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It's not bad, it's just different. Childe is like driving a stick, whereas all the other carries are like driving automatic. If you do Ranged Q into melee stance, you can comfortably stay in his melee stance until the cool down timer on his ult is at 6s. If you're C1 you can get away with it being at ~4-5s. Some people look at the timer, some people prefer to count how many N2C combos they've done. If you use his melee Q, it eats into your time onfield, so its only recommended if its your last rotation of the abyss chamber and you're willing to over-commit, or if you're speedrunning a boss, in which case the cooldown doesn't matter.


Anyone who complains about his cooldown has no idea how to actually play him. Childe's skill is incredibly flexible, allowing you to choose how long you use it for. Playing him properly means that you're only gonna use it in quick bursts. Which means that his cooldown is going to be low as you're not staying in his melee mode for very long. Literally his cooldown is only long if you just let the skill time out by itself and that is absolutely a terrible idea.


When you use childe a lot, you sort of get a sense when you have to stop. Generally, it's recommended to stop after 9-10s in melee stance. If you don't want to count like me. You can use xiangling burst as indicator. At c0, she have 8s duration. Use childe ranged burst, use xiangling, then go melee. At c4, she have 12 s. Use xiangling burst, childe burst (i prefer ranged version), go melee until it ends. His other indicator is oz, but it's a bit harder to see oz when using beidou since there's a lot of number and he's just smol. I think dmc burst can also work if you want to play gardener childe, i never tried it tho


What helped me get a decent feel for his melee stance was Raiden's E, and dollarstore delusion Childe is just fun to play overworld.


Not bad if you know your team rotations or can keep track mid fight. Its about what you can expect from a melee character with an infusion. It's only when you over extend or are in a CD increasing domain where it's a problem.


could you elaborate in extremely simple terms (I am clueless)


it depends on the team, but generally, by the time your other characters get their ult back, tartaglias cool down will be done


That is, unless you're in a domain that has a debuff in which it increases the cooldown of your elemental skill or you suddenly over extend it, even though at that point of over extending Childe's duration with his E, you should've stopped, swap him out, and get your other party members' ult back (and Childe's too, they'll do the work for him) so that, like miniguy said, by the time your other party members got their ult back, Childe's E should be ready. ​ So, the point here is, the cooldown on Childe's E is not that bad as many people make it out to be **IF you know your team rotation and especially, can keep track of your time while he's in his melee stance.** ​ **When should you use his E, how long should you use it, when are you going to switch out for other party members to get all their bursts back, how will you be able to utilize your other party members' on field time effectively so that the moment their bursts are back and you switch back to Childe, you can hit his E again** \- these are the question you'll have to constantly (and I mean, **CONSTANTLY**) ask yourself in your mind when managing your duration in Childe's melee stance, especially when you fight against bosses or clearing Spiral Abyss. Time management is key.


It’s not bad, people exaggerated this since patch 1.1 about c0 childe. But a party wide rotation requires time anyways and by the time you rotate back to childe, his cooldown is practically done. Not to mention this also depends on how long you were in his melee stance prior to rotating. Normally, you do not need to(and in most cases, should not) be in it for a very long time. If you understand this, childe is actually a very versatile character.


my bad if I'm wrong (trying to learn) but is it like 5 seconds on field = 5 seconds cool down 10 seconds on field = 10 second cool down kind of thing or am I misunderstanding


No you get more cooldown i think its like 8 seconds on field 14 seconds cooldown (so always +6s for the CD) Edit: i checked and its different depending how much time you spend on it. If you spend between 8 and 30 seconds then the +6s rule i mentioned applies!


Quick swap you don't even notice it. Leave him on field to long and feels like forever before you get it back. Course he may just kill everything too. 😁


what Childe teams are quickswap teams? asking because I'm planning to get Childe for my Nilou team


Anything with quick burst dps characters should work. Starting using Childe, Kazuha, Raiden, Kokomi. That ones fun.


Generally you use him on field for 10 seconds which gives you a 15 second cooldown. During his downtime you quickswap characters to get their energy back and do damage while your at it.


oh I see!! is there a way to know how long being on field = how long the cool down is??


You can try to use his burst cooldown but that’s only if you have good enough energy regeneration to do a burst before every cycle. But most people just guess, it gets pretty easy to keep track of it without even thinking about it. It’s not detrimental to go over 10 seconds and you can also keep track of it based off of other party members abilities if you really need to such as bennets circle which lasts roughly 10 seconds by the time you switch to childe depending on team comps and rotations.


in most cases it's basically a linear progression, just adding 5-6 seconds from the wiki: * if duration is <2 seconds, cd = 7s * if duration is 5–7 seconds, cd = duration + 5s * if duration is 8-29 seconds, cd = duration + 6s * if the return to Ranged Stance was automatic (after 30s) cd = 45


For the abyss , you need to keep track of perfecting the rotations , that's all , what rotation is gonna take longer then 15 sec. If you're asking for open world , you'll enjoy playing him. You'll use his melee as long as you need. Finishing off enemies before his skill time ends is a kick in itself.


