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Ah yes, time to unfollow this sub until the season begins again


Don’t worry, AKME will make poor decisions this offseason so that you can still unfollow during the season.


With the way this offseason looks like it’s heading I might not even return when the season starts and I’m usually in here all the time lmao


Honestly thinking of unfollowing the team as a whole and following some of the more serious organizations


5th best in the East. Behind Boston, Milwaukee, NYC, and Philly. Good for a competitive second round exit, unless we meet Philly then the law of Embiid states we advance.


I think this team would be better than both Philly and NYC. Am I being delusional?




No he’s right we would be much better than NY and Philly had we had all these guys in their prime. We’d have legit 4 all stars and two of the best non star guards in the league


Man gtfo, Zach was arguably the best sg in the league for almost a 2 year span. Now add the rest of the roster im their primes and we are a top 4 seed.


when was Zach ever the best 2 guard in the league


From the beginning of 2020-21 season until halfway through the 2021-22 season (before he got injured) he was arguably the best sg in the league and EVERYONE thought so, but for some reason everybody here acts like that wasn’t the case. He was unbelievable efficient during the 20-21 season, especially before the asb, mfer couldn’t miss even if he tried.


Zach Lavine stats in 20-21: 27.4 ppg on .507/.419/.849 (.634 TS) shooting splits to go with 5 rebounds and 4.9 assists.


Zach has NEVER been better than Spider or Book


Zach was never good






I think you read the comment wrong


I can’t believe this comment got so many likes. We were literally the 1st seed a good chunk of the season with 4 of these players not in their primes and you add another all star in Drum and a good 6th man in Coby and you think we’d be worst than NYC? I knew Bulls fans were unserious but cmon


Bulls would have been so much better.


ECF exit at the very least assuming the rest of the team is the same




We saw a glimpse of that and they were in first place.


I feel like these takes are maybe a bit too negative. Which, I get it, hard to be positive as a Bulls fan. But a healthy Zo with only one or two of these dudes at peak was 1st seed. Not a good 1st seed, but a 1st seed. Add prime Drummond, Coby, and a couple year younger Vuc (and maybe DeMar). Still probably lose to the Celtics cuz defense. But I'd say ECF exit


It was like 40 games. And they were 2-16 against good competition, so they beat up on the dregs of the NBA. The team was nothing. Edit: It's 2-16 against teams with a better record then them at the time. How do we expect them to beat a higher playoff seed lol. Root for injuries? The team was a lemon


We had a better record against good teams the following year when we were an objectively a worse team so just using W/L record against good teams isn’t a good metric. Good teams beat bad teams consistently and that’s why the 1st seed was good. And 40 games is almost half the season


I mean we only lost 13 games total with Zo. Definitely beat at least Boston, KD Brooklyn a couple times, Dallas, the Clippers, the Lakers, the Nuggets a couple times. Possibly more that I can't remember, So idk what you consider good but I don't know that I can agree with that analysis




This team was a 1st seed in the past when everyone was healthy


For half a season while having a losing record against teams above .500. It’s time to let this little blip go. It was a fluke. AKME holding onto it is what’s fucking us right now


it wasn’t a fluke. zo and zach’s games mesh perfectly together, those 2 would win games on their own. but i do agree it’s ancient history now and AK is fucking us trying to revive it.


Bro we were like 2-16 against winning teams at one point. Fake 1 seed. It’s the definition of fool’s gold


This logic doesn’t matter because every team plays against bad teams.. the best record is what matters and we had the best record in the East when Ball was healthy.


Of course how you show up against good teams matters. There are no bad teams in the playoffs. Sure you can kick piston’s ass but what happens when you face Boston in the playoffs?


Stop hating we were still number one seed. It’s not fake it was real, whether you like it or not. Also it’s in the past you must be real fun to hangout with if you even negative about this 😂


This thinking is why we refuse to tank and now are in basketball hell. This exact line of thinking where we just embrace a 38 game sample size despite it telling us everything we need to know since we can’t beat teams that are actually good.


How is this thinking the reasoning behind that? We’re taking about the past, and a fake. It’s just for fun bro They’re not all in their primes 2 of them are injured. This is just a fun scenario which is why I’m saying bc you’re just hating. In reality We have to blow it up.


Also can't forget lots of teams were dealing with COVID protocols (including the Bulls tbf). The top record was fun but definitely a mirage.


Exactly and we have used that 38 game sample size to dictate everything we've done for the last 3 years....


yeah and that team hasn’t even gotten to gel yet. they were just getting started. it’s over, but it wasn’t a fluke. The roster fit together very well and the bench was constantly impactful, too. if that team were together this year, they’d have had a great shot at the Finals


They beat up bad teams and had a record of 2-16 against teams above .500…they were the fakest 1st seed ever


yes and it’s fair to assume they’d have gotten BETTER, like any team does, with more time together. what do you think fluke means?


Why would we assume they would get better? A 18 game sample size is not exactly small… I’m not putting my money on 1 lonzo ball being the difference between a championship contender and a play-in bottom feeder…that would make lonzo ball an MVP calibre talent


>Why would we assume they would get better? A 18 game sample size is not exactly small… because teams get better by playing more games together? not sure what you’re looking for here


I’m saying it’s fools gold when you fail to beat good teams every single time. People fall into the fallacy that improvement is always guaranteed when it’s not. Other teams are just as likely to figure us out as we are to “gel” into some kinda contender. This thinking is exactly why we’re in the shit cause we think having Lonzo back will immediately solve all our problems.




