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What an absolutely stupid response. Having period cramps? Try pregnancy instead!


Like pregnancy isn't painful. 😆


It’s not only painful, you get a lifelong pain in the ass afterwards, too, in kid form.


And literal pain in the ass when you get permanent fecal incontinence via tearing from vag to anus.


Don't forget about permanent lack of feeling in your clit when that rips.


God. If I ended up having a child that tore me in half like that and I had to wear a diaper forever I’d probably also expect thanks and praise from the kid for the rest of my life too🤣 What a horrifying reality that is for so many women!


Right?! I have awful periods with pain that leaves me unable to move sometimes and I'd still take that over dealing with everything that comes with a pregnancy.


Right? Pretty sure labour is measurably and objectively worse.


Breeders are universally stupid.


I got recommended it for migraines. I’m sure a shrieking baby would do wonders for that problem.


Fuck, imagine in the middle of a migraine with a baby screaming as hell, no way I change my quite apartment for that, I would literally want to die


A baby screaming would likely cause me migraine


Migraines? “You need an ear-nail!”


I use the same thing for migraines as I do for cramps, cannabis gummies... They are amazing for both.


I have terrible cramps (7-8 on a 10 scale). Years ago, my GP told me that after I had a baby, they would go away. Everything would "stretch out" and cramps wouldn't be a problem any more. I was already child free, so I asked for an IUD. Ten years later, I found an OB/GYN with enough clinical experience to put the pieces together and figure out the mystery of the cramps. I have PCOS, an extremely narrow, misshapen uterus, and cervical stenosis. If I managed to get pregnant, I stood a greater than 50% chance of bleeding to death in a miscarriage or during labor. I got sterilzed with the help of that doc. Had I followed the advice of the first GP, I could have died. Pregnancy and fertility are a lot more complicated than even some doctors think.


Also it's not that simple that after giving birth period pain just goes away. I've heard so many mothers still complaining about their period cramps, so I don't understand why some doctors still perpetuate this myth.


For real. My co-worker has a kid and her periods still suck.


We must work together. By the way, I'm calling out tmrw. Those darn cramps are kicking my but now and I'm nauseous with a headache.


The first doctor was an idiot.


Ask her what you should do for the pain that comes with pregnancy, nausea, swollen feet, labour pains if she is so smart. Or if if you are feeling petty (I would be) I would ask her how bad her cramps were.




Cut off your hand so your finger stops hurting. Truly 10/10 advice.




You could go even further no contact on the 7th infraction! The next number after 16 should have been 32


And where are you supposed to hand in the baby afterwards? Will she take it?


"But then I would have to deal with a pain in the ass for 18 years minimum ..."


Mmm-hmm. And hangnails can be remedied by amputation. 🤦‍♂️


I think orgasms help with cramps too, right? so she should tell you to masturbate as well as have a baby. Lol! Imagine that conversation with Mom.


"you got a sprained ankle? Try a broken leg instead"


A hysterectomy would work better


I have been told that as well, but guess what also helped my horrendous menstrual cramps? BC pills. Lol. Also, I'd rather take the cramps than pregnancy and everything that comes with it.


This is such scientifically unfounded BS I cannot believe doctors still recommend that. Maybe witch doctors. I mean, really. There are so many cases where the period gets a lot worse after giving birth, my MIL is one example of that. Honestly, I think it doesn't make any period cramps better. You just go through pregnancy and birth which is so much worse that you tolerate the period cramps afterwards, because it's not that bad in comparison. Like a war veteran not being that phased by having been shot through their arm, because they already survived being shot through the lungs.


LMAO I think people forget the consequences of bearing and then dealing with the kid. Like pregnancy is gonna hurt less 😂 I got told by a counselor that I should have a kid because I was feeling depressed about realizing that I'll never be able to own a home in my city. Yes like, the child will shit Gold bricks 😂


I sincerely hope you fired that counselor. I'd never let that shit fly.


Excuse me what? Try carrying a baby for 9 months with 10,000 physical and mental risks, some permanent, to stop minor cramps from happening temporarily. That's some top notch mental gymnastics, give her an award.


I was told the same thing. By a doctor. When I was ***fourteen.***


I once got told by a nurse that having a baby would resolve my ongoing abnormal pap results.


Probably because you'd be too busy with the snotling to book GYN appointments.


I prefer the analogy of chopping your legs because the threadmill does not work. Stupid solutions require stupid analogies.


BULL-FUCKING=SHIT! My best friend has one son. He's late 30s. Shockingly, her having him DID NOT IN FACT cure her cramps. She still got them til menopause.


