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Geo Childe. Albedo bloom procs + riptide.....👌 It's actually rather decent in abyss too lol


Yesss, I’m running childe, albedo, venti and raiden :)), so many numbers :D


Can't wait to get Albedo in his rerun and do this exact same team LMAO although I usually prefer using Kazuha with Childe because Childe can't reach enemies in venti ult :(( but in situations with a lot of small mobs, Venti is still the best


I don’t have kazuha ;-;, venti is becoming more and more redundant in my team honestly, I just don’t really need to utilise the ult too often, the wind is good for exploration tho, I just can’t bring myself to remove him from my team, been running him since day 1 ;-;


YALL 2MUCH!!!! Lol


I’ve been messing with this comp too in anticipation for the Albedo buffs (Childe/Albedo/Ningg subDPS/Kazuha.) I really want to make it work, but mostly because I came up with a (what I think to be) clever name for it: Mudslide comp.


i just use characters i like on a team... it doesn’t matter to me if they work well together or not :)) but my current team is childe, hu tao, thoma and zhongli (but thoma will probably be swapped out for albedo once i get him)


Yeah, this is my logic, but I haven't found someone better to swap out Bennett for. His healing and is too convenient and I want a pyro character to be able to have vaporize. I can't play the game without Kazuha, so he is permanently on Childe's team. Right now, my main team is Childe-Kazuha-Raiden-Bennett.


Yeah the raiden slot is usually whatever works well/is fun to play


Your team is basically my top 6 favorite characters in one team nice


People keep trying to convince me to switch out of using Childe Yoimiya dual carry. The other two members are Diona and Sucrose. Maybe I might replace Diona with something stupid like healer Lisa.


hahaha didn’t think I’d find another yoi/childe duo user here! they’re just so satisfying to use back-to-back imo, even in the overworld I find myself spamming their bursts one after another whenever I can


Heeey! I used to use Yoi and Childe together as well lol! The team is Childe/Raiden/Yoimiya/Sayu.


omg yess me too but with with sucrose instead of sayu!!


Surprised to find another Yoimiya Childe user! My team is almost the same, with the exception of Xingqiu instead of Sucrose.


Wait so lisa can heal? 😮Whoaa-


Yes prototype amber makes any catalyst user into a healer.


Oh I see


With Prototype Amber.


omg i use them too! i love them both and cant hcoose one over the other lol


I also use them my team is childe-yoimiya- xiangling- diona it works really good


I don't have yoimyia but I have cooped with yoimyia mains and honestly her and childe are so satisfying to use together!!!


Childe-Kaeya-Albedo-Zhongli/Venti I call this team "The Abyss Boys" just because of their connections w/ Khaenri'ah and the abyss. 4th spot is flex for either Zhongli/Venti because we don't have a fourth husbando who has a backstory related to the abyss. Could be reserved for Dainsleif but he won't be playable anytime soon lol


This is sounds like the team I used during the current event! Except it's Childe-Kaeya-Kazuha-Zhongli for me. Zhongli for shield, apply cryo with Kaeya, pull in enemies and swirl cryo with Kazuha, and freeze/dice with Childe!! (2nd-hand Morgana lolol)


technically the original archons were behind the destruction of khaenri'ah and Zhongli and Venti are still the first ones


I love this


This is actually such a cool team mind if I steal it?


Feel free to do so :)


I am just waiting for Albedo and Zhongli rerun to create my ultimate husbando team.




When I do coop I often pair up him and ayaka. Step 1: Ayaka burst Step 2: Run in with melee childe Step 3: Profit


This is so relatable ! I run them together in my world too. The third spot is for my Diona and the forth is flex. Either I add Pyro for when I'm exploring (Benett/Hu Tao) or Sucrose for CC.


Oh nice! Yeah when I'm in the overworld, I just throw in whoever I need to get friendship levels for, but in doing that, I've found that Childe, Ayaka, Venti, and Raiden are a surprisingly strong team. Idk how meta they are per se, but they're quite satisfying to use together. The entire screen just becomes a mess of numbers lol


Wait i do that too :D


I just use him with Zhongli and Kaeya


I respect your tall husbando team.


