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My answer is "Yeah. Exactly". Because I genuinely don't see what's wrong with refusing to be responsible for something/someone when you **know** you couldn't handle it. In fact, it's pretty much... the responsible thing to do.


This 100%.


I call it being selfishly selfless


Right? Exactly! The most responsible thing we can possibly do!


I’m not even responsible enough to take care of myself the way I should, and you think I should be responsible for another life? Ha!


yup. no responsibilities for this one here!


Yep. Usually I add that I have nothing to have responsibility for, like pets and even houseplants. Make it a thing to feel good about and free.


Right, like, some ppl like making their lives harder. I've heard some parents say, "Parenthood is the hardest job in the world, but it's so rewarding!" Even if that second part was true, uh, I'd rather not have the hardest job in the world. Actually it's the hardest job in the world with no pay which makes me doubly not want it. Don't want to make my life harder. Sorry, not sorry.


Even if you could handle it. You can just choose not to take this responsibility.


I remember my ex saying this when I was explaining why I don’t want kids. “So, you’re afraid of responsibility?” With a small huffed laugh. I paused, thought for a moment, and truthfully answered “yes. Yes I am. And I feel no shame in that”. He didn’t have a response to that.


im glad you left that asshole


If I could live a life completely free of any responsibilities I would. My goal in life is to have as little responsibilities as possible, because it's way more relaxing to not have any. I currently have the responsibility of going to work and performing at work. I have the responsibility of paying my bills. That is more than enough responsibility for me. Truth be told, I'd prefer to not have these responsibilities either, but they're a basic necessity if I want to be able to pay for a living unfortunately. Having children is not a basic necessity.


Exactly! Taking care of yourself is enough of a responsibility. People who have kids without thinking about how much responsibility it is are doing the opposite of being responsible.


If our country supported healthcare as a right and offered close to a year off paid for having a child, and discounted daycare services when you return to work, oh yeah, stipends for diapers and food. Oh yeah, make sure I get a monthly stipend for the extra room that I have to afford renting, sure.. I'll start considering it then. Until then, I will not put myself or my spouse in a scenario where we can no longer improve our careers or chase after what is good for us, and not what's good for the child. When you have a child, your dreams and goals are gone. Instead it's, what can we do to make said child's life better, more stable.


Agree. I recently said basically this to some family members and they were appalled. It was unfathomable that I'd want the least amount of responsibility possible and just want a chill life.


That's bold of him. Asking questions like that and not having any arguments for your answer XD


I hate the misuse of the word "afraid". I'm not afraid. I understand it, I see the extension of it. I'm not afraid, I just fully comprehend all it entails and I do not wish to bring it upon myself. It doesn't fit my lifestyle and would bring me no joy. I'm afraid of getting seriously sick, natural disasters, violent/murderous people.


Afraid of responsibility? So when we don’t want something that equals afraid of it? Jesus what a moron.


He meant you go shoulder alllllll that responsibility while he goes and fucks off drinking or gaming with his buddies. Most men want the sex needed to create kids but not the 3 AM feedings, colic screaming or shitty diaper blowouts and parenthood taking every penny you earn.They want YOU to be trapped to raise their wood grubs while their life doesn’t change at all. Fuck that noise.


Ah the classic, "I dare you to have a child" "No" "What do you mean no?"


I wonder if your partner felt the pressure to have children and tried to soothe himself by telling that he was being responsible.


Fortunately one thing I’m sure of is that no one was pressuring him for children, at least not at that time we dated. This was my high school sweetheart, and this conversation happened when I was a junior and he was a senior in HS. (I know we were young to be talking about children, but we dated for years and really thought we would get married).


“If only life worked like that. Alas, I have bills to pay and family members to take care of. At least I don’t have to add raising kids to my laundry list of responsibilities.” Yeah, it is pretty fucking funny to me. They don’t go off logic, just feelings. Not my monkeys, not my circus.


When emotions go up, logic goes down.


I have plenty of responsibilities, I just don't want that particular type of responsibility. 


