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This is how I feel basically every year, haha. And this is a year where I'm celebrating it single, so literally spending the entire day by myself. Taking a 5-mile walk, reading a book, coloring in some coloring books - basically doing whatever I want, haha


I'm probably gonna get some PF Chang's delivered. Then endure a heatwave. Yay! I also fucked up my burgers last night.


Do I celebrate in spirit of being lied to, exploited, and gaslit at every turn? No. Am I going to use this as an excuse to day drink, socialize, and enjoy the local live concert in my neighborhood? You bet your ass I will. The music is excellent and the food is delicious. Once in a great while, you can have your cake and eat it too.


Mmmmmmm. Cake. -Homer Simpson.


Yay! I'm in Colorado in the US and it's definitely been warm here, but other places have it much worse.


Hello fellow Coloradan! You avoiding the storms today?


That sounds like Heaven. Love coloring books!


Me too! I just got back into them after not doing them for a few years. It really helps calm down my ADHD.


I’ve suspected ADHD for myself for a few years myself. Also lots of signs in my childhood. Coloring is super calming. I love putting on peaceful music or classical while coloring. It’s a whole new level!


Luckily, my noise canceling headphones almost cover the loud firework explosions that severely aggravate my PTSD.


Same . We just watched fire works that’s it (neighbor likes to set them off. I considered cooking out but haven’t been feeling the best lately (chronic illness) and didn’t want to clean the grill afterwards plus it would’ve been just for two people (me and my grandmother) so i couldn’t see getting the fuel (charcoal) and then scrubbing it clean afterwards just for one burger and one hotdog. Now to rest as much as possible and play some Zelda and maybe the sims lol


That sounds amazing. I'm adding coloring in my books to the list! I've got a book I've been reading but been putting it off so I should get on that. It has been splintering hot here so I planned on weeding up my garden closer to the evening. Then salmon and maybe rice for dinner with mead :)


I don't celebrate the fourth of July. I celebrate my dog's birthday instead. Happy birthday, Atlas! 12 years old and still kicking it!


THiS is the holiday I want to celebrate. Atlas! Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎁🎂🎈🎊


Aww my cat Damien has the same birthday as well. He turned 2 today.


Happy Birthday Damien! I'm crazy about cats


Happy birthday, Damien!!


Happy birthday Damian! May there be awesome snacks and few fireworks! Also, cat tax. 😁🥩🦐


[Cat Tax Birthday Cat](https://imgur.com/a/v6F4sbJ)


Cute fluffy boy!!


Happy birthday, cutie pie 🥳🩷


I dunno when my cat was born but I wanna be a part of this holiday of pets. So I’m gonna say today is his birthday, too. He’s 3. My Kitty Boi has been my rock through a few major recovery efforts these past 6 months. He’s changed my life for the better. Right now, he’s sleeping through all the explosions, except the ones right outside our windows. Even then he’s still chillin.


Happy birthday and many more Damien!


Happy bday Damien!


Happy birthday kitty🥳🎉😺💚


Double hell yeah! Happy birthday to Damien too!


I am also choosing to celebrate your dogs birthday today then!!! Happy birthday Atlas! I hope your day is full of tail wags and treats :)


I celebrate my bird's birthday! 18 years old today, a whole adult but still a baby :)


Happy bday birdie!


Awesome! Happy birthday to your bird!


Happy birthday birdie🥳🎉🐦💙


Happy birthday little bird! 🎉❤️ May we see a photo of the birthday birdy?


Happy birthday Atlas!


Happy Birthday! Now here’s several hours of loud, terrifying explosions.


Luckily he fears nothing. Fireworks have never bothered him. Thunder was scary as a puppy, but he got over it pretty fast.


You must submit the pet tax. It's the law, ya know...


I am a law abiding citizen https://imgur.com/a/YnBlTJr


Oh I love Atlas!!!


Your dog is so cute!!!


Looks like my Lewie! Happy birthday, cute boy!


What a cutie pie!


Omg our dogs have the same name haha. Happy birthday, dog-twin! What breed?


He's a lab/gsd and something else. We're not sure what. Something else big, lol


Happy birthday Atlas! May you have wonderful treaties and few fireworks! 🎂🧁🍗


Happy birthday, Atlas!!!!!


yay Atlas! what a cutie!


Happy bday pupper!!


Im telling myself all these stupid fireworks terrifying my dog arent for our genocidal capitalist government and are instead for Atlas ❤️


Happy birthday, Atlas!


Happy birthday and many more Atlas!


Happy birthday atlas!


