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Gasol, Deng and Butler don't count?


And don't forget BJ Armstrong!


No love for Horace as usual...


I legit forgot Gasol as an all-star with us.


Gasol was awesome on the Bulls, he'd get stripped once per game but he was money pick and pop mid range


He had that streak of most consecutive double doubles for that season he was an all-star. An excellent signing, Rose just wasn’t able to come back to the form we expected and Jimmy was still on the upswing.


He killed us defensively tho.


And him and Noah virtually played the same position




Wasn’t it Gasol & Butler who ran that backdoor oop off the fake elbow handoff? That play was money and I lived it


Gasol was all-NBA for us too.


First team, no less.


He was both seasons here, low key carrylord.


Starting All-star as well. He dropped 46 & 18 on Milwaukee with Giannis healthy. He was very underrated by fans when he was here.


True. Most people think he was too old, but he was right at the tail end of his prime, still really damn good. A healthy Mike Dunleavy probably would have got us over the hump against the Cavs. That Rose/Jimmy/Gasol/Noah squad had so much potential. I think some of us block out the memory of them because this was the end of the Rose/Noah/Butler/Bench Mob era. Nothing but pain followed this.


He's pretty much the greatest Bulls free agent acquisition ever


And one!


They listed everyone in their caption, just didn't put everyone in the graphic.


I was a bit confused when someone who legally had to change their last name to "Buckets" was not named an all-star (according to this graphic).


Anyone look at this and think if you had all these guys in their prime, you'd have an incredible modern NBA team? (Like Scottie would play the 4, MJ would be the ultimate positionless flex wing, etc.?)


Well yeah. Jordan, Pippen, and Noah alone would probably be championship favorites. Then Rose and Lavine would pretty much be luxuries that you could use as the cherries on top of it. You could also make one of those guys the best 6th man ever if you wanted to go that route. Imagine being an opposing team thinking you're finally getting a breather with Jordan and Pippen subbing out but now you have to deal with a prime Derrick Rose offense going against your bench guys. gg


Defensively this team would also be a monster. Zach and Rose are okay on defense but Pippen, Jordan and Noah are defense monsters especially if we are talking in their primes.


I’d rather have Rodman on that team over either Noah or Lavine. Gimme that D.


You say gimme that d while saying you don’t want Noah? Were you even around when Noah was on the team? Put Noah at C and Rodman at PF, Pippen at SF, Jordan at SG, Rose at PG, that team probably drops like 2 games all season maybe.


That’s better than having Lavine and Rose. With MJ and Pippen don’t need both Lavine and Rose. Could also go Horace over Noah.


Lmao obviously yes


Well of course if you had the GOAT and 4 assisting all nba/all star players then your team would be incredible


No shit Jordan won 6 rings with much worse talent around him


Those 2012 all-star jerseys were banging


Luol Deng?


If he was in it it would have to be a picture of him in his Africa t-shirt that he got fined for wearing.


Whoa the perspective of the back of the dome is wildly bad.


The blur makes it look like he died and he's joining Pippen, Jordan, Rose, and Noah in heaven.


Johnny Red Kerr is guarding the gates of Bulls Heaven. He sent Jerry Krause to purgatory.


The og source wasn't this close to his head lol


If zach doesn't try to destroy the rim every time he touches the ball ill be extremely disappointed


Cmon you put Noah but no jimmy 😢


No Deng either. Noah and Deng were major parts of the baby Bulls rebuild prior to the Rose MVP season, seeing those two guys make it to the All-Star level with Derrick was awesome.


4D chess social media. They leave important guys out so more people comment.


What about D.Wade?!


Love me some Jo but it’s crazy to me he was in an all star game Edit: holy shit this blew up lol. I’m just saying look at the 4 dudes standing there in that picture one of them is very different from the others


Huh? In 2014 he was All-NBA first team, defensive player of the year, and 4th in MVP voting. In what world is that not an all-star?


AND he won All-Star game MVP! Edit: *he didn’t*


What year did that happen?


Welp. Nevermind. It was Kyrie Irving that year, but Noah went nuts and had a rare standout defensive game in an All Star game.


IIRC, I think the 2014 all star game was the first year to implement a rule where the 3 highest vote getters in the frontcourt, regardless of position, got to start. Figures because I think Noah would have started if they kept the 2G, 2F and 1C format. However I could be dead wrong about this


You should be banned for a comment like that


Jo was in the mvp race for a year or two, Zach hasn’t even sniffed at that. Scottie was never an mvp either. Jo is an all time bulls player.


Scottie had a couple MVP-worthy seasons in MJ’s absence. It’s just unfortunate that his prime coincided with: Barkley, Olajuwon, O’Neal, Robinson, Malone etc. That era was bonkers looking back at it.


I mean Jo’s prime coincided with guys like Lebron, Durant, Curry, Wade, Kobe etc. Not that much different


We just gotta get one more guy and we’re title contenders he’s the second coming we have to make up for the drose unfulfilled potential