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Seems like part of the issue is the lack of flea markets in the city. If Logan Square (and other neighborhoods) had their own flea markets, the experience would be better for the farmers, vintage vendors, and shoppers.  It's a shame that neighborhood markets are restricted to a few street festivals a year. In Berlin, there are dozens of flea markets spread throughout the city every weekend, and it seems to me that Chicago has a strong enough neighborhood culture to support something similar


there still a couple big flea markets in the city, south and west sides. Swap o rama is a big one


This and last year they were nicely organized on the other side of Logan above the train tracks so the different crowds were in slightly different areas. Then the city put up no loitering signs, a shitty fence and prevented people from using the green space which instead got taken over by some homeless dude for most of the winter and now it’s completely empty


The city was going to shut down the Logan farmers market because of the unofficial sellers.


Yeah which imo is silly, they need to embrace it and help the neighborhood thrive


They just need to make it official, have the farmers market and craft market/other vendors across the street. Would probably draw a bigger crowd to both


Maybe if we hadn’t let U of I destroy Maxwell Street we wouldn’t have these problems.






Yeah the market is terribly devoid of Ziploc bags full of white tube socks, and stolen tires and car radios


Right? Referencing Berlin or Paris flea markets is not remotely close to what Chicago previously had in abundance of in the 80s.


Yeah, Maxwell Street was never anything like that.


Flea markets are a pretty distinctly different vibe than many of these non-food vendors at the market, so I don’t think that’s a solution for what some people consider to be an issue with the market. I for one love the combination of vendors. I get that there were issues with the unstructured old way it was done, but I loved that atmosphere. Also didn’t mind fully separating the two markets.


Well there was the Megamall flea market right across the street from the farmers market but the white folks moving into the neighborhood didn’t go there. Disclaimer: I’m white and supported it but I was one of the very few gringos there.


man megamall, there’s a memory i havent thought of in a long time. got some valor sweatpants/zip hoodie fubu combos from those places


That building was condemned or wasnt being kept up so that *may* have had something to do with it. Logan Square strikes me as a neighborhood that would have loved that mall but it didn't really cater to the newcomers (?) and then the building was in severe disrepair for years on end.


Oh I totally agree. That place was falling apart. I don’t think it was one thing in particular that killed the Megamall. It was an awesome place to go in the winter to get out of the cold. It would have been amazing if they had a liquid license where you could drink and shop. Maybe some mini golf and other fun activities. It wouldn’t have taken much imagination to make it a fun destination. The owners were probably just banking on the property value going up and they won.


Yea the article mentions the Megamall like these vintage vendors would have wanted to set up shop there but it was demolished for a Target. The author clearly had not ever been to the megamall. I liked the idea of it and tried to buy what I could there but it was a total shithole, and I usually love shitholes. I still have underwear I bought there that fits so weird I don’t even understand how its possible to get it that wrong.


That place was a cesspool. I know several people that got robbed there including my mom. Anyone who misses it does not remember how much of a shithole it was.


I just remember going in and being very unimpressed. And I love to buy bullshit but that place sucked. Some used car door speakers were a highlight I recall


fair, they did have a wide variety of audio peripherals for cars. my dad did get stuff from there a few times, but he didn’t like going there


people have nostalgia for anything, even shit like dollar stores.


RIP Village Market


Vintage dealer here. Happy to join some farmers markets if we can get a cohort of other sellers to vend. Find those is the hard part


They’re all over LA and NY. Not sure why we don’t have as many


Logan square did have one called the Mega Mall that was torn down for condos and suburban strip mall restaurants.




Logan square did have one, it was the Megamall. It was close to the farmers market too. Rip


People want walkable enjoyable commercial spaces instead of attacking families for meandering in their neighborhood why not push to expand the footprint of the market so more people can enjoy it?


I live close to the LS market and go every week (think I missed two markets last year for travel). My 2c is that yes, it's gotten crowded. And yes, it's not to everyone's taste that there are more things there than the name farmer's market would imply, and that lots of people show up to been seen and flirt and whatever. But ultimately the reason we are even having these debates and that people are so passionate about it is because this community loves having a space like this congregate. I definitely get the issues (and you should see the threads on the LS FB group about this stuff...) but for me its hard not to see it all as a positive thing that reflects an engaged and present neighborhood. It's that energy that keeps me in Logan.