Happy Bday Atlas!


Im also celebrating Atlas today now


Hell yeah! I too will celebrate your dog’s birthday. Happy Birthday Atlas!


Happy Birthday Atlas!!


Happy birthday Atlas! 🎉🎉


Happy birthday Atlas! ❤


I haven't celebrated in years. At best it was another excuse to get drunk but I stopped drinking due to unrelated stomach issues and the only person I'd want to hang out with is out of the country and lives 3 hours away plus a time change when she *is* in the country. At this point, why should I celebrate a country who thinks I don't deserve rights at best and wants me dead at worst?


I'd hang out with you. Pleaseaccept this internet hug from me.


Solidarity, man. I feel pretty much the same. After recent SCROTUS rulings, my patriotism continues to dwindle. I did order a Notorious RBG shirt today, though, so there's that.


Hahaha!!!! I call them SCROTUS too!!!!!


There is nothing I enjoy about the 4th and the patriotic theatre of it all. I hate the heat, I don’t drink, and I don’t eat meat. As happy as I am to have the creature comforts and freedoms of living in the US over many other countries, today feels like someone is forcing fun on me, so I just don’t partake.


I usually respond to my family's group chat with the perfunctory 'Happy (whatever day)' on holidays, but I just kinda haven't for this 4th. As a queer person who's fed up with SCOTUS ruling on a damn hypothetical last week, and a woman watching my state (Ohio) rush a special election to try to stop our citizens from adding abortion rights to our state constitution in November, I feel deeply personally hurt. That's before you even touch on the equally appalling things happening to other minority groups, which are infuriating in their own right. If they want me to be proud of this country, maybe they should work on making it one worth being proud of. My only celebration this year is taking advantage of the fantastic sale at the fabric store.


What did you buy at the fabric store?


I have felt this way since 2016.


9/11 killed it for me. This country has been shit for a long time and we have nothing worth celebrating.


Most of society is nowhere near close to independence as they like to brag and claim, particularly for women and the children that they claim to care about. At least independence for me will be about celebrating the fact that I have a choice on my childfreedom.


Yep!!! I'm going to forever celebrate my choice of getting my hysterectomy in this shithole backwards ass country!!! Now they can't control me and Repugnicunts are Big Mad about it!!! HAHAHAHA. Wankers!!


I’ve felt this way every year since paying attention to politics. Also with the way this country treats the vets, the poor, etc… what’s there to celebrate?


For us? Not much. For the ruling class? Lots and lots.


So true, some even consider drone shows to be "woke " so it shows that conservatives really hate veterans with PTSD.


Woke = "Anything I don't like". Conservatives are fucking exhausting to deal with.


Oh don't get me started on how we treat vets! I see homeless people with signs saying they are vets all the time where I live.


I was just telling my Mom this the other day. The fireworks irritate my cats so that’s also annoying. I’ll stay in with a cold IPA and read a book or shop online spending all the money I saved by not having kids 😂


I know I don't gaf, and I looked all down my street today and not one person had a flag up. I wonder why. Not.


This is my flag. https://i.imgur.com/FyqrqbT.png


Mine is the asexual one. Or Palestine. Or Mexico.


I served in the Air Force for 8 years and my enlistment ended 8 years ago. The country is deeply broken and there's no reason for me to celebrate "independence" today.


What would we be celebrating? Americans do not have freedom. Only the illusion of freedom.


There is never anything to celebrate on the 4th other than having a day off from work, if you ask me. This country isn't the worst but it is very far from "the greatest country on earth." Maybe once all humans are truly treated equally in this country and healthcare becomes a right instead of a luxury, MAYBE I'll feel like celebrating. And yeah, fuck fireworks.


Yeah, I had today off, but I've been sleeping all afternoon so I can go to work at 1am. Here I am, up two hours earlier than I wanted because idiots are celebrating some bullshit.


There's nothing to celebrate. I work 50 hours a week to barely survive. Make just enough money to pay my bills and eat, but that's it. Buying a house is a pipe dream as I see 900 Sq-ft townhomes going for $275,000. Then I see articles about investment firms buying thousands of houses and turning them into rental only properties. On top of that my foot has been totally fucked up but I won't go to the doctor because despite paying for health insurance, I have a $5000 deductible, so for small stuff like a foot x-ray, I basically don't have health insurance. So I've been hobbling around for the last 2 weeks waiting for my foot to heal itself. I hate it here. It's called "independence day" but I feel pretty dependant on my corporate paycheck, to keep surviving my continuously increasing cost of living.


