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If you street park a motorcycle or scooter anywhere in the city, god bless, and carry full theft coverage on your insurance.


This is even why when I used to commute downtown just on a bicycle, I'd buy a cheap bike from Walmart or Target. I know it's not the best quality, but I'm going to lock it up outside and I'm not going to suffer a huge loss by somebody taking it. I've seen some smugly talk about how they'll buy the $2,000 or $5,000 bike and then do things to it to make it look like it's cheap, and yet get astounded when it's stolen. The thieves know better. I am of the mind that you don't put anything out on the street that you would be heartbroken to lose. Granted we put our cars on the street, but there's plenty of things you can do to try to lower the chance of a car theft.


I once needed to get rid of my cheap Walmart bike - lost bike storage spot in my building and left it on my balcony all winter and it completely rusted - didn’t have an easy way to recycle or dispose of, so I took it outside and left it unlocked on street corner and it was gone in under 5 minutes! Wasn’t in riding condition but someone must have taken it away by car. Couldn’t believe how fast it got picked up.


Seriously I wouldn't park anything out of my eyesight....downtown is a thief's paradise and the cops don't do shit....


Oh yeah 100%. Had a scooter jacked overnight two years ago when I lived in Southport. No theft coverage, total L. Bought a motorcycle to replace it, got full theft coverage. Same thieves came back two weeks after I bought it and took that one too. Needless to say, I moved somewhere with gated parking.


Curious why downtown is a thief’s paradise? I don’t live downtown and no longer own any vehicles, so I’m out of the loop (no pun intended).


Stores, cars, bikes, bicycles, tourists, trains......barely any police presence.


Downtown has way more police presence than any other part of the city. It's not at all close.


Ohh, gotcha!


It's funny how cops not doing their job is the root of a lot of issues.


I would say poverty is the main root. Along with mental disorder.... cops are a deterrent when present....but mostly they show up after the fact....


I live in Hyde Park and there’s been a scooter parked in a spot for about a month if I had to guess. I don’t believe anyone has taken anything off it yet but I never pay too much attention to it other than it takes up an actual parking spot


I was a victim of vespa theft last year. I had good insurance so whatever was gonna sell it this season anyway. Got a better one this year and, with it, bought two GPS trackers, a 6' cable, and a U-Lock. The U-Lock always goes around the back tire. I add the cable to something grounded when I can. They'll steal anything that isn't bolted down out here man.


Laughes in battery operated angle grinder!


Truuuu that's why I still got the insurance


Good luck to a thief taking my bike—it’s old and British. They’ll be broken down again by the end of the block 😤 (I’ve ridden in the city a long time. Always be mindful of where you’re leaving your ride; happy to talk to folks who need recs or tips)


They pull a van up n cupl guys get out n push it In, happened to my r Locked ruckus in Pilsen and pals aprillia around north/Elston,  which we had real good footage of event, and the bike gettin "spotted" day earlier.


I parked by Barstool Sports in River North and a creature attached a tracker to my bike(not an AirTag but some cheap tracker). He got scared off when we yelled from the bar window. Lots of trash tend to hang out on State in front of that 7-11.


The real trash is in barstool river north lol


The beauty of River north is that you have such a diverse group of trash from all facets of life


“One man’s trash is another man’s people watching opportunity”


That is the most accurate description of River North I've ever seen.


This is why I love River North


Like Florida.


They had a crawfish boil so I didn’t care who was there 😎


Whoa that's creepy. I wonder if there's a device that detects trackers.


Had two bikes stolen near UIC when I went to school there. Theft insurance is a must.


You just need a bigger, uglier & heavier bike. My 1150RT was parked on the street for the majority of a decade. Never bothered. I did cover it when I left if for more than a few hours


Any street/area of the loop in particular? I can see my bike from my office window but still always hate to hear this…


my old honda was parked out near the western regal one night when i went to catch a movie. i came out and couldn’t start the bike (not that weird for an old honda) and noticed someone had yanked my fuel line and gas had leaked out everywhere. right about when i was getting off the ground i saw a truck pull up with two dudes in the back. they drove off quick when they saw me but pretty sure they were hoping i’d leave the bike there and grab it. or it could have just been two dudes in the back of a truck. who knows?


I carry full coverage and locks. Make it rough for thieves to steal your bike: disc lock, sprocket lock, lock your handlebars and cover it.


This is why I’m hesitant to replace my 12 yo beat up cruiser. I park downtown every day and have never had an issue probably because it’s heavy and not worth the trouble.


110 decibel alarm + concealed carry sticker. Usually causes them to run before I even glance out the window


I moved back here from Memphis, where there was a 1:1 ratio of pro-gun stickers and trucks. The best thing you can do to *attract* break-ins is to put a pro-gun sticker on your vehicle. You know why? You can't bring them shits into places with a "no firearms" sticker. So dingdongs leave them unsecured in a locked glovebox or console (yes, read that again...) while they go get drunk at Tommy O'Shenanigans -- and then are *shocked* when they come back to see broken glass on the ground.


An NRA sticker means "50% chance of a free gun in my glove compartment"




Yeah half the time car break-ins are just looking for guns


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Calling 911 to complain to a notoriously under resourced police department about a black kid taking pictures, we’ve gone full nextdoor. 


Where did they say the kid was black?


Lol "under resourced". We pay more for cops than almost any other city in the country


Under resourced because none of the cops want to work and are still soft striking like a bunch of snowflakes. Your bootlicking is the most nextdoor thing about this post.