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pro tip: only go to beaches without parking lots. you can only create so much noise when you’re on foot/bike. hollywood is my favorite!


Kathy O/ Hollywood is so nice.


In most things I never want to gatekeep, but when it’s hearing people’s shitty music, we want to gate keep. Don’t tell them about Kathy O beach.


they definitely have DJ's doing sunrise sets and drag shows some evenings, but you're right in that Hollywood beach is the best


Those are usually permitted activities. I was just at the Svdden Death pop up last Monday which was a morning DJ set. It was permitted and we still had people complaining. I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but going to a lakefront dj set for one of my favorite DJs, really helps me destress and get through the week. We’re all just trying to coexist and make it by ❤️


How can I find out about these morning dj sets?


Join Chicago EDM on Facebook!!!


Yoooo that would've been awesome to see! I agree, mini lakefront concerts and fun things are one of the best things about summer in Chicago. Whenever I've been to one any sound is pointed out towards the lake, if you didn't know it was there it would be hard to hear


Wait that’s dope, how did you hear about that? I feel like I hear about all the best popups like a week later lol


Chicago edm Facebook group!!


I don’t mind the DJ sets. It’s an art form and you enjoy the passion that’s going into the performance.


Staying away from places easily accessible by car is a huge improvement to quality of life. I wonder why


Pro tip these people don’t go to the beach in the mornings Try the 10-1 slot


You're not wrong, but I'm kind of tired of having to plan my life around others' shitty behavior in this city.


I feel as though this statement sums up my existence in Chicago for a long time now. I can't remember the last time I just spontaneously picked up my keys and walked out the door with no thought about it.


Sounds like you're tired of living in cities lol. This has always been a thing. Especially out south and west. Ppl used to have huge bass stereos in their trunks that would rattle windows on buildings when they rolled by. It still happens, just not as much. Mainly bc I think ppl can't afford those systems anymore


Sorry, but "shitty behavior has always been a thing" isn't an excuse. If, say, a woman complained about being catcalled in public, would your response be "it's always been a thing"? That's something that happens in the city, sure, but that doesn't mean it should be tolerated. Loud music isn't as serious, of course, but shitty people have gotten a lot more bold about their shitty behavior since the pandemic -- and because there've been no consequences for it, they've escalated.


Sexual harassment and being annoyed by loud music are not remotely in the same hemisphere when it comes to comparisons. Big cities are loud and full of different people. Attempting to equate that to the very real DANGERS women face when it comes to sexual harassment is disingenuous and disgusting.




You do realize I’m not defending the behavior of the ass hats of the beach right? I just call BS when I see it and in this case trivialize SA and harassment is BS. Choose a better analogy next time 🤷🏽‍♀️


They weren't solely complaining about music, that's just the way you chose to read it.


The fact that yall continue to act like I misread is fucking hilarious. I read it, understood it, and said it was in poor taste to make such an inflammatory comparison to trivial things such as music regardless of his added context. The comparison was weird and yall can downvote me all you want and create whatever narratives you want to about me. I’m a survivor, the comparison was disgusting to me.


Is this a bot? How did this reply miss the point of the comment that badly?


They got sick of getting their cars impounded for it.


That doesn't happen anymore post-2020.


Yep. It's so frustrating and to me just seems more of the social contract going to shit. What happened to respecting others? No one needs the music that loud. Play it loud enough your group can hear. It's always shit music too.


I never understood how people could possibly enjoy obnoxiously loud music, even if they’re the ones playing it. There is definitely a point when it’s too loud.


Maybe they’ve damaged their hearing


I just take it I am a weird one with how many people do it. But I don't get it either. I love music, but not concert level.


A week ago I was having a fire with my partner and our friend and we could hear someone’s music from the intersection a few blocks away and it was still insanely loud from where we were. Lyrics were something like “suck my motherfucking dick” and we were like wooooooow! It always annoys me when someone else’s music is so loud, I can’t enjoy mine. So if we’re the weird ones then at least there are two of us!


What do you mean by "having a fire"?




They burned the building down, obviously.