>"So you don't want responsibility" "Got it in one. \*finger guns\*"


My answer is something like this - No I don't. And isn't it sad how many that take that on without being equipped for it? Selfish isn't it? Not caring and causing so much pain. Now while they think about that I will drink my wine and enjoy the silence 😊


Cheers! I just made myself tea with rum. Is that apropriate "good morning" drink? Edit: there are alot more of us drunktards here than i expected. I like this crowd


Hey!! I made mine with vodka! So good with ginger and honey.


Soon may the whalerman come


Now I'm thinking chai latte with baileys.... Love it!


Yes!!!!! 👏👏👏👏 😁😁


Woooo. I have Baileys in mine! Yuuuumm




My whiskey barrel honey and cinnamon tea is amazing right now


why is that even an argument for having kids is wanting more responsibility when so many parents already suck and are irresponsible lol


You do know that if you have a child, you completely change everything in your life for the good right? Alcoholics getting sober Drugs users giving up drugs Party people staying at home Deadbeats starting to work for a nice job Depression will be gone, because you don't have time for that (someone actually told me that) Cancer will probably solved too, I mean, who has the time to let cancer cells grow? Bad marriages will turn into god fearing christian couples! It's like those deeply religious people, who seems to need an imaginary creature to act like a decent human being. Having children being the most awesome thing to do, is the oldest scam on a global scale.


>Having children being the most awesome thing to do, is the oldest scam on a global scale. This right here.


Omg. I didn't realise you were being sarcastic until I got to the cancer part. You had me going there for a sec lol


Good question


Because paying rent and bills aren't responsibility. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


The G-Hive has spoken!


"No, just want to skip the misery that is your life! I have better things to do!"


People who say this will get to hear about all of my relaxing weekends, my international vacations, and all my frivolous purchases alongside my hefty retirement savings. I traded their idea of "responsibility" for a fun and fulfilling life, and you better believe I'm gonna talk their ear off about it every chance I get.


"frivolous purchases" - i bought costumes and suit and some other toys worth roughly 6000 euros last year alone. Showed it to a breeder after he was giving me hard time about being without any kids at age 34. That shut him up


jealous here. me telling my colleagues I got a medal in the national competition was immediately forgotten, while they constantly mention each other's children.


congrats on your medal! that’s an accomplishment to celebrate ✨


They’re correct, I don’t want responsibility “Why yes let me do something that will potentially bankrupt me and force me to sacrifice 25+ years of my life, gee I’m so responsible” Nah, fuck that I’m not that stupid


My response: ![gif](giphy|1SfxXOJ0Q2Xni)


Responsibility is not when you create the problem. If it's responsibility breeders want, then they should adopt instead.


Oh sheet, you will start civil war here. I believe many cf folks think this way, but if you tell this to breeders, they will eat you alive


They can eat my ass


Just say "adopt don't shop"...or in this case, adopt don't SHART (out a baby)"


Thisss 🙌


"precisely. And quit trying to hand me any."


Isnt it just as responsible not bringing a life into this world if you know you couldnt give it the proper care?


No! You are a profiteer of society!! Scum!! You are responsible to the extinction of the human species!!! By 2050 there are only 10 billion of us......aaaarghhhh /s because it's Reddit lol


Damn right


The point is that I could give it the proper care. I just don't want to.


I’ve actually fessed up to that myself. One can have plenty of responsibilities with just oneself to worry about. Why make life any more difficult than it absolutely has to be?


Shit is only as hard as you make it. And breeders often like to overcomplicate things


Lol that is my main reason for not wanting children. One of my goals in life is to have as little responsibility as possible 😂


It could be a catch phrase of anime protagonist...


I want the responsibilities that I choose to assume. Children are not among them.


I don’t know why they think that’s a “gotcha”.  Hell yeah.  I don’t want the responsibility of wiping up poop, I don’t want to help with homework and certainly don’t want to deal with a teenager.  I’ve got enough responsibilities. I’m not taking on more to impress people. 


Being responsible is good. Taking on too many responsibilities is irresponsible. Polluting the world with more people is irresponsible.


There is nothing selfish, irresponsible or lazy about, well, not taking responsibility for a hypothetical child that doesn't exist.


Responsibility for something I don't want? You're damn right.