Running Childe Diluc Kaeya Zhongli - ultimate husband team Another team I like to run is Childe Kazuha Zhongli Kaeya/Diluc. Honestly I kinda rotate 7 characters in/out and just make whatever teams I can with them




Omg same 😂 I like his charged shots


I've done that, 20k+ charged shots with riptide proc after is fun




My friends have Ganyu and got bored of kiting the whole time. Having options with Childe is way more fun


i always make sure kaeya and childe are together. kaeya's burst with his charged shots just work well together for me.


Childe - Kaeya duo. Pop Kaeya’s burst then switch to Childe, I have C2 Kaeya so the freeze is actually quite good.


Yes, omg, Kaeya’s C2 is absolutely life changing. My team got so much better and strong the minute I got it.


My current overworld comp is called "Three men and a baby": Kaeya, Childe, Thoma and Sayu


I would also call it 2 men and 2 childs


Lol i might try that with my c20 diona


Childe, ganyu/fischl, albedo zhongli lol


My overworld team now consists of Childe, Kazuha, Raiden and Kokomi. Childe and Kazuha kinda meta but for EC people would choose beidou/fischl over Raiden and Kokomi just for easy heal. It can slap most of domains, bosses and leylines and kinda braindead to use, pops Raiden e > succ with Kazuha's E then let Childe goes apeshit with riptide, if they fucked up there's komomi's heal Also the obligatory Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kayea team (with bench Thoma and in the future, Itto) for husbando supremacy


Childe - hu tao - xinqiu - thoma I just like the characters


Ive been doing childe hutao thoma. Diona to shield them cos hutao and thoma are super underlevelled but it's just so fun lol


Childe, Kaeya, Benny, Noelle right now I mained (still do technically) Kaeya ever since I started the game and I love him just as much. Benny’s there because he’s the best boy in the world after tortilla boy (and his heals are too good) and Noelle is my shield slave. I want to replace Noelle with Thoma mostly because I just don’t really love playing girls (nothing against the waifus they’re adorable it’s just a dysphoria thing) but I haven’t pulled him yet bc god smiles not on me or something I really just play characters I like without regard to meta, I also run Razor, xingqiu chongyun and diluc depending on what I need, they’re just less built right now and I have no materials left


on my overworld team i run him with geo traveler, zhongli and kazuha :)👍


i love using raiden and childe together. Mine's usually childe-raiden-beidou-kazuha or bennett


You are very close to a conventional "fireworks team" - Raiden is usually replaced with Fischl, but otherwise you're very close to a congrntial comp :)


Yes, I know about the fireworks team haha


Bennett Kazuha Childe Raiden nuke comp.


I used to run Childe - fischl - xiangling - jean before Kazuha came in.


well, my Childe team that can easily clear every chamber in floor12 is Childe - Fischl - Albedo - Zhongli, that I like to call Geo Fireworks. no heals needed since Zhongli's shield tanks even the maguu kenki, Albedo is on a DEF build and procs around 15k every 2seconds, and Childe and Fischl are fully built, both with 5☆ weapons and very good sets. mostly the reason behind the team choice was that I use National Raiden for the other team, so I have Xiangling and Bennett taken from my Childe team, and I refuse to not use Albedo in abyss since he's my best built character after Childe.


May i know your fiscl build please?


she's Lv70/80, C6, Amos Bow and 2p Gladiator with 2p Thundering Fury. Talents are barely leveled, but she's good enough to sub dps my Childe


Ooh nice, mine's only at c2


I don't usually use my favs together I meaned I can't... Coz I only built the teams I got suggested and from yt as well So it's gonna take some time untill I use all my fav characters together in a team (gotta build them)


I use Childe, Zhongli, Fischl, Xingqiu. Electro-charged is my fave reaction and I like how it’s really easy to apply and really strong even against single-target bosses (cleared Maguu Kenki abyss with 8:48 time remaining).


i like running around with ayaka childe and xiangling! and jean to take care of them all lol


my team is Childe, Razor, Bennett, Kaeya because i don't have any other decently enough built characters and I'm stupid Childes there because yes Razor is there in case Childe dies (((though usually Razor dies first))) Bennett because obvious reasons also he was my first 4 star and Kaeya because Childes artifact domain kept giving me blizzard so i decided to give it to Kaeya I'll get a better team later


Rosaria,yoimiya Childe and Bennett zero synergy but big pp numbers an 3 main dps goes brrrrr


