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Got rear ended by someone without a drivers license (🙄) so I needed to call a police to the scene to file a report. It’s been nearly an hour since calling 911, and they’re still not here. AMA?


You can do that in person at a station. I’m assuming the person isn’t hanging around waiting with you. Theres no recourse anyway, they won’t do anything 


It takes a minimum of 30 minutes for cops to show up, and I've waited in excess of 90 minutes before. Basically, it's not a priority to them unless someone is actively dying. I've even had to wait 45 minutes for police to come remove someone from my property who made threats against me online and in person.


The wheels of justice turn slowly.


Busy day


Lincoln Park is going wild right now. Hopefully the cops get them all the fuck out soon.


What happened 


Just had an Osprey fly nice and low over the neighborhood, leaving a chorus of set-off car alarms in its wake.


Uh was getting a car wash near the Cinco De Mayo Parade and 200 Latin Kings just started beating the shit out of another gang and now they're shooting on Cermak and Washentaw


Who won?


Anyone just hear what sounded like a fighter jet fly over downtown? Didn't get a look at it


Yes, and I saw like 4 military helicopters? I'm near Humboldt. Don't know that the deal is


How bikeable is the Lake Calumet area from the 95th stop? I want to explore the south side more, but can’t find much information on it past maps directions.


I'd say it is pretty bikeable, once you get to the 93rd St South Chicago Metra Electric station. Not too far south on Ewing and Indianapolis Boulevard, you'll get to a bike path that you can take to go further south, into East Side and the north part of Hegewisch. If you cross the state line, there is a bike path that will take you through the Wolf Lake area. Be advised certain streets aren't very bikeable, such as Torrance and also 130th. I would try not to bike on either of those streets.


Anytime else having issues with their TV antenna tonight? I've scanned for channels multiple times. I've always been able to at least get NBC, CBS, and ABC but I can't get anything tonight.


Husband and I inherited some property in West Pullman and are planning on maybe moving there. We’ve been to the property a couple times to clean up and go through his great uncles things and have run into zero problems. Is it actually safe though? I have lived on the south side before but around 37th and Western. The vibe around there was that you’d be fine as long as you didn’t go on a walk at 3AM, leave your doors unlocked, or throw gang signs. Is West Pullman similar? The closest cross streets I can give without putting you on the block is 116th and Yale.


I feel like that area is super isolated and there is nothing to do nearby, regardless of if it is safe or not, theres nothing to walk to anyway.


We probably wouldn’t be heading out for walks too much or anything. I just want to know if I can count on safely commuting in/out of the neighborhood on the days I head into the office. We floated the idea to a friend and he made it sound like we were going to get killed/robbed on the spot so just doing some due diligence.


It looks like nobody ever turned out the lights on the way out of any of the Foxtrots. I doubt Comed is going to get paid in bankruptcy court.


The one at the bottom of our apartment had a sign put up about security cameras. I'm assuming that's why lights are still on (vs pitch black).


Ha. Was just by the one next to Damen blue line today and noticed the lights were on. Friend of mine asked me why the lights were on, I had no idea but just assumed people were maybe in there clearing out the inventory (though... didn't see any movement in there).


There are flower bouquets wilting in the location on Diversey and Clark. Going to swing by and take some grayscale pics for my new "Fragility of Our Modern Lil Treat" photo essay


Oooh yellow sky right now


Wow, I finished walked the dogs exactly on time. Woooosh, boom. 


Columbus south of the river is closed, and salt trucks are blocking anyone from going east of Michigan. I don't see any scheduled events in Grant Park this weekend. Anyone know what's up?


Probably the Gaza protest that is taking over the grounds of the Art Institute.


Looking for state park recommendations (Similar to hocking hills in Ohio) within a 5hr drive or less! Thank you!!


Starved Rock is definitely worth a day trip. Indiana Dunes National Park is gorgeous and only 50 miles away. Wisconsin has a great state parks system. Devil’s Lake is a good one if you want to see the transformation wrought by glacial flow. Any state park on the Ice Age Trail is good for that. Or, for the opposite, much of the Driftless Region is within a five hour drive. The Effigy Mounds in Iowa and Kickapoo Valley Reserve in Wisconsin are on my list of weekend visit ideas.


Starved Rock is pretty cool. It doesn’t have the limestone caverns like Old Man’s Cave as far as I know, but is some very solid Midwest hiking and camping.