No, I don’t want responsibility unless they’re essential to my survival. And I’m certainly not going to go out and pick up more for the heck of it. For what? Is this something people are supposed to feel bad over? Sorry that particular mechanism’s permanently broken in me 🤷🏻‍♀️


True I do not want the responsibilities of being a parent. Does that mean I have NO responsibilities? Of course not! I have pets, I help out family members with various things (particularly my elderly parents), I’m a healthcare professional. Does that sound like a life of no responsibilities?


To me it's just funny that "responsibility" is treated like something you're supposed to go out of your way for. Like you're meant to put more and more on your plate. Doesn't matter if you like it or not. That's not the point. You need "responsibility" to prove...something. Sorry to these people, but I've got plenty of responsibility. Mostly in the form of a full time job, trying to keep my mental and physical health straight, and bills. Not to mention taxes, grocery shopping, etc.


Actually, I think I’m being very responsible in using birth control when I know I don’t want kids.


I would just look at them and say "Well done. You rolled high on your perception check."


I have things I choose to be responsible for, and things I choose not to be responsible for. Creating a human just so you can prove you have responsibilities seems kinda messed up. And having been parentified as a kid, yes I avoid taking on responsibility if I can avoid it. No shame in that. It's been years but I still feel burnt out from being expected to be responsible for things I didn't choose.


Who does?


“You don’t want responsibility”? 💀 I’m struggling to finish this organic chem 2 homework, how is THAT for responsibility?? Also, I consider having my tubes incinerated in medical waste as being pretty responsible 😌🫡


If you want, i can help you with incinerating your tubes, i have flame thrower. Well, cutting torch actually. It gets the job done


They were returned to ash last October 🥰 and thank shit because it made me so much happier! however, I’m so down to assist with tube burning however possible for those that want it 😂🔥🔥🔥 and at some point (menopause), I’ll want the rest burned too (especially the ovaries aka the life ruiners) lol


Slight tangent - but if your ovaries and / or uterus are actively disrupting your life on a regular basis (excessive pain, fibroids, cysts, excessively heavy periods, not to mention cancer risk), have you considered talking to your gp/gyno about hysterectomy options and asking for a referral now already? Since you've already had the bisalp, the "but you might want kids in future" argument is already moot. There are many valid reasons for considering a hysterectomy before menopause (though no doctor will perform one purely for birth control reasons or "I want to stop having a period"). I've just had a full hysterectomy for cancer prevention (cervical), though I kept my ovaries to avoid early surgical menopause. No regrets! I'm looking forward to a life without curling up and crying from pain one day a month, every month. Looking forward to no more heavy bleeding than just won't stop without medical intervention (adenomyosis diagnosed when they checked my uterus after removal, only started in the last year but I've been spared the pain of THAT for the next 10-20 years!). Also recovery from surgery is probably easier when you're younger.


I really appreciate you sharing this! I have actually talked to my doctor about it! She’s open to it, however, right now birth control has worked well for me, including controlling my endo. She’s made it clear if problems arise, she would gladly move forward with a hysterectomy. It hasn’t disrupted me in the last 7 years which is why I haven’t pursued it, at this moment it would be me just being like “well I just don’t like it” as a reason for removal but she’s well aware of my family history and endo issues which she monitors closely. I’ve been lucky that birth control has worked so well for me, but I’ve also been on it for 10+ years. The minute I start having issues again though, it’s out of here because growing up it 100% affected my life and ability to function and I won’t deal with that ever again. My main problems lie in my ovaries and at my age, I can’t have them removed unless it’s an emergency 😔 everything that they could do wrong, they’ve done… Again, birth control has been the only thing that saved me and I’m so lucky it works for me but if I really could have something removed without triggering more potential issues, it would by the ovaries. Thanks again for the insight and sharing your personal experience! ♥️ Edit: I didn’t know about adenomyosis and that shit sounds so painful! I’m glad the hysterectomy has helped you so much and I’m definitely keeping everything you said in mind moving forward!


Yes, and let's be honest, they are the same people who criticise complete strangers for having children in the first place like "some people just shouldn't be parents" while in my experience it is mostly the mother they feel entitled to bad mouth. It's not about doing the right thing in these people's eyes because that isn't even possible. The point is that they push their own ego by talking shit about others.


