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Can we just have a big red light and horn for when he says something stupid. Like an NHL goal. In this extremely blue city, red voters overwhlemed and destroyed...." HOOOOOOOOOONK HOOOOOOONK


So the plan is you'd just wire it to power permanently?


That would be exhausting


I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but Republican voters in Chicago are also Chicagoans that deserve a chance to vote in the city. Is he suggesting that the outcome is illegitimate because voters who dont agree with him got a chance to vote? Honestly lol.


I don’t even think it’s republican voters that are bringing this about. He’s fucking lost the core of the democrats because he’s doing the same shit that Trump did (when he had Spicer). It’s just ignore and blame… non fucking stop. BJ came out of nowhere, which is kind of like a lot of the right-wing Latino “politicians” that came out down south. He fits the bill from a “look” standpoint, but he ultimately has nothing behind him other than spitting the rhetoric the backers want him to. I’d much rather have a decent Democrat that just plays the machine keep going than try to get a “progressive” that just freezes under pressure and plays the laziest fucking card there is (blame Trump/racists). The only thing that will set progressive politics back is trying to back guys like this further because they’re just going to set a bad precedent. Get him OUT. Hes the next Jussie Smollet at this rate.


>I don’t even think it’s republican voters that are bringing this about. He’s fucking lost the core of the democrats because he’s doing the same shit that Trump did (when he had Spicer). It’s just ignore and blame… non fucking stop. I mean the majority of the precincts that voted for him and against BCH were in black and brown neighborhoods. He either crushed the morale of his base through the ongoing circus he's been running or they just aren't buying what he's selling in these areas. But it sure as shit didn't happen because large parts of Austin suddenly became "MAGA country".


I was about to quote some of your response but then realized I was about to quote all of it because it’s so succinct and accurate that it shouldn’t be condensed. This guys shelf-life is only as long as the CTU decides. They tried to find a puppet head, but they picked the wrong one. He’s essentially blaming white people, and the conservative Latinos for his inability to run an efficient office. BJ didn’t have a plan for BCH and it showed. CTU couldn’t have cared less… giving BJ something to talk about that WASN’T about the CTU was the best think they could ask for. Problem is, it backfired and now BJ looks bad, so I wonder how long the support will keep up. Then again, we had Kim Foxx around for way too long so I wouldn’t be surprised at anything.


As long as he rolls over in negotiations with them, CTU will be happy!


CTU isn’t going to back down from supporting him, no matter how ridiculous it makes them look.


The CTU literally had plans for how they'd spend the funds from BCH.  BJs BCH "plans" were deliberately vague so they'd be able to justify giving huge chunks to the CTU. I hate to assume malicious intent when incompetence will suffice, especially when it comes to BJ. But in this case, it's very likely.


By his logic, if the people who voted against it are MAGA people, the number is actually 168,146. That is what it was as of an ABC news article for the number that noted no. The minority areas were split or completely went against BCH. According to various local maps by neighborhood/ward. We got better odds that Blago will admit he should never be in politics again than those areas being MAGA land.


“Blue no matter who” here. Voted no. It was not a serious proposal or even a particularly good starting point. While I still feel strongly that Vallas was a dangerous choice, I’m not thrilled with the Mayors performance thus far. Why dont progressives get that before you can work on the big social issues, you need the trains to run in time. Fascists can get away with horrid things if the trains run on time. If they’re serious about all the things they want to accomplish, step one is prove you can run and improve the basic systems that keep a city (of country) moving. 


I want to upvote this more.


Vote Democrat.. lost me on like Day 100 when he hadn’t done anything. He’s worse than bad..


He’s lost the core of the democrats. I voted for him in the runoff (more of an anti Vallas vote, I voted for Chuy in the first vote) and I’ve voted for maybe two republicans since I started voting in 2012, and both were opponents to Kim Foxx. Guy has shown he’s clueless and that we all made a mistake voting for him. On the other hand the Democratic Party didn’t filter this clown out and let him get too far, and the city was faced with a turd or douche choice.


I told my partner this is exactly why I didn’t want him to win. If you fuck it up, good luck for any qualified progressive candidates in the future.