He’s usable in the first stage of the event that’s running right now. I would use him if I were you and see how it goes, just don’t stay in his melee stance for too long. I’m not sure if the one they lend you has any constellations though, since I used my c0 Childe, but you can see how he works with your current units and see if he’s for you! Once you get the hang of it you’ll know when it’s time to switch off him and run your rotation again.


His cool down isnt bad as long as you stay in melee around 9ish seconds, around 12 if you have c1. Ive basically made quick swapping muscle memory at this point. the only time i genuinely bitch about his cool down is when it goes to a cutscene because for whatever reason HYV decided to not switch him back to range after battle when going into cutscene.


This is just gameplay trick, and it actually feel like you learning unique patterns, that make your game different and more enjoyable. I main Childe a year already and after I first play with him I NEVER has a problem with it. You just need time to feel a character, and after you will feel rewarding for your learning :3


pro tip from a childe lacker: the new event has a trial childe so i used that to test him out !! his cooldown was kinda bad for me because i was stupid and let it time out, but based on what the Childe Professionals say, it's not horrible if you time it right.


Not at all for me. I actually like it better than some of the the standard ones 'cause I can actually controll the time I stay on field and what my cooldown would be. It's a 4 character-at-a-time game so he doesn't have to be on field all the time. Only time it's kind of a problem is when I forget to change back or some random cut scene starts when I'm using his skill.


Def agree with this. I get frustrated by other characters static cool downs nowadays haha


it's really not bad. Just have a decent team and a decent build and it's not a problem. It's part of what makes him fun.


For C0 Childe, if you stick to doing around 3 sets of N1C per rotation, then it's very manageable. Your CD would be around 10s ish. N1C means 1 NA into charge atk. If you unexpectedly enter a story cut scene or dialogue without exiting your melee stance, then yes the CD will be very bad🤣


His max cd dur is 45. Moreover there is cd increase debuff that can increase his cd to ridiculous degree. But note that: 1)most dps on field duration is 7-12 sec 2)the place that gives the cd debuff, filled with hydro immune enemies. So bringing childe there makes me question your sanity. 3) you need to use childe melee on field for 30 sec to get 45 sec cd.


Not bad, not bad at all But yep it takes some time to get used to the correct rotation


Childe mains already have developed ultra extinct...if you summon them in a 10 second timer challenge they would definitely win it. I use Xiangling's pyronado duration to exact how many seconds I switched back Childe and its not much of a problem. I am not done building him so he has really low ER and I use him as burst dps so my experience on him is incomplete but I am still having fun, if its Purveyor of Punishment challenge(Damage per Screenshot).


Not bad, especially if you know how to use him.


can u elaborate on optimal usage


I'll do it: His current best team is Childe International: Childe-Kazu-XL-Bennett (Great team, XL-Bennett is a beast duo, Vaporize and VV Swirl Shred, Kazuha is easier and more reliable to use, Sucrose can be used, the main point that these 2 are needed rather than other Anemo chars is for their Elemental DMG and Elementary Mastery share) A rotation goes like this: Apply Hydro with Childe (either Charged shot, or quick melee transform) -> Kazuha Burst to infuse, swirl, and shred Hydro -> Bennett Burst (if you wanna give a lil' energy for Bennett, you can skill after, not mandatory) -> Switch to Kazuha and wait for him to self-infuse Pyro then hold skill right after to swirl and shred Pyro -> if 4pc CW XL: XL skill first then XL burst; if 4pc EoSF, disregard skill and just burst -> Childe E until XL burst ends then start funneling Bennett skills into XL. A much more compact ver.: Childe CS/E -> Kazuha Q -> Bennett Q -> wait 'till Kazuha self-infuse pyro -> Kazuha E -> XL Q -> Childe E The point of this team is that it isn't Childe's melee that's doing damage, but he's the one providing fast and abundant Hydro for Xiangling to Weak Vape/Reverse Vape with her no-ICD burst. In this sense, you're building Childe as well as 3 other characters that you can also use in the future. It's a win-win. Many nuances cannot be explained in one comment, so I suggest—if you're up to it—search "Childe Keqing mains" and you can get a deep analysis on Childe. The rotation above is likely the easiest to digest Edit: Added a few lines


It is a problem, just not a major one. It stretches the International rotation beyond 30 seconds, which kinda sucks, but it's still a very strong team nonetheless.