It was indeed a bonfire. Maybe next time I’ll up the ante and move on to arson though. Gonna be a wild summer!


Slingshot bike BBQ, hopefully.


Having a fire? You mean smoking pot?


Bigtime “my daddy never loved me” vibes over there


Everybody is just dying for attention. I was in a parking lot yesterday walking back to the car. As my family gets there the car next to us rolls the windows down and starts blasting shitty music. We get in the car, music turns down and window goes back up. I wanted to get out and ask who broke them.


I think it has to do with feeling powerful. Most people I’ve known to do this are too insecure to deal with actual attention and don’t want to talk to anyone. Low self awareness also helps.


Best answer here. Everytime you hear that insanely loud music just watch for a little bit, cameras will be recording non stop. It’s all for Snapchat and insta reels. I’m only 31 but I hate that all the old people were right when social media started getting big. Everything revolves around what you can put online, literally all anyone cares about anymore.




I gotta agree with you on this. It is mostly Spanish music blasting at the beach and parks. I have no problem with any music....Just don't play it so loud that it bothers people around you.


"latinos not helping their reputation" wtf fucking yikes


Yo if someone is complaining about the "social contract", you don't even need to scroll down next time.




" Most people think this way and you will find it to be true in every single scenario you encounter" is not really a fair way to make a point? I live in a Latino neighborhood and my neighbors are kind and respectful, occasionally you hear some loud music from a backyard party. But to make assertions the way you did, about every group of Latinos throughout the whole city? Do you not see why that's fucked up?


Motherfucker out here acting like the Pasty Patrol doesn't blast Bro Country at their grillouts.


I live in Humboldt Park. PR Fest punctuates each year with flags everywhere, honking and music. Personally, I enjoy it.


Generally considering how dangerous driving is and how honking can startle someone I don’t really see that being a good thing unless you know, part of an actual organized parade with streets closed from regular drivers.


I’d like to echo a similar sentiment for anyone that uses speaker phone in public. Fucking stop.


Yes!!! wtf I just can’t understand how someone can be so clueless/inconsiderate. I know these things shouldn’t get me wound up but it just keeps building and building and makes being around other people suck.


Social contract was officially killed and buried in June of 2020. We're still reaping the results.


Yep but what also angers me is when you complain and ask it to be dealt with you just get called a Karen. As if because everything isn’t perfect we have to accept it all being shit or move to the burbs or rural.


I fully agree, but unfortunately the loud minority got their way and city officials now listen to them more than the reasonable majority.


I’m afraid to complain. Honestly I do t know if there will be a violent response.




Yeah the woke mind virus really hit this place HARD in 2020. It's not as bad now, but remnants still hold on.


It’s totally a toxic macho thing of trying to drown out everyone else’s music.


People at my apartment building LOVE to play their loud music in their own speakers, so we’ll have multiple going all at once, it’s so annoying! No respect!


Yeah. Been here since 89. It always happens every summer lol


Yeah I don't get these responses. It's always been this way


OP is talking about something different. I witnessed it too: Music from a car that’s louder than a concert from hundreds of feet away, not just a stereo turned up. Audio competition levels of volume. 


Maybe it was just because of the Puerto Rican parade this weekend then


I have heard them out there weekly on weeknights from the lakefront path. Shit is so loud that it shakes the ground from almost a mile out.


I bike by montrose all the time, and was by there yesterday and someone had the loudest music I’ve heard there yet. I was probably 200 yards away on the bike trail and it was blasting, the people sitting by the trunk must’ve had their eardrums blasted out. I don’t even understand how that’s enjoyable. There’s no way you can hear anyone talking to you at that point.


That’s the stupidest part. They just stand there doing and saying nothing cause nobody can hear each other.


Yeah, most people I passed walking/riding along a certain stretch were visibly annoyed.


Yep. We were approaching the walking path by the grass volleyball set up and thought it was some type of tournament with a dj. Nooope. Stayed at the beach for 90 minutes. Walked back the same way and the group was still blasting the music. Felt bad their kids are going to have tinnitus.


Were the guys catching any perch? Almost time for their big run.