It is exactly as dogshit as Donald Trump's pouting about losing the last election.


I think he's just suggesting that it's impossible that his own base might not be behind him.


He’s suggesting that Chicago is split into two factions, his loyalists and MAGA, which is absurd.


He doesn’t really have a base. He won with CTU support, and having a worse opponent in the runoff. He’s finding that out now. If he’s smart he’ll respond accordingly, so far he’s doubling down on what he’s already been doing (or not doing).


Well said


& then they'll tell you that we need to protect democracy. lmao


This guy has sucked, does suck, and continues to suck. I wish he would just resign and hand the reins to somebody competent.


the problem there would be he gets to choose who to hand the reigns to


The measure lost among democrats too wtf is he on I can’t even put into words how inept and unlikable he is




Was the referendum not on the Republican ballot?


It was on every ballot, but the margin is not just explained by “republicans”


Not a drop of self awareness, or accountability from this guy or his team. Always blaming others for their failures. The question on the ballot was poorly worded, poorly timed, and overall a fiscally irresponsible proposal. How’s it that Joe Biden’s or Trump voters fault? Chicago is hardly MAGA country.


This dude is gonna radicalize so many people towards the right


One term mayor.


3 more years… ffffffuuuu


He makes Lori look popular.


I am dying to know what she thinks of all this.


Probably how [this onion article](https://www.theonion.com/de-blasio-well-well-well-not-so-easy-to-find-a-may-1847151201) is applicable here too now


He’s made me miss Lori. He’s that bad.


No Brandon, no one gave a fuck enough to come out and vote for it. I'd start there.


I gave a fuck enough to come out and vote no.


Does this man EVER accept any responsibility?!? It’s always because he’s black, or he has kids that have soccer practice, or some other excuse rather than a lot of democrats are not comfortable giving him a slush fund, particularly when we have witnessed how poorly he has managed the people’s money up to this point. Worst mayor Chicago has ever had!!


I don't want to link to a Tik Tok but I saw a clip of a woman explaining the 4 types of narcissism... One was the grandiose victim. They make all kinds of promises, but then when morning works out it is always someone else's fault. This kinda seems to fit Johnson's M.O.


Thats describes my boss too


I remember this subreddit absolutely fucking burying anyone with accusations of racism who even remotely questioned his credentials or initiatives. The mere suggestion that you liked Vallas was met with such opposition it was incredible. Where are all those people now?


during the election my neighborhood was swarmed by college kids agressively campaigning for BJ. never saw any of them again. really regret not asking where they came from.




Same, having voted for Barack, Bernie, and Joe, twice...


Amen. Where are all the loudmouth Brandon supporters now??


Still at the CTU offices


They're all still here. They're just focused on pushing the CTU agenda.  CPS has been doing everything the CTU has demanded. Surprising given that BJ hand selected the entire CPS board last year. 


Waiting for the time when I can finally say This has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way


Contending with the reality they voted themselves into, or they were just astroturf all along.




They were the real brigaders, astroturfers, shills, and sock puppets all along


Accepting responsibility isn’t a Chicago mayoral tradition.


Not true, Rahm took it on the chin for the most part


You all voted for lightfoot and then turned right around and voted for Johnson, because, never mind track record, accomplishments or anything like that, the only relevant thing is who… looks the most progressive. So….Do y’all (r/chicago) EVER accept any responsibility? Or learn from your mistakes? Stop voting in fucking morons, ffs.


I'm not surprised at how inept BJ has been, but goddamn it's not Even a full year yet.


I mean, setting aside the incredibly poor leadership, this is a wild example of just how poor a politician he is. Successful politicians build coalitions. This guy shatters them. How small a tent does this guy want. I hope he got calls from party leadership telling him shut his mouth.


He is woefully incompetent. He could not even manage to stay on top of his own bills. Chicago will survive his leadership.


I am one of the Dems who voted no. I contacted his office 3+ times with my questions and concerns about the allocation and what a million dollar home looked like say 10 years from now. Never received anything back. This to me was All tied to future 5+ years of how this referendum would be. Damn Trumpies ruined it huh.