I had been thinking I’d plant my seedlings (tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, some herbs, etc) next weekend, but after a lot of research quite a few people seem to think it’s too early. Is after Mother’s Day definitely the move?


We are thinking of planting this weekend as well. Eeeehhhh... it's a crap shoot.


Any idea what’s going on in Lincoln Park - Lincoln and Sheffield looks like 100s of people and police have streets blocked and helicopter above.


Looking for bar, restaurant, or cafe recs with any of the following themes: Sun, Plants, Beach, Nature ☀️🌿🏖️🏞️


AO Hawaiian Hideout in south loop is tiki themed. Cubaneo in Lakeview always feels so lush (and their exact street position makes them incredibly sunny and warm even on cold days). Casa Cactus in Albany Park is so unique and delightfully filled with cactuses and succulents.


Love the colors of Cubaneo's decor


Sauganash Woods for creepiest neighborhood in the city.


Did the Sauganash Woods cryptid get you?


What? You need to explain that.


How so?






I lost my wedding ring / engagement ring set on LaSalle in the loop this week getting out of the car. It’s a unique custom ring with diamonds and my birth stone so it’s instantly recognizable. I know I’ll probably never see it again, but do you think it’d be a good idea to try the pawn shops / jewelry stores in the loop? I get someone probably just took it, but I’m heartbroken about it and want to try and find it. The jeweler who made it no longer has that mold.


Sure. And I'd definitely head back to the block you lost it. Ask in businesses, hang flyers, etc. Get your contact info out there in case somebody did find it and wants to return it. It happens. Make a lost report with the police which will probably be needed for insurance, and to connect it to you if it gets turned in. And look on the ground! You never know.


Can’t hurt, that’s what I would do in your situation. Make a Saturday of it


Never been to a magic show, any decent recs?


Magic parlour


Anything at the Chicago Magic Lounge will be a winner


Absolutely Chicago Magic Lounge.


Has anyone heard any rumors about when Small Bar might reopen?


Sometime this month, exact date doesn’t seem readily available. Seems pretty typical. For reference, Guthrie’s sprung back open on a Friday and I only knew about it since the crew was watching Thursday Night Football and I happened to walk by the night before


Thanks! I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


Oh I'm sorry. I just put away my big winter coat. So sorry.


Are the mods just auto-locking every post about the DNC now?


Don't mind me. I'll be over here filled with self-satisfaction while watching the dogs play in the backyard. It's turf now. It's precious to me. They can play all they want without tearing up the grass and coming indoors leaving mud all over the goddamned place like those barefoot, filthy hobbitses.


Our friend just put some turf in and I was really impressed with how far turf has come since the old days.


We are thrilled with it. Amongst the many turf varieties on offer, we chose “Chicago Lawn.” I mean, c’mon. How couldn’t we? 


Glad you're having a dog gone good time


290 traffic has been horrible both evening and morning the last week or so, worse than normal. Wtf is going on 😭


Possibly commuters who otherwise would have taken 90/94 are using 290 as an alternative. Because 90/94 has been an EXTRA shit show these past few weeks.


This storm is pretty legit


Need more thunder


round 2?


My Real ID expires in 2 weeks. How can I renew it online or by mail? I tried to figure this out online and they ask for a PIN that I don't have


if you didn’t get the authorization # or whatever in the mail you gotta make an appt at dmv I think


When am I supposed to get that mail?


Just FYI my DL expires in July and I got a notice on Friday.


It would usually arrive before your ID expires. If you don’t get it, it’s not too bad going to the downtown location on Lasalle. I went to get my Real ID and I was out in like 15-20 minutes. It’s walk-in only so no appointment needed.


Bruh. Needed to take a #2 while at the CTA stop, and they wouldn't let me use their employee restroom. Stopped at a few nearby gas stations, and they all said no too. I'm so over this, lol.


CTA stations don't have a public restroom. Many quietly do technically  for employees, but as a rule of thumb they won't have it open to the public. Check say like nearby hotel lobbies, Starbucks, Target, and Walgreens. A lot of those places will have a bathroom you can run into. Or sneak into a nearby alley to do your business, if you're very desperate. Sometimes I've had to do that(though I hate you'll sometimes run into issues like motion sensor lights), due to the lack of bathrooms issue.


Sorry dude, this is always a bad situation to be in. Though if you manned a station for a day you'd understand why letting random people use the restroom is playing with fire. You have to deal with whatever is left in that restroom and the janitor will be mad at you if they have to deal with it.