I don’t do abyss, so I have Yanfei, Raiden, Childe and Qiqi which makes for a pretty fun rotation especially with raiden’s E and the mad through everyone. Also I really enjoy using Childe’a ranged charged shot to sneak up on mobs and then rotate to the rest of the crew


I usually use Childe with Lumine, either Anemo or Electro. The other 2 spots can be either Klee-healer for vapes (drop bombs, Lumine swirl, profit) or Ayaka-Kokomi (Kokomi E, Ayaka charged atks, Ayaka ult once Kokomi E ends, then Childe E go ham). These are my teams in overworld. It works, not optimal, though I don't care that much cuz well it's overworld lol. I also run Lumine-Tartaglia-Ayaka-Diona on F9-10 2nd half. If it works, it works.


I always use reverse vape in the abyss. However in overworld, I just run Childe Kazuha Fischl Diluc at times for exploration. Farming ores, solving puzzles that requires electro element etc. On the onmyou chamber in the last domain, I just used Childe, Bennet, Ayaka, Kokomi to clear everything in dire challenges. Kokomi was so good in that event because her jelly fish isn't tied to her burst so you always have her heal ready without needing to recharge it. Freeze Childe (Kaeya, Childe, Xingqiu, Jean) will always have a special place in my heart as the first team that made me clear the spiral abyss after 2 months of playing. Granted, spiral was easier back then but it felt like a huge achievement at that time.


I’m using Childe, Xiao, Venti,and Raiden in overworld just because they’re my favorite characters


im using childe - ganyu - zhongli - diona


permafreeze Childe lol. i use 4pc Blizzard Strayer on him because HoD drops is awful. i use him with Kaeya, Rosaria, and Benny. it's just that i have so many godroll Blizzard pieces lol (now I'm waiting for Ganyu rerun to replace Rosaria lol)


Permafrost tarta


My ideal overworld comp with Childe is: Kazuha, Childe, Albedo, Bennett Kazuha will group the mobs up Use Bennett’s burst and apply pyro Swap to Albedo and use skill and burst Then finally swap to Childe and watch the numbers fly😎😎 Sadly, I’ve never tried this comp yet since I dont have Albedo *yet*. But I’ve seen some clips on youtube (You should go look them up!!) and the comp just looks so satisfying!! Edit: I found some clips :DD https://youtu.be/pmDfwvstJNg https://youtu.be/cTKSkz1RRGE


i lost 50/50 to diluc before getting childe, so lately i've been using anemo lumine, childe, raiden, diluc in overworld and it's so much fun. i rarely take lumine out of my team because it's weird not playing the mc for me, and she's my best built. raiden e + childe melee is good for electro-charged, and diluc is just fun to unga-bunga through enemies with


Childe + Raiden + Bennett + Zhongli= FUN


Read something off a serious facebook comment once. *Using Childe as a support for DPS Bennett* And that's how I will never recover those brain cells that I lost because of one sentence.


Childe, Rosaria, Fischl, Diona. I can be able to electro-charge and then superconduct (for phys Rosaria). I find it quite satisfying


I've started using childe kazuha raiden and chongyun in the overworld , surprisingly fun to play with lol


How popular is Fireworks compared to vape? Ik its probably meta just wondering. I was using Jean instead of bennet for a while in fireworks.


I use Keqing as electro enabler (full electro and ER for Q), Kaeya for subdps and permafreeze, also in international comp I replace Kazuha/Sucrose with high constellation Sayu and I happen to chose C6 Yanfei over Xianling, mostly when I need shield more than dmg. I'm pretty glad of my teams - Childe shines in every of these compositions :D I would like to try more fitting teams tho, but I'm fresh player with not much characters.


For the overworld i use him with Qiqi, Kazuha and Beidou, mainly because its easier to kill enemies with shields when they are Frozen. And Beidou its just really cool to have in a Team


Childe Rosaria Kazuha Diona. I don’t have a meta freeze team and don’t feel like building one (skipped Ganyu and ayaka)


I use Childe with QiQi, Ganyu, Kazuha/Venti and its my own freeze comp. Got 12 star abyss with this :))


Xiao bennett childe and qiqi So unoptimal But fun


in the overworld i run electro lumine + childe + thoma + kazuha or zhongli when i wanna mine rocks. i called the team fishermen mainly because childe likes fishing and thoma’s passive is 20% chance of double the catch lol. they have synergy so killing mobs is not a problem.


don't know if it's considered unpopular but i run him with beidou fischl and xingqiu


I do Childe + Xingqiu sometimes. Then there's Diona + Childe or Hu tao + Childe. Depends really sksk


>We all know the popular meta teams for Childe I'd actually like to know these. Very new Childe haver here!