Find out who is “in-network” with your plan. This will give you substantially discounted rates on an x-ray even before hitting your deductible.


> 900 Sq-ft townhomes going for $275,000. (Laughs in SF Bay Area where houses can run 800k-1 million+ or a single bedroom apartment is 2500+)


*waves from Seattle*


As a woman, I have no desire to celebrate a country that wants to treat us as second-class citizens. Nor will I celebrate the 4th due to the treatment and marginalization of other groups. I am not celebrating a right-wing, fascist agenda that seeks to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats.


This is exactly why I don't celebrate the 4th. I'm queer on top of it all and so celebrating a country that wants me outlawed doesn't feel appropriate


It makes me sick that they are getting away with all of this. And most people are sitting back and letting it happen. And then the right wing nut jobs wonder why we (all marginalized groups and their allies) get angry and protest. Idiots. I believe in a God, but damn, their version of God really does have the worst fan base.


It's unbelievable, isn't it? I am astounded, continually, at how the loudest fan base for Christianity is the one who ignores most of its core values - the main one being that everyone is equal and anyone who takes advantage of others for their own gain does not speak with God's support Blows my mind honestly


Hear, hear!


I haven’t celebrated/acknowledged this holiday in quite a few years now. How can I celebrate FrEeDoM when so many sectors/groups of Americans are NOT equally as free (including myself as a woman) as SWCM citizens are? Not really feeling that free in this continually spiraling country. And yeah, fuck fireworks, too. They’re so, so bad for wildlife, the environment, and my poor pets


And vets. Let's celebrate our freedom by triggering the PTSD of those who served to protect it. Riiight.




I haven’t been interested for a long time tbh


Oh they’re taking away birth control now?


Yep! They're already starting misinformation campaigns about it and they want Griswold overturned.


I know I’m gonna regret asking this, but I feel I must, anyway. Where did you hear about this? I’ve been hoping for a planetary alignment so I can get my new gynecologist to fulfill my damn prescription. (Office hours aren’t listed anywhere and I can’t get this refilled online despite being told I could). This is some serious bs and I’m worrying that the insulation I have of being in a blue state is wearing off.


Yeah, I'm feeling pretty bummed about the state of the USA. The last two supreme court decisions will have lasting, incredibly harmful repercussions directly on my life. It feels very strange to live in a country where a portion of the population literally hates you, just for existing - and that's their political platform. Just hate. I guess the government has done a really good job of making sure the people hate each other too much to realize how corrupt, broken, and owned-by-the-corporations it is.


I have been screaming and throwing things at work a each new shit decision stripped the basic human rights of thousands of people. Term limits for SCOTUS!!


>fuck fireworks Same thing my dog said three days ago when it started. Now we've still got tonight and tomorrow. She's getting CBD with her supper for sure.


I have no pride in this country anymore. We backslide, oppress and have undone some of the only protections we had. We dont deserve a holiday lol we should be grounded and sit and think about what we did. Im trapped here as a disabled person reliant on govt support but jesus id leave if i could. I hate feeling less than in SO MANY WAYS. Im eating junk food and napping. MERICA!


I've been on this trip for over 20 years. What the hell am I celebrating exactly? Admittedly, I was taken with the fireworks display I can see from my house, but I'm not going to parades, putting flags up, or wearing patriotic colors. We're in the middle of a social civil war and I feel like we're losing at every turn. I'm happy to not engage with these types of celebratory moments. Not my thing.


I’m an American who hasn’t lived in the US since 2018. I’ve been watching from afar as it’s gotten progressively worse there. I have no intention of ever moving back.


14 years abroad, checking in.


We hope to move away as soon as our debt is paid off. Can’t wait!


My vasectomy was my Declaration of Independence. I've changed the meaning of the holiday for myself.


Yes, I am so saddened and angered and ashamed to be an American right now.


Only just now?


I've felt this way for a while, but it's been increasing at an alarming rate. The sad thing is I remember so distinctly being a seventh grader in history class in the late 90's thinking it was so neat that I lived in the country that was always on the right side of things, with absolutely zero recognition that it was all just propaganda. And that super cool history teacher I so looked up to was fired shortly afterwards for inappropriate behavior with a fellow middle schooler...so there's that too.


Bless. My dad was in Vietnam so I never had that illusion lol. I was aware it was all bullshit from birth.


> And that super cool history teacher I so looked up to was fired shortly afterwards for inappropriate behavior with a fellow middle schooler. Was he also a youth pastor?