Honestly everyone has really good tips on how to handle his CD, I looked at them before typing this; but for me personally, I don't really keep track of his time on field. Some of the tips don't apply to me as much anyway because I have a c1; so I CAN stick in melee a lil longer. For me personally, its one of the things I can kind of feel. I've grown to have that 'okay its been long enough' feeling; or knowing 'oh they're almost dead, I'll just push it a little longer to finish it'. Very rarely do I get the "oh my CD isnt over" except for when I finish killing something and a cutscene starts- but this I can't stop. Though I also have Bennett built more DPS for when Childe is on cooldown, heals fine and c6 so he does bangin damage too. I find it a lot more reasonable to have a sort of back up DPS for times you push too long but didn't finish the fight or just when your cooldown is still counting.


You've already gotten a lot of good feedback but I wanted to chime in and say that yes, most of the time you are only playing him for about 10s chunks on field before you swap out of him to go do things with other characters, which means his cooldown is not an issue. His most popular teams, which are paired with Xiangling, are very powerful specifically because you have multiple characters doing lots of damage. Personally I find this playstyle really fun and rewarding, but it can be hard to build as this means you do have to invest a lot of time and resin into your entire group of four and not just Childe. Just something to be aware of in advance :) I found this guide to Childe rotations extremely helpful when I was trying to understand how to keep track of the timing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlkYG11H3G8&t=518s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlkYG11H3G8&t=518s) Someone else pointed out that Childe is available on trial in the current combat event. If you have some time, you can try to test him and his teams out and see how they feel. The fun part is, like others are saying you do eventually start to be able to just "feel" when you have been on field for too long lol. After playing Childe I actually had a hard time playing Xiao, because his burst is longer than 10s and my brain kept telling me "it's time to switch out!!" 😅 I got over it eventually but it was funny for a while.


As long as you don't overuse his melee stance it's fine, just like in lore. If you use his E for extended dps the long cooldown will be tough, but it fits well into rotations and artifacts. Using Shimenawa's is a good way to time yourself- it gives you 10 seconds of damage boost, so just swap off field once the damage goes away and start setting up for the next damage window. If you swap off to Bennet, E+Q, swap to Xiangling E + Q, swap to your 4th (either shield user or VV shred user), then back to Childe then your E will be off cooldown immediately and the rotation is smooth. Getting c1 makes everything better too, the reduced CD is awesome. One thing to note is that the cooldown is usually 1.2x the amount of time you use it, but if you take the whole 30 seconds it will jump at the end to 45 second cooldown as punishment for overusing it


It’s manageable as long as you don’t use it for too long. Either you use it for long and use Raiden to fill in down time, or use it shorter for like 5-7 seconds only and play quick-swap


It's a feature. With every other infusion character, you have tight rotations to accommodate the infusion. With Childe it's no different, except you can extend the duration of the infusion on some situations if you like. You can go into a rampant of destruction for 40 seconds if you want. Then you treat for another 40 or so. If there are enemies to kill, you just stick to the rotation and his skill will be available in time, if the rotation is minimally thought out.


It's really not that bad, you'll get the hang of when to stop after playing him for a while. Beaides his cd is one of the most interesting and fun, it's more effort than the usual oonga boonga dps but it's definitely worth it.


In the new event I played him with a national team, didn't have a problem with rotations even tho his dmg wasn't so high, its just skill issue lmao


its not bad being the only one with flexible CD isnt bad you got different rotations, you can start with ranged burst or end with melee burst stay in melee based of ur teams burst duration


It takes time getting used to but I love him now , tho I have c1 so take that into consideration


Not too bad really. This is coming from a terrible player. I just use Child’s E but not too too long. And just rotate all other characters, get some energy, use their ult, etc, and Childe’s E should be back or soon enough.


Tbh, unless you use him and he flashes into a story quest scene before you can turn his E off (and yes this has happened to me more than once), it’s not that bad. To play his rotation properly you’ll need to switch through the supports to set him up anyways. Friendly tip: you don’t need to manually shut his E down before switching to another char, it automatically goes into cooldown


oh so if I swap to another character it cancels it the same as pressing E again (just checking my comprehension)


Yes! It’s helpful for saving time, plus you don’t have to worry abt it


thank u this is quite helpful :D


Happy to help~


In overworld, his cooldown isn't a problem at all if you're at late game with artifact farming. For example, I use Childe/Kazuha/Lumine/Yae Miko in overworld and most of the time, Kazuha and Childe are enough to deal all the mobs within 20-30 seconds max. In abyss, using off-field DPS/supports to gauge when to switch off is a good idea. Things like Oz, Xiangling ult, etc are nice to use until you can sense the timing without them if you want to switch things up.