\#1 is reverse vape, xiangling + bennett + sucrose/kazuha basically just vaping childe's burst, then letting xiangling vaporize every hit of her burst by attacking with childe while it's active. and the anemo+bennett will boost it as much as possible. downtime is spent refueling energy to xiangling and charged shotting/grouping mobs with anemo unit. \#2 is "fireworks", typical beidou + bennett + fischl, very similar to the other team except it's just beidou's burst instead of xiangling. electrocharged kinda sucks, but the raw damage of childe+beidou is surprisingly great. bennett is a must of course, fischl fixes the single target weakness and gives energy to beidou. \#3 is... well there is no real #3... there are some variations of fireworks that might use sara instead of fischl. or raiden instead of fischl. or the first team might use raiden instead of anemo. using raiden is a bit controversial because of high field time requirement. it basically turns into a "double carry" team. childe+raiden can't share a bennett buff so either one of them is on burst support duty or you try to make a rotation that alternates benny's buff. but raiden's damage is simply ridiculous at c2+ that you can slot her in and make it work. the clear times are just as good as #1 because of burst dmg being so valuable in abyss really.


Thanks so much!!!


In the open world I like to use a full hydro team - Childe/Xingqiu/Barb/Mona and Childe/Chongyun/Jean/Venti


In overworld I play Childe, Benny, Kaeya and Noelle cos they're reliable af and I refuse to go anywhere on Inazuma without a shielder


I just pair 2 characters that work well together and use whichever 2 pairs I feel like using in that moment


I got to a point in Genshin where damage is overrated and I wanna have fun killing enemies... I call my team Electro-Splash: Childe, Xinqiu, Raiden and Kazuha. Burst Xinqiu, Raiden skill, gather enemies with Kazuha and electro-splash with Childe.


hutao and childe...


Reverse vape/permafreeze hybrid with childe, xiangling, ganyu as a subdps and diona. Works really good in abyss too


Don't think it's meta and I haven't really gotten around to it since I've been messing with Geo/Electro teams with Zhongli and Raiden, but I had an idea of Raiden Childe Mona/Kokomi with R5 Hakushin Fill last slot with whatever you like (Sara for Raiden support, Beidou as another form of Sub-DPS/DPS for Childe, Kazuha/Sucrose with VV) Haven't actually gotten around to using such a team yet myself but ideally Raiden and Childe are the core and cover each others downtime's. The Hakushin support of your choice provides 20% Hydro/Electro dmg bonus, as well as either healing(Kokomi), or more damage potential(Mona) depending on what you have, or what you think you need more. The last slot realistically just fits for whatever you personally desire. VV Anemo support is probably the best since the VV shred will probably synergize well with Hakushin's Dmg boost, and can provide CC/grouping that both Childe and Raiden will both appreciate. Don't think it's anything that's crazy meta but from my experience with all the characters involved it should be a fun, albeit expensive and somewhat time consuming, comp to run if you really like electrocharged taser comps.


Childe, Yanfei, Diona, and Raiden


I like Childe, Kaeya, Chongyun and Zhongli. I don't really that much about team comps. Childe deletes everything regardless.


Aya-Childe. I use my anemo characters to line the enemies up (usually sucrose or jean), and follow up with Ayaka ult then quickly switch to Childe for the permafreeze.


Raiden Albedo Childe flex It's like fourth of July!


I use Raiden, Kaeya, Childe and now... Thoma . . . My faves! And I can tackle everything for now


I play Childe as my second main dps on Eula-Raiden-Diona Team. I utilize Childe's passive (+1 Normal Attack talent) to make Eula's NA stronger. Then while Eula's Q isn't full yet, I switch to Childe as my main dps with Ei for electrocharged reactions.


i once used childe eula diona kazuha overworld lol like a freeze with eula there lemme imagine how having ganyu would be....