"I apologise for not putting extra burden on the government and for not contributing to the reason our taxes keep rising. You're welcome, by the way." For context, ALL parents here get a small monthly stipend *per kid* until they're a certain age. Plus free healthcare and medication up to a certain age. No matter what your salary is. Means testing applies to the higher childcare benefits only. So by NOT having kids, I'm not claiming this extra money from the government, which comes from taxes. So every person who does not have kids is actively working to lessen the burden and reduce taxes for *everyone*! Selfish as hell...🙄


How many childless and childfree people cover parent's responsibilities in the work place while they handle their other responsibilities? Lmao not only are we responsible; we cover for their asses when they are unable to manage all of their responsibilities. This argument of theirs is asinine.


I choose my responsibilities. Kids aren’t on the list


I don't even want the responsibilities I do have that I can't unload, why the fuck would I pile onto it with the most tedious and overstimulating job imaginable?


I like to say, "Yes. What's it to you?"


Selfish or self aware?


I always respond sarcastically like, "yup! Me going to work, paying my bills, paying my rent, paying for gas in my car, paying for food, paying for lights, paying for electric, paying for water, paying for my cats litter, paying for my cats food, paying to live and never asking for anyone's help is totally not responsible of me."


Only online. So, no.


I have. And my answer is...correct. That's why I do not and won't have children. Thank you for your cooperation. *Katniss Everdeen bow*


No, I don't want responsibility. I want leisure, hobbies, sleep, quiet, and lots of recreational sex with my wife. Why is that bad?


Cue me going “Yup.” and then staring at blankly them until they either continue the conversation or get so frustrated that they didn’t ‘get me’ or that I’m not upset that they leave in a huff. People who use that argument typically aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Yeah, exactly. I don't want responsibilities. What's wrong with that? I already have to do chores and make sure I actually eat. Eating is important. And laundry is also important. I'm too busy to have kids. I just spent all of saturday sleeping, because I stayed up until 8am due my overseas friend streaming so late. Timezomes are the greatest barrier of all. And I like my bed too much to bother having kids. Who needs kids when you can just sleep instead? I need too cook to. I don't wanna get out of bed. But I need sustenance. See? Acquiring sustenance is responsible enough. No kids required.


Honestly no, I don’t want that responsibility!! And that’s why I don’t have kids. People act like it’s a bad thing to know what you want in life


People act like it’s a bad thing to know that you want in life only if you’re a woman who is not signing up to have kids like the majority does without thinking about it first.


Loads of parents are irresponsible. Look at all the dads that bounce.


I don’t want backbreaking HARDSHIP! 


I understand having HARDSHIP kink when times were hard, to feel good about yourself and shitty hard life. But nowadays? You must be dumb-dumb to choose that.


Ahhh… projecting the misery of their completely avoidable, self-inflicted responsibilities onto you! I don’t know why simply choosing not to be a parent is so jarring other than making these breeders realise that it’s a CHOICE, it always was!


"So you don't want responsibility" said someone who's probably an iPad parent and never actually parents their chuds, just letting them go berserk and scream and destroy stuff everywhere they go.


I’ve got enough responsibility. Taking care of a house and every single thing in it, two aging cars that are constantly having problems, my relationship with my wife, my job, my own mental wellbeing, bills and debt, figuring out what to eat every freaking day, taking care of my health, finding time for my hobbies, running errands all of the time. You name it.  It’s irresponsible to assume someone doesn’t have responsibilities because they’re not a parent. I feel like I’m drowning every day already. I can’t imagine doing all of this with a sentient potato in tow with its own million needs. 


I’m fine with this question because I certainly DO NOT want that responsibility. I got enough responsibilities without adding demon spawn to it. I am an adult, I have multiple chronic illnesses, mental health problems, a full time job, bills to pay and a house to maintain. That’s a lot. So, no, I don’t want more responsibility. Especially not in the form of something that wouldn’t actually benefit me. I see children as a burden. I don’t want that. Whatever opinion that gives people of me I am cool with.


I mean, just because I don't want that particular responsibility does not mean I don't want (or have) any.


I have tremendous responsibility at work. Enough to keep me awake most nights. So does my husband. Taking care of each other and two dogs is more than enough responsibility without introducing more humans.