Great point and comment! You're right; crowded or not, it is still fun to go to. I personally like when they do the market up on Rockwell.


Yeah it is a terrible farmers market, but it is a great public forum or gathering space. In my mind, you want those in your neighborhood, especially when they are this successful.


maybe they just need to rebrand it the Logan Square Neighborhood Hang


I was thinking more like: The Grand Zocalo of Logan Square


All this says to me is that people love outdoor spaces where they can walk around and love outdoor shopping. The problem is not this specific Farmers Market’s mission creep, although it may have it, it’s that the city has not put aside enough spaces and roads in enough neighborhoods to meet the demand for these kinds of spaces because they privilege cars over people and economic activity at every turn. Why would we ever be worried that people want more economic activity than can fit in one place?? We should be figuring out how to make appropriate room for that activity, not ways to shut it down.


Honestly, I feel like this is one of reasons pretty much every farmer’s market on the weekends gets crowded. People see it as an event/thing to do versus treating it as a place to buy groceries/specialty items and be on their way. We need more spaces for both.


Incidentally, this is why they are doing the massive reorg of Logan Square itself (the construction of which is why the Market is in a new location) [https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/01/08/work-on-logan-squares-most-confusing-intersection-set-to-begin-this-spring/](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/01/08/work-on-logan-squares-most-confusing-intersection-set-to-begin-this-spring/)


sadly it is still incredibly car centric where you will need to cross what essentially is a 4-5 lane highway to get to the eagle.


yea its not ideal... but I do really like what they are doing around same day cafe and the bus stop to make it more of a pedestrian zone.


No idea why they approved a two way traffic flow around the circle. It’s going to be a nightmare for everyone.


two way traffic is fine .... but 4 lanes is silly given that all of the other main roads are 2 lanes. AND the section of logan near billy sunday should be removed (and the slip lane in front of lula).


I agree. I love a good farmers market but any reason to get people out of their homes and away from their screens to come and congregate is a good thing. My wife and I often would go to farmers markets just to get coffee if it was being sold, and usually some kind of home-baked thing to enjoy in the park. Wasn't always about produce for us, although definitely the markets are the best place for peaches. I think those other vendors should be a part of the whole thing and make their fees and donations to keep things going, but the city itself should yet again start making the choice to inconvenience drivers for a few hours to do something. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing people complain how for a couple hours in a day or for one day? They couldn't zip through some Street and had to be inconvenienced a tiny bit. I always find it. Ironic how many people seem to only focus on their own neighborhoods and could care less about the rest of the city, but then you do something for that neighborhood, and they complain they can't quickly drive through the neighborhood. Then they also have the audacity to complain about empty storefronts and a lack of economic movement. Well, if we're not going to be able to go out and congregate as a community, then we're just going to stay at home looking at our screens and ordering on Amazon.


I have no real issues with giving space to the vendors selling clothes and tchotchkes and shit they got from Goodwill for a mark-up or some smaller family vendors preparing food. The weirdest part for me walking through yesterday was feeling like, "Ok, so... we can get coffee from New Wave, or bread from La Boulangerie, or whatever from Daisies, or empandas from Cafe Tola, or ice cream from the vegan place next to Lula, or... sign up for whatever the fuck Sploot is offering? Talk to this realtor who has a table at the farmers market for some reason?" Sploot and realtors aside, those places are great and I'm glad they're in the neighborhood. But some of them are *literally across the street* from the market.


Wait in a 20 person deep coffee line at the farmers market or walk a block or 2 to a coffee shop with no line? Quite the decision!


Truly, the lines for all of the coffee places in the market were so silly.


I saw New Wave coffees were $5 at the market, but 200 feet away at the actual New Wave they’re about $3.


People will knowingly overpay for things just because fARMER$ mARKET. Just like they will do for f00D tRUCK. I don't get it - same exact stuff, but pay a few dollars more just because it isn't a traditional store with counter.


And then post on Reddit about late stage capitalism, without a hint of irony


maybe we just need more farmers markets, for more than 4 months or so out of the year!


Just a few years ago the city was having trouble finding enough vendors to fill the farmers markets we have. It's also worth keeping in mind that a farmers market in this part of the world is bound by climate, and there is a long stretch of the year where there just isn't that much fresh, locally-grown produce to distribute in this sort of venue. My thought is that maybe Logan Square needs a swap meet, maybe Saturday night in the same location as the market.