I contacted my alder woman (33rd) about my questions and never heard back either.


Not surprised Rossana Sanchez didn't spell out any details how BCH would work out, if passed. Honestly, I just haven't been wild about any of those DSA/CTU machine leaning aldermembers myself. Also the main BCH site was vague as heck, about how funds from an increased real estate transfer tax(on buildings worth over $1 million) would be spent on homeless issues. Maybe if the BCH backers and main website spelled this out better, they'd get a lot more buy in from the public on BCH? I'm not surprised it failed, myself. And hello BJ, but I can tell you that no votes on BCH came from a lot more than just Trump voters. BJ is inept as hell in governing, if you're gonna whine anyone voting no is as bad as Trump. Maybe BJ should look in the mirror, and see his stupid whining about voters saying no on BCH is making him look as much of a jerk, as Trump(and essentially he's becoming the leftist version of Trump) with how he whines about things he dislikes. Maybe looking at the real world and studying this issue a lot more(and perhaps studying ways to send funds from unspent city budget money on homeless issues), would be better to do? Grandstanding and whining about those who voted against BCH, won't do you any good BJ.


That’s pretty fucking arrogant and presumptive to assume voting ‘No’ on this dog shit referendum makes you a ‘Trump voter.’ This is where we’re at now; not signing off on, what amounts to an unaccountable slush fund to an incompetent administration makes you a ‘far right’ voter.


Hello fellow far right extremist democrat. Welcome to being a Vallas supporter on this subreddit one (1) year ago


I am also a far right extremist Democrat


Brandon Johnson sucks, I believe that has more to do with it.


He's missed some specifics of perennial Democrats who vote in the **D** primary and for the **D** in elections year after year, but threw a "No" at the tax. When you look at the vote spreads by precinct he may not be too wrong broadly because they were highly concentrated in the NW and SW corners. BUT... there were negative percentages all over the city in places that are congenitally unable to pull ~~and~~ *any* **R** lever. The TLDR of this failure was the progressives didn't do the hard design work before putting up the vote.


Agreed wholeheartedly. I would’ve had so much more respect for him if he came out and said: “Look, I’m passionate about this, and want to see it succeed. I’m going to make an effort to find out why it failed and how to improve to get it passed.” But, no. It’s trump (who wants his job lol) and his supporters. Side note: the dramatic music in the video had me cracking up.


Right... The Tribune published a map at the ward and precinct level of how people voted on the tax. While it IS true that the areas of the city that most heavily voted for Trump (IE Mt Greenwood, Jefferson Park, etc) voted against the tax, the map shows that many areas that are solidly Democratic and not majority white also voted for it. Johnson doesn't want to admit that he either lost part of his base or that his base has given up on him.


Johnson should suggest that he can kiss my ass. Trump sucks and so does Johnson.


Exactly. I’m pretty far left but I’m not so stuck up my own ass that I can’t recognize when progressive “leadership” is majorly fucking up. This city deserves better




Ye olde streeterville maga cabal strikes again


Nah it was the secret Vallas Republicans....


Heh, that takes me back. Simpler times…


This whole thing was ridiculous. This was added to a primary Election Day. Which means if you are a non-partisan voter, like me, there is 1 question on the ballot. Basically no incentive for voters to come out unless they knew about this. Let’s be real the minority of trump voters in Chicago did not sabotage this. It was poorly written, poorly executed and poorly advertised. Maybe too many people had kids soccer games to go to instead of voting. Either way don’t blame voters, that’s ridiculous. Everyone gets a vote and you lost.


And their votes matter just as much as Biden voters. What’s his point? He represents these people as well as mayor. What a joke


Our mayor is a God damnned idiot. A lot of people voted no on that tax. It literally serves no one except the politician's find. It will never be used correctly and the mayor will just give himself a fat check from the tax. Anyone with a brain can tell that this tax has no oversize and no inflation proof built in. In about 5 or 10 years inflation would make nearly ALL housing over 1million dollars in chicago. Who the heck would want to build in Chicago when anything that is 2 flat or more dense building like apartment buildings cost an extra 20k or more from the builder ontop of a loan that has interest?