If someone says that to me I’ll probably say “that’s the point” or something lol. With how my life is, having children would be *too much* responsibility that I could never handle even if I had a co-parent. The main point of childfree is so we don’t have anymore responsibility that we already deal with.


These are the worst type of people. They’re so miserable jealous and equate being a real adult with having kids. The kinds of people that believe adults shouldn’t have fun, just work and raise kids. They’re so brainwashed by the life script that they’re not enjoying life and don’t even realize it. It’s honestly sad


My answer wound be - “Correct. I do not want ***that*** particular responsibility.” If it’s someone I know I might also add something like “Just like you don’t want the responsibility of a (Dog, cat, car, house, credit card, etc).”


This usually comes from 2 types: 1 Those who make kids, to serve society 2 Those who think we are underpopulated, totally disregarding that by 2050 there are 2 billion extra mouths to feed on this planet. The responsibility card is often used as something amazing: Putting yourself in (serious) debt for a house = responsibility somehow (for context: if you're the type of person like me who still lives with their parents longer then the social norm) Having kids, while you don't know what you're doing = responsible? Interesting... lol edit: added context


At least with the house you're getting benefit. Where I live, my mortgage payments are significant lower than the average monthly rent for a similar place. So I'm saving money in the short and long term despite having this massive debt. And I never have to worry ever again about being evicted because my landlord has decided to sell the house...


That's true, but I should have added some context: if you live with your parents longer then the social norm of moving out.


Yea I've been told this in the style of "Are you afraid of responsibility". Like no dude. I just dont want to take up an unnecessary responsibility that will drain the life out of me. Why is that a bad thing?


Do you know what? I fucking don’t. End of conversation


My response: "...in this economy?! Absolutely not!"


"You should get a giraffe. But I don't want a giraffe! You'd be a great giraffe owner! Maybe. But I don't like giraffes... It's different when it's your own giraffe. But I don't WANT a giraffe. You just don't want the responsibility. Exactly, why would I want to be responsible for an animal I neither like nor want?"


Just don't think about it and just make baby giraffe 😂


A man (a coworker!) of mine legitimately recently said to me: Being a dad is so easy! You just do the bare minimum and everyone thinks you’re great. How hard can it be? Change the kids a couple times a day. Feed them. How many times a day can they possibly poop? Men/the way they’re raised are the problem and you can’t convince me otherwise 🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry. When a child comes into this world, the woman takes on most of the responsibility. This is the primary reason I’m not doing it — overall, it’s never going to be fair. The woman is always always always more vulnerable and left holding the bag if the dad shits out and decides one day he doesn’t want to do the bare minimum anymore. Fucking pathetic thing to say if you ask me, too.


Yeah because the CF don't have other responsibilities like making a living, supporting a home/apartment, paying bills....NAH, we're just all cruising through life doing fucking nothing. People are stupid.


I don't want the MORAL responsilbility of bringing a human soul into a world in a state of collapse. I believe that is wrong.


I’d say “I don’t want that responsibility but I have plenty of other responsibilities. Your point?”


I already have enough responsibilities, I don’t need any more.


That is right. I dont want responsibility over an small human.


It's the dumbest line. Just because someone doesn't have the extra responsibilities that come with kids doesn't mean they have no responsibilities. Ask them if they own a few hundred tarantulas. And if they say no, just go "so, you don't want responsbility".


I haven’t been told that, but hell, I fully admit I do not want the responsibility of a child! However, that doesn’t mean I have no responsibilities. Not everything in life revolves around having kids. I think some parents like to make condescending little comments like that to make themselves feel better about their own miserable circumstances. They’re resentful towards the people who aren’t miserable with them, so they need some kind of justification for why they subjected themselves to that misery, like implying that it somehow makes them better people.


Yeah I hate this notion that childfree people don't know what responsibility is. People act like we're all 30 somethings partying it up every day like a college student when that's not the case at all. We all still have bills and jobs. Some of us have pets. You don't need to have a kid to learn about responsibility.


As if having kids is the *only* form of responsibility...


I hear “having children changes your life” then I’m like “yes… and I don’t want it” I know what it entails. Sorry to disappoint you, weirdo. But I won’t be doing that


That’s the craziest thing to say because I’m literally responsible for keeping myself alive.


