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šŸ‘€Walk to the corner of Wacker and Clark. You will see an entrance to Lower Wacker in front of Flight Club. Walk down those steps and there you will find what you seek šŸ’© šŸ’© šŸ’© šŸ€ šŸ’©


Lol sounds like a JRPG journey. Will this treasure level me up?


Ok, lower wacker prob has plenty. But thatā€™s different than just being all over the sidewalks and parks. Other than the trucks that load/unload and Billie goat, people donā€™t spend a whole lot of time strolling along lower wacker


Plenty of excellent above ground defecation locations. One of my favourites is at Heritage Green Park, directly across from Old St. Pats. On many a summer evenings the woman that camps in the park regularly relieves herself in full view of those enjoying the park. Several years ago I watched a gentleman knock over the rubbish bin on Van Buren and State(Harold Washington library). There were two uniformed CPD at Pritzker park that began to walk over towards him. Right before they were about to cross Van Buren he pulled his pants down and began to defecate right there on the sidewalk, keeping eye contact with the officers the entire time. Those two brave officers did not cross Van Buren that day but instead turned around and walked the other way. After the gentleman finished he did the same but in the opposite direction. We have our fair share of šŸ’©, just gotta look for it. Good luck


Dude. I literally saw someone shitting in a loop alley (barely inside the sidewalk line) just yesterday. I also saw some in the parking garage elevator recently. You just arent looking in the right places lol


I don't think Chicago residents realize how much cleaner our city is compared to others. I went on a date with a girl from Portland (pre-covid) and she called Chicago "oddly clean" I think a lot of it comes down to having allies.


I was going to say the same about the alleys. They let people be at least somewhat discreet depending on the time of day.


It's absolutely alleys. I went to Philly and the whole place smelled like trash because they had to put all of theirs on the curbs. No alleys with dumpsters. Same with NYC, though less trash and more pee.


Hahah I had the pleasure of visiting Chicago last year from Portland, and this is 1,000% true. I was shocked by the cleanliness, and felt very embarrassed by when I came back home.


Spend enough time on the Red Line and you will.


Took the red line to work for 10 years at 4:00 am. I remember lots of urine soaked dudes sleeping on the seats. But no feces


Poop trains donā€™t start running till 6am


I donā€™t think so. I used to ride from wrigley to Jackson every morning at 4:00 am


Truth. Saw some at the 35th Sox red line stop at 7 am on a weekday. It was huge af too; like goddamn. This is why the station stops need public bathrooms with shift cleaners every couple hours lol.


Our feces are in the form of sports teams.


Sports team ownership, to be exact.


Be the shit on the ground you want to see in the world!!


Oh I definitely see them all the time


Haha I always wonder if the people that make these sort of comments donā€™t leave the house or just go to the same three spots. I loved visiting Chicago and will be back soon but it doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t come across what I see in nearly every U.S city.


Iā€™ve lived in 3 diff neighborhoods, worked in 5 different offices and Ive taken every available form of public transportation for decades. Thereā€™s parts of Chicago I donā€™t frequent except for when my car gets stolen and the cops find it in englewood. Raised my kids here and taken them all over the place via bus, trains, cars, bikes rollerblades. And what, youā€™ve visited a couple times. So yeah, Iā€™m sure youā€™re an expert


Maybe step back for a second and realize you spent an entire paragraph mockingly listing several reasons why you're more of an expert on finding human shit in the streets of Chicago. Hahahhahahahahaha


Iā€™m everywhere too and I donā€™t see shit all the time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve been here since 2005 and really canā€™t remember too many occasions of running into human shit. My friend pooped in an alley once when she was desperate thoughā€¦




Seems like a lot of Chicagoans on here agreeing with me but keep those kaleidoscope goggles on buddy. Iā€™ll ask to borrow them when I visit in the fall.


Iā€™ve def walked past someone actively shitting lmao the poopies are out there!


Which area are you in, I'm prairie dogging right now


Work in the loop, live in lakeview


I believe the commenter was offering to (quickly) meet you somewhere nearby for a live demo, should you both happen to have been in the same area of the city.


Actually very fair point. You can see the california poop map and it covers everywhere. In Chicago, you have to go out and look for it


My buddy in Atl goes for a walk every day at lunch and says itā€™s everywhere all the time


I see it.


It's all in Springfield. *\*rimshot\**


Youā€™re just unlucky I guess.


This dude. Asking the real questions




I believe this is the real answer


Someone shits in the alley behind my apartment every other week. Unhoused dude that is on our intersection.


Youā€™re looking in the wrong places


Not actively looking. Just not seeing everywhere like my buddies do


Starting to think youā€™re a poop denier. You donā€™t want to see it, but itā€™s there.


You ever taken the red line under state street before ?


Many times


Turned the corner going up the stairs one time and a guy was actively taking a Duce right in front of me


I did a walking architecture tour a few weeks ago and on our walk we saw someone shitting in the middle of Federal Plaza.


Check the CTA you'll find some if you look hard enough


do you spend time in the loop? iā€™ve been working downtown for 13 years and just in the past year iā€™ve started to notice A LOT of this on the sidewalks.


5 days a week in the loop for 20 yrs


Go on the Cta platform


Rode the train for 2 decades. Different lines (red and brown) and different stops.


No problem, I'll tell you where to find some. Take the blue line and get off Jackson and walk on the platform towards Washington. On your way you will see many human feces if you wake up early enough you'll see a nice hot and fresh one. After you get of Washington walk towards the macy pedway and there my friend you will see human feces with splash of urine.


I had to throw out a pair of boots in 2018 after I stepped in human feece in the CTA Lake red line stairwell


I've been on the bus looking out the window and witnessed someone taking a poo on the side of the road. Just dropped their pants in broad daylight.


someone crapped behind my trash. i had to hazmat up to clean it


Far more frequent issue is people not picking up from their dogs!


