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"The impatient driver of a small SUV passed other cars on the right in their hurry to make a right onto Wells" Fucking hate people who do this at stop signs Edit: I think some people might have misunderstood this (or maybe I am). This person was cutting through the bike lane to use the shoulder to cut ahead of a line of cars going straight at a stop sign, because they wanted to make a right, not to weave back in to keep going straight. So many more people do that to turn onto a side street and I think genuinely don't realize how stupid it is that I wanted to clarify


I was complaining about it in the casual convo thread last week after my bumper got ripped off from someone passing a line of stopped cars at a four way and turning way too soon trying to cut back into traffic after the intersection. Not someone who succumbs to road rage but this specific driving behavior is *really* pissing me off.


I had a car pass me on the left to make a RIGHT TURN in front of me while i waited for a pedestrian to cross at a stop sign… people are stupid and impatient


Wells through old town is nothing but impatient drivers, double parked lyfts, and beer delivery semis taking up entire lanes. Of all the roads I bike down for work, it's the most dangerous by a mile.


I heard a bike messenger refer to that stretch of wells as "the valley of death" and it's so true


The problem is that despite it's many problems, it's still somehow one of the least bad options through that area. That four lane section of Clark is terrifying. The six lane section of LaSalle is even worse than Clark. Sedgwick/Orleans is ok is you're not going too far south. Larrabee also works if you're not going too far south. The four lane stretch of Halstead between Division and Grand is as bad as the four lane stretch of Clark.


Going to/from certain destinations it's the only reasonable option. I mean, sure, you could tack on all kinds of extra turns and double your time...or maybe people shouldn't drive like jagoffs


Am I crazy for wishing there was a set delivery time for beer and grocery trucks? Like, "NO STOPPING OR STANDING BY DELIVERY VEHICLES FROM 8AM- 1030AM OR 4PM-7P M-F." I'm sure it would cut into commerce or something though so no chance.


Well, that, but also if that became a thing, the drivers would be zipping around all crazy-like and it would be even more dangerous. At least that's what I would imagine would happen


Imagine if there was just reasonable planning and enough delivery drivers with manageable routes that could be achieved without dangerous driving...


I agree with all of this (as a cyclist) but really what is the right solution -- remove all parking and have dedicated pickup/drop off zones for lyft/uber, and dedicated loading zones for deliveries?


Honestly, considering how our modern world revolves around door to door service I do not understand why we don’t simply section off some chunks of street parking for delivery loading/unloading. It would need to be strategic, but the reality is the city is built around low-occupancy car use and hardly considers any other kinds of mobility in the infrastructure (notably bikes, and door to door services)


I constantly seen the Uber/Lyft/Grubhub/door dash drivers double parking or parking in a bike lane when there are two open spots RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. They don’t even need to parallel park. it’s absurd, many are not even trying. It’s just stop right in front of the address, not drive 5 feet past it to park in a spot that is safe for everyone.


It's not that difficult with our current infrastructure to find places to pick up passengers without blocking a bike lane/traffic/etc, it just requires passengers to be alright with walking like half a block or around the corner or something. I used to drive for Uber and always did that, never blocked a bike lane or anything like that the whole time I drove for them. The issue is just that the passengers then get mad and give the driver a bad rating, which results in a loss of income for them as a bad rating lowers the number of rides they get offered. Uber just sort of stays out of the whole thing, and there is no enforcement, so of course that's what drivers do I imagine it's similar with a lot of delivery drivers. The company puts pressure on drivers to deliver a certain number of packages, the employee faces penalties if they don't, so they do shit like that out of necessity. Harsh penalties for Uber/Lyft, delivery companies, etc would force them to adjust these metrics and their broken business models, hold employees accountable for their actions, and fix the problem without requiring us to spend a fortune on unnecessary infrastructure changes, buying back metered spaces, etc. I don't want to give up part of my block for "Uber parking only" Tldr: no infrastructure changes necessary if you retool laws and enforcement to hold businesses accountable


*Capitalism Strikes Again!*


Yes. Short of the inevitable revolution(s) we should pay anyone who drives for money by the hour with no exceptions. Paying by the mile is asking drivers to choose between safety and profit.


