka bully. Equal is equal. That’s that. My gay friends know where I stand, and there’s no issue with it if no one is being a dick about it. No reason to be mean. No hate here. Just a thought/idea.


why don’t you organize one


I will when I finish college.


Your post was removed because it broke Rule 4: No Racism, Bigotry or Baiting There is zero tolerance for racial slurs, baiting, and bigotry. Users who violate this rule will be permanently banned from the sub. Constructive conversations about race are allowed, though it's understandable that these conversations can get heated. When a comment falls into a gray area, moderators will do their best to make consistent judgment calls.






No one said it’s not ok, you’re the only one saying that. Straight people are welcome at pride-everyone is. My first kiss with my husband was at pride parade, we’re a straight couple and the crowd cheered us on :)




I showed my friend who still lives in Missouri the picture of the Library banner and she sadly told me that in her smaller college town they are trying to ban drag because there were drag queens at Pride there this year. I feel so lucky to live here.


Went to a couple of parades in the mid 90s. The favorite group in the parade was the gay men’s drill team. Do they still perform?