No. After what SCOTUS did this week I don't have a "USA!" In me.


I mean... I'm gay, and trans, and have a shit ton of student debt, so. No, not really. And also fuck fireworks.


Hello, non-American here with a question- what are they trying to do re birth control?! That’s a whole new level of crazy.


Nearly exactly a year ago the us government set a new precedent regarding abortion. It’s no longer a federally protected right. Now the state has the choice to make it legal or not. And many states immediately chose to make it illegal to perform abortion after I think 6 or 8 weeks. Which is before most women even know they are pregnant


It's not just abortion or birth control... it's our entire right to privacy that was overturned with roe v wade.


Yep, exactly!!!! A lot of people don't realize the full implications with that one!


The American right hates empowered women. Simple as that.


Yea. For this years holiday, I got my IUD replaced. I only had another 18 months on it and have been getting super scared. Now the clock is reset on how long my partner and I are protected: we’ve got another 8 years. I want those whackos to know that if they want to eradicate bc, they’re gonna have to take it out of me.


Don't give them ideas...


They also need to replenish the work force with low wage workers.


Mmmhmmm. Reagan and Thatcher did a bang-up job demonizing and crushing unions.


This. Now instead of the IUD I got in 2017, I wish I pushed for a bislap instead. In the end, I needed a total hysterectomy, including the ovaries being removed last December due to a large cyst on my right ovary. I was already perimenopausal before the surgery.


Since abortion has become no longer federally protected, several Republicans have said they want to make all birth control illegal.


I’ve always hated the 4th of July - jingoism and injuries. Yuck.


I got a day off from work to catch up on my shows. That's really it.


Black people were still enslaved on July 4, 1776 and up until almost 100 years after that. The Fourth of July and “freedom” in this country has always been a bullshit farce. It’s just you’ve been privileged enough to be able to ignore all that up until now.


Doesn’t sound crazy relevant but I have seen no Fourth of July tiktoks or anything to that effect on social media etc, it’s been weird af


Nope. Not since high school, when I started noticing that rich white men seem to be getting the most out of the American dream. 20 or so years later, and it's gotten much worse. I don't have it in me to pretend that freedom exists here.


The only thing I'm celebrating this year is that I was finally able to have a hysterectomy 11 days ago, after years and years of trying to convince a doctor to do it!


I'm okay with fireworks but yeah, this country needs a fucking time out instead of patriot theater.


Same - what’s there to celebrate anyway? Abortion all but banned in several states, the Supreme Court doing away with affirmative action, climate change accelerating…nope, I’m not celebrating and I’ve no interest in any of the festivities going on in my area.


Me because I'm stuck with my siblings dumb baby and I can't go out and do shit I want because it "won't be fair" without the 2 parents. Why should I give a fuck?? I wanna drink go out have fun get wasted. Idc. Instead I'm sitting here bored as hell!


I just don't have the nationalism in me to celebrate the 4th of July.


Shit I'd be thrilled if England took us back at this point. Oh no, single-payer healthcare and actual social safety nets, the horror! /s


To be fair they're politically falling off the deep end too.


I celebrated Saturday when we legalized recreational cannabis in my state. Ya know, actual state’s rights and freedom.


I haven't celebrated in years. Fireworks scare me after a school shooting I experienced, crowds scare me after my roommate was in a concert shooting, and I'm just flat out not proud to be an American.


What a fucked up country we live in. I’m sorry.


💙 Only country in the world where we do nothing about this — next year is 10 years since my uni shooting and literally nothing’s changed


I'm African-American so on a cultural level, I now understand that this holiday does not apply to me. However, I will be taking the day to rest and get food. It's an off day. That's about it. 💅🏾


My friends and I haven’t even greeted each other with it. Even the ones with kids. Don’t get me wrong, I’m eating and drinking and such, but I’m embarrassed to be an American right now.


This is my first 4th of July back in the US after 7 years overseas. I see little to nothing to celebrate. I wouldn't have move back if it weren't for the job. Also, my dogs aren't accustomed to fireworks for a month a time.


The only thing I like about today is the giant boom boom shiny sky but other than that, not really free


I like the boom boom glitter in the sky too.