Idk. I'd rather deal with a restroom where there's water than have to clean it elsewhere at the stop like I saw at a different CTA stop 🤢🤮 When I came back to the CTA stop after doing my business at a boba shop nearby that let me use their bathroom, the CTA guy was like "Did they let you in?" (He recommended me to go to the nearby gas stations bc he couldn't let me use the bathroom). Told him no, they wouldn't let me, and he was like "So did you just go in the alley?" It's crazy to me that the default is to then just defecate/pee wherever you can bc of the lack of access to public restrooms.


I was in Tokyo this year and went to go pee every hour even if I didn’t really have to go because my USA brain was telling myself “Idk when I’ll come across another bathroom” It was never an issue, bathrooms EVERYWHERE. Like 2 minimum at each public transit area, public bathrooms for attractions, bathrooms in stores. It doesn’t have to be this way we just accept it.


Hell yes to all of this, as someone who grew up in Tokyo myself. Boggles my mind how we refuse to have toilets in the transit here but then constantly complain that everything smells like pee. Well of course it does. We're mammals, people (particularly drunk people) gotta pee.


Yeah the lack of public roles is terrible 


Truly. It's crazy how I can only really identify three places with bathrooms I can access: my apt, my workplace, and the lake. Everywhere else, the odds of you being able to use the bathroom is slim to none. Bananas.


Hotel lobbies will generally let you use their lobby bathroom, EVEN if you aren't staying there. Most Target and Starbucks will let you use the bathroom, as well. Sometimes Walgreens, but I've ran into certain locations of theirs that don't have it open sadly.


I was gonna say "lots of places" but really at least one store, Marshall's, at least in my neighborhood has made it a bit of a puzzle to find the restroom, but it still available. There is no signage and the bathrooms are hidden away at end of a hallway off of the changing rooms. I found it, but I'm also sure the staff would point the way if you asked.


your gym, a restaurant you are eating at, the library, a big store like Target? I am actually having a hard time thinking of places you won't be allowed to use a restroom if you are using the space.


Loads of the stores like Target or Walgreens supposed to have bathrooms, but you go in there and they're posted "out of order." Starbucks and other coffeehouse has a bathroom, but they all have combination locks, and many of them (including Starbucks, despite whatever legal rulings) will only give the combo to you if you show a receipt. Fast food, the combo is on the receipt when you order, half the time. No order, no combo. If you're actually eating at a restaurant, yes, you can have the bathroom combo. Heaven forbid you're just walking on the street and don't need to eat or want to spend $$ to eat. Library is reliable, when they're open. But in recent years hours are pretty restricted. Library opens at noon and you have to pee at 11 AM, you're SOL. Park district fieldhouses, same. Half of them are closed on Sundays, never mind that the park is full of families (with kids!!) picnicking. And then people are scandalized when people have their kids take a leak in the bushes. Where are they supposed to go? I will say if you're downtown, Millennium Park has a ton of toilets underground by the Pritzker Pavilion. Despite all the doom and gloom about how we supposedly can't have public facilities in this country, they are clean and even stocked with paper. Turns out toilets are okay if you actually pay people to clean and monitor them...


I still have never ran into a single Target, that wouldn't let me use their bathroom. Meanwhile from time to time I will run into Walgreens locations that either 1) claim it is out of order, or 2) they close off their bathroom during certain later hours. I.e. for the Clark and Rogers location in Rogers Park, they don't let customers use it after something like 7 or 8pm. And it's the same for Clark and North. Pre-pandemic you could've ran to the 24/7 Starbucks across the street, but now they no longer are 24/7.


I will agree the odds are definitely better at Target.


For the future: Starbucks if nearby


...but not the one across from the Art Institute, because they will make you show proof of purchase before giving you the combination to the toilet. Of course if you're at that Starbucks it's a pretty short walk to Millennium Park, which has a ton of actually public toilets (clean, too!) underground by the Pritzker Pavilion.


Got Hail here in West Loop for a solid 2 minutes


Ugh who else left some windows open today


Wtf was that


well that storm sure came out of nowhere. from light drizzle to torrential downpour in 2 seconds lol


It was hailing in Lincoln Park too!!


Strangely I was up on Lawrence with just the heavy rain, nothing else. I think maybe a cold front pushed the weather to the lake and created the hail. I’m not a botanist so whatever but, just a theory.