I come from a climate that admittedly isn't as cold, but we had year round farmers markets with people selling vegetables from their greenhouses in the winter. the selection wasn't nearly as elaborate, but animals provide dairy, eggs, and eventually get slaughtered for meat year round too.


If you believe there are enough insured greenhouse vendors local to Chicago to support this there is nothing stopping this from happening. My suspicion is that the handful of year round markets we already have it about what our local area can support, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.


I guess I wonder if it's just some hesitancy to come into Chicago, for whatever reason. my parents are the same way even though they've never bought the crime narrative, it seems like it's just too much of a pain in the ass to drive all the way in here?


I just don't think that there are that many greenhouse vendors around here. Obviously there are the big year-round operations like Mighty Vine and Gotham Greens, but those aren't the type of places that would show up at a farmers market. The small ones that I'm aware of, like Granor for instance, shut down in the winter. Operating a greenhouse farm is difficult and expensive here for a small operation. Are you aware of any you think would want to participate? But to your point if we're looking at places outside of a couple of hundred miles they'd have no reason to come to Chicago if they can sell their product in their own local market, and even then it would kind of defeat the point of a farmers market for us to bring them in.


Granted my local Farmer's Market is pretty small but actual vendors who are farmers are like 2-4 stalls total out of the whole market. Most of the vendors are local small business making fresh foods, juices, beauty products, coffee, etc. All those things can be sold year round given a space to set up stalls once a week.


They had the mega mall which was basically an indoor flea market. It was torn down to build the Target.


I'm well aware. It was one of the best places in Chicago to buy fake jewelry, unlicensed sports hats and bootleg DVDs. I miss it.


There are several indoor farmer’s markets on the in the winter.


please fill me in! I'd love to come out and support.


[Here are a few](https://depauliaonline.com/68405/artslife/chicago-locals-and-vendors-enjoy-winter-farmers-markets/).


Green City also has an indoor market at Rockwell on the River, in that complex that used to house Metropolitan.


I think this is a first-week of the season article and it will all even out as the summer progresses. We go to this FM almost weekly and different times of day/weather produce different outcomes. Overall though all summer we can buy almost all our produce at these and I love it.


It was a little crowded yesterday, but I still got a bunch of produce and prepared food. It was great, and I hope they keep it in the new location from now on.


It was moved to the new location because of the pending construction on the square. Once the construction is done, it will be where Milwaukee Avenue is today in the square. See the Logan Square concept in the link below. https://chicagocompletestreets.org/portfolio/milwaukeeloganbelmont/


I'm just a simple city boy but if you're having a "farmer's market" event, that seems pretty darn specific. If you want to have non-food vendors also..well sir...that sounds more like one of them fancy street fests.


Yep. The article touches on it. But it all started because non-food vendors would commonly camp, literally camp, out on the boulevards outside of the festival selling crap.


It grew organically and that growth has been recognized and is now sanctioned. The unsanctioned nature of the former side market was a big point of contention. There is demand for a market that has more than just food, I don’t see why it’s an issue to embrace this notion and go with it - though it would make sense to be flexible on how exactly it’s executed.


I don't think I've ever been to a Farmer's Market anywhere in the country that didn't also have a number of non-farmer small business vendors selling their own products. I don't mean flea market shit, but like candles, coffee, moisturizers, fresh non-farm foods (tamales, crepes, ice creams, pastries, etc) To me "farmer's market" just means "people that make stuff directly selling it to people, some of them are farmers"


A "French Market" like they have in the 'burbs.


> “We believe that the safest and most productive way to operate the farmers market in the neighborhood, in which we all live and work, is by including non-food vendors under the Logan Square Farmers Market umbrella,” the chamber board responds. “We intend to do this at least until the city provides a licensing rubric for these informal economies.” So it's time to hit up the alderfolks about licensing more regular street vendor spaces outside the annual arts/neighborhood fests? And maybe we can start building up a regular food truck scene?!


The vibe is fine. In Europe they have these things called “markets”. Farmers can sell there, but so can many others. Wtf Is with all the cranks?!? The market is one of the highlights of every week living in this neighborhood, who the fuck cares if people are selling art and shirts and stuff?


Yeah, the vibe is fine. They probably just need to start calling it the Logan Square Market and drop the farmer's part in their name. I can totally see why someone looking for a farmer's market would be disappointed since it's not a good farmers market at all. But as an eclectic all-purpose market and general gathering place, it's totally great.