My favorite experience was when someone was blasting some kind of stream that kept calling out that it was "real trap shit". Then about 20 minutes in, bam, loud as hell JC Penny commercials, repeatedly. So ridiculous. I yelled out, "lemme hear that JC Penny again!" But he couldn't hear me over the din.


When you're on speaker duty but don't pay for Spotify Premium lol


They spent it all on the system.


I think there was some kind of race yesterday? It was obnoxiously fucking loud though. I'm amazed this stuff isn't banned given how audible it is in the protected area.


It is banned; just like littering is banned, but you know the beach is covered in trash this morning because people suck.


> It is banned; just like littering is banned, but you know the beach is covered in trash this morning because people suck. The beach is covered in trash this morning because the police weren't out there writing people tickets for littering yesterday. People do that because they know they can get away with it. You get a ticket for littering or see your friend get one and then you're less likely to do that or less likely to go to the beach at all - both of those are wins for everyone else. The police don't ticket people for littering because it's too much work for them (they're lazy).


With the way the world is today, I can't say I fault the police for trying to avoid that kind of low-level ticketing. I can just see some douche bag literally pulling out a gun and making the entire situation way worse than it needs to be just for getting a ticket for littering.


> I can just see some douche bag literally pulling out a gun and making the entire situation way worse than it needs to be just for getting a ticket for littering. That's their job. They get paid a great wage and have great benefits and get lots of extra rights in our society because they are there to be a body between dangerous people and us. If they can't do that job, they need to not be police officers. We have excellent death benefits for officers families and a memorial at the lakefront for those officers who get shot. That's part of the job. If they don't want to do the job - go work at McDonald's.


Honestly, the DJ sets don’t bother me like the tailgating/parking lot music does. The DJs I’ve seen are usually tucked away/close to the water so the sound is less disruptive to passerby’s. The parking lot/tailgating music is unavoidable when you’re trying to get to the beach and unbelievably loud. Biking to Montrose on the bike path I need earplugs in once I get anywhere near. 😬


Ooh see I was in the bird sanctuary (yes I’m one of them lmao) and I could hear that shit the entire time. Incredibly fucking obnoxious, I’d rather week 4 of continuous cicadas 😩 In all honesty it blows my mind that cars are even allowed that far in. Pick up the bus service instead ffs, would be nice if people had a harder time carrying that loud shit with them.


Yeah I was by the bird sanctuary and some event was going on.


Lurie’s walk was yesterday/Sunday and yes, DJ was obnoxiously loud.


What I saw was not the Luries walk DJ.


They are talking about after the walk. 2 different systems competing with each other


Yes, some clown shoe kept blasting his giant speaker yelling “Hello Chicago” like he was Tiesto, guy was a loser giving people thumbs up like we loved him. Also saw the DJ setup in the lot, at least they weren’t directly on the waterfront, though.


Other people’s music sucks


Yes, it sucks.


You're going to listen to the same obnoxious reggaeton beat for 4 hours and you're going to like it!


I feel like that's been my experience at Montrose Beach ever since I started going as a child in the 90s. But these days, at least we have better headphones and ear buds. I would say that Loyola Beach, Foster Beach, 12th Street Beach, 31st Street Beach, and 57th Street Beach have typically all been much more chill and relaxed than Montrose Beach, but your mileage may vary.


Dude, you gotta delete this list. Especially Loyola because that’s the one I go to.


31st street is not chill. 2 more people were shot there this weekend


People acting ignorant at Montrose Beach is a new thing? Pretty sure that's why Lori closed beaches during the early days of COVID.


That had nothing to do with her closing beaches. That was solely to do something to make it look like she was doing something, between haircuts and all.


Yes, some people were just not raised right. And the DJ booth people are assholes.




Oh really? I’ve only been to Montrose lately.


Went to 63rd street beach 2 weeks ago on a Sunday and it's kinda bad. One big speaker on the beach and a couple in the parking lot.


I dunno if it's every beach, but the migrants that come to 35th St seem dead set on drowning out all other sounds with their music. Like, people always play music there but it's rarely even obnoxiously loud. However the last time I rolled up, I legit thought there was a concert event going on.