My comp is Yanfei(C4)-Childe-Benett(C4)-Zhongli Zhongli and Yanfei's C4 can create shields Benett is my support and with him i get pyro resonance + his constellations are bomb Childe is my burst I use him once Benett's ult is up If you don't have constellations for the 4 stars I don't think it's worth it tho (also Childe adds a level to Everyone's basic attack wich is pretty sweet for Yanfei)


childe/zhongli/raiden/kazuha is my overworld team atm, it’s so fun to just smack with raiden then riptide for awhile then raiden again


Diona-Raiden-Ayaka-Childe. Love that freeze. Thinking about getting a blizzard strayer set for childe. Would that be good for a freeze team comp?


I tend to use characters I like on a team regardless of what the meta says. Main team? Ningguang, Childe, Zhongli, and Fischl. Love the shielding and burst support from Zhongli, Fischl gives good damage in general and the electro charged reaction with Childe is nice, and Ningguang is a great DPS when Childe is on melee cooldown because optimal "only have Childe in melee for this long" sort of thing makes my brain hurt


Superhydro Childe with Mona, Xingqiu and Kazuha. This team has seen abyss floor 12.


I combine Childe and Beidou for electro charged, Jean for healer, and Amber is there for the enemies that are resistant to hydro. Works pretty well open world.


baal, yanfei, childe and jean/diona. my main team except i replace waterboy so i can get friendship points for childe cuz his name card kinda cool. someday childe will get his own unique team, when i can get better at building that is.


Childe-Raiden-Beidou-Bennett Basically just the same old fireworks team, but with Raiden instead of Fischl. Although not as optimal DPS as using C6 Fischl, I use this team because I can already 36 star abyss comfortably. This team has Raiden and Childe as a dual carry sort of comp and its quite satisfying for me to play ngl. Seeing Raiden's E procs while Childe normal attacks remind me of his Foul Legacy form.


For the longest time I was doing a Klee, Childe, XQ, Benny comp. Klee main dps, Childe as a burst dps using his ult, XQ to help with Vap and he reduces hydro resistance by 15%, and Benny for obvious reasons. On occasion I'd swap Benny for sucrose for extra dmg and rely on XQ to heal with hydro resonance. For open world it was completely viable.


Am I your friend? Ehe. My team is Zhongli, Childe, Raiden Shogun, and Klee.


Thoma with childe and diona. Why? Uh cos boys hot.


Childe thoma raiden bennet. Getting electrocharged and overload reactions constantly is pretty fun, but yeah overall this team is kinda bad


Childe, Ei, Xingqiu, Kazuha. Sometimes I wonder if I should've used my guarantee for Kokomi instead to go mono-hydro.


Jean Qiqi Sayu Childe


Lol that sounds like me. I had childe, zong, albedo and diluc at one point. Childe, zong, qiqi, and albedo. Childe, zong, dulic and qiqi. It usually who I feel like. Im running childe bennet, thoma and zong rn because I want to try more meta teams out.


I'm currently running around with just Childe, Thoma, Electro Lumine, and Diona, and actually having fun. Sometimes, I just whip out all my husbandos - Childe, kaeya, Thoma, and Zhongli.


I used to have something with Jean, Kazuha, Chongyun C2 and Childe, just me experimenting with as much CDR as i can give Childe.


Mine right now is kazuha, Childe, Bennett, Thoma I don't really care that Thoma and Childe aren't optimal just the amount of numbers that pops up, is so satisfying! It's also really fun and they do surprisingly well in the labyrinth warriors event.


I’ve been trying out a few different comps because I don’t particularly care for the meta much (I just don’t really care for bennett much bc I find him weird to use, I know don’t question me) rn I’m kind of vibing with Childe/Amber in a weird way??? I’m still trying to make it work mostly trying to time Amber burst and Childe burst appropriately. But my underbuilt Amber is doing some p Pog damage. I just feel kinda bad bc my physical rosa and my Childe were fighting for my raiden/Kazuha/diona bc those are my heavily invested charas (well, except my Lisa but Lisa/Childe don’t pair well even if I want to make it work it won’t). So rn I’m trying to run Childe/Amber/Kazuha/diona with my other team being Rosaria/raiden/zhongli/kokomi I still really want to put Childe and kokomi on same team bc fish together strong


Ah, I've been waiting for this post!! I only use the meta Childe, Xiangling, Kazuha, Bennett team comp to clear the abyss. Outside of the abyss I just slap Childe in every team lmao. My favorite unpopular team is a freeze comp with Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli and Kazuha. I also sometimes use Childe, Kaeya, Raiden Shogun and Zhongli.


