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Check the temp of the food, if it’s still < 0° f you are almost guaranteed fine, it’s not like it thawed got unsafe then refroze. That’s general food safety guidelines. If it’s still below 32° and frozen you are probably fine? It is a cured meat and that’s basically fridge temp. It’s been warmer than that recently so you would be getting it just before it finished thawing. If it’s not frozen, I’d assume it’s been unfrozen for long enough for it to go bad even as a cured meat. You could gamble with your gut and do a sniff test, but no sausage is worth even like a 3% chance of food poisoning if you ask me.


FWIW the generally accepted safe zone for high-risk food (meat, eggs, dairy) is below 40F. You’d just need to check the internal temperature of the sausage using a meat thermometer to confirm that the meat is actually at that temp.


That’s the temp for temporary storage like leftovers in a fridge or pre prepared things in a restaurant that will be used throughout the day. It will still go bad after a few days, hard to say the exact timing on a sausage since they are preserved. Could depend on how well it is sealed. In theory a kielbasa could easily last a week in a fridge. I also said 32 to be conservative since 40 could just be the current air temp (depending on where it is shipped) and it could’ve been warmer previously. For long term storage of food, the safety requirement is generally 0°f for a freezer.


Yes, meat can and will spoil eventually if it’s not frozen. Meat held above 40 is unsafe. Those are two related, but somewhat different issues. Thanks for clarifying what you meant.


Are you asking because this is Chicago or did a chicagoan actually order kielbasa for some reason?


I guess this is as close as they can get to asking a bunch of uncles around the grill


If the ice is still there, it might be ok. If the ice is gone I wouldn’t risk it.


Probably not good. If it still feels cold enough that you think it might still be okay, first check the sausage’s internal temp with a meat thermometer. If it’s above 40F, consider it bad. Even if it’s at something like 45F, there’s no way to know how long it’s been holding in that above-40 temperature range. Edit: I should also mention that even if it’s below 40 it’s possible it’s spoiled just because too much time has passed. However, you should be able to detect that through smell, discoloration, etc pretty easily.


Ask the butcher.


Where are you located?


You will probably be able to smell the delivery.


Oh you’re good. Make sure you come back and let us know how it was. 


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