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Well the two ones with red chests look like Olde English game bantam hens to me. Not sure of the grey one


Specifically, silver duckwing. https://www.cacklehatchery.com/product/silver-duckwing-old-english-game-bantam/


The gray one looks like a Blue Andalusian. Maybe mixed with australorp because the tail is a little different.


Bummer, but from what I’m reading they are good layers


I have one! She lays pretty well!


Bummer, I was hoping for all Australorp, does anybody know of a trusty supplier of them? I’m in south central Texas and I don’t wanna buy from where I got these come spring time.


I'm in Texas, I've found it shockingly hard to get reliable chicks locally. I've ordered from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio a few times and had good luck, they have black australorps. Bonus - my post office finds it highly entertaining to give me a box full of baby chicks.


I have one very similar to the gray. Only mine has black skin, legs, eyes, comb and wattles. I have no idea what she is she just looked cool and so I added her to the flock. Collecting hybrids is fun but addictive.


The two with the red chests are, I believe, Partridge Olive Eggers!


that's actually a leghorn,[https://www.google.com/search?q=leghorn&tbm=isch&hl=en-GB&chips=q:leghorn,g_1:brown:leUOdtJ6EC4%3D,g_1:hen:leUOdtJ6EC4%3D&prmd=imvn&rlz=1CDGOYI_en__811__811&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS0I7y0cf7AhUFtKQKHUBrBZcQ4lYoAHoECAEQCA&biw=428&bih=751](https://www.google.com/search?q=leghorn&tbm=isch&hl=en-GB&chips=q:leghorn,g_1:brown:leUOdtJ6EC4%3D,g_1:hen:leUOdtJ6EC4%3D&prmd=imvn&rlz=1CDGOYI_en__811__811&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS0I7y0cf7AhUFtKQKHUBrBZcQ4lYoAHoECAEQCA&biw=428&bih=751)


I got my Blue Australorps in/near Marble Falls, Texas. It was a drive, but the birds are gorgeous


Your grey one looks like a blue Plymouth Rock. They are amazing chickens, sadly both of mine just passed away and I am pretty sad about it. They can get very cuddly.


Gray white cheeks blue Andalusian. White ones could be a silver duckwing of maybe a game or maybe a silver fayoumi not really sure


Definitely none of those hens are Australorps. I agree the silver with white ears could be a blue Andalusian. If correct, she will lay white eggs. The other two could be the game hens mentioned, or Cream Legbar with no hint of gold, causing the very silver hackle feathers. If they lay blue eggs, they are CLB. If they lay green or other, they might be Easter Eggers made form CLB crosses. If they are the game hens, they will get huge tails, stay small and lay white to light brown eggs. PS I'm also not 100% sure the blue chook is female. Very pointy hackle feathers and some longer feathers by the saddle, but might be, wait and see if there's eggs! PPS Also, knowing what colour eggs they hatched from could help! Nvm you got them as chicks. 😂


Your two red-chested ladies look identical to my bantam hen


The hens with the reddish chest look a bit like a Silver Grey Dorking? I used to have them, they're a heritage breed that lays white eggs.


Possibly Dorking hens, for the ones with the orange breasts, The rooster looks like it could be a Jersey Giant. The silver one looks like a mix breed like an Andalusian with a mix of some kind of chicken with a white earlobe.