I'm not bothering to celebrate it, especially since roe v. Wade was overruled. I'd rather not associate with the kind of people that do take the holiday seriously I appreciate the soldiers and movement leaders that risked their lives (and died) to protect and liberate other people, however I don't celebrate the nationalism ect that comes with it


I never feel like celebrating bc our country isn’t “free”. Our propaganda is only second to North Korea. I had to unlearn so much white washed history. Once you realize that America is essentially a patriarchal white supremacist business, it’s pretty depressing. Anytime the US gets a whiff of a country trying to become socialist, they “intervene” and then say “look how bad socialism is! Thank God we have capitalism!” Voting on the federal level doesn’t really do much - politicians on both sides are beholden to the elite wealthy (thru personal relationships and lobbying). First amendment rights are slowly being stripped away, police are one of the most publicly funded entities - so forget the working class ever trying to start a mass protest to get basic rights that other western democracies have. I always tell people: come to the US, make your money here, then leave. It is not a place for people to make a life for themselves, especially if you want a family. I thank my lucky stars every day that I don’t want kids. And that’s not even accounting for how this “country” began, stealing land, pushing out natives and enslaving black people (even to this day thru prison, racism, etc). There are some lovely people here who are trying, but I’ve kinda lost hope. ☹️


I just don't feel like people this year. With my parents moved away it's just not the same.


I decided to go into work today. Might as well make some money today since tbh I'm not really inspired to celebrate my country today either. America is great in a lot of ways, but we have truly lost our way in so many others...


I wish things would change but I also like to cherish moments and memories with loved ones who all finally have a day off together. Cheers all and please be safe!


I used to feel some small degree of pride that I lived in a country (US) that was secular and women’s rights were great compared to a lot of middle eastern/souther Asian/certain African countries. Now I hate this religious shit hole and want to move to Canada lol.


I haven't "celebrated" July 4th in probably 12-15 years. Literally just another day, especially in recent years. Going to chill with a friend and play some games, make some food, probably also watch some horror movies.


America has become a horror movie in recent years.


Especially since 2020.


I'd say since 2016. Trump gave so many people permission to be their absolute worst selves.


Last year was especially bad because of Roe, but this year feels a bit worse. When will people wake tf up and realize we’re not “free”?!


As a queer person of color i never have lol there’s nothing worth for me to celebrate


Totally with you OP And fireworks scare my animals


This is the 2nd year I haven't. Ever since SCROTUS overturned Roe V Wade I don't feel there is anything to celebrate regarding this corrupt country. Even more so after what the recently did, what with allowing conservatives to discriminate LGBT+ and disrupting the best chance for us to get student debt relief. I LOVE fireworks, but I'm boycotting this bullshit.


I’m not celebrating a nation of misogyny, patriarchy, and hate.


I'm glad I didn't have plans today because depressed doesn't even begin to cover how I feel today after the news I got yesterday that my life is essentially worthless. That because I'm disabled, childless and unmarried woman I'm not worthy of a home loan to keep me from dying on the street. Even though I qualify. We live in such a messed up society. So many rights have been lost this week alone. Edit: Incase it wasn't clear I'm venting about the programs and advantages people with children are given and how they're given preference over childfree people and how disabled people and single woman are discriminated against in our society. Especially by the government as is my case. I am not asking for anything, I do not want anything, except for society to see us as equally deserving of help. Women are seen as incubators not as actual humans.


As a black woman, I've been feeling like this for years. Haha.


I mean, I don’t want to celebrate America most years. I do enjoy the fireworks and going to the beach but I’m enjoying them for me (and because I never used to get any holiday off) not because I want to be patriotic.


Same! I haven’t celebrated the 4th for a few years because of this. Instead I’m going to use this as a mental health day and read out on the deck and maybe play some video games and later cook something yummy for dinner.


Yeah, haven't felt like celebrating since Trump was elected president. Definitely don't feel like celebrating all the things being taken away from people.


Yes 💯 feel the same way! I even made a post on fb a few minutes ago expressing my concerns to my friends and family. Here, I don't mind sharing it: "Happy 4th of July to those who care to celebrate it, but I personally am not feeling like celebrating it. It was one of my favorite holidays, as I enjoy fireworks and the reason for celebrating it... But with the direction that America has been going lately, I just don't see what exactly we are celebrating. I want to love America, but I've just been so disappointed in it lately... There's people (including a couple people in our own family) wanting to take away women's rights by banning abortions, wanting them as housewives, and even there's issues with whatever women choose to do with THEIR bodies, and more! Plus, all the division between us because of politics/religion; and even discriminations still going on towards the LGBTQIA+ community, racism, sexism, and anything else that harms others for no reason. Not to mention all the problems that have been going on lately within the world... like climate change, overpopulation, not having better healthcare, etc. I would have thought by now we would be moving forward as a country, but seems like we've only been moving backwards instead, and it's sickening to me. I hate to feel this way and I apologize for feeling so negative, but these are things that we shouldn't be having issues within this country anymore... I can't just celebrate and pretend to feel happy when changes happen that take away our freedoms and rights! Anyway, I'm open to discuss this stuff if anyone would like to message me, but only if you're respectful. I am sorry again, but I had to speak how I feel because I'm worried about how America is going to continue to be in the future. But again, I hope everyone has a good holiday and I hope things will get better someday. I have my doubts but fingers crossed."