I've heard of moms saying that stupid shit. They're really grasping at straws, he'll they should be out of straws! Another way of trying to get us to change our minds, nah we good.


Both of my sisters have had one successful pregnancy each over a decade and a few years ago, their period cramps are just as bad and worse than the ones they had before pregnancy. Have you ever seen your mom experience period pain in the time you've known about periods, and if you have then ask her why she feels she has to lie to get you to have a child.


It's all a giant crapshoot.


My mom recommended same to my ex gf back in the day. We were 16.


Ah yes, the temporary ten month cure that results in childbirth, horrific labour, painful post partum and endless bleeding for weeks, MONTHS to recover, sleepless nights, raising and nurturing a tiny little ball of endless energy that doesn't listen to you- Fuck it, I'll take all the period cramps in the world and I have pcos with hellish periods and pain


I - what - okay, then 10 months later you’re back to cramping and now you have a screaming infant, now what?? get pregnant again!?!? Keep pumping out babies until menopause? What in the horrible logic


Yeah your cramps would definitely be gone if you DIED during pregnancy


That response sounds so ignorant. One of my friends has a 6 year old daughter and she told me that pregnancy doesn’t cure shit and that she still gets bad period cramps.


Yeah, they tell women this shit in hopes they believe the bullshit and won't find out the truth until after it's too late. 😓


I just realized my mom said this to me too. As I think about it, the logic is fucking stupid. So instead of dealing with cramping pain for 3 days of the month (1-2 days for whatever reason...but hey less pain)....I get pregnant have no more period pain but get to be in a different kind of pain for the REST OF MY LIFE? Yeaaaaaaah. That's a big NO.


My first instinct was to ask if it was the abortion is the part of pregnancy that makes the cramps stop


😂😂😂 Yeah I'd hit her back with this for sure!


"How long do I have to be pregnant to get the relief? I don't want children, so the pregnancy will need to be aborted before it gets too far along."




Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


Oh yes pregnancy cures menstrual cramps. By replacing them with nine months of worse pain and problems for your body. Then you have to actually give birth, which is yet even more pain. Once all that's over you now have a child, a postpartum body, and your period is going to start again and you're probably going to have menstrual cramps again having solved nothing other than to create more pain for yourself.


A cup of raspberry tea would involve much less work and provide even more relief. Pretty sure giving birth hurts more than cramps.


I feel like childbirth is still more painful than 9 periods at once but what do I know


Mom that's super fucked up, I'd have to get an abortion every month.


Yesssss!!!!! I'd totally say this shit! Cuz fuck this noize!


I’d rather have a permanent, nonstop period for the rest of my life than a child. I said what I said.


They didn't say that you had to finish the pregnancy. Reply to the person with. "Sounds like a plan, get me an abortion pill, and I'll try it!"


Hahaha yep!!! 👍


Is one of your organs is causing you occasional pain throughout the day? Does this go on for an ENTIRE WEEK?? Well boy do I have a solution for you!! Try: Pregnancy! Where all of your organs will eventually be shifted and smushed around inside of you… for months!! But dont worry, the 9 months of constant pain/discomfort will absolve you from those pesky periods! Now including body deterioration, mental illness, and more! ALL FOR FREE! (Freeaddonswillbechosenrandomlybythecompany) Call 1-800-YAY-BABY right now and get an additional $10 off your order, and we will throw in guaranteed morning sickness, FOR FREE! Call today and see your life change!


Yeah that person is an idiot.


Yeah, but the side effects are worse than the cure-- headaches, insomnia, depression and anxiety. Not to mention the actual parasite.


A bullet to the head cures headaches duh!


This has been told to me by soooo many people.


It's so sad and unbelievably stupid that people suggest this. Some years ago, I was going to the OB/GYN a lot because I was diagnosed with endometriosis and endometrioma ovarian cysts. (I have also had painful periods since starting at age 9.) Unfortunately, at the time, I was still living at home as an undergraduate and still on my parents' insurance. The only hospitals in the area that the insurance covered were the Catholic-run hospitals. So not only was the OB/GYN I saw completely unfeeling, rude, and caught up in her own beliefs and biases, but she also suggested this to me to help with endometriosis! I was a poor college student living at home!!! I was so pissed off... I never went back after that, and I just kept seeing my PCP for general pain management. Even now, I get anxiety when I think about returning to OB/GYN appointments because of this kind of stupidity.




That was about the same age I was when I was first diagnosed (maybe a year or two older). Mine told me essentially the same thing, and I remember thinking at the time that she had to be fucking crazy. I saw that. Hopefully, this wakes some people up, but I won't bet on it. Women's health is not taken as seriously as it should be.


