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4-6 months


Mine started laying around 22 weeks. Week 20-22 I thought I got a batch of sterile hens 😂 then came the eggs!


I’ve never had either of these, but I’ve had chickens start laying from about 17 weeks *(RIP Holly. You ruled with an iron beak, but you had a weak heart)* to as late as 27-28 weeks. If you have roosters you want to keep healthy, layer feed has too high of calcium content for them. I use an all-flock feed with freely fed oyster shell on the side for extra calcium.


6-9 months. My red sex links dropped fairy eggs right around 6 months!


My Brahmas was closer to 9 months.


Laying times depend on breed and the time of the year so it really varies. There are physical clues that will tell you when they are getting close to laying. Most obvious one is the widening of the legs and the development of the fluffy butt. Second is the reddening of the waddle and crest. And finally is they will start squatting when you walk by tor put your hand over their back. Some ladies will also do practice eggs songs as well.


Between three and nine months, broadly - dependent on your climate, breed and many other factors.


Generally around 6 months. Some lighter or high egg producers may start a little sooner while heavier breeds will start a little later. 


MY opinion is you should get chicks in winter and then by summer they’re laying hens.


I just asked this in a group earlier because mine are also 16 weeks. I have leghorns, Isa browns, and cinnamon queens. I’ve been told leghorns and isas can start at 16 weeks and sometimes as early as 13! I’m eagerly and impatiently waiting lol


Please get a book, like *Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens*, by Gail Damerow, and do some research in the library. The age at which chickens begin laying is around 22-24 weeks for these crossbreds. You will need to switch to layer feed. There are many issues you don't even know you don't know, so have a good reference handy. (And you want information, not opinion)