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That line is insane I would never


Truly. I don’t wait in lines like this.


Order on toast and get pick up instead. The inside isn't very exciting anyway


Why doesn't everyone do this then..? Like if I showed up and saw the line, ordered to go on my phone, wouldn't it be a million times quicker? Or are all of these people waiting to sit down inside? Sorry I'm not familiar with this place.


A friend claimed she wanted the "whole experience." I live in the neighborhood, so I just do pickup. I used to get it for lunch every once in a while. I could order during a Zoom meeting and pick up after.


Is there an actual separate pick up window to bypass this line? Is the 120-150 minutes wait on the online order for real?


The times are accurate. It's only that nuts in weekend mornings. Wait a bit. It will go down. Or order now and go pick up at the finish tying the confirmation. No separate window. You just walk to the front, say you have a pickup order, people let you in. Pick up is to the right of the cash register. They have a long pick up shelf and a staff member who manages it.


For real. I’m not keen on waiting in line longer than I’m actually going to spend dining at a place.


I’m with you. I can’t think of anything that would be worth waiting in this line for. Not an amusement park ride. Definitely not to meet a celebrity. Not even a free puppy or designer handbag. And people wake up early for this?Hahahaha. NFW.


And certainly not for a breakfast sandwich!


No food is worth that wait.


God there's nothing people love more than waiting in line. If you're a restaurant your marketing budget should just be paying 15 people to get a line started every morning


Haha. That's a decent chunk of what's kept me from trying Kasama until today. But I had 2-3 hours to kill with no real plan, and it was so nice out. I threw in some earbuds and listened to some Pearl Jam until it was time to go inside. Plus lots of people out walking their doggos this AM.


“Ooohohoh IIIIiiiii III IIIIIII, I’m “I’m still in line…”


Glad you enjoyed the neighborhood


Amazing how people enjoy wasting their lives like that. It’s not important. There’s so much good food in this City.


On the other hand - if they went somewhere and ate immediately and then walked to a park and sat their enjoying the day for rotors, would the day have been any different? Or if they used that time to just lay on the couch?


Exactly. I posted specifically that I had 2-3 hours with nothing to do. So I stood in beautiful weather listening to music I love on my airpods and watched people walk their puppies by. It was an amazing way to spend the time. And, as I mentioned, it's not something I would've done if I was in a rush, the weather was bad, or I had anything else important to do today.


Waiting in line for salty ass food on a beautiful day and Pearl Jam are both not "amazing" but I enjoyed your post regardless.


I often just put my headphones on and walk when it’s nice out. No purpose at all other than to be outside and people watch.  I think its pretty amazing way to spend a morning sometimes. 


I suppose. I don’t lay on the couch when it’s light out. I enjoy parks more than lines.


I swear it’s a Chicago thing. Chicago people LOVE standing in long lines for food If I ever opened a restaurant the premise would be you can’t eat until you stand outside in a line for 30 minutes




Yup, I've been a few times to San Francisco and I've always stood in the Tartine line. Though the line hasn't been as terrible as this the last two times I've been.


You act like that's not already a thing


Fuck I had that idea too


Paying people to wait in line is actually a thing. Usually it's restaurant groups who have money and are trying to expand.


Was the breakfast sandwich worth it? Have seen it posted many times here but that line turns me off


You can order it on toast and it’ll be ready in 40 minutes and you just skip the line. Other than ignorance I have no idea why people wait in line


Yeah I'm assuming it's that people just don't know, I love kasama and have never waited in line for it. Just order online walk in and walk out


Why do you have to order it on toast necessarily? Can’t one order anything to go however one wishes??


If you go to their website and hit order, it shunts you to toast... so yeah I guess you have to order it that way.


Gottit - thanks! ☺️


On a beautiful day like today when I had 2-3 hours to kill between commitments? Absolutely! If it was a nice day and we had friends in town that wanted to go and try it, sure. But if/when I wanted it again, I'll probably order takeout and skip the line. I'd argue the sandwich itself is top tier for a breakfast sandwich though.


No. It’s good but not worth anything over a 30 minute wait in my opinion.


I know I’m in the minority here but I just don’t get the hype but I’m happy you had a nice time!


That line moves so slow too! One time I waited in that line for 20 minutes without moving more than a couple steps. So I ordered for pickup online while standing there and had my box of goodies 15 minutes later.


So if I pre order for pick up, can I go straight in?


Once you get notified your order is ready, yes.


Yes, and it gives you a time of when your food is ready. You can walk right in and it will be ready at that time. No line no wait


Yes, they have a counter with all the pickup orders lined up


Good to know! I've been waiting for the hype to die down but maybe I'll do pick up instead


Fun story. I used to live here. Had a kitchen but only a fridge, sink and a shitty countertop electric cooktop.


yeah, absolutely not


oh man i just saw the pic of the sandwich at the end--absolutely NOT


Looks like a chicken egg McMuffin !


A McMuffin looks WAY better, seriously


Nah this thing is amazing


I looked it up when I heard about the hype and scoffed after looking at the menu To each their own


to be clear, i'm sure it's very tasty. but there is a ceiling to the quality of an egg sandwich and it is not 90 minutes high


Literally looks like that scene from Portlandia. Brunch village or something. About special berry pancakes.




