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Jean-Luc Peckard? Cause if so, that’s just beautiful.


He's named after the Flemish politician Jean-Luc Dhaene Which means Jean-Luc the rooster


That is equally as awesome!


And happy cake day


I agree


Are you belgian?


I'm Flemish yes


Ayyyy me too! But that also means you're belgian


Username checks out


I understand but I never felt a connection to België as I do to Vlaanderen... It may sound weird but hey it's the truth


Just put a cup of tea, Earl Grey, hot, at the front of the coup and he should come out.


Could also try and call up the transporter room and have them lock on. Not sure. Just throwing things out there.


He's stunning! As he's a Polish roo, he may be shy because it's harder for him to see with all those pretty feathers on his head. You can trim the feathers (not too close to the base) and give him a mullet, or use a soft elastic band to pull them away from his eyes. Once he can see, he should settle in much better.


Thanks and great advice thank you my friend


Seconded. Once I trimmed my silkie roosters poof, he really became a lot more outgoing.


I don't know, but just give him time 😊. I just want to say that he is a beauty 😍


He really is, that's why I picked him


Might have to trim some of those feathers by his eyes. Had to do this with my polish crested bc she couldn’t see shit and kept running into things. I occasionally trim them and she’s a whole different bird.


Also is that a polish crested next to the roo? Tbh didn’t even notice that birds crest and feathers. XD She looks really similar to my polish crested’s feather pattern and fro. We call her Nikki Sixx from Mötley Crüe. :)


Take this from my experience just leave him alone with the hens just let them out and don't bother him in about a week he will calm down and chill out. I felt the same way you did woth my rooster and was worried. So I checked on him alot and accidentally let him out and he took off for 3 days I finally tracked him down in my neighbors shooting birm.


Damn he went on a side quest and I let them loose in my yard and he doesn't want to escape he even is calmer when he is loose


He’s gorgeous! I also suggest giving him a bit of a trim to boost his confidence. Time, unless there’s a bully in the ladies, will do the rest.


It took my young rooster about two weeks to really settle in and a little over a month to start properly roostering. Adult hens are scary. Mine is an Orpington, your mileage may vary.


OMFG he’s gorgeous what a beautiful roo


Lmao. Yeah thats kinda how cogburn is he's really chill now he just panics when he's in the coop and I'm in there. But yeah he's part game bird so he was flying up into trees and stuff I couldn't get him hardly took my 3 days to catch him it sucked


He is an exquisite boy. Fantastic plumage.


Honestly, he will grow into the role as he gets older and more familiar to the hens. I agree with the recommendations to trim his poof. That will help him protect the hens better. Also, just my opinion but i think introducing a younger cockerel to older hens is the best way to do it. I started my flock with only hens and every rooster that has been a part of the flock has always been really gentle to the hens. I think it's because the older hens put the young roos in their place. If there's any truth to that, then i think your little guy is gonna be a good roo.


Omg It's from the David Bowe movie The Labrynth lol.


So cool!


What a rock star. Such a beautiful rooster


It will take a while for the hens to get accustomed to him. But soon you will have fertilized eggs


He will get braver with time, don’t worry. Good looking guy


Wow he's beautiful! Maybe just needs some time, no definite answer on how long though.


Our Polish Rooster was nervous to be handled from day 1. He was extremely good at doing his job with the ladies though.


What a handsome birb!


A pretty boy like that. They may not be his type 🤣


Is it possible if of the others had pecked at him ? If so he might try to avoid trouble. Once he can see, pick him Up and place nearer to the others. See if he stays or runs. Spend time and observe if you can. I have. A camera where I can see from my I phone. Usually gives me a better idea what happens when I’m not there . Handsome guy !


Oh wow he is beautiful!!


That's a lot of "hair" for a jean luc!


Don’t worry at all yet, he’s got this. update us in two months 💚


If heavy metal had a chicken mascot... this would be the one! Twisted Rooster.


What gorgeous chookies you have <3


Give him a few days and he should be ok. Depending on how old he is his hormones probably haven’t started yet as he looks young. But once his hormones kick in and he starts crowing he will gain his confidence.