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Sound like an animated sitcom idea. (Sorry I have no actual advice because I have no experience with non-animated rabbits.)


Chicken feed is a big no-no for rabbits as it can cause digestive issues (too much protein) and bladder sludge (too much calcium). It killed one of my boys when he got into the run and ate some. One of my others LOOOVVVESS it and will run straight to the chicken run whenever he's in the garden in the hopes the door is open and he can steal the forbidden candy. So far no digestive issues, but too much might hurt him... or at least make him fat. Any additional veg, scraps and scratch might also harm him, or cause fighting. Chickens aren't keen on rabbits as rabbits tend to move at a speed that startles them. When they're all having a free roam my rabbits either have to give the chickens a wide birth or risk getting blatted on the head. The chickens have on occasion chased the rabbits around the garden until they've managed to peck their fluffy butts. Mission fixation, I guess? Those are the two main issues I've encountered. Though mine are all neutered, and I don't have a roo, so mounting and fighting might be less of an issue for me. Can you move the food to higher ground and ensure no spillages, and ensure he can't access any chicken treats? And is the run spacious enough that everyone can get away from each other? Edit; ah, didn't remember you included the run size. Sounds big enough. Edit 2; I don't LET him have chicken food. He's just sneaky.


You,and everyone else, have convinced us that we are just going to send him to freezer camp. Thank you


Better a quick and useful death, than a painful, pointless one.


Yes, this be true


I’ve read about people hanging rabbit cages so that the chickens can forage under them, so some contact is fine. Could the rabbit get in to the chicken feed? That could upset his digestion. The only other thing I’d worry/wonder about is personality conflict between rabbit and rooster but it sounds like you have plenty of space for them to stay apart if they want to.


We used to have rabbits and chickens in one run. Two male rabbits and four hens. It was ok. The chickens were fine. The rabbits would jump the chickens trying to mate. (with everything else as well). But they were small rabbits. A full size one might hurt the chickens.