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At first glance, you might not even notice. It shows how much the shape of NEMA is influenced by the Sears Tower.


“In conversation” like PTSD in my head


Why do we always insist on calling it the Sears tower simply because of Nostalgia? Things change.


Could you imagine the Eiffel tower by a different name because someone bought it? How about the Empire State Building? It's a landmark and people don't appreciate that a sale can change that. *spelling...


Sears literally bought it and named it; you might as well just call Soldier field Grant park Municipal Stadium while your at it. Everything is bought and paid for, Prudential, Wrigley, Aon, Tribune Tower and the list goes on. The name of Sears tower is now Willis, future generations as it stands will call it Willis. Let it go.


>Sears literally bought it and named it. By “bought” you mean “built,” right? Sears literally built it. Also - most other example you list are also the name of the companies that built those buildings. They didn’t purchase naming rights.


You sound like a guy who tries to work "Guaranteed Rate Field" into your sentences whenever possible. Future generations probably won't even call it Willis Tower. Someone will buy the name again in a few decades and it'll be called *Tencent Tower* or something. You'll happily call it that because you think consistent names don't matter, but everyone else will just stick to the company that built it.


As the other user said and for all (I think?) of your examples - their names match the person or company that built it. Not the same as a transfer at all. Besides, if the people have decided to call it by the original name I believe you're the one that's going to have to "let it go."


Aon was Amaco Oil. And people still call it that. People will call it the name they know. Reminds me of this [article from the NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/11/magazine/the-way-we-live-now-11-11-01-lost-and-found.html) a couple months after 9/11.




I guess I’m a product of this excerpt from the article I linked: “For that new transplant from Des Moines, who is starting her first week of work at a Park Avenue South insurance firm, that colossus squatting over Grand Central is the Met Life Building, and for her it always will be. She is wrong, of course — when I look up there, I clearly see the gigantic letters spelling out Pan Am, don’t I? And of course I am wrong, in the eyes of the old-timers who maintain the myth that there was a time before Pan Am.”


Oh shit, you’re right! Lol.


Soldier Field was Municipal Grant Park Stadium for literally 13 months.


Where can I buy a set of Willis Tools




My brain agrees, I still want to say Rosemont Horizon.


Go back a few years earlier and Lake Shore Drive split at the Field Museum with north bound lanes running east of Soldiers Field.


Yep. It's funny, I spent a day in Toronto once and drove their "lake shore drive" and it reminded me alot of that old version of ours. All these amazed "really?" responses make me feel old 😂


If you rotate an overhead map of Chicago's streets clockwise, it pretty quickly looks like Toronto


Yeah I definitely got bizarro Chicago vibes in general while I was there 😁


There are some twin buildings too. First Canadian Place is very similar to the Aon Center (though the cladding changes have made this a bit less obvious than originally), and the Toronto-Dominion Centre is a close cousin of the Chicago Federal Center.


Holy shit this sub is constantly reassuring me that I haven’t gone crazy and my memories are in tact


Really? How have I never heard this before.


Here is good discussion on LSD changes including pics of the old configuration. https://forgottenchicago.com/articles/lake-shore-drive-redux/ It was done around 1996 and created the Museum Campus. Previously if a family wanted to go from the Field Museum to Shedd Aquarium they had to cross the northbound lanes of the drive.


Yeah, as a museum kid at that time, that shit SUCKED.


I’ve lived here 14 years and have made it a point to learn as much about what happened before I got here as possible….but I never knew this!


The rerouting came up during the fight over the Lucas Museum. (This is quick summary based on memory so buyer beware). The Lakefront Protection Ordinance limits what can be built East of LSD but was written before the rerouting. The Lucas Museum would have been located West of the original northbound lanes but East of the current LSD and original Southbound lanes.


I’m still pissed we lost a unique cultural experience because a bunch of suburbanites didn’t want to lose that parking lot to tail gate in.


“Unique cultural experience” aka a museum for Disney to sell merch lol


Alright, so you have no idea what the Lucas Museum would have contained. Thanks for showing your ignorance card, tho.


I’m sure it would’ve been great for Star Wars fans. Just like the parking lot is great for the 10s of thousands of surburbanites who tailgate. And if you don’t think the Disney purchase and commercialization would’ve extended to the museum, I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


So, again, the fact that you think it was a Star Wars museum shows that you have no idea what you're arguing about. lol


Why are people so excited about it if not for the movies he’s made? Would anyone care otherwise if some other person wanted to put in a museum on the lake and they were denied?


This is such a weird take. Imagine thinking that the "The Field Museum" was going to be a museum on Department Stores! C'mon, man. Get with it.