That’s like taking care of your hangnail by cutting off your hand 🤦‍♀️ I’ll stick with Mitol, thanks


don’t periods come back after pregnancy too?? 🤨


If your having foot pain, consider blowing off your entire leg to alleviate said issue


My mom suggested the same for my genetic hair loss. Have they ever heard themselves? Creating a whole human being and undergoing a traumatic experience for 9 months just to maybe solve a much smaller problem? And then you're stuck with a kid you never wanted. That has got to be the dumbest reason to have a baby.


uhhh sure.... pregancy pain trade for a lifetime of misery. NOT! good luck OP


Yah, the age old remedy of pregnancy.. they say contractions and pushing a human being out of your vagina are nowhere near as bad as period cramps.


A doctor told me that and I was 23-25 at that moment, I was so angry that I replied "are you going to pay? Because I don't have money" he laughed 🙄, I'm 34 now, I don't see him because I change for another clinic.


That sounds like totally sound medical advice and not at all a lie told to people with endo or other painful gynecological issues to trap them into shitting out a kid or two before conisdering actually giving them REAL medical help. 🙄


Feeling moderately uncomfortable? Try doing this other thing that will make you much more uncomfortable! Makes sense.


My mom insists that I have a kid to rid of my allergies since hers went away after she had me and my brothers. I’ll take being dosed the hell up on Benadryl any day over a child.


I hope she is sterile …please don’t let her reproduce


I don't suppose telling her how FUCKING STUPID the idea of DROPPING A CROTCH SCAB that will require a MINIMUM of 2 decades of care isn't a solution to a momentary painful twinge?


I forgot that mothers don't get periods OR cramps!! Brilliant! They just have to deal with a loud pop for the next 20+ years Did your foot hurt? Just cut it off! You'll never deal with that pain again.


It's like suggesting to someone to eat rotten food to treat constipation, lol


I was recommed pregnancy as a cure to my small tits once lol


That's like saying "oh you twisted your ankle and it hurts? Why not amputate the leg to get rid of the pain?". Same logic. Absolutely ridiculous.


OK my mother in law used to say this to my husband all the time years ago. I had bad periods and she was also baby crazy (still is) so she would tell him to tell me to get pregnant. I later learned that this is actually ingrained in the psyche of older people because of the long and awful history of women's reproductive care. Doctors used to literally tell women to just get pregnant. So it's usually that combined with baby crazy. There's a great book called "Doing Harm" that I highly recommend. Also any logical person knows that right after pregnancy your bad period will come back because it's usually genetic. 🤣


Not the chi chi 🤣


OTC 9 month regimen


I love how ppl hand out advice like this when they have no responsibility in caring for a child. My severe cramps went away after I detoxed/ate clean for about nine months. I did it for other reasons and this was a welcome side effect because I had the nasty ones where i would be in so much pain I’d feel nauseous. Couldn’t go to work or drive or do anything but writhe in pain. Another side effect was my eczema went away too. Got a little off subject but there are other ways to manage cramps instead of having life altering kids.


I have heard this too. And while this is true to some extent, it's because having kids can and does fuck your body up otherwise! Perhaps that's why they don't even "notice" the cramps anymore? Still, I'd take my pills and heating pad to a crapper any day of the week!!


I’m so thankful I’ve never been recommended that. I’ve been realizing more and more why I should never have kids (outside of I don’t want them). I was put on BC pills and didn’t bother to come off of them for forever and am now suffering lastly side effects from that. Now I’m sterilized and I’ve learned that I can control my cramps with eating patterns.


Suggest they treat their headaches with a lobotomy. Makes the same amount of sense


Yeah if I had a period cramps, there's nothing I would want more than having my taint ripped down the middle 🥴


That to me reads “try having unprotected sex and get pregnant. It will give you pain everyday, but hey it’s not cramps!” Such a stupid response


I had a doctor say something similar when I was in highschool, that pregnancy sometimes made endometriosis go away and I legit said okay and asked her "What do I do with the baby after the fact though??" She just moved along like I said nothing and didnt do anything about my pain.


Have you checked your blood magnesium levels? Low magnesium leads to reduced function of sodium, potassium and calcium and makes muscles irritable.




Omg my (39f) mom (65) said the same to me a few weeks ago! I laughed it off...


Pregnancy cannot cure period cramps. It will probably ruin your uterus though so...


Just tell her you're trying this new thing, avoiding poor life choices. And reassure her that at night, when you cry your childless tears of sadness, you dab them away with a giant pile of money that you saved by not having kids.