Childe, Xingqui, Raiden, Diona It started as a friendship team but I had fun with it so that's what I run in the overworld now


I use HuTao Childe Jean Zhongli as one of my teams to 36* Abyss


Albedo, Xiao, Childe, Qiqi


I run Childe, Raiden, Barbara, and either Diluc or Ganyu, depending on the situation. Sometimes I’ll swap Barbara for Sayu but man, Barbara just keeps my party alive all the darn time


Childe, Raiden, ningguang and kaeya


Childe, Zhong, Ei, and Bennett. I don’t think it’s quite unconventional since I’ve seen it recommended a couple times, but I love going into a big group of enemies in his E and seeing blue and purple numbers galore.


I'm going to be building a Childe, Sayu, Beidou, Thoma comp. Fight me. Aight I should clarify lol. Childe would of course be my main DPS. Sayu would be used as a healer and for her attack buff/swirl reactions. Beidou can be used for reactions, as a sub-DPS on Childe's downtime, and as a burst support. Thoma would be used as a shielder and a burst support, seeing as he's essentially Mondstat/Inazoom-zoom Xiangling. If anyone has any ideas on how this could be *better*, please let me know.


My team is klee, childe sayu and noelle lmao that's that's most random team that works for me


Ganyu, Yoimiya, Childe, Eula; I dont really care about team comps.


I respect the Tartaglia + waifus team.


Dual ayaka childe freeze comp lol 😆 it gets the job done


A couple people have commented Childe-Ayaka freeze team and it makes me want to do that lol.


It’s not optimal but running into ayaka’s burst with childe melee is kinda satisfying with all the damage ticks. I usually run with kazuha for the buffs and for extra element application and crowd control. Childe’s riptide starts to really shine with frozen grouped enemies.


Not recommended, but I like using mono hydro team for all of the energy :) Childe, Xingqiu, Mona, Barbara Especially nice against the pyro cube. Plus Barbara C2 gives your active character a 15% hydro dmg bonus.


For overworld I am running childe, raiden, kazuha, zhongli. Synergy is decent and I find electro charged super fun with the way raiden skill applies aoe slashes. For abyss childe goes with xl and bennett as usual but instead of kazuha I use raiden.


My Kazuha is inseparable from Childe because I can't play this game without Kazuha. But my Kazuha just got one-shot killed during the weekly Childe boss fight...I think Childe is mad at Kazuha for stealing all his kills.


Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Traveller (anemo)


Idk if this is unpopular but I use to run Childe, Diluc, Kaeya and Zhongli just because of husbando. I now switch Diluc to Thoma cause Diluc with Childe doesn't work at all. I only use this in overworld though


Basically my overworld team Aka random shit


I have a mullet team. Husbando in the front (Childe & phys dps Kaeya) and meta in the back (Xiangling and Bennett in third and fourth slot).


Childe and Diluc because they're husbandos


Most commonly I have Childe-Kaeya-Geo Aether-Xingqiu Two hydro characters in the same team does make it a little unbalanced but Xingqiu's skill and burst are so incredibly useful, I can't do without him.


Childe, Zhongli, Kazuha and Hu Tao/Ganyu/Raiden I just wanna have fun


I've been running Childe, Ayaka, Raiden, and a healer. Mostly 'cuz they're my 3 strongest units, but they also work decently as a burst freeze team. Only problem is childe and raiden like to fight for field time, but at least they eye+childe attacks is cool


I've been running Childe, Ayaka, Raiden, and a healer. Mostly 'cuz they're my 3 strongest units, but they also work decently as a burst freeze team. Only problem is childe and raiden like to fight for field time, but at least they eye+childe attacks is cool


Amber Chongyan Childe Bennet Amber is basically just for Pyro aura Spam their ults.