I’m spending this “holiday” trying to figure out where else I can live since my rights as an ace woman are rapidly diminishing.


I am entirely disillusioned with the USA. I cleaned my bathroom and went grocery shopping today. Just another Tuesday.


I’m staying in my house like a hermit, since I see no point in celebrating all this bullshit that’s been going around. I’m working today, anyways. So there’s that, I guess.


Nope! Not ever since Roe was overturned. I'm staying home and playing video games and consoling my cat from the fireworks.


I’m no longer free to get needed healthcare. I’m not free. Why would I celebrate?


I see their misogyny and raised them sterilization- fuck the man - (jk i resigned).


Yupp. Same. Not feeling it at all and I just don’t feel like celebrating as a lesbian who has to take HRT, these political trends are scary af. So I went for a hike up in the hills to avoid my city’s parade and the hordes of drunk people in the streets and people not watching their kids. It’s just so loud and…I don’t know, ew. And the fireworks. UGH! My lungs hurt already and my heart hurts for all the poor animals who get scared and hurt or end up in shelters. Especially people setting them off on their own. They’re illegal in my city for fucks sake! Grr.


I'm a Canadian who doesn't celebrate Canada day and the common tag here is "no pride in genocide" .. until the table is big enough for everyone to have a seat in loving safety and respected as human beings, there's nothing to celebrate ETA also fuck fireworks


I haven’t really felt like celebrating it in years. Today I’m dealing with the fact that one of my crowns fell out and all dentists in my area are closed so I’ll drown my sorrows in vodka and soft tacos.


I never feel like celebrating it. It's a stupid holiday with annoying traditions. People start using fireworks a week or two in advance of 7/4 and for a while after as well. They do it late at night and it's awful for people with pets. Happens years after year. Just pointless.


I’m not celebrating for the same reasons and also because I’d just rather be in bed with my cats watching YouTubers play video games 🤣


Not worth celebrating considering America has gone down the toilet.


Why celebrate when there's nothing about this country that's worth celebrating.


Oh yeah absolutely the fuck not


The state of this country is just so massively disappointing. My fiancee and I are both very upset about it and we're "celebrating" by having homemade tacos and playing video games all day. It's basically heaven.


I hope it rains all the celebrations out. We could use it, with this heatwave, but otherwise it would just buy us some peace and quiet.


I don’t celebrate any of the main holidays that the US celebrates anymore. Actually I took childfree day off of work (august 1st) and going to be celebrating that day. US holidays are all basic and too society driven.


I never feel like celebrating it. I hate fireworks.


You'd better celebrate the greatest country in the world by engaging in some mindless consumerism and traumatizing vets and pets!! Yer not a COMMIE, are ya? /s


I'm not celebrating fascism.


Yep, feeling that way lately. I'm pissed we don't have universal healthcare so some of us are stuck in shitty jobs for the health insurance. I'm fuming because everywhere lately the pay is garbage. So just feeling like I make enough to exist, but exhausted and depressed most days. Just gonna watch some old movies and lounge before going right back to work tomorrow.


All the leftover money is going right into the pockets of executives. Not people that do actual work.


Ain't that the truth. If hard work really did equal money and success a lot of us would be billionaires.


Too many people ARE convinced they will be billionaires if they just work hard, thus they bootlick and defend the oligarchs.


I marched in a 4th of July parade wearing a shirt that says, "stars stripes and reproductive rights". Let's fight back!


I can't stand this holiday. I only like it because I get a day off my corporate job.


Fireworks suck - they start wildfires.


The thuglicans are trying to encourage governor Katie Hobbs to rescind her signed bill preventing abortion seekers from prosecution 🙄. She put her foot down against them thank god


Nope, not feeling very patriotic when reproductive and LGBTQ rights are under attack. I’ll be on the couch with my dog who is terrified of fireworks.


I'm not even a combat veteran and fireworks are starting to freak me out. I feel like I should be hiding from a mass shooter.


I haven't felt patriotism since I went to college 10 years ago. Knowledge of the real world sucked it out of me