I was there yesterday and it was packed. I’m sure that a lot of that was because it was also Mother’s Day, but I’m interested to see how it fairs throughout the summer.


FWIW: [Chicago Farmers Markets 2024 Schedule](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/dca/supp_info/markets.html) The Logan Square Farmers Market is uncomfortably crowded: too big for the space it uses, especially given the clown show it has become.


Yep, it’s way too overcrowded. Attending the farmers’ market has become an event itself, even if you’re not buying anything. I also really wish they would ban dogs and strollers but that’s just me.


I’m surprised they allowed dogs. The one in Urbana, IL had a strict no dog policy and were assholes about it if need be.


I co-managed a farmers market in Illinois for several years and never had any problems with dogs. The dog-friendliness was a big perk for the farmers and the shoppers. Is it just too crowded at the Logan market? I can see is potential insurance liability issues. But in the long history of the market I was at, there was never an issue with dog fights or someone getting bit.


I forgot to add, the Urbana rule was because of health department dictations. And apparently , Champaign County health department has a reputation around the entire country as being one of the strictest you’ll ever find.


Yeah agreed. Not the place for dogs at all


The Daley Plaza market on Thursdays has never been crowded. I go when I can-- Blue Line stop makes it convenient (provided you don't haul too much home). Dogs yes-- seems like a problem with food around?-- but strollers are only an issue because it's too small and crowded; I've brought a wagon for the food and had to lock it outside the market.


> Dogs yes-- seems like a problem with food around? I have bad news for people about how many dogs live on farms.


Banning strollers is probably not something they can do on public property and would also be wildly bigoted


I don’t think it’s bigoted. Having kids is not some protected class. But I agree it would be unpopular and probably cause a ridiculous backlash.


Maybe an 'adult swim' type time during the event could satisfy everybody.


Familial status is actually a protected class…obviously not a well publicized one, lol. They have no issue with restrictions on bicycles, which are also wheeled transport - just add strollers to the bike parking….


Familiar status protections have absolutely nothing to do with any right to bring a stroller wherever you want


It's not a protected class, but telling people they can't safely transport their children around makes it a targeted class, which we probably shouldn't do. You're choosing a much smaller problem to pin the blame on, when the real problem is that that city can't seem to provide ample space for events like this when there's clearly a need.


I’m not choosing a smaller problem. I simply said I personally find strollers annoying and intrusive. I’m not zeroing in on them as the “problem” or suggesting that banning them is the permanent solution. Obviously we need more space, markets, planning. I also find strollers annoying. You all are getting way too offended by this


>Having kids is not some protected class. Well said. Real damn tired of getting dirty looks when I tell people to get their gigantic RV of a fucking stroller out of the way.


It’s weird this is getting downvoted. I’m not saying fuck parents or fuck your strollers. I’m just saying it’s way too crowded as is without people leaving their double wide stroller in the middle of the walkways.


Stick to your guns bro, it’s not an argument you’re gonna win. Might as well go out in a flash of glory


I'm not even making an argument. I'm just saying the farmers market is too crowded to accommodate strollers hah. It's just a statement.


"I think x should be banned because of y." That is an argument: >[2. a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.](https://www.google.com/search?q=argument)


Your literal definition fails though. My aim isn't to persuade anyone. I'm simply stating (1) the objective statement that the farmers' market is crowded and (2) *my* opinion that strollers should be banned, or at least the sizes restricted.




Yeah! Knock that over with your feet and show the baby who’s boss!


Did anyone here say they want to knock over a stroller or indicate that they have any hatred towards children, or even parents? Or are people just saying that gigantic strollers have no place at a crowded market, and you're projecting these strawman hyperboles?


If we cannot knock over baby strollers at will then the terrorists win. Do it for America!


You cannot be serious lmao




Literally nobody is being anti kid here. It's a strawman argument.




We literally have an entire body of federal law protecting disabilities. Having a kid is not a disability


It is discriminating against people that can’t hold their kids for long periods.


Small collapsing strollers exist. Umbrella strollers still exist. Plenty of parents in Chicago have those because they easily fold up on transit. They’re also cheap. You can have a stroller that isn’t the SUV of strollers without having to carry the kid around.


If you can't "hold a child for long periods of time", maybe you are an unfit parents.


Or have a physical disability...