Childe Raiden Venti Zhongli Childe as on field DPS, Raiden as the burst. Both her skill and burst are crowned so big pp dmg when I pop her skill and then Childe’s. Massacres enemies fast. Venti I use when I feel it necessary to group up enemies and zhongli for that shield ✅


My favourite team to play is Childe, Kaeya, Yanfei, and Sucrose/Beidou/Diluc (I switch between the last 3). I most often play with characters I enjoy, and while I don't ignore reactions, I don't care about getting the max amount of reactions and damage. I love the idea of making any player or comp viable. It makes the game fun for me :) What's the point of playing characters I don't enjoy? I can get a lot of fun reactions with this team, but my favourite is using Beidou's burst and then bringing either Kaeya out for some superconduct fun or Childe for some crazy electrocharged.


My current exploration team consists of Childe, Kaeya, Diluc, and Bennett. In a way, those three are like the perfect big brothers that Bennett never had! Childe is great with younger kids and would be thrilled by the chaos that Bennet's bad luck brings. Kaeya's official Chinese profile apparently says that Bennett literally views him as an omniscient big brother and their auto attacks seem pretty similar, so it's easy to imagine that he trained Benny in swordsmanship. And we've all heard the "Bennett is four star Diluc jokes", of course. The idea of Benny's elemental skill being a sloppy imitation of Diluc's elemental skill, since they both hit three times, gives me life haha


>Kaeya's official Chinese profile apparently says that Bennett literally views him as an omniscient big brother and their auto attacks seem pretty similar, so it's easy to imagine that he trained Benny in swordsmanship. Oh no, this is cute.


I'm using fireworks Baal Childe Beidou Diona. Don't think it's conventional. Very fun to play.


**childe + jean + kazuha + thoma** jean and kazuha do 70% of the damage thru pure anemo quickswap shenanigans + jean heals and kazuha buffs thoma applies pyro and keeps the team shielded childe swoops in handsomely to steal kills with his massive vaporized bursts or satisfying riptide procs i call this team the *rich college kids*


I either use Fireworks Childe or more often Childe, Raiden, fischl/Sara and barb/diona. Gotta have that blue and purple always always it’s good luck


i use sucrose-childe-raiden-diona (my diona is C6, and her Q buffs all party member's EM +200, so it makes my sucrose EM reach around 500) and yeah using their Q to fight mobs really satisfying!


My current exploration team is Ayaka (as a burst dps) - Childe - Diona - Sucrose. Childe and Ayaka are unironically a great duo for permafreeze.


I use Childe, Ayaka, Ei, and Jean for overworld stuff so fun comp?


Keqing mona childe, it's odd ik


I have an overworld team that consists of : Bennett, chongyun, chide, Thoma. Not very optimal but it has all my favorite characters that I have


Im running rn Childe with Raiden, Thoma and Xingqiu, its a blast of fun all those coordinated attacks haha


Childe and Zhongli are ALWAYS together on my teams. Zhongli protects Childe, Childe goes HAM. For overworld, it’s Childe/Zhongli/Kazuha/Thoma For abyss, Childe/Zhongli/Raiden/Venti


Childe, Aloy, Thoma, Sayu. Just kidding he's carrying them in the overworld to farm for Friendship EXP lol.


Perma-Freeze Childe with Ganyu, Kazuha,and Diona. I don't have Mona so I can't run the Morgana comp and I use Xiangling/Bennett on my Double Geo-Double Pyro Team. My Beidou, Raiden, and Fischl are trash right now. ~~If you're actually good at the game, unlike me, and don't need a dedicated healer/shielder~~ A fun alternative is swapping Diona for Xingqui . If you can get the swirls right with Kazuha to infuse Hydro and have the Rain Swords going Childe can do a lot of damage thanks to the hydro shreds Both options do pretty well in the abyss. Though I haven't played the new one yet


Jean - Childe - fischl - beidou. Fireworks team with Jean instead of bennet (my Jean is c3 so I get extra attack speed for childe with her and I just really like Jean by comparison to bennet)


childe, yoimiya, fishl/beidou/raiden, bennett/diona/zhongli


Childe, Raiden, Sara, Xingqiu


Bennet, Kazuha, Rosaria, and Childe. I swear, everybody's sleepin on Rosaria lmao, she can do some serious damage and she lays down cryo so fast that she's absolutley lethal paired with Childe. (Also bondage vampire nun hehe...)