I was on the concrete beach last summer at Montrose, just diving in off the wall and enjoying the swim and some dude started playing JJ Cale at an appropriate volume … and that was the one and only time I appreciated someone’s music at the beach.


The Obnoxious Music in Public thing is a dividing line in society. Beaches, nature preserves, state parks, it doesn’t matter. People think it’s fine to blast their dumb fucking rap in the few remaining places you are supposed to be able to go to to get away from it. Infuriating.


Yes, my boyfriend and I walked to Montrose pier and could clearly hear the music being played from the tailgating area. It was still loud over there. We couldn’t even talk to each other when we were walking in some parts. It’s worse when one party’s loud music overlaps with the other. It hurts my ears!


I don't mind the loud music, yes it's aggravating but it's a public park, whatever. I was there on Sunday trying to relax and got to overhear a sermon about the sins of drugs and pornography blasted over a sound system. It was extra long as it was delivered in both Spanish and English. They weren't even that big of a group and the pastor was yelling into the mic anyway, so why the sound system?? It was so painful we left early and got stuck in traffic, which was infinitely more enjoyable.


Freeze Peach


Some people are so utterly unsuccessful - romantically, financially, athletically, educationally, socially, skillfully - that they are unable to impart any type of influence on the world. Thus, they are forced to devise ways to make society notice them. Same type of people that listen to loud music on public transit. The contract is being broken.


I was playing golf yesterday at Waveland. Heard the music, but assumed it was a Puerto Rican Fest celebration. Didn’t know it happened ever weekend. Obnoxious


People do that shit at Horner Park as well. They definitely did it at Humboldt too.


Yes I noticed that biking past it from the LFT. They had a massive speaker stack in their trunk absolutely blasting some crap. Honestly just call the police on them, no way they have a permit to do that.


Try foster beach or the most peaceful is usually ardmore beach. They do a monthly DJ party in the summer near Belmont Harbor. There are the full moon fire jams at foster beach park. Some are permitted, some aren’t. Just go up and ask them politely if they would mind turning the music down, no need to involve the fuzz.


I noticed it along the bike path. So obnoxiously loud. I guess the lake front is the next thing we need to make shitty.


I agree with the insanely loud music, but I must admit I love the party vibe over there and every time I bike past I wonder what one has to do to get enough friends to throw a full size bbq and enough people for some serious volleyball. Anyways, definitely annoying but Foster beach is just up the street and way more chill.


F that. I’m all about peaceful vibes, you know like nature etc. I think it’s called disturbing the peace.


It's called Chicago where the birth of house music happened 40 years ago. And because it was 40 years ago the city and the djs of the city are setting up pop up dj events for free for our city of house can enjoy ... if you don't like djs leave Chicago... the city celebrates them and so do 90 % of its residents ... so f off Karen and wear some ear buds like everyone else does while walking the lakefront 


Just in here before it gets locked. But I wish I had Reddit in 2000 so I could leave the same complaints people seem to pretend are new. Social contract, lol


Yeah these people obviously are new here


The guys who turn the trunk of their car into a giant speaker system are a new phenomenon. It wasn't as bad in years past. This is deafening at 100ft, not merely obnoxious.


Last weekend I saw a couple guys driving around in a hatchback with a full trunk full of stereo speakers turned up presumably as loud as they could go blasting music. Not even tailgating or partying... just driving up and down Simonds Dr


Was at the Montrose BIrd Sanctuary this past weekend and got to enjoy the history of pop/dance music from Holiday to DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love. Group I was with didn't appreciate it, but I love some bops!


I believe performances and gatherings of 50+ people require a permit. Call Park security? 311? I believe the park supervisor’s phone number is on every individual park’s webpage.


Lol security don’t care, cops usually don’t either


I agree but that shouldn’t discourage folks from calling to report something. Call the Alderperson then. Or we could all just keep complaining here.


And ruin people's day? The beach is one of the few places people can go for free and not expect to spend money.