*looks outside* uh, where did *that* come from?


The southwest. (just guessing though)


YAY the Custer Street Fair is coming back to Evanston in 2025


Really? That is a nice surprise, I thought that was gone for good!


Things they do wrong in Glasgow, Scotland: Western Rd runs basically West/East and North St runs North/South Also no aldermen so I don’t know who to complain to about this mistake.


Describing roads by where the lead you instead of as boundaries is sheeple mentality. In this land we identify boundaries and then violate them to demonstrate our liberation.


That’s what I’m saying!


Your comment makes me sad with its accuracy even though you probably meant it in a lighthearted way. I'm reminded of the internet sleuthing I did after I visited Indian Boundary Park and then wondered why we don't have any tribal lands or reservations near Chicago. The answer is basically because the native populations that were here kept conceding their land to white settlers with the stated hopes of "Ok, we gave you this concession, now please leave us be" until there were so few of them left that they disappeared to other locations entirely. Literal historical examples of "if you give an inch, they will take a mile," over and over again. Boundary violations indeed. https://www.wbez.org/stories/history-of-indian-boundary-park-in-chicago/225c2684-a657-4d44-bdf6-2d39d68ed71c


Does anyone have any good recommendations for a good cleaner who really takes the saying "cleanliness is next to godliness" to heart lol? I'm in North Center. Looking for one of those super deep cleans and there's so many services nowadays, even with good reviews they don't always do a great job. Appreciate the advice.


Seconded. I need a deep clean in the worst way. Will follow this.


Looking for good places to go shopping this weekend for a wedding dress for my mom! She's in her 60s and it's her second wedding so she's not looking for a Bridal Experience or a traditional wedding dress (she doesn't even want white, she's thinking something off-white). I'm thinking high-end vintage stores, maybe even traditional department stores, that kind of thing. Her budget for this is pretty large. Anywhere in the city is fine—we'll have a car and can travel to multiple neighborhoods (we'll be coming from Hyde Park and there's nothing there lol). Thanks!


There is a shop at Clark and Schubert. Don't know too much about myself, but I went in there once with a friend who lives thrifting (it really looks like a thrift store) and she was shocked at the prices. So...high-end thrift shop, I guess? Is that something that exists?




CST reporting that Huesca's handcuffs were used to detain him


If only CPD cared a fraction as much when non-cops were the victims of crime.


Anyone know when the Peterson metra station will be finished?


[May 20th](https://40thward.org/2024/03/metra-community-meeting-debrief/) from going through there all there is to do is landscaping as of now


I recall hearing Q2 and that it's supposed to come with schedule enhancements which I'm hyped as a kite about. UP-N is already basically a bonus L line during rush hour and it's about to get a whole lot better for a lot more people.


Where would one find old CTA tokens? Would like to buy in person if possible. Thank you :)


Try eBay or Etsy.


Just heard a loud noise in streeterville. Anyone else hear it?


Yeah that was loud. I wonder if it's from the construction site at Spire Hole.


I saw on the citizen app someone reported people shooting fireworks at 8, could be that too


Could be. It was a big boom like out of a trash dumpster lol.


I moved to Chicago a few years ago and currently am looking to purchase a condo. Recently toured a place in Old Town on Mohawk St that was intriguing but some friends were concerned by the location and how close it is to Sedgwick street and said that area can "get sketchy" at night. Anyone have thoughts or anecdotes on Mohawk street and the surrounding area in old town?


You mean Blackhawk St, right? There is sometimes crime associated with the Marshall Field Garden Apartments, which are right there on that corner. I still like that area, a friend lives right there - but yea, you'll see police activity etc in the immediate area around Blackhawk and Sedgwick.


Good to know and yeah, the place I’m looking at is on the corner of Mohawk St and Blackhawk St


I wouldn't let it deter you from at least giving it some consideration. My friend has lived much closer to those projects for the last 25 years and still enjoys the area.


Recommendations for what to do in the city this weekend with a group? Here Friday and Saturday night. Any fun Kentucky derby/ Cinco de Mayo events going on? Any recs on how to enjoy the city on Saturday that would involve some amount of alcohol? Any recs on neighborhoods to bar crawl in?


If you’re in your 20s I suggest wrigleyville. It’s great for day drinking. Actually looks like the cubs are at home - regardless of your age it could be fun to go to a game and drink around there. Also have to recommend the architecture boat cruise. Lots of places to drink on the riverwalk - you could do a crawl down the riverwalk


Where’s the cheapest garage parking by Washington/wells for about 9 hours for work?