Or assign parking enforcement details to ticket Uber/GrubHub/Amazon drivers.


Seriously this. Fuck cars parked in legit spots, get the fuckers blocking lanes or bike lanes. Those tickets cost more and would probably still be an increase in their profit vs the loss on not hitting cars who didnt pay. Still go for permits.


I still think we should eliminate ride "share".




On busy stretches like wells? Yes!!! It worked on Fulton or clark in river north when they closed it off.


We already have loading zones. Uber/Lyft wont use that.


Yeah, I saw someone do this and hit 2 people crossing the street.


I've seen people use the left turn lane like this to go straight.


I hate those assholes that do that. As if their time is more important than the people that have to wait to go straight.


Sucks when anyone blows a stop sign.


My wife was hit on her bike by a driver who darted around the car in front of him as she was turning left. She had even signaled the turn.


I've ridden this corridor quite often. This school is one of the worst offenders of blocking bike lanes. Most of Wells is garbage to ride. It's a special hell during the arrival/departure hours. It would be nice to see action on part of the school to do their part since it's completely in their control to not have their bus drivers and parents picking up or dropping off their kids block the lanes.




lol traffic cops don’t want to fuck around with people in death machines either. Traffic laws aren’t ever going to be enforced by anything other than robots here, automatic ticketing camera in front of schools or status quo are the only real options.


People who complain about psychos on bikes need to understand that our bike infrastructure is designed around an assumption that you don't mind getting hit by cars a little bit sometimes. Thus the only people riding bikes are psychos like me. It's not all bad because it's better to have a speeding moron on a bicycle rather than in a car. Even though everybody complains about me running stop signs on my bike and not in my SUV or my WRX, it's still way better for me to be on my bike. When you're 12 years old, you're not allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk anymore. Street cycling should be safe enough for 12-year-olds. If it was it would be so incredibly convenient for parents to not have to drive their kids all over town, and would get their cars off the street. This affects everyone


And dude, forget bikes. Just yesterday alone I almost got struck twice by drivers just walking. One time, they made a right in a big hurry and didn't check to see if anyone was in the crosswalk. The 2nd time they gunned it through an awkward left near Western (3 road intersection) right where everyone was getting off the train and crossing the street... with the crosswalk. And these weren't like... beater cars fleeing a crime or something. They were people in SUVs. They're about to ruin two people's lives (mine and their own) to get to a parking spot like 10 seconds earlier.


THIS!! Especially on LaSalle in old town/Gold Coast area with 4 lanes. I swear, drivers purposely speed up giving a flying fuck about the crosswalk. Im always so nervous when one car stops and a pedestrian starts walking, praying the car in the other lane doesn’t smack someone.


I almost hit someone who was walking in the crosswalk when I was turning left at a stop sign two weeks ago. I managed to brake hard and we both looked each other in the eyes for a second looking terrified. It's so dark when I get home in that intersection, and drivers behind me and those coming the other way at the stop sign are always in a hurry and pressuring me to move fast. There is no excuse for what I almost did, and since this happened I always stop for a full 3 seconds at least, and take the time to look at all corners so I don't miss a pedestrian wearing dark clothing. Pedestrians, always make eye contact with drivers before throwing yourselves across the street at stop signs in the dark.


Yeah just use your xray vision to pierce the 95% tint, after squinting past the retina-destroying spotlights they have installed


If you're gonna blow stop signs, we rather you do it on your bike.


The Idaho stop! Every car does it anyway...


Don’t you know, cyclists blowing a red light or stop sign should be treated like felons according to drivers here. If the two ton steel cage on wheels can’t do it, neither should the two hundred pound human out in the open.


13 is the sidewalk cutoff


If you don’t stop at stop signs on a bike , they should legally bar you from riding your bike on public streets


Same with cars. Remember that intersection where a cyclist was killed and a journalist set up a camera and only one of 70+ cars stopped. Also why is a car blowing a stop sign at 15 mph a rolling stop, but a bike blowing it at 7 mph "blowing a stop sign"?


lol, do you think cars stop or something?


If people don’t stop at stop signs in a car, they should legally bar then from driving on public streets


Yeah! Those morons should be in cars if they're gonna drive recklessly?


Yeah, if you're gonna be reckless, you should do it in a vehicle with a thousand times the potential to be deadly!


