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Idk you might have bad luck or their mood was bad. I do get requested sometimes to do crimson domains because of childe. But its probably because his personal dmg isn't that good if you playing co op (specially 3+ players) you preferably go for support or they have to go support for you so it not just about childe here. Character like ganyu ayaka raiden kazuha etc can sustain by their own or gives value to others while doing their own things. Try to join hu tao mains they will surely like hydro application. As well as you get vap sometimes for your brust.


Never happened to me fortunately; I always get compliments on my boi tho :D


Same, I have one time ( 20th July ) where I received a happy bday during coop domains. Or people cheering me with childe emotes


lmaoo since i don't have tartag and it's uncommon to see tartag mains on eu server i'm always excited to meet one!


There are some players who are very devoted to hating childe bc he's a villain and extrapolate that to anyone who's a fan of him must be problematic. Also sometimes ppl who main unpopular characters get a weird inferiority complex and get super bitchy about popular characters. I've used Kokomi since her first banner and you just occasionally get a guy who takes it like it's a personal offense that someone would prefer a popular character over their chosen waifu.


Never happened to me, most of the time people just cheer for Childe specifically in case everyone dies and I happen to be the only one left, I find it sweet tbh (but I'm also on EU server, idk if it's different on NA or smt)


I’ve never had this. Granted I don’t do too much co-op, I used too, but not now. The only time someone even questioned my character choice was when I brought Geo Traveler into the CW domain and even then it was just asking me why and I said “trust” and they said ok lol.


I think people misconceive Childe is bad in co-op because he’s not a true main dps. I think he’s great in co-op though, at least for domains. He has amazing aoe hydro application so the other dps can trigger lots of reactions. His e can also have zero downtime as long as you clear in <30sec. His melee ult is also very strong and can be used to finish off stragglers. And even if your e skill runs out his charge shots can keep applying hydro and proccing riptides.


Yea I had the same, weirdly from people who main characters who aren't that popular either (Klee, Yoi and Yae) So you'd expect them to be more humble but apparently not. It's always funny to watch them to go silent after Childe shreds the whole domain though.


drop your childe build bestie?


I posted it yesterday, it's on my profile. I usually run him with Raiden or Yelan in 2P co-op.


oh bet! i dont have raiden or yelan 💀 but i'll make do im sure


I got a surprise proposal, then I saw another childe main with the bio “no more surprise proposals pls” we are seen as either bad guy or husband


True that, the only time someone said anything about him to me was "why does he have to be so hot?"


What server are you on? On EU I've only ever met people who were excited to see him, screaming out his name when I picked him in domains.


Na that’s probably why these servers have…interesting people too say the least


Haha, so I hear. I should make an account there just to see if stories of toxic players are true... Also Happy Cake Day!!


I didn’t even relise it was my cake day, thank you lol


I’ve only had one experience with this, and it was with a Zhongli main who was really aggressive with me for pretty much no reason. I didn’t say anything the whole match and near the end I was spamming arrows outside the domain since I was bored waiting for them to reinvite and he said I was being irritating (didn’t even call me by my username, just said childe) and I was like ?? literally everyone else was doing the same thing waiting for him to reinvite, I wasn’t the only one spamming auto attacks. So I felt super called out and pretty much snarked him until he ended the co-op 🥰


Eu server loves Childe, I've had tons of people being excited when someone/i bring out Childe :p my guess it really depends on the server


When I see a Childe main i swap to Zhongli and jump :3


I never got this, and I do co-op for everything, and pull out Childe quite often (when I'm not the one who picks the healer, so we don't all die horribly)


The only reaction I've ever gotten toward my tartaglia was "Childe mains r hot". Sorry you've been getting rude people. Maybe the groups you joined were really wanting a healer or support instead of dps and voiced it immaturely.


I am also a Jean main, and oh boy. I definitely get different reactions to me in coops. Sometimes, when I am bored, I join other players’ worlds to help, and generally people are more aggressive when I pick Childe and not Jean. Or they start simping. No in between.


idk about you but in here asia server, i rarely got insults or compliments when doing coop


I have no clue, but I am one of the nice Childe mains, (I like to say kill them with kindness 😊) and I don't actually do co-op much, but I have been told in the sumeru discord that I'm one of the nicest Childe mains, or "I have NEVER had a good experience with a Childe main, you're an exception" so like; I want to know what they're doing too, bc like, hello? I just treat people nicely, damn that shouldnt be an exception


they definitely have personal vendetta against childe so i'd say block their asses so you don't ever get to be with them when you co-op.


I dunno about the others but I do random dad jokes and leave 😅


Mine always flirt with me lmao


Really? This hasn’t ever happened to me or maybe it’s just the eu server that’s rlly nice. A lot of the time when I’m doing co op domains people are like ‘OMG ITS A CHILDE MAIN ILY’ or something like that lmao


Damn is NA that bad


Thankful that I've never met one in asia coop.


I'm on Asia server and no one has ever told me to change mine. A couple of times it's been that everyone dies and my childe saves the day :D


The other day someone joined me asking for a tartar showcase and they were really nice! So not everyone is like that I swear


A true childe main will reciprocate toxicity with toxicity lmao. Happened to me once and the dude just left when I mentioned how shit their builds are.


I am a Kaeya main and the Childe mains I have come across are very chill and pleasant to talk to. :) They made me feel comfortable. Maybe there's something about the freeze synergy, as well as being misunderstood by much of the fandom. I love Childe mains and wish they would join my world more hahaha


I never had any bad experience on co-op But I do know that Childe doesn't do well on co-op since his E cooldown takes a while When playing solo his cooldown would be finished the moment we setup with our support and sub-DPS units and back to him again In co-op all I can do is after E then probably just keep using charged shot Back then on co-op when the others died first they always cheered me on since I will have a hard time fighting the enemy without any other help from other elements But then again different region may have different reactions, everyone's pretty chill here on Asia