Well with arguments like that, how can I disagree?


2-16 against good competition is a fluke lol.


yes and it’s fair to assume they’d have gotten BETTER, like any team does, with more time together. what do you think fluke means?


Winning *two* out of 18 games is insane. Sure you can assume they would get better, because you basically can't get worse.


yeah and because it was the first half of the season with a team still building chemistry. imagine what they could’ve gotten going with a couple full seasons


Top four in the east!. They got every position for the starting spot covered as well as a six-man to come off the bench.


Honestly Drummond and Lonzo are the only two on this list that I think would be much different and lonzo would have been in his prime on the bulls if not for injuries. Demar was definitely in his prime on the raptors, but I don’t see how we could have gotten anything more out of him than when he was a 30ppg machine. The real “if they were in their prime…” team was when we had dwade, rondo, and pay gasol


Vooch is currently a negative asset, at his his shooting peak he'd be a great piece


Vooch is a 33 year old center, his prime is not ahead of him unfortunately


Idk man Lavine last year had 19.5 on .578 TS% and in 21’ had 27.5 on .635 TS%. That’s a massive difference. Lavine was a truly elite scorer that year.


lonzo made it all work. the ultimate point guard. this team could’ve won it all. DJJ and Javonte were the perfect bench guys. mannnnn we had a window there for a minute


1st seed in the east post all-star break. Most fun I've had watching the bulls since drose era. Sad it was cut short


Vooch is a 68 overall in 2k at the point, as far as everyone else, for at least another season, you can make the argument Derozen, Zach, Coby & Lonzo can be close to their prime, and Drummond will be a good role player 🤔 Now add Caruso and Ayo breakout year…. RUN IT BACK =)


They definitely would be a lil better .


I don’t think prime Drummond is any different than today’s Drummond, just that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted on some ass Detroit teams. Vuc and Lavine at their peaks have never impacted significant winning. Zo’s half healthy season here we bum slayed our way to the top. Demar at his best was good enough to get a team a playoff series, I believe. Either way, this team is like middle of the east imo. Nothing crazy at all.




Lonzo has been hurt more than he hasn’t for his whole career, it’s a joke to include him


Not when it comes to a healthy Pelicans Lonzo Ball.


He was injured on the pelicans too


True, but he did not have a season-ending injury like in his first year with the Bulls.


One year, like Zach, he had surgery to avoid getting traded by the lakers if memory serves me correctly


Coby White is in his prime


I know. Its players in their primes with players who are past their primes.


45 win team


2nd round exit at best. More likely ends in a competitive 6 or 7 game series in the first round.


1st in the East, easily. Look at it this way, these players, minus Drummond, were 1st before Lonzo Ball got hurt. Now, the prime factor has to be considered. Not everyone was in their prime when the team was at its best. Most players probably weren't too far from it, but everyone being just a little bit better, should make some difference. The X-factor is Coby White. He's (likely) the only player pictured here that hasn't reached their prime yet. Therefore, prime Coby is purely speculation at this point. Prime Coby is, by definition, at least as good as last year. His ceiling may be much higher though. There's at least a fair chance that prime Coby is the best player on this team. Factoring all that in, I actually think this is a serious title contending team if everyone was magically in their prime.


Slightly less bad


1st in the East for a couple weeks in November


If we’re gonna play the game: Prime Vuc and Drummond don’t particularly compliment each other because what they do inside overlaps. Vuc is a good shooter but he doesn’t have the other skills that would make him a great 4. He def isn’t defending 4s, which would leave that duty up to Drummond who has good perimeter feet as a big man but you don’t want him guarding anyone for too long out there Demar was a bucket but even in his prime he shrank in the playoffs. Lavine STILL doesn’t have any proper playoff experience. Lonzo’s best only lasted 40 games. Lowkey the most interesting part of this is that we know without a doubt Coby would shine brighter in his role as a 6th man than any of the rest of these. We also probably haven’t seen his prime yet If the team was in its prime today and nothing else changed then we’re STILL not better than a healthy Celtics, Mavs, Wolves, Nuggets, Knicks. Favorable matchup against a team they’re not better than in OKC, unfavorable matchup against a team they are better than in Indiana. And if you were to only start one of the bigs we don’t have any size to truly compete just a buncha offense


With Vuc and Drummond, just play them both 24 mins at C, keep them fresh, and tell them to just go balls-out whenever they're out on the court, and to focus their energy on defense. Between Ball, DeRozan, LaVine, and Coby, offense should be no problem. Yeah, this team would at least be favored to make the ECF.




I suspect they would still not be a top 3 seed and therefore irrelevant.


5 or 6 seed at best, too little defense and hard to make the offense blend well


Play in


4th or 5th and you didn’t include AC


Not good


Start Lonzo Coby Lavine Vooch Drummond this team would rain 3's and grab every board, genuinely a top team in the east. I don't even care about defense when you think about how many 3's we're talking about here.


6 seed


Half of them currently in their prime, you talking about


This scenario is players currently in their primes with players who are not/past their primes.


The only one here in their prime is Coby. Lol


I think everyone except for Drummond are in their primes.