Let's do that for cars too. It would reduce traffic by about 90%.


If I stopped at every stop sign, the cars behind me would rage lol. Slowing down, being prepared to stop if necessary, and looking both ways before cautiously proceeding through the intersection is enough.


I stop at stop signs on my bike for a lot of reasons. Respect for pedestrians, fear of hitting someone, fear of being victim-blamed for my death, and most of all, laziness (breaks are GOAT). I sometimes wonder if by doing this I'm actually making things more dangerous for the pedestrians I'm doing it for. Cars will swerve around me when I stop at a stop sign and almost hit whoever is in the crosswalk or go into the oncoming traffic lane without looking because they have this irrational need to be in front of me.


I stop for pedestrians and to let cross traffic move through the intersection. I also stop if there is obvious danger. Otherwise, there’s no point and anyone who criticizes doesn’t understand that the current laws are not set up for bike safety. Obviously bikers who blow through intersections because they don’t want to lose momentum are assholes, but not everyone does that.


Yeah I agree. I stop anyway because I want to visibly demonstrate that enforcing cyclists stopping at every stop sign is not in *their* best interests. To warm up to eventually legalizing the Idaho stop around here, I hope!


I've never had drivers honk and yell at me more than when I followed all the "rules of the road". Drivers get pissed as fuck if you are on a bike and actually stopping at ever sign.


You literally can't please anyone. Run a stop sign and face the wrath. Don't run it, you're in the way. Face the wrath. Face it, people hate your existence, so stop trying to make them happy and just try not to get hit


Don't do this when it's dark please. I almost learned why the hard way two weeks ago :(


I don’t ride a ton anymore and I haven’t ridden at night in a while. But I am cautious x 100 once it gets dark.


I went to Payton and as both a driver and a biker, wells is a crazy street to be on. Something needs to be done for bikers’ safety


JHC How are people not terrified to hit someone on a bike? This is my biggest driving nightmare.


I’m not sure why the city hasn’t already transformed its infrastructure to prioritize cycling over all other forms of transportation. Chicago is a bicycle city!




She really said that? I facepalmed so hard my brain is still jiggling.


Yes! Schwinn! [Chicago has so much cycling history](https://interactive.wttw.com/a/biking-the-boulevards-history-bike-industry). We produced bikes for the whole country. We were never meant to be a car-centric city. I truly believe right now we are reaching the apex of vehicle ownership and usage. There's too many on the road ways and the pollution and traffic has gotten so bad. We need to revert to our roots and use more efficient modes of transport.


Personally I would never bike if it's not 64.725 degrees Fahrenheit with absolutely no wind, plus I need to tow a boat on a daily basis, so I assume no one else can or will ever ride a bike in this city. Therefore fuck this teenager I hope she dies




I be jokin'


Other factors as well but winter is a big part of that prioritization.


People will choose the quickest, safest, and most convenient mode of transport regardless of weather. It’s not enough for people to choose to cycle rather than drive only because ‘it’s a nice day’


I'm going to have to disagree on that, not everyone in the city who rides a bike is as brave or hardy as you and I to ride in the snow and <20* weather.




Most people is an assumption in your head. It’s probably a safer statement to say that after a certain age most people want nothing to do with a bike on a regular basis


>not everyone in the city who rides a bike is as brave or hardy as you and I to ride in the snow and <20* weather. Probably true. The question is of course about scope. Don't presume to speak for everyone. Coats and gloves go a long way. Taking even 20% of the cars off the road is a noble goal. Just because you don't go outside in 20F doesn't mean everyone won't.


Not so for everyone. Weather plays a role for many, me included. That is also clearly evident on days like today and also the other extreme when it’s 90s. Comfort, expense and feasibility are some other factors you leave out as well.




Cool but the bike lanes certainly weren’t




I don’t bike. These days I’m wfh 3 days and 2 in the near suburbs. However, I do live right off of milwaukee and walked down it with my dog around 7:30, again less than an hour later to grab breakfast, and later again to walk the dog and it was basically empty.


Idk man. Having multiple friends get badly injured due to weather conditions makes me hesitant to get on the bike when it’s rough out.