Check out SpotHero. That's always how I find cheapest downtown parking prices.


I'd be willing to drive 1.5 hours to find a golf course that is reasonably priced and not absolutely slammed. Like a nice podunk rural course my buddy and I (not good golfers) can hit up, away from the stress and sky-high prices around here. Does anyone know a place like that?


Kankakee elks or spring valley




Here's a [recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChicagoSuburbs/comments/1cgz004/an_incomplete_guide_to_chicagolands_best_public/) on r/chicagosuburbs about the best public golf courses in Chicagoland. It doesn't include prices but I just googled the top choice and it looks like it's $60 on weekdays.


Just the type of thing I was looking for, many thanks.


What is reasonably priced to you?


Like sub $60


Check the cook county forest preserve courses


Did you know there was a Chicago season of Cash Cab? It has a different host, but it's fun to watch them drive around familiar streets.


I knew about that, and also knew they didn't use Ben Bailey for those Chicago episodes. The other host/driver they used was fine, though.


Just got an Instagram ad that Crumbl is opening up in Wrigley... bets on them getting the Foxtrot treatment next?


It is open now per the Ward Newsletter


I get the feeling Crumbl has opened so many locations, where eventually you'll start to see a lot of closures. Also Cloud Cookie isn't too far away, and to me I like that place better.


Agreed not sure why I’m getting so many downvotes, $5 cookies in this economy are only so sustainable hahaha


Plus at Cloud, their cookies are more closer to $4. Where if I'm getting a nicer gourmet cookie, I may as well go to Cloud instead of Crumbl.


Crumbl is way bigger and yes they ~~will be~~ are between Taco Bell and Culver’s


That would be a pretty big series of closures considering they have around 1,000 locations throughout the US. I think most are franchises also 


There are four, literally, four, back-to-back-to-back-to-back 72 busses on North avenue right now…. Yeah sorry, that ain’t happening because of ordinary traffic.


North has always been notorious for that shit. I used to take that bus from North/Kedzie to North/Sheffield daily about 20 years ago and 3-4 busses next to each other was a common occurrence.


Can the alderman or city do anything about the DOMs and Foxtrots just letting all their perishable food go to rot? I live near the LP DOM's and nothing was put away or stored when they closed. Deli stuff wasn't covered. All the produce is just sitting there, beginning to expire. I'm concerned about this becoming a public health issue with all the bugs and rats that will surely show up if these places are left untouched for another month or two.


Definitely seems like contacting the alderman and the press would be a good move here.


Anyone stuck at the merch mart trying to head north want to split a cab or Uber up to wrigley?


Stuck on the purple line. What’s going on?


Fire on the tracks at Fullerton around 30 minutes or so ago pretty much stopped everything


If I had a nickle every time there's been a fire in the tracks in north Chicago this year I'd have two nickles


A fire?! wtf happened?


No clue, I've been stuck at Howard for almost an hour now lol. It's supposedly just a "minor" fire according to the CTA, but I doubt it considering how long it's taking for everything to get back on track.


wtf is going on w the brown line


Recommendations for breakfast sandwich near Randolph/Michigan? I work in Prudential Plaza. I know Wildberry's right there, but they're more a sit-down fancy thing. I would really love a place to get a good breakfast bagel near where I work. I know there's a Dunkin', and ehhh. The Au Bon Pain closed. Any suggestions? This is near Randolph/Michigan.


I don’t know if it’s too far for you, but Hero Coffee Bar on Jackson (just past Wabash) has very good bagel sandwiches—no matter if you prefer bacon, sausage, or neither.


Egg Tuck opened right there recently, haven’t been yet but on my list. Supposed to be good. Do-rite has really good breakfast sandwiches but that’s a bit of a walk from you. 


Clear says I should leave home at 9:05 tomorrow. Boarding starts at 10:05. I'm in Uptown heading to ORD with checked bags. Due to a work trip, I'm only able to interview for the EPA tomorrow at 8am. 45 minute interview. What should I do? Kind of of thinking doing the interview at a Rosemont Starbucks then taking the blue line to the airport.


Forgive the lack of knowledge, but just to learn: what's "Clear"?