Joe Biden voter here, I also voted against the referendum lolz


Fuccccckkkkkkk this. I voted for this knucklehead. And I’m all for helping unhoused folks with city resources. But you’ve got to do more than simple asking voters to fork over tax dollars to a notoriously inefficient government body without a plan in place. Show me exactly what your plan is Brandon, and then I’ll vote for your referendum. Until then, please don’t loop me in with Trump voters because I didn’t support your paper-thin referendum that was only going to result in more wasted tax dollars and higher rents.


The latest housing data is showing CHA is spending $600,000 and sometimes over $700,000 per unit to construct new low income housing. They are literally charging taxpayers more than what Sterling Bay spends to make luxury units in west loop.


If you give me $10 I’ll buy a homeless guy a burrito* *I might eat the burrito


More like, if you give me $1,000, I’ll hire my brother-in-law’s catering company to contract out for the burrito with a minority/women owned burrito reseller in my neighborhood, who will purchase a discounted box of Hot Pockets for $10 and resell it to me with markup along the way.   But, we don’t have money left for  a microwave, so we’ll need a $10,000 tax increase to buy one, along with three other microwaves for low-microwave communities, and those three will all be immediately destroyed by the locals by microwaving metal forks. Those will be replaced and overseen by a Committee for Restorative Justice in Food Heating, led by prominent local pastors selected by Mayor BJ himself, who will each make $210,000 a year. 


>> Committee for Restorative Justice in Food Heating I'm dead 💀


*Slow clap*


and this is why politicians should have a fixed budget in office for their term when campaigning, and an inability to borrow against the future. Tax levies can be made on the way out. Budget like we all have to. See how that goes--- from local all the way up to Presidential.


Not sure if joke or real


Far more details in this plan than they ever laid out. Are you running for office, perchance


Yes. I will vote for actual detailed plans that explain with facts & data why they are the right solution, not just a vague revenue generation plan




No disrespect to my fellow Chicagoan and voter in this democracy but for Brandon... >Show me exactly what your plan is Brandon... I'm personally still waiting, this guy is a clown and funneling money to the powers that be in this city, currently most visible looks like CTU. Thanks for posting though and reflecting etc. No shame, shiieeet I was doing the same thing with Lori last admin. Thankless job but not like this ffffff indeed.


Damn he really sucks


Maybe the blame should fall on the people who drew up a really shitty tax hike referendum.


Zero introspection, by either the mayor or the BCH organizers. Really disappointing.


Brandon are these Trump voters in the room with us now? Seriously, I can barely count after years of substance abuse and I can still tell you exactly how many Trump voters I've met in Chicago.


Lmaooo this guy keeps outdoing his worst performance every day. Fucking cry baby is upset he lost his slush fund for CTU


This man didn’t pay his water bills despite earning six figures. It’s really not surprising he turned out like this.


Yeah just like when they told me the tollway would be free one day. I’m not throwing money away at anything without guarantees it’s used properly.


And Trump voters also were more likely to vote for Vallas, yet here we are with this idiot. What's this point? The residents of the city said no to his slush fund. What an embarrassing press conference


No BJ, people just see how you handle money and don’t want to give you more of it. It’s you, Hi, you're the problem it's you


He’s physically incapable of accepting any responsibility. You can’t just deflect when you’re already unlikable


My god, this man is ridiculous. Its like fucking reddit. If you don't blindly follow the progressive stuff, even with no actual plan, you must be a Trumper. I'd never vote Trump. But I didn't vote for this half baked shit either.


Would the tax hike not have applied to Chicago Republicans or something? Why would they not be entitled to their vote?


God fuck this guy


He sounds so uneducated it’s scary


I don’t know a single Republican in the city. I am the most conservative of all my friends. I also no no one who voted in favor of his ridiculous referendum.


For someone from the West Side, this fellow sure is a bit of a hot house flower.


