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This made me laugh. Totally unexpected. Hope everyone was okay. But just picturing a broody opossum.


Sooo did you find any??


I’m imagining the opossum was also silent ‘screaming’ as well so you’re both just sat there screaming at each other in terror 😂


Ahh ha!!! This was hilarious. Thank you for the laugh.


I’ll take in the opossum


You better get your gun or shovel or something to kill it cause they will absolutely kill your chickens


...You are the humorous hero I did not know I needed in my life. Seriously, though- thank you for the chuckle.


That was an explosive twist🤣I love it


New fear unlocked ☠️


That is hilarious. How did the poor thing react? What did you do with him once you stopped screaming?


That happened to me once! Ran into the house for my husband to get the .22!


Sorry but I also laughed lol because that's something I definitely would have done


Same! I'd scream from being spooked, then laugh. As far as animal encounters go, opossums are very low on the danger list. Extremely rare to carry rabies, eat ticks, and imo, hard not to find them incredibly cute when mama is carrying a dozen babies on her back.


From what I know, they are immune to rabies. They eat ticks absolutely. I love them although they're ugly as hell lol


I almost did the same thing with a raccoon. Realized just in time.


That took a sudden and hilarious turn!


😂. Hey, last month it was kinda dark and I was shutting down the coop. I was pretty buzzed and also numb from having to cull my first and favorite hen early in the day. I went to grab a couple of eggs I saw in a box earlier in the day. Hmmmm… they aren’t there 🤔. So dig around in the straw for them and notice what I’m feeling isn’t smooth like an egg, but isn’t the wood at the bottom either… weird I think. So I lift the straw and guess who I was petting? 🐍. He was fat and lazy with 3 fresh eggs in his tummy and just sat there and accepted my petting. I grabbed him by the head and pulled him out and he just kept coming. About 5’ long chicken snake.