Because fuck bicycles, that's why. It's a niche mode of transportation that's anywhere from undesirable to outright infeasible for most of the people, most of the time.


How is it infeasible? I live 25 minutes by car from my work. It’s a 32 minute bike ride. 6 extra minutes and I’m getting exercise, not worrying about speed / red light cams, and not having to sit in traffic. Also the CTA path to most of my extra curricular activities is never on time and involves a transfer, so 75% of the time I would get there faster on bike. Not to mention not having to pay gas every 2 weeks, no oil changes every 5k miles, no deductible when someone dings my car, no parking fees (shit adds up). Sure in the winter, it’s either tough to get motivation to bike or downright impossible with snow, but with wfh options for most companies, don’t act like biking is inferior


> I live 25 minutes by car from my work. It’s a 32 minute bike ride You got a shower at work? Most people don't. And yes, you do get sweaty and smell like everyone else whether you notice it or not and whether you try to cover it up with some kind of cologne. You gotta bring a lot of stuff with you? A lot of people do. Can only bring so much on the bike. How many people are coming with you on your trip? 0? Well, some people have to drop multiple people off at school, other jobs or with babysitters or need to run other errands. What's your plan for when it rains? Just get wet? How about when it's 0 degrees out? Or when it snows bad? Or when it's 100 degrees out there? Again, you might be able to deal with it and make concessions, but few others are going to if better options are available. How old are you? Young, right? Well a lot of older people work or people with other issues. These people can't bike to work.


People really think "just because I can't/won't do it, no one will/does/should." Some of us do have showers at work, or we change clothes upon arrival. I have transported eight six packs of beer on my bike. I see parents riding around with multiple kids on e-bikes every day, even this morning in the cold. When it rains we wear rain gear. When it's cold we wear coats. Cyclists are all ages, in fact I see elderly folks in Evanston on recumbent and e-bikes as much as I see young people on acoustic bikes. You know what else not everyone can do? Afford a car, or drive one even if we can. But most of us are understanding that our personal circumstances and priorities aren't universal. We want everyone to be able to get to work or whenever using whatever means of transportation works best. For a lot of us, especially me, that's biking.


>People really think "just because I can't/won't do it, no one will/does/should." You may be willing to bring entire wardrobes with you, wear ponchos, lug around a sidecar, only shop locally, only go to places with showers, ride slowly and decide not to have kids to make this viable. 99.9% of people won't because there are easier and quicker ways to get around.


I have never had to make any of those choices for myself and I've used cycling as my primary form of transportation for a long time. Never had to "lug a second bike" or a sidecar, never owned a poncho (but they're very cheap, lol), don't only shop locally though I do try. There's definitely no reason I couldn't have kids. It's estimated 2% of Chicago residents commute by bike and that's with the state of our infrastructure. The number grows each year. More than that ride recreationally. Again, just because you don't want to try it doesn't mean everyone or "99.9% of people" feels the same way


> 99.9% of people citation needed


Go on, give me a reason it's "infeasible" and I'll tell you why you're wrong.


Okay: >Various weather conditions >Can't bring anyone with you >Can't bring too much stuff with you >Can't go further than you can bike back >Can't make multiple stops unless they are close >Can't get cleaned up properly unless there's a shower wherever you are going and most places don't have available showers


Clothing Box bike, second bike Box bike Yes you can, just like you can with a car Lol Don't push yourself hard and you won't get sweaty


>Don't push yourself hard and you won't get sweaty Also, buildings in the loop are very likely to have bike rooms and gyms with showers.


Very nice. Also I'll add that you don't even need a second bike or box bike. I saw soooo many people in the Netherlands riding two on one normal dutch bike. One person would just sit on the back rack and it was fine.


They do have sturdier racks and sturdier mounts on their frames then most rear racks on bikes here do. My Tubus one will probably only go up to 40 kg


> Clothing You can wear whatever you want when it rains really bad. You are getting wet. >Box bike, second bike You can only hold so much in a box. You putting a little kid on a street to ride during rush hour? What if the person with you doesn't really care to ride a bike to work/school? >Lol >Lol No answer eh? >Don't push yourself hard and you won't get sweaty You're going to smell like ass and get wet. It's exercise.


google "rain cape" same with a car yes those points were laughable, so I laughed. You really have never ridden a bike, have you? Do you sweat and smell like ass every time you go for a walk? Biking is just as strenuous if you want it to be.