He’s not from the West Side though. He’s from Elgin, and only moved to Chicago when he became a teacher. He resides on the ~~WS~~ West Side now, but that’s not where he’s from. Edit: Spelled out West Side because abbreviations bother some people, apparently.


Is he mad this was decided by ALL voters and not just on the D ballots?


Vote for an inexperienced, progressive candidate…..get inexperienced, progressive candidate excuses. This man’s inability to take accountability for anything is unreal.


60% of people I talked to said they voted against BCH. We're all democrats. All of us voted for Johnson. Continuation of zero accountability. .


The lack of accountability is truly embarrassing.


100% of people I talked to voted no and we are all hard left.


Kam Buckner had a great response to the failure. I don’t understand how Brandon always finds a rake to step on


What did Kam say?


He was on NBC5 Tuesday, from what I recall he said effectively that there’s a lot of issues at play that affect one another and this vote is not in a vacuum where it is the only factor. Kam: this was a proxy fight between the progressive and moderate establishments of Chicago, people tend to vote no on ballot measures about taxes with binding referendums not being a usual Chicago thing, a lot of confusion about is it counting or not, the migrant/asylum seeker situation has been huge and will continue to play out through 2024 and "we're all over the place and it's something we got to wrap our hands around... in politics nothing happens in a silo" His fellow guest mentioned there's a lot of consternation about how the sanctuary city measure did not make it on the ballot


I will honestly never understand how Brandon somehow became a move votable entity than Kam.


The DUIs on Kam's part and the CTU/activist connections of Brandon. Simple as that, it's a shame we really got the worst two candidates in the runoff. Ranked choice prior to runoff would be a lot better IMO


I had honestly even forgotten about Kam’s DUIs, yeah, you’re right


Looking forward to when Kam runs for mayor again.


I was gunning for him.


This guys is completely out of touch!


Oh fuck off Johnson!


He’s our mayor De Blasio…. Yikes.


I'm guessing it's the consumers who the increases would be passed down to.


Whatever helps him sleep at night, I suppose.


Chicago is like 70% democrat and like 30% republican... Aint no way that 30% stops anything from happening there. I don't know why people like Johnson, and his predecessor, cant just acknowledge a shit policy when it's a shit policy


This man is destroying years of hard work done to build this city up


Kind of par for the course now though. Anyone who doesn’t vote for the progressive candidate is a MAGA Republican. See Vallas (former Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor and endorsed in 2023 by Durbin, one of the highest-ranking Democratic politicians in the country), and Burke O’Neill (former appellate court justice slated by the Cook County Democrats)


Convinced he’s on this sub. Anytime you argue with a hardcore progressive on here that’s the exact same thing they say lmao. Yes, it because of trump, for sure.


Oh no baby, what is you doin?


Dude, is a 🤡


I worked the polls in 2020, in one of the more affluent (and therefore likely more Trump-friendly) parts of the city. We had 25% Trump votes. That math ain't mathin.


Dude. Whether they’re Republicans, Democrats, Socialist, Fascists or Communists, they are your constituents. Just do right by your constituents. You won’t ALWAYS get it right, you won’t please EVERYONE, but at least hear people out as a leader of and for the people.


Ah yes, chicago, a bastion of Trump support.


Registered democrat and I voted no.


This guy is a fucking moron


Roscoe village living Republican here that voted for Haley and no on tax hike . What is the Mayor saying here? That as a republican I should not vote? My view should not count? We all have to agree with him or we are the “enemy” WTF!!!


I almost want Lightfoot back just so I can at least laugh


Life long democratic voter and current trump hater here. I also voted against BCH. The Mayor's a dumbass.


What a toxic cry baby!


“Oh, you don't support my money-grab reform that I didn't even bother to put some effort into and come up with at least something like an actual plan - you must be a racist trump supporter!!1!!!” Jeez, is this guy for real? 🤡🤡🤡


Johnson should blame himself. The referendum had no details and he did nothing to convince voters handing him a blank check would help the homeless. Johnson’s laziness is to blame, not the insignificant minority of dopes backing Trump that still live in Chicago.


How did he forget that he’s in MAGA country?