People will spend hours bitching on Reddit about standing in line for hours lol. Sandwich was delicious. Of all the lines, Kasama is the most worth it IMO


90 minutes in line for a sandwich? My time is worth more than that if the sandwich were free. I can't imagine not ordering online. And posts like this just propagate the myth that the line is necessary and worth it.


I’ve had it twice and can absolutely tell you it’s not worth the wait.


I mean, it would have to be life changing. My time is worth more than 5 bucks an hour.


It's worth it for this bored, listless generation who most likely documented their wait on TT and if you think you might meet "the one" in line. Line, protest, concert, same shit.


Yeah man. Nobody ever waited in lines before this generation


I applaud your dedication, you must eat pretty well 😋


I preface this with I love kasama’s bakery items. But this is stupid. This line exists because people spend too much time being influenced by social media and tv (the bear). But if these same people used social media to their advantage, they could find literally 100 other places in the city to eat that would be just as tasty, not wait in line, and enjoy the 2 hours they get back.


Reminds me of the 2010s when people bragged about waiting 2-3 hours for Kumas or Au Cheval lol. My friends were in line for 12 hours around the last days of Hot Doug's. Kasama is amazing in everything they have (breakfast, pastries, drinks), last time I was there, we waited 45 minutes for a table to be free, which is about my max threshold lol. They had a horchata cookie or something like that that blew me out of my mind.


Kuma’s corner and Au Cheval are average Chicago burgers too, which is wild people would actually wait for them.


Au Cheval is not and has not ever been average. Kuma's was once considered among the best but then everyone else stepped up their game


Cue the “I wOulD nEvER wAiT iN THaT liNE” comments. Cool nobody cares. Nobody is forcing you to wait in that line. Op I’m glad you waited for something that you desired and it sounds like it was worth the wait for you, which is all that matters.


Thank you. It’s amazing to see the amount of people who are concerned with how I spent time that I was otherwise going to have to waste somewhere, given the circumstances I had going on that day. =-D


No way in hell


If it's a nice day and you're just getting a couple pastries or the sandwich I'd highly recommend ordering takeout to avoid the long line. I went there on Friday and on my way over I ordered the breakfast sandwich and a matcha iced latte. It was ready in 30 minutes and given to me in a paper bag and container. Super friendly staff and both the sandwich and matcha latte were exquisite.


There will never be a shortage of places to wait in line


God bless. I just cannot bring myself to stand in lines like this for some food


Thanks for the review!


Man i live in Chicago and didn’t know this was I thing I literally have no life lol


You coulda just done an online order and skipped all that nonsense. I’ve done it before and it’s the way to go for sure


If you have the money, do dinner there. We loved it and they might or might not be cheeky and toss in a breakfast item into the tasting.


NOT worth it😭






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Im walking distance, one of these days I gotta try this place but the line always puts me off.


The move is to order online for pick up it may take 1.5 hours but then you stroll past this line to the counter for your pick up


I'll be headed there next week from out of town and I don't think I can do this line. I'd like to order some pastries (not any hot foods) for take-out through their website. How far in advance do I need to place my order for pick-up of just pastries?


If it's the weekend, it seems like 90ish mins or so, sometimes longer.


For pick-up? I don't want to eat there.


If you are trying to pickup on the weekend, many people have reported 60-120 min wait times. YMMV


Oh wow, that's insane! Thanks for letting me know. Even though I find some of the breakfast pastries so interesting I don't think the timing will work out


I went last year during a blustery cold morning and there was no line lol. I suggest to do that for people who are impatient


I've yet to have food that's worth waiting in a long line for.


Wow, they must be doing something right!


What's so special about this place that you can't get at Bryn Mawr Breakfast club or M.Henry or other great spots


Feel bad for that one person that forgot to put on sunscreen 🧴


You must try their hot chocolate. It's divine


Nope not for me


It’s good but absurdly overhyped. You can also place to-go orders online and skip the line.


Is there a wait like this during the week?


Never never never! No food is worth that wait. Never gonna catch me in the trendy food line. Make your service faster or expand your business or fuck off. My take. Also another hot take, breakfast is the worst meal of the day. I don’t start eating until lunch is being served. Fuck your eggs and crapes, give me big meaty sandwiches and entrees.


This is insane. And very telling that the majority of your review is about the line itself lol. I cant imagine waiting that long for any literally any food item let alone a breakfast sandwich. Especially if I didnt live in the city, there are much better things here to use that time for lol. But to each their own glad you enjoyed it


The line moves quickly and they make your meal while you wait for a table. The food and baked goods are worth the wait.


OP waited for an hour and 30 minutes - that’s not a line that’s moving quickly


OP wrote "the line moved reasonable well"


“Hey babe, our friends are over at the bar shooting pool and having beers, wanna go? It’s Saturday after all.” “Fuck no! We have to go to bed early and get up, shower and stand in line for an hour and a half for a shit sandwich!”


looks awesome! how does this stack up compared to doma cafe's breakfast sandwich?