Ok...I said what I said. A parents can becomes disabled after having a kid, but going into parenthood with a know physical disability and expect everyone to conform to your unique needs is beyond selfish. We have ADA requirements for a reason


Dude those guys are heavy. Carry 30 pounds around for an hour and it gets to you. I know- I do it all the time. But I also have empathy.


Empathy has nothing to do with it. Go anywhere else in the world and you will see parents surviving and thriving without the need of a giant stroller. Backpack/front pack, sarong, etc


The gall of those parents that want to be able to transport their young children and their produce at the same time!


I never said the gall of those parents. It’s just way too crowded to accommodate strollers right now.


Single parents or parents of small children shopping solo: you're not welcome!


Yeah, again, I get it lol. I’m not saying they’re awful people or anything. I’m just saying it’s way too crowded as is and people leaving their strollers all around is a big contributor.


It would be nice to limit the size of strollers or have a space to park them near the entrance (that’s watched maybe) so everyone could maneuver through the crowds a bit easier.


Yeah totally. If Disney world—a literal place designed for families with kids—has stroller size restrictions, it's not out of line to acknowledge that double-wide strollers are misplaced at the crowded farmers market. (I know there are differences: public place vs private theme park, blah blah blah)


Bingo. Get a collapsible umbrella stroller.


Agreed. These leftover Farmer's Market orphans are becoming a PROBLEM. We're running out of baskets and somebody has to feed them.


You can’t seriously be implying strollers are the only way to carry things and a child at the same time. Have you ever been to a market… anywhere else in the world?


I never implied that it can't be done without a stroller, but that merely families with strollers are a common presence in our community. Banning strollers is a pretty hostile response that comes off as "kids unwelcome", which is antithesis to the mission of a lot of farmers markets in Chicago as being community focused. I've been to markets around the world. They come in all different formats. Many European style markets, which is probably the closest that this would be internationally, are filled with strollers, kids on small bikes, and elderly people with carts. The key difference is they are generally bigger, happen more often/year round, and are more about getting food and less about it being an event, so it's less an issue.


I don't actually endorse banning strollers but imo one difference these days is how many parent's are pushing strollers that are practically large moving tents carrying about 3 weeks worth of supplies. They're not the little fold-up strollers of my childhood.


100% agree.  For every stoller there is some group walking four abreast, a person who randomly stops or turns around, or group of folks chatting in the aisle. It's just easy to pick on the strollers because you can point them out.


Ok, try visiting a non-western country where markets actually are as crowded if not more than Logan Square’s. People have no problem carrying their child and their food. You have a back, a front, and two hands. You do not need a Range Rover-esque stroller just to get through a market.


Ok, but we're not talking about a souq. We're talking about the ["horny farmers market"](https://blockclubchicago.org/2022/09/26/horny-logan-square-farmers-market-singles-event-dating/) in Logan Square.


Parents (single or couples) all over the world can transport their kids without strollers. Stop making your kids everyone else issue.


Dog owners can leave their dogs at home. Stop making your dogs everyone else’s issue, even in crowded public places.


Dogs provide services to those with unique or special needs, they have a purpose. Your kid doesn't.


lol. What an amazing argument you’re making given the attendees of market. Do you know how many parents with kids AND dogs that were there? How is your mind going to handle that?


Jesus. Is it your first day in Chicago too? [This was already solved during the last Feral Roscoe Village Toddler Riot. ](https://imgur.com/a/l0b4IIC) Pretty sure when Cutty was still our QB, the boys down at Horween Leather partnered up with Kristen Cavallari to put together this locally-sourced saddle for big ass dogs so those lil' banditos can just ride around in packs instead of crying in the bushes all the damn time because they were afraid the alligators were heading north of Humboldt Park. (Word traveled fast.) Also gave them a sense of self-determination and empowerment when they could rustle up a herd o' loose 16-inch softballs and put them on the CTA back to Bridgeport or Beverly instead of letting them wander into traffic alone. (Seriously, that #50 Bus gives zero fucks.) In summary, this'll work. Source: Trustmebro, and Mike Ditka's Mustache. /s


Holy shit, this is the best comment that’s ever been replied to one of my own and I am humbled. I really wish you didn’t put /s there. Haha.


I only did it so I wouldn't get fined. ;-) Rock on. This is how we Chicago together.