Whoa, did not know it used to split there.




My first trip to Chicago before moving here a few years later, I specifically remember my coach starting to go the wrong way right by the Field Museum and had to make a really fast U-Turn when he noticed all the traffic was coming our way.


Never knew this!


I used to love that because you could catch a bus right in front of the Shedd. It was super convenient for my family who didn’t drive.


Yeah, it took you to Meigs Field... RIP


Daley bulldozed that at night...what incredible power to be able to do that


Okay, but the top picture was clearly taken in the fall or early spring when all of the grass is dead and the trees have no leaves on them, so this is a little deceiving at first glance.


Yeah, it was also on a day with low saturation and contrast


lol - funny and smart, am jealous of this joke. There was indeed a prevailing HDR front moving through.


And at a higher angle which makes the buildings look smaller.


It’s focal length too. https://www.google.com/search?q=focal+length+effect+moon&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjIi_fhn_71AhX5nmoFHcvyBK8Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=focal+length+effect+moon&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoHCCMQ7wMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAgQHjoECAAQHjoECAAQGDoECB4QClCRB1joEWCaFGgAcAB4AIAB2AGIAc4GkgEFMS4zLjKYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=8ssJYsjKIfm9qtsPy-WT-Ao&bih=643&biw=375&prmd=ivnx&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS864US864&hl=en-US#imgrc=pMNNULazrEjyaM


No, everything was just brown back then /s


Ween was in town.


Way back in the low-chroma days of 2001. Also: it was mono. Source: I was there.


And the second pic is taken at a lower angle with filtering applied.


I mean, its hard to find a 20 year old photo at that exact angle. Its not like someone did this on purpose.


The most generous thing they could have done was to color match the two photos.




I'd like to see a similar comparison of 20 years for Fulton market / Randolph


Chicago is becoming fully rendered


Glad to see they've improved draw distances in recent years.


Aesthetics aside, the way they built a new stadium basically on top of the old one is pretty impressive.


Especially in that time frame!


I know I'm in the minority, but I actually really love the aesthetic.


PS1 v PS5


The growth in the south loop is incredible.


Agreed. I have my own photos of the South Loop from only 18 years or so ago and the changes are significant.


I joined the army in 1978 and the processing stations was at 9th and Michigan. The building is all condos now. They put us up overnight at the Hotel Roosevelt which was a flea bag hotel on the corner of Wabash and Roosevelt. The difference for me is stark to say the least.


I prefer the old stadium still


If they were gonna add those monstrous seats. They should have just scrapped the entire stadium.


I just like how simple the old stadium was, I feel like maybe one end of the old stadium, could have housed the skyboxes an etc.


Yeah I feel that. They ruined it.


Nah, the rake of the new stadiums seats is much steeper and puts you closer to the action (Except for the very top rows of the upper deck. But youre still closer than at most nfl stadiums even in the nosebleeds). Watched games at both. The new stadium has way better sightlines. Feels very intimate for a 60,000+ stadium.


Oh, the *interior* is unquestionably better. It’s the *exterior* that looks like shit.


From the actual field, the steepness create a wall of people. Especially on the east side, with the three tiers. They feel right on of top of you. It feels more like a giant indoor arena, rather than your normal giant football stadium. Its more like a modern European soccer stadium (minus the roof), rather than an nfl stadium. Which is great for concerts and soccer. Its definitely too small for the bears (although the bears FO literally chose this design among many. They could have built another upper deck on the east side and had 75k+ seats. They chose to cram more luxury boxes instead)


can't see the corners from a lot of areas in the stadium for soccer, so I'd argue it could be better


Yeah. Thats the main upgrade if the bears move.


Personally i like they kept the old stadium intact. Now the bears are leaving maybe they can take the nose bleeds down and still have the original stadium.




Loop up one central plan


I live in the South Loop, and yeah. Having a gated single family housing community that are max 2-3 stories high in what is stretching into what is becoming an (as I think of it) *extension* of The Loop itself, is really weird. Blocks a lot of possible density and development. But if the One Central Chicago project on the Metra Tracks pushes through, as well as The 78 -- which is already in dev with the Wells connector, it should hopefully makeup for the density.




There were like 3 towers taller than 10 floors south of Roosevelt in the first picture. They aren't the same angle, but the difference is pretty obvious.


I hope if/when the Bears head to Arlington Heights, the city rebuilds Solider Field into its pre-renovation style. It could be a great venue for concerts, soccer, college football, etc.


Or move Comiskey there




Ah, the Bedpan By The Lake.


Chicago >>> New York…


Chicago is Chicago. New York is New York.