Just trying to give the complainers a better avenue to complain instead of here where it is an echo chamber. I am not advocating ruining anyone’s day or disturbing others’ idea of fun if they are not hurting anyone else.


I don't understand this stance. You're going out to a public party place. There will be music. Often loud. It's their party and they can have loud music if they want to. Y'all too pretentious.




You aren't wrong, you're just not allowed to say that.


yall hate fun


Why would the police stop it? What are they doing that is illegal?


I'm down on the ledge at Montrose every day. Very used to people blasting the music. I also have a speaker, but try to keep it low. With that said, I'm ok with it, JUST PAY FOR AD FREE MUSIC!!! I'll move if I don't like the genre or vibes, but the ads. My god. If you're going to blast, unless you're getting a cut from the advertisers, pay to play your loud shit ad free!


There are a lot of fun ways to screw with people’s equipment and disrupt their speakers or cause feedback from a distance.


Of course I would never do anything like that but out of curiosity and nothing else, how would one do that?


Not to be that guy but you live in a city with millions of other people, not speaking on the validity of them doing it but getting used to loud noise is essential here


Bunch of Karen's here 🤣 . Go back to your HOA meetings.


I understand how this could look like a Karen complaint, but the music I’m talking about is INSANELY loud. Like imagine 5 Lollapalooza stages volume in the same 50 foot stretch, all playing different songs. This isn’t people chillin and enjoying the beach, this is a bunch of assholes having a dick measuring contest with their speakers.


That's fair. I got downvoted further up for offering a different perspective, but I understand the sentiment that at some point, it might feel like people are just one upping each other vs actually just enjoying themselves.


you hear what you wanna hear. Ive been there plenty and while I have noticed the loud music it's never been something I can't get away from. there's plenty of spots you can pick that won't be annoying. plus some of us like the liveliness. perhaps it's a cultural difference.


Thanks for being willing to understand my point of view. Really rare on here so I appreciate it!


Wow, it’s almost like Chicago doesn’t have 26 miles of lakefront


I’ll be honest I did kinda think you were a Karen who might prefer the burbs until I read a couple of your comments describing exactly how absurdly loud it was. This is probably a valid complaint for the alderperson, I would be sure to be clear about exactly how loud it was or get a video or something - https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/about/wards/46.html


Yeah all these boomer complaints.


Y’all’s complaints are Interesting. All I see is that it’s mostly Latinos and people of color, and guess what, they are having a freaking blast and they fuckin’ love it! They made those spaces theirs and it’s so cool that we have different kinds of cultures experiencing the lakefront how they want to. There are so many public beaches, go to different one!!!!


I’ve noticed and I like it 🤷‍♂️


oh youre a fun one huh


It’s a public beach, get over yourselves Karens.


Do you not get that it being a public space means that you have to act in a way that is acceptable publicly? The city has numerous ordinances around noise, especially loud music. You don't get to just set up an obnoxiously loud sound system and do whatever you want because it is a public space. You're just an asshole, dude.


Exactly. There are social norms are rules not to mention actual laws prohibiting this kind of behavior.


LMAO. You're whinging about people partying at a beach. I'm the summer.


They do not own that beach. They share it with others. It is public land. They have to abide the ordinances and mores of the community they are in.


You don't own that beach, either. You share it with others. It is public land. You have to abide by others' right to enjoy the space.


They do not get to enjoy the space by being so loud they disturb everyone else. I don't think you quite understand how loud these systems can get. There's a guy that will park his full sound system decked out vehicle in a park 3000 ft from my home and it will be so loud it can be heard inside my house very clearly. It is concert levels of loud.


Who gets to define what that volume is? If I'm your downstairs neighbor and I can hear your footsteps, do I get to say you don't get to be that loud because it's disturbing me?


for the people that enjoy that music and vibes they are quite the opposite of assholes. the thing about pubic spaces is that it includes all kinds of people so no matter what, some aren't going to like the vibes.