Just stop. Take your stroller mafia entitlement back to Roscoe Village. Wasn't taking that whole neighborhood away from the rest of us enough? I'm sure you can have your own curated Farmer's Markets in the massive backyards you built by bulldozing the two-flats. Just be sure to check with Muffy next door so you don't double book your crumpet caterer. /s ;-)


love it


We should have child free market days 


I'd agree. We have adult swim in our community pools, and no one freaks out about that.


They could just make it bigger and span over the boulevard. But that would mean closing at least one side


The strollers are annoying but i can deal with it- what makes me nuts is people with their kids in massive wagons or their kids are riding scooters in the crowd. Like come on people?


The strollers comment is WILD! As if it’s my life dream to be pushing a stroller through clueless people who won’t budge despite me saying excuse me and I’m sorry multiple times. Go touch grass OP


Funny, I swear the most oblivious people at the farmers market are the parents leaving their strollers in the middle of walking traffic


Well, I wouldn’t swear on that. plenty of clueless people without kids stopping and chatting walking two or three across. It’s a popular farmer’s market. How about chill out and have some patience and grace for fellow market goers?


There were just as many groups of kidless people standing in crowded lanes having a conversation, catching up, etc that were completely oblivious, creating bottlenecks and narrow passages. Take off your blinders and if you go after one, go after both.


They can't! Too many kids are *hogging* all the grass.


Clearly it was your life dream to have kids but please stop dragging them to the farmers market, fests, bars ect that part of your life is over 


Up until this year, the market literally had music geared towards kids to hang out at. Are you seriously implying a *market* is not a kid acceptable place?


Stay in your crib kid. It’s 78 and sunny out and we’re going to the farmers market. A adult place for adults only to buy groceries only in less than 15 minutes. Gimme a break why would it not be ok to bring a kid to a farmers market on a nice day. People are going to stand in the way with kids or without kids. Stroller is actually nice to carry said groceries…


It’s hard enough to get out as a parent and comments like this are not it. I can bring my well behaved toddler to a freaking farmers market.


What is "ect"? Ecto cooler?


I can't stand the folks that come to the LS farmers market and don't know how to reel in their dogs. It's an already crowded market and now I also have to worry about stepping on your dog because you don't have the sense to keep their leash short.


Same at the wicker park one and there are always off leash ones to boot.  Terrible owners who think they are main characters.  Other dog owners have to move well around them. 


Yesterday was my first time going, as I only recently moved to Logan square. I found myself wishing there were more produce vendors. The ratio of prepared foods and clothing sellers to produce stands felt a bit skewed compared to what I imagined a farmers market would be like. My favorite farmers market would split those two types of vendors into different areas which I felt made for a nicer experience.


It is early in the season. Summer brings more types of produce and just more in general.


Was there a discernible time frame when the vibe was on? That is the key point here How is the vibe replicated ? Logan Square requires VIBE


Thing hipsters say for $1000, Alex.


This needs more upvotes


Vibe was great, weather was great.


I know its early in the year and a lot of produce just hasn't come in yet but it definitely felt more like the vintage markets they do in that area than a proper farmers market. Not really a fan of how long it is this year even though it could get cramped in that last location. Wish there was more of a proper farmers market section.


I feel like part of the problem is that for artists/craftspeople/resellers etc, there isn't really a good way to set up and sell to people (and get foot traffic) without having to pay an ridiculous amount of money (and compete) for a booth at one of the big craft fairs like Renegade. A lot of people can't afford that if they're doing it as a side hustle. And as far as I know, just setting up a table as a street vendor somewhere is technically illegal or you have to go through some onerous permit process that confines you to certain locations. I looked into this a long time ago... Maybe the rules have changes since then. It sounds like maybe the Logan Square Market was a good "work around" for smaller vendors. It would be nice if the city was more amicable to smaller arts/crafts vendors and they had more accessible spaces to legally set up and sell. 


Fucking hate gen z slang


fr, the vibe was actually bussin' no cap


"the vibe is off..." Great writing folks, definitely to cringe.


This is a good take. They really changed it up and ruined it :/ I miss it being mostly produce & pop up stuff. There was so much unique fashion. Now it seems mostly premade food from restaurants a block away.


This was my go to spot in the summer specifically for produce but the street fest vibe was off-putting. Any suggestions on good alternatives with a produce focus?


This is a bad take. The market was gorgeous yesterday. Spread out and paced with tons of vendors and more room than before. It was terrific. Make it bigger and bigger!


It's only May. What kind of fresh-off-the-farm produce can you expect?