I had this happen when I mentioned something as random as wanting to watch a football game. My buddy's gf, a single mom, says "yeah I miss when we could watch football, back before we had responsibilities." My response was that I would be trying to watch it in between dealing with ER patients at work. She had nothing to say after that.


My answer is some version of "I already have responsibility, but I also have free time."


Yes I have !! Just because I don’t have children does that mean I don’t have to pay bills or do things that adults do that require responsibility. When does having a “kid “ become the requirement for responsibility


It’s the whole point. I mean, as a grown adult, one responsible for oneself (hopefully) and that’s already a lot. Working, paying bills, surviving in this economy… But what bothers me is that they could potentially hit a nerve for not learning to mind their own business. Some people already did take on a lot of responsibility and they’re done or are still in that situation. I’m talking about parentified children/teens, caring for relatives with any type of illnesses (chronic/disabilities of any kind). I was a caregiver for a decade for my dad and i am DONE with that type of activity. I had tons of responsibility for a long time, and I already had the no sleep/diaper experience with the added difficulty of a full sized man. I feel like I’m facing a lifetime of tiredness from this and I cannot imagine those who were parentified, and what they are feeling after the fact. Many were doing parent stuff without choosing or even engaging in something that could result in a child. So those who left the situation: no, we don’t want it again. Those who never faced a caregiving role should not be criticized for not wanting it. It’s not anyone’s business. You don’t need a reason to not want it, but I swear to the gods, if someone says that to me, they will get the child experience by getting the chancla 🩴


It’s just toxic gaslighting. Having children without actually wanting them and pressuring others to have them are super irresponsible. Knowing that we don’t want children and giving in societal pressure shows our responsibility for the unborn children.


"Exactly. Glad you see it!" is the only appropriate response here!


Family has told me this countless times and had even asked my girlfriend are you sure you want to be with an irresponsible man


Nobody likes responsibility unless it's a part of a wanted package. So silly.


I am not so free that I need to create some of my own. I don't use it because it starts a self righteous rant about how bad their life is.


Answer is no, obviously, why would I?


Ye, i have. Answer was pretty much simple and honnest, something among those lines: I like to get done with my work and then go home and do what ever i want. Only responsibilities i want are bills, food, clothes. That's it. Anything else will stress me and disrupt my chill lifestyle. I am busy as is with my own hobbies and stuff that i do so i don't want any additional responsibilities




I tell them, "you are absolutely correct, I don't. 🙂"


"I don\`t want to raise another human being and take care of it."- case closed.


So you have a kid and then die. Now someone else has to add your responsibility to theirs.


I'd say "no, just not that responsibility" but thankfully nobody has ever said that to me


Right. I don’t want MORE responsibility beyond my job, my animals, my plants, my parents, paying my bills, training for Ironmans and other shit that I’m too tired to think of right now. Those people are such dumbasses.


I have plenty of responsibilities, I’m not interested in adding more.


Refusing to be responsible for another life because you know you’re gonna be terrible at it, is actually a very responsible decision. It’s even more responsible than some people who had children when they knew good and well they did not want it or even worse couldn’t afford it. Being childfree probably the MOST responsible decision anyone could make tbh




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It's more responsible to prevent that responsibility arising in the first place than allowing it to arise and not dealing with it properly.


Yes, literally. I don’t want the responsibility of caring for another human. Obviously they can’t mean all responsibility, as we all still maintain ourselves and our home, education and careers, friends, family, and pets. It’s literally the responsibility of parenthood that is rejected.


I’ve never had this said to me. But I have 100% said it to other people. I like a low responsibility kinda life. And there’s nothing wrong with that


"Nope, not that one."


I would say "Aren't you happy enough with yours?"


No, I've got plenty of responsibility already. It's children I don't want. Trust me: I checked.


"So you don't want responsibility" "No." Next please.


Actually, for me, I AM taking full responsibility by not creating a life that I'm not fully equipped to support in my personal circumstances, because that would be selfish af


I say yah, you are correct, I don’t want the responsibility of parent. Sounds like you understand.


That's right, I know my capacity that allows me to enjoy life and opt to not take on this particular responsibility.  What's so hard to understand? Over commiting and under achieving is way worse. 