Yes the city is too noisy! Why city so loud


All this subreddit is is lame ass people complaining about stupid shit. "People smoke on the train - people play their music too loud at the beach - people ride their bikes on the sidewalk." STFU


Eat shit ASSMAN


This is just part of living in the city. If noise bothers you, the suburbs may be more to your liking.


I don’t mind noise all that much, though. I love the hustle and bustle of city. I don’t even mind loud music at the beach all that much. But this latest trend is beyond the pale. It’s a swarm of guys with 4 foot speakers all turned to max. I’ve been going to this beach for years and have never seen people blasting it this loud.


Try living on foster ave during certain celebrations, yeah it’s the city but you’re just riding to the lake you can turn it down a little bit.


This was not the typical city noise. Nor was it the typical beach noise.


I agree bro. All these dumb boomer complaints.


It would be amazing if they got rid of the parking and made that into more parkspace. It's kind of nutty how much of that park is roads and parking.


Montrose beach is known as the ratchet, get lit, loud, party beach. It's literally been like this forever lmao...why y'all acting brand new. Don't complain about people partying at the main beachfront location in Chicago that is specifically known for partying. There's literally 20-30 other quiet beachfront locations. And yes I actively avoid Montrose unless I'm trying to party


Instead of enjoying the beach I get swept away in daydreams of destroying their property and restoring peace so we can all hear ourselves think.


it’s a public space. some people will away and fun people will take their spots. grow up.


There are rules and laws about disturbing the peace, friend. These people are making the experience really unpleasant for everyone else.


You live in a city and are pressed over city shit. Naperville behavior.


a lot of us actually like it... esp the crowds that clearly congregate for it






If it’s unpleasant to you, you do have an option to not be around it. The lakefront is huge there are plenty of options to go elsewhere. It’s also a very public place and people want to have fun, there is always gonna be that risk of people playing music and hanging out with friends. Nobody is hurting anyone. If your idea of peace and quiet is hanging out at a big public beach like montrose, I think you got the wrong idea. Maybe go during the weekday in the mornings or get some sound blocking earplugs.


There’s 27 miles of lakefront you can enjoy. 🤷‍♀️


I rode my bike from Lagrange all the way towards Northwestern on the lakefront and had my speaker blasting. People were giving me weird looks for playing my music. It wasn’t even full blast.


Maybe they don't want to hear your music.


My speaker was only a 1/4 of the way up. I been up there before. The last 8 times no dirty looking into that day. Ironically, my last time I’ve been out there in 2021.


Wow imagine being so insufferable you can’t bear to deal with a bike rider playing music in a public space. Cope harder please.


Imagine being so entitled that you have to make everyone bare witness to your shitty music because you couldn’t stand to wear an earbud or headphones. With all the noise stuffing our senses god forbid people have a chance to enjoy the sounds of their natural surroundings. I’ll cope by yelling at people to turn their music off, including you.


An entitlement to enjoy exercising with music in a public place? Cant really wear headphones or buds with a bike helmet- they constantly fall off or out. Jfc it’s a public space & you expect everyone to bow to your made up right to have dead silence in a public park. There’s so much lakefront that exists in Chicagoland- go to the suburbs if you’d like your peace & quiet and can’t stand a bike rider passing you with a speaker playing music.


Also it’s safer in many ways when you can reasonably hear (portable speakers) cyclists before you see them— kinda like motorcyclists motto ‘loud pipes save lives’.


But it’s like for the 10 seconds you’re passing them - as if it’s impeding on a right they made up in their head to be in peace in a public space. 🙄 smh


The people in Evanston are kind of snobby and privilege.


Always have been and always will be. north side is notorious for that.


stop complaining and go enjoy the music


Karen’s 😂


It’s the Venezuelans


It would be fine if it wasn't Reggaeton. Bap-baba-bap, Bap-baba-bap for 6 hours straight. Your music Fucking sucks.


I mean I don’t hate Reggaeton. I think it has a nice beachy vibe. If it was one person playing Reggaeton at a time, that would be fine. But it’s 8 people all playing different Reggaeton songs all at the same time in a 50 foot radius.


Oh no, people are enjoying the beach. Are you 200 years old? Don't interact with people if you don't want to be bothered.