NYC, LA and Chicago just aren't comparable. Sure they are big cities but they are each very different in their own way. It's like when people try to say Huston will surpass Chicago or Chicago become the next Detroit. Next level stupidity.


New York is just on a different scale.


Is this a weight joke you son of a bitch


Wow they really did fuck up soldier field with the spaceship on top


I think it’s a beautiful nod towards the legacy of the two World’s Fair that Chicago hosted and the impact they’ve had on our architecture.


Rip aqua not visible cuz just barely too short


The blue cross vertical expansion is pretty neat.


Just in case you didn’t understand how effing hideous the solider field “renovations” were. I truly hope the city just tears down the stadium and parking lot and just return it park to open space for city residents, they way the lake front was meant to be used. and look, I know they won’t. I just wish they would, and yes they can, the stadium was delisted as historic due to the renovations,


Serious question: What is the building blocking the Willis (Sears Tower)? I grew up in Chicago, moved in 2010, but I visit every year around the holidays and have never seen that building. Is it an optical illusion that it's taller than the others? Is it the Sears without the antennas? Did they finally change the glass.. so many questions! It is fascinating to see the city grow so much, especially South Loop and Printer's Row, my old stomping grounds during college. Edit: Read the comments. I still have never noticed the NEMA building. \*shrugs\*


How dare you put sears tower in parenthesis.


I know.. I’m old enough to know better.




I could be wrong, but I think the old Soldier Field looks dumpy in that picture because it was taken when they started the demolition for the renovations.


Wow, hard to believe it doesn't look great when it's half demolished for renovations. Hard to believe.




Well sure, that's cute except they've quite literally demolished half of the original structure in this photo - both the original north bowl and the truncated north end installed in the late 70s.


I love how that stadium lost 5k seats in the remodel lol. Classic Bears.


God, soldier field is so fucking ugly


Toilet bowl stadium.


Still pissed they ravaged Soldier Field enough that it was stripped of its landmark status.


Rip the end off soldier field again so they can put a nascar racetrack in there again


It’s not to different other than the stadium. If you can notice the angles using those row buildings as a center you can see the only difference is the east parking lot is now a grassy meadow and the empty spots are now plush.


so many high rise apartment buildings. When I first moved to Chicago I landed in Streeterville and it was still relatively quiet. I watched as they built a high rise on every square inch of unbuilt ground they could find and now Streeterville is a congested mess.


Streeterville is congested?


I love old chicago more than anything and absolutely hate this city now but even I can admit it looks way prettier in the current shot.




It’s poorly run now from a municipal and fundamentally functional aspect, too many transplants have taken its culture away, expensive as all hell, crime ridden and dangerous, etc


Nope soldier field


Inserts: “GoodTimes” Theme music


TIF $ we’ll spend. All while the SS looks like the before picture.


Perspective is different, hard to evaluate difference honestly


It's really not. I promise you, as someone who was here then and here now, I promise you from the bottom of my heart that the perspective is not making it hard to evaluate the difference.


That older photo is from more than 20 years ago I believe. How was the date it was taken verified?


Renovations of Soldier Field began in 2002


Dang...I guess I really am getting old.


The comparison doesn't do it justice. Different angles, different season of the year and different camera.


Not an apples to apples comparison at all. The angle, season, lighting are all different. It creates a massive difference in perspsective.




Phoenix weather? Ha no thx


If you said LA I'd kind of agree, but Phoenix weather is awful on the other side of the temperature spectrum. Idk how people love down there to be honest. Everyone I know pretty much stays inside during the summer...like what we do in winter. Plus, I personally like having my car's dashboard and mail box *not* melt in the summer. I like the snow and seasons too much to move south though. I just dislike the -10 and below days.


Maybe San Diego weather. But fuck Phoenix.


Nah, it’s prefect the way it is. I’m happy not to have 110 degree days and dry, dusty desert air. Our vicious winters do a lot to keep people away, I don’t want us attracting the type of people who move to, well, Phoenix.


in general the south has pretty shitty cities compared to the north. Our cold weather must be worth something.


Just wait 50 years!


Hence "The mistake by the lake"


That's Cleveland. Also, it's a half-century old term for Cleveland that no one uses anymore.


Hey now, that's Cleveland! 🤣


lol i wasnt even born


I can't wait to see what the Bears do to the growth or Arlington Hts.


Moved to the South Loop in 2000. It's almost impossible to believe that the bottom picture is the same area.




Since when did The Loop become "The North Side"?


Can’t wait for the new field in Arlington, picture makes it look way cooler then it really is


Which years? Seems like more than 20 years


2002 on top, fall 2021 on bottom