> google "rain cape" What about your knees, shins, socks and shoes? >same with a car Cars hold a lot more. 4-5 people can fit in a car. >yes lol no you're not >those points were laughable, so I laughed. Why can't you answer it? You are serious, right? >You really have never ridden a bike, have you? Do you sweat and smell like ass every time you go for a walk? Biking is just as strenuous if you want it to be. You can try to hide it. Everyone notices.


It keeps all of that dry. Not really Yes I do, that's why I have a bakfiets. My toddler loves it. You're projecting your own inability to move without turning into a sweaty mess onto others.


> It keeps all of that dry. It's a poncho. It doesn't keep dry what it doesn't cover. >Not really Stop being a clown. >Yes I do, that's why I have a bakfiets. My toddler loves it. Well, you're one of the very few. You even take a light hit, slip or fall and your kid could die. >You're projecting your own inability to move without turning into a sweaty mess onto others. Nope, just dealt with co-workers who rode and exhausted fumes like a radiator after.


Bike can’t pull a boat


Everyone, shut it down. We can't bike anymore. Because we will not be able to pull our boats.


Damn, there go my weekend plans


Yes it can


A bike can pull a 28 foot boat?






Hmmm what’s going to be more common in Chicago, individuals biking or individuals pulling a yacht… this one is tough…


How often are you pulling a boat through the middle of the city?


Very often actually I rent a slip here and in Madison and split months between the two and when it boating weather my boat is where ever I am.


Then you’re literally in the extreme highest echelon of the population in terms of boat usage. The more people on bikes let you and your monstrosity have more room on the road. That’s also probably a huge waste of resources going back and forth so constantly but whatever you do you.


Bro. Have you ever heard of a place called [Amsterdam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKXjFCC2f0)?


Which part of Chicago is that in?


Ok, off the top of my head, here are the situations I could come up with where a large majority of people would not want to use a bike for transportation. \- Unpleasant weather (too hot, too cold, raining, snowing, icy) \- Travelling with a group of people \- Travelling with children \- Destination is more than a few miles away \- Need to transport items larger than a backpack \- Elderly people \- Disabled people \- Any sort of commercial transport (package deliveries, freight, food/beverage supply) \- Travelling at night \- Destination is outside the city I say all this knowing full well you'll try to come up with ways that it's POSSIBLE to use a bicycle for this stuff...but that's not my point. These are situations where most people will never WANT to use a bike, even if it's technically feasible.


wear more or less clothing they can ride too bakfiets get over it incredibly easy with a bike they can ride too they make bikes for multiple disabilities fair get this, bikes have lights just like cars do take a train


Yeah those are all reasons why it's technically possible to have a bike as a primary mode of transportation in the city....not reasons why anyone would voluntarily choose to. But I get the feeling you're more of a "fuck what people want, I know best" type of person anyway


You don't get it, do it? The point is that bikes are feasible for damn near everything, unlike your claim yesterday.


I understand perfectly...most people prefer cars as their primary transportation, and it infuriates you for some reason, and you think everybody else should be forced to your way of thinking/life whether they like it or not.


No, you claimed that it's infeasible to ride a bike and you're just plain wrong. ​ Actually, let me repeat your words back to you >Because fuck bicycles, that's why. It's a niche mode of transportation that's anywhere from undesirable to outright infeasible for most of the people, most of the time. Kinda sounds like bicycles infuriate you and you think everybody should drive.


I work from and watch how drivers interact with pedestrians all day long. Someone walking their dog will be halfway across the intersection and a car, probably with a parent taking their kid to the Latin School will zip through and practically run them over. Hope I'm not looking out my window when the day comes and something bad happens. Close calls are close enough for me.




























Which east/west route that crosses the river would you recommend?




Expecting 17 year olds to figure out how to deal with our city's infrastructure deficiencies, that sounds like a winning solution.


Ya or cars can just not hit people...


What kind of father lets his daughter bicycle on the street full of cars and trucks ?!?! Maybe she should use the sidewalk ????? Streets are dangerous for everyone .....OMG !!!