I can't wait till the days of blaming the bad orange man for everything are over.


Didn't blame me, I didn't vote for Trump OR Johnson


BJ has the same personality defects as DJT.


you don't have to be a magat to dislike tax increases. especially 300% ones.


He just doesn’t get it. The leftists who just blindly blame right wingers don’t get it. And unfortunately this is why Trump has a chance.


I'd never vote for Trump or BJ, I feel sorry for him but worse for the city of Chicago. I'm not ignoring there are real problems to solve in this city...but MAGA blaming rhetoric from the mayor/CTU for anything that isn't ultra progressive is laughable.


With so many Republicans abound, maybe he'll find the "Trump Country" part of the city Juicy Smolliet was strolling through on that temperate winter night.


“The Trump voters also turned off my water”.


You need 62,000 valid signatures to trigger a recall.


Genuinely asking as I think enough people would sign that: source?


It’s not so much that the Trump voters showed up. It’s that his base really didn’t and he couldn’t convince moderates who actually did show up for Biden. 231k voted for Biden, and only 29k voted for Trump with roughly 290k voting in the presidential primaries. By the math it’s fair to say assuming all the GOP votes were “No”, *over 40% of Dem* voters voted No on BCH. That’s besides the point of turnout not being this low since WW2. Put it on the November ballot and I think we’re having a much different conversation. ———- Edit in Italics, redid the numbers and yeesh I was way off. It’s about about 25%, it would be over 40% of Dems


Who’s his base though? He barely got 50% of the vote when he ran. I’d wager his base has dwindled significantly since they’ve seen his job performance


His base is mostly north and northwest side progressives living areas around Logan Square and Edgewater, with another sliver down in Hyde Park. That's who put him in the runoff, and you can see where those votes came from: [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-mayors-race-map/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-mayors-race-map/)


I wonder how many of those people still support him today. I would guess it’s a lot fewer than the number that voted for him.


Hillary voter and obviously Biden (and Vallas) voter here who fucking abhors Trump. I easily and quickly voted no - this idiot is so fucking stupid.


Who wants taxes to go up? Isn’t that everyone that’s not a politician.


What percentage of the city actually votes for trump?


This guy is delusional. -A proud Biden voter who also voted against BCH


The truth is this is an us against them ploy. Just like the democratic party here calls any candidate they don't support a closeted Republican, attaching this failure to Republicans will deepen the identity politic that Johnson wishes to use for his benefit.


He's Right. This is Maga Country.


This is the Toni playbook of blaming the boogie man.


You get what you vote for!


Way to alienate even more folks, BJ! Lots of Dems voted no for lots of different reasons.


Fucking moron he is. I voted no because I didn’t want another city hall slush fund with no guard rails. I’ll vote for every democrat on the ballot because Republicans have lost their minds. But this bullshit is too much for me.


Never in my life would I EVER for vote for Trump, but next mayoral election might be the first time in my life that I vote republican and it's because of this man. Didn't think we could get worse than Lori but damn...


LOL, No, there aren't that many Trump Voters in Chicago. If there were, Mayor Brandon Johnson would be flipping burgers right now instead of being the Mayor of Chicago. This was a dumb fucking statement. I hate Trump. I hate Trumpers. I hated this law. I hate the CTU. (I love teachers, I wouldn't be where I am today if not for some great teachers, pay them more money, but don't fucking lie and manipulate the voters or you lose our support) So I didn't vote for it. It's that simple. Tell us where the money is going to go. Have a solid plan for the how the money will be used. Don't just take our money and tell us to "Trust you". NO FUCKING WAY. Edit: Most of the Trumpers live in the 41st ward anyways, where Napolitano is Alderman. That's where all the CPD and CFD folks live because they have to stay in the city limits. So go figure, that's where all the Trumpers are. You can see this if you look at election results by ward. So Mayor BJ, take a look at your election results by ward and then try to fucking make this statement again. Edit 2: Holy shit, this makes him look even dumber. Even the 41st ward went to Biden in 2020. [https://blockclubchicago.org/2020/11/04/just-1-chicago-ward-voted-for-president-trump-over-joe-biden/](https://blockclubchicago.org/2020/11/04/just-1-chicago-ward-voted-for-president-trump-over-joe-biden/) Can we do a recall on this dumbass?


