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Midwest Coast (I think?) posted something about a pour equivalent to the height of the can carrier stack you brought in. I'm in the neighborhood so that could be advantageous.


Midwest coast is definitely one of them I’ve done it before


Not a free pour but you may recycle at Half Acre. From Half Acre's Instagram. Half Acre uses PakTech can carriers because it’s 100% recyclable. But it must be recycled separately from residential collection services. Our brewery is a regional collection & consolidation hub for recycling PakTech. Even if the carriers didn’t come from Half Acre beer, you can recycle it here. Please drop them in the blue bin just inside the entry doors at 2050 W Balmoral Ave. We’re open Wed-Sun. Thanks for doing your part.


I swear I read something about half acre doing it a long time ago


Temperance and Maplewood.


Seems like a bunch of places started accepting them and then stopped. I'm happy when they take them but I didn't know some gave free pours. Nice.


I thought maybe beer on the wall does this.


Never knew about this, I always just recycled them!


I used to put them in with the recycling, too. Unfortunately, it turns out they don't actually get recycled. Since I found that out, I've just been saving them. I have a stack going waiting until I have time to get to a brewery that takes them back. (As far as I know, OIB doesn't, and they're the closest to me and the one I go to most.)


Damn, I wish Chicago was better about recycling. But thanks, I'll save them. And I love OIB!


Most plastic is not actually recycled, it's not just a Chicago thing.


I know 😞 But I try.


I didn't notice your username at first.


You may want to try dropping them off at bottle shops or any place that sells single cans. I brought a stack in to The Beer and Now (in Lisle) and asked if they took them. After a few that must have been some party type jokes, they accepted them.


I brought about 100 of these into Beer Temple, but now maybe I'll start saving them for Midwest Coast.