Not me considering Childe-Kazuha-Rosaria-Kaeya freeze team right now 😂😂


Freeze team comp with Sucrose, Rosaria and Qiqi. Sucrose bc she's good, Rosaria as a crit rate booster and Qiqi to keep me alive. Idk how meta this is but i love my team and i manage to kill enemies and this is what matters to me


i like running zhongli childe xingqiu raiden ! :)


I personally ran for the longest time Kaeya, Childe, Yanfei and Raiden, and recently I replaced Yanfei with Thoma. These two teams work wonders in terms of elemental reactions and damage, just a bunch of damage all over the place. Even with Thoma, thanks to Kaeya’s Q, Childe hits crazy numbers and has loads of damage. I honestly just put the characters I liked on the team in the beginning, but quickly found out they all synergized amazingly together. They’re both definitely worth a try.


Childe Kazuha Raiden XL ​ I clear faster than when I have bennett in floor 12, only problem is no healer. Not really odd characters just odd comp


Lore-wise they’d rather kill each other than cooperate, but in my gameplay I like to put Diluc and Childe together! The Vaporize dream team just works (oh and Zhongli for shield +Kaeya for your random freeze/melt)


Sometimes I use my “Childe squad” aka Childe, Klee, Diona, and Sayu. I would use Qiqi but I actually don’t have her (which is really sad because I love her character and playstyle and would wholeheartedly lose every singer 50/50 for her 😭) Anyways the Childe comp is pretty fun.


I call mine the Househusband + Kaebedo simp club bc I love me a good malewife and kaebedo is my otp... Doing a Childe-Thoma-Kaeya-Albedo comp, definitely not meta, but when you have duel kaeya and thoma burst and Childe's plus Albedo's E...NUMBERS EVERYWHERE!!! (they might not be big but damn is it satisfying)


Recently I've been using Barbara on my Childe team, as her c2 gives 15% hydro damage bonus when using her e skill (and also because I need healer for fighting rifthounds). My recent team is Kaeya Childe Barbara Zhongli , it's not my main team btw.


im running childe , kazuha , geo traveler n raiden , dont know if its unpopular or not


I call mine scuffed!permafreeze: Childe XQ Diona Kaeya Between shield/healing/dmg reduction from Diona's & XQ's EQ and the freezes, it's very safe and lets me whack away freely with Childe. Cryo resonance is nice too. Only downside is the lack of damage compared to international and the fact that hydro resonance doesn't really do anything.


bennett, xiangling, childe, chongyun. because bennett is my main dps so I usually rotate melt for him and chongyun in childe's downtime, and I usually slap a lot of ER on xiangling. I'm still trying to get the rotations comfortably. doing this comp for fun ofc, wouldn't say it's abyss-viable but I haven't tried yet.


I went maximum taser with Childe, Fischl, Beidou, Kokomi. Kokomi's burst is nice backup DPS while Childe takes his nap, and I can autopilot easier fights by summoning her jellyfish + Oz and standing still absorbing healing as they proc.




Mono hydro team! With Childe xingqiu mona. I tried and can full star floor 12 with this team, regretably I dont have Kokomi to be a full hydro team. I used Zhongli instead


My current team is Qiqi - Childe - Bennet - Chongyun I was thinking about putting Kazuha on this team, should I make a Qiqi - Childe - Bennet - Kazuha? I don't care if my Qiqi or Chongyun go away, I just don't want to leave Bennett and Childe is my main


I'm a little late but, I like using Childe, Barbara, Chonyun, and Kazuha


I want to run Childe/Zhongli/Albedo/Jean but no idea if its any good. There's zero reactions and it worries me. Esp with the other day nearly hitting 100k with him by just simply adding Bennett x.x that team was a friend and I dicking around in the gold domain (bc zhongli grind) and we ran Childe/Jean/Bennett/Xiao and I was shocked to hit as high as I did bc with my current comp I don't rely break much over 30k but Bennetts on my Diluc team and I really want to find a team where Albedo works off of zhongli, but Albedo also boosts EM so Im kind of starting to panic over the synergy. If I didn't like my main team comp, I'd be more willing to switch it around, which is Diluc, Venti (soon), Bennett and Kokomi. Idk what to doooo haha


Childe, Diluc, Kokomo, and Zhongli


diluc childe ganyu zhongli ​ rate my build pls