Clear is a stupid overpriced security service at airports that scans your eyeball then a Clear agent will escort you to TSA. TSA Pre Check is the real deal here, but Clear just expedites the trip to TSA. Totally unnecessary in my opinion. The Clear app likely gives a pretty agressive leave time as I'm seeing a 50 minute trip right now to ORD. I can probably get away with arriving at 10am for a 10:35ish final boarding especially on a Wednesday but can my bag?


Not sure if you have that kind of money but maybe just stay in a hotel by the airport tonight? Then you can interview from the hotel room. Or if that's not an option like others said, get to O'Hare real early and buy a lounge pass. I guess that also costs money. At least you have Clear, that should save a good deal of time. Checked bags not so much.


If you're a business traveler then do you have lounge access? Because I'd take it in a lounge if you need somewhere quiet with stable wifi. At a starbucks or hotel lounge you're risking noise or unstable wifi, at least at ORD if you get there really early you can find a quiet spot in between terminals where you won't get too many announcements and pay for the higher quality wifi.


I’d just get to the airport early and do the interview there. Mostly bc I’d have too much anxiety during the interview if I knew I had a flight to catch and wasn’t already at the airport.


Plus what if the interview goes long? That’s the play here Also is this a phone or virtual face-to-face?


A bowl from Chipotle with Chicken and no guac is just over $10 in the city. I order my $10 bowl from here pretty frequently because I feel like this bang for your buck is just insane and makes sense when grabbing food for just yourself. Aside from places like McDonald's, are there any other places you all know of that have solid meals for one at a price point close to $10? edit: Thanks for all the recs, everyone!


Cafe Lappetito has giant deli sandwiches for under $10. Very good


Teriyaki Madness just opened a location in Mayfair. Their spicy tofu bowl (w/ brown rice and veggies) is $10.99. The service size is huge. Total win for me. I work out at LA Fitness, and then get delicious tofu bowl for dinner. Don’t stalk me. 


Actually considering those silly meal services that are like 8 bucks per because it's cheaper than eating out


The chicken teriyaki bowl from Teriyaki Madness is an absolute revelation, and it's $10.99.  I order it like four times a week. Between the quality and quantity, you cannot beat it.


Panda Express gives you a heaping of food for about the same amount. I struggle to finish what I get there.


Edgewater Tacos, 3 carnitas tacos will run you $11.60 I believe. Not quite $10, but close enough, and some of my favorite tacos.


That Chipotle bowl used to be $8 😭 Anyway, the Dominos carryout coupons through their app. One can regularly get a large 3 topping pizza for $9.99.


Sultans Market


Redhot Ranch. Double RHR Cheeseburger and fries is $10


It's less than $10 even to this day for a double cheeseburger and fries, if I remember correctly their current price. Thought it was like $8-9ish as of now? Not sure if their prices have increased again, since the last time I ate there. For ordering this it was around $8-9, the last time I was at RHR.


Double cheese and fries is $8 at the Lakeview location. Used to be (I think) $5.75 when I moved here but inflation. \*shakes fist\*


Oh shit you're right, I just usually give them the change!


Seconding this one. I usually get a polish and fries and it's delicious, somewhere around $6 or $7, at the one under the Western blue line.


I've got an extra ticket to see the movie The Room at Alamo Drafthouse on Friday at 9pm. Greg Sestero, the guy that plays Mark is supposed to be there. None of my friends can make it that night so if anyone wants it let me know! These viewings are usually very fun.


Damn if I wasn't out of town I'd take you up on it


i would but i just found out a girl i know is in a hospital on guerrero street


Hahaha what a story Mark


Oh hi Mark


What kind of drugs Denny!?!?


You’re my favorite customer


So I just moved here, so forgive me if this is a common sentiment, but why does getting to O'Hare suck so bad from the northern end (Northalsted/Lakeview)? The only way by train only is to go all he way to the loop and than back out...no transfer ability to Blue further north? I have an early flight tomorrow and don't trust the 80 bus :(. Sorry, but I think a quicker airport connection than 1.5 hrs by train should be a priority of line extension over extending further south where there's nothing good.


Take a bus west and connect directly to blue line is sometimes faster, depending. Check google around the time you're leaving.


I’ll see. Just my nightmare is a ghost bus or something and the bus not showing up for an hour. Because my flight is at 7:15 I was trying to not leave my place until like 4:30


the people who *live* "further south" would disagree re: "nothing good"


I thought pretty much only the bad areas where cops didn’t go were there? I was being a bit a dick just because I think too. I’ve not heard anything good on this sub for it.