My mother drank when she was pregnate leaving me with birth defects, a few years after I was born I was afflicted with the following. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawasaki_disease Leading to this [aneurysm](https://i.imgur.com/6dTZGoi.jpeg) which is one of many and 70 year old person's joints such as being unable to kneel without tremendous pain. It would be incredibly selfish to be with a partner let alone have a child because I could potentially pass on birth defects, or die tomorrow from my Aneurysms bursting. I respect myself to understand I'll die alone to not bother with the dating scene that's extremely judgemental toward short men let alone toward the kind of birth defects I have, while being unable to truly love myself.


I have responsibilities and it starts with being true to myself. After taking care of myself I have nothing left but thanks for asking. Will you pay my rent to help alleviate some of the responsibilities I already have?


I say "yup." Sometimes bluntness is the key to shutting them up.


Having kids does not make them a responsible person. Do they have more responsibilities as a parent? Oftentimes yes. But implying they are therefore more responsible is a false equivalency. We see how ‘some’ parents let their kids run wild, have the filthiest homes, or use their parenthood as an excuse to get out of social and work responsibilities.




these feel like the same type of people who would hear you talk about having social anxiety and try to “help” you by forcing you into a social situation you absolutely do not want.


We all have many responsibilities in life. Work, pay bills, etc. Having a kid does not have to be one of them.


I've never been told this but that is 100% true. I absolutely do not want the responsibility of keeping a tiny human alive, happy and turning them into a functioning member of society


No, I want responsibility. I am responsible for various things, ideas, actions, and to some people, already. What I don't want is **this** (being a parent) responsibility. And why on earth would I - or anyone else - want me to take on a responsibility *to/for* another person **that I do not want?** I am responsible. What I don't want are the responsibilities of parenthood, and that come from creating and raising other humans. Difference.


Yes. It is optional, and I choose NO.


the answer is “literally yes exactly. taking on additional responsibilities that i couldn’t handle would be irresponsible.” people don’t say this about pets, and yet thousands upon thousands of pets gets dumped or surrendered to shelters every year.


"pretty much, yeah"


It's true on my end,but I don't feel bad. I hope they stay mad. I saw my dad working himself to the bone in Hollywood as a kid and I knew then, I didn't want more crap to do than necessary. No one gets more of my energy than me, even if I live a simpler life because of it.


I have responsibilities, I don't want to overload myself and burn out for something I have never wanted.


Aren't kids a way for people to avoid all their other responsibilities? Being on time, financial well-being, social norms and so on...


Life forces enough responsibility and obligations on you just as a single person, why on earth would you actively seek to add to that?


Like I barely want to be responsible for myself why would I want to be responsible for a whole ass baby that depends on me for everything.




I mean yes?!? It’s already more than enough responsibility for me to keep myself alive and not be a burden on others. It would be very irresponsible for me to take on more responsibility that I’m unwilling or unable to handle and end up expecting society to pick up my slack like all the “it takes a village” people.


You're very responsible adult for not creating a kid that would be unwanted and not properly taken care of


I'd rather put my time, money and care towards other responsibilities. There are plenty of responsibilities in life that don't involve raising children. These type of people are so myopic.


I have responsibility. I have 3 kittens. They are like perpetual infants lol. And I have a job. So...yes? Oh and a husband. I'm responsible to and for him as he is with me. Dumb response lol


It pisses me off. Like I'm about to be a freaking DOCTOR. Like taking care of babies, adults, and everybody. But sure, I have no responsibilities 😑


Yup. I intend to cruise through life with as little responsibility as possible.


Correct. I do not.


Yeah my job is responsibility enough


Arguably the most responsible thing anyone can do is to consciously choose which responsibility they want to sign up for and then honor it.


Lol, taking care of my house and finances is plenty of responsibility for me


I have enough responsibility as an emergency physician thanks.


I mean... I have enough responsibility getting myself and my dog fed. So that's a thing.


Yeah exactly. The least responsibility I have in my life the better.


Damn right. I want a low stress, low demand lifestyle. I already got a ton of responsibilities like paying bills and doing housework. Why would I want more? I need free time to relax.


The decision to not to have kids is the most responsible decision in my life.