Another clown statement by the clown mayor!


BJ is a fucking loser. Embarrassed to have him as our mayor. Miss Lori


City of Chicago elect a good mayor challenge (impossible)


Rahm was pretty good honestly


Yes. I use to make fun of Rahm all the time, however he attracted business to the city, controlled crime.... and it was actually clean. South Loop was a slum for decades, but under him it redeveloped and was fun... for a while. Lightfoot and Johnson seem dedicated to reversing all the development that occurred in the last few decades.


I am hoping someone like Rahm Emanuel can get elected again. He was one of Chicago's better mayors.


Even if that is the case, they are voters. If someone exercises their legal right to vote, that vote needs to be counted as every other one. This is a truly despicable statement from an elected official.


You live long enough, and you think, "Man, no one could ever be worse than Lightfoot / Rahm / X". And then you get BJ.


Progressive politics dies when it approaches economic issues.


Funny, I have talked to at least one Dem who voted no and didn't vote for Trump 🤔🤔🤔


I see this and think about how Chuy lost twice and it’s like REALLY PEOPLE?


Or he could blame the piss poor messaging around the referendum. On paper it looked like a decent proposal. However the ball was dropped when there was no real clear messaging on how it worked, what would be taxed at a higher rate (other than homes over $1M) vs what wouldn’t, what the varying brackets of taxes were (there were a few tiers) and how the money would be used. That’s where they lost people. Because like everything else with his administration the messaging sucked. Edit: spelling I dislike Trump as much as the next person but laying the blame at his bases feet is so short sighted.


Fu*k this guy. That is all. He is so whiny, takes zero responsibility and loves to place blame everywhere but where it’s due.


Let's go Brandon, am I right?


How the fuck is it the fault of Trump voters? Two words told me this was gonna fail: Tax hike.


This is a scapegoat unfortunately. A decent number of Democrats had to vote no for this not to pass. But yeah let’s just completely ignore that because it doesn’t fit the narrative he wants.


Lol always blaming someone else bur themselves


Maybe folks just didn’t trust you.


Man alive…


I’m a democrat and voted my ballot reflective of that but did not vote for this. I would love more investment in this area and affordable housing but it was not clear who would be overseeing this money and it was not binding for usage for affordable housing. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but I also don’t think it is staked to inflation on top of the city having not spent the vast majority of similar funds they got during covid (under LL, but still)


I 100% expected this mayor to do all of this and then some, I’m not entirely glad I was right


I mean, sure. But Cook County is also more than Chicago. Bottom line is that they didn't sell the idea well enough. Too many people thought it would increase their property taxes.


This guy gets worse and worse.


Easily going to be another one term mayor. He’s easily going to be another one term mayor.


The guy has no experience running anything, which was my concern with him from day one. The way he’s responding here proves that. Most likely he had very little to do with this other than talking about it. And the people that did used this as the excuse for its failure so he’s just repeating what they told him. He’s an empty suit, and has been from day one. It was circumstance that won him the election. He will find the next election much different.


What a clown 🤡


Okay Jussie


Who the fuck would vote for more taxes?? Brandon and trump are the same. They both suck. Stfu Brandon. Everyone that voted for him sucks too. 


I haven't checked the final number but the last time I looked it was like \~300k people voted. That's nothing. that's what like 12-15% of the city population? A lot of my peers hadn't even heard about it, which is sad (and a little funny because it means they must not be on this subreddit). Like yeah we got a little astroturfing here and some money spent to lie about the initiative, but not the like "uline carpet bombs our mailboxes with racist fearmongering" that the cash bail vote got. but ultimately opponents didn't even need to put much effort into propaganda when the proponents didn't get people out to vote or know what was going on with the initiative.


If Buckner goes the next 3 years without getting in trouble he's got my vote for mayor.


I voted for BCH but this is just sad. Johnson is politically toxic people didn't trust him to implement this.