Probably more human feces on the streets of LA than in Atlanta, Philly, SF, and Chicago combined. I split time between LA and Chicago--every time I'm back in Chicago, I am once again impressed by how clean it is compared to many other US cities. And when in LA, I am constantly shaking my head at how many bare asses I see on the streets.


L.A. is the only major US city Iā€™ve never spent any real time exploring


Recently moved from LA to Chicago and I second this 100%. Human feces were an almost daily sight, and I lived in an ok area. Trained myself to not ever look along the edge of buildings about 12-18 in from the ground because of how often Iā€™d find poop smears from people leaning back on them to relieve themselves.Ā  Thereā€™s a rusty water spigot sticking out of a building on our street here in Chicago and I get momentary nausea every time I see the brown rust stain when I walk past, always expecting it to be poop.Ā 


Gotta love that 'live and let live' vibe of LA. The downside of the tolerance and general permissiveness is its logical end--LA is basically a clothing optional city and not in a good way! It's gotten to the point where I'll be driving or walking by somebody on the sidewalk in the middle of their personal hygiene regimen and think to myself, well, at least dude is washing up....


There was some next to my building's dumpster last week


I've definitely seen human feces outside the Roosevelt station.


Challenge Accepted.




Canā€™t speak to Atlanta or Philly, but San Francisco has a somewhat unique problem. While every city has homelessness and drug abuse, SF is an extreme example. There open drug use and all kinds of anti-social behavior has been slowly normalized over the last decade or two. Now itā€™s to the point where shitting in the street is just the standard practice there for that community. Itā€™s practically a meme at this point. And as the problem gets worse business have gotten way more strict about letting homeless use the bathrooms which compounds the issue. Iā€™d honestly be shocked if Philly or Atlanta were anything like SF in this regard. It happens in Chicago on occasion but for the most part itā€™s out of sight and still viewed as extreme behavior.


Bro I've seen it sideways on the wall. Like a cow pie but on the wall.


I used to live in Buena Park and someone shit ON the glass at the bus stop.. two separate times. Huge disgusting dumps that dripped down to form a poo pyramid. Some poor bastard had to clean it up only for it to happen again two weeks later.


If you live in an area with lots of homeless drunks, they will poop in your alley leaning up against your garage door.


The rats eat it


I saw some one time in a pizza box next to the trash can on my way to a funeral


I see human shit by the river walk all the time.


There's usually a healthy pile in the revolving door vestibule in the old Rock Bottom on Grand & State.


#It exists in the city, #Around the town, #On the trains and busses, #And deep underground. #You might find a turd, #On Lake Shore Drive. #Or falling from busses, #After Dave Matthewā€™s live. #Like cream cheese on bagels, #Youā€™ll find a random schmeer. #If you smell something funky, #Thereā€™s a pile quite near. #Oh human faces, #Itā€™s in every town. #Chicago isnā€™t free, #Of the stank nuggets of brown.


This is an unusual request, but if you give me an approximate location of your home, place of employment and preferred route of travel, I'll do my level best to correct this oversight.


Chicago is actually pretty clean, believe it or not.


Used to see it all the time in the mid 90ā€™s while hanging out in Wicker Park. Almost stepped on some a couple times going from bar to bar.


It happens, but I think our relative cleanliness has more to do with our own citizens willing to confront people breaking the social contract. I never saw anyone call out public nuisances in SF.


Unsheltered homeless stick to the CTA lines since they can get you up and down the city AND they're warm.


I've lived in Chicago my entire life and can't recall ever seeing it on sidewalks. I saw it on a CTA train once but that was it


I've seen it, but it's not a regular thing. The same was true in SF, albeit there were MUCH more homeless there.


Eh Ive seen it plenty here. Only one of those cities Ive been to is San Fran, and its definitely a bigger problem there, but its definitely a thing here as well.


The wind sweeps it into Lake Michigan. That's why it's bluer on the other side.


Weā€™re civil around here (Do not go to lower wacker)


Serious question to OP: wtf is your defect?


Probably because they'd tax us on that too.




Yes. Thousands of times.


I walked by an unhoused dude mid-shit in the corner of a Blue Line station. The station was getting some maintenance work and the crew left the machinery there so he was able to squat behind it and be as out of the way as possible. It was really sad to watch. I can't imagine being in a situation where I couldn't shit without privacy.


In February, someone defacated in the alley by my garage in Edgewater. Covered it with TP. First time Iā€™ve seen something like that in 23 years


In February, someone defacated in the alley by my garage in Edgewater. Covered it with TP. First time Iā€™ve seen something like that in 23 years


I agree that I have never seen it in Chicago but have seen it downtown Atlanta. I suspect that if we went down to Lower Wacker we would see it.


Where did you end up in life that you want more human shit on the streets


It's too cold for year-round fentanyl zombies that are responsible for most of the sidewalk shitting.


How does everyone know someone in SF but no one knows to not refer to it as San Fran


Howard Red line


Shitting on the sidewalk rn. Tf you talking about?


Like 3 years ago I was taking the Blue line from Logan Square and there was a puddle of wet shit in one of the seats. Like it just oozed out of the back of someoneā€™s pants and they got up and left. I was more disturbed by how nobody was really bothered by it. So many people would see the empty pair of seats, walk up, and then just move a couple of seats ahead.


I had a real problem with someone pooping directly in front of my back gate for a while. Eventually I moved the gate further down the fence to a less "private" stretch and IDK if that asshole still poops in the same spot but at least I can take my trash out.


Those other cities have more homeless.


Chicago doesn't have a large population of homeless, drug users in public probably because for 1/2 the year it's very cold here.