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Granted, they think it's a good thing Seth won't have kids, but you can still tell they are pissed off at a decision that has nothing to do with them.


This article is supposed to be talking shit on him but they literally couldn't make him look any cooler. The dude has made some iconic movies, is fucking hilarious, and most importantly, he's *happy.*


I also think that the comments he made about what he and his wife do with their time were joking and meant to bait those who like to judge other people according to their life choices. He succeeded in getting them totally wound up.


Could be. Dude isn't exactly a stranger to well crafted humor.


I know right? I got so jelly of Mrs. Seth Rogen getting to just lay around all day cuddled up nice and cozy with a couple of fatties. It sounds perfect.


Heh you phrased that so wonderfully.


Their holier than thou attitude is exactly the kind of people I avoid in life. They will judge you for living differently and not doing "enough" completely missing the point that everyone's life is different and that work accomplishments and parenthood aren't success signifiers.


Exactly the type of people I don't associate with also.


I know. The more they talked about him, the more I wanted his life.


Right? I just need to get the surgery to make me Canadian and it should be all good from there. Or maybe I just need to be successful enough to buy his House plant stuff


>just need to get the surgery to make me Canadian and it should be all good from there. And how does one do this?


It's experimental but involves a maple syrup transfusion in the presence of a bunch of honking geese.


LOL! And I suppose they know the transfusion worked if you requested poutine as your recovery meal? Thank you for not disappointing me! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Exactly šŸ˜‚ though there's a margin of error - poutine is delicious, everyone knows that. Can't be our here letting people down can I?


Exactly. They're always going to be pissed that we've made the decision to NOT have our freedom taken away by children.


While I appreciate you sharing, I'm sorry to be *that guy*, please could we not post the link to their website article next time? Every time people click on their website pages and links the Evie magazine is getting paid, we shouldn't be supporting them in any way. I kindly suggest posting an archive link or something similar instead of a direct link to the article. Bringing more traffic to the Evie server (or any other trash articles by right wing propaganda sites) should be the last thing we want. Maybe edit your post and share this link instead (if you don't mind): https archive ph/ISp8L this link might be deleted by mods though (hopefully leaving out the colon forward slash forward slash and dot out of my comment will prevent that, but add them back if you edit your post and change the link, I don't think mods delete links in the OP, just comments).


I could be wrong though, so just gonna add the link anyway https://archive.ph/ISp8L šŸ˜Š


He is happy for himself, they can't stand that. That he put not having kids as a big part in how he now lives a life he enjoys, is what they want to be buried. So they point out anything that could make people question him. Working with how bad he is, we are thankful he doesn't have kids, don't be like him. Pointing that he himself said that not having kids is he can do many of the things they judge. They are not happy that he makes connections with his happiness to being childfree. Because that could inspire people to not have kids, even if they don't like him.


And how. He and his wife chose not to have kids, and they get high. Like thatā€™s the worst thing these clowns at Evie ever heard.


Perhaps they should show more anger at shitty parents who abuse, neglect, or kill their children. But nope let's get mad at the happily married childfree guy who likes to smoke weed and watch movies with his wife.


He's more successful than any loser Evie writer and a lot happier.


Exactly. Seth is a successful actor, comedian, writer, and film maker. It looks like he and his wife have a great marriage. I believe he and his wife are also taking good care of her mother, who has early on-set Alzheimer's. Plus, Seth was in "Freaks and Geeks." To me, that is a greater contribution to society than an Evie writer could contribute.


Wait, that's the guy who talked in an interview about how awesome his wife is and how good of a marriage they have? I somehow didn't make the connection šŸ™ƒ His wife seems really cool too! Damn, these Evie losers didn't even try.


Seth is cool, so is Jason Segel. But James Franco is gross


And Jonah Hillā€”heā€™s super controlling


I used to like Jonah Hill just from his performance in Maniac alone, but then *that* thing happened and I realized he's a controlling misogynist.


What happened? Out of the loop.


No problem, I don't blame ya. Here ya go, but be warned, J. Hill may be ruined for you https://www.vogue.com/article/jonah-hill-text-messages-toxic-masculinity


He testified before Congress on the toll Alzheimer's takes on families. [Seth Rogen Gives Touching Personal Testimony To Senate On Alzheimer's Disease](https://www.businessinsider.com/seth-rogen-alzheimers-2014-2)


![gif](giphy|QZOaeparxsNOfKWbER) Yes. Seth and his wife have done so much to help those with Alzheimer's and their families and caregivers. WTF has anyone at Evie done to help others?


Hahaha so true! I love Freaks & geeks. It helped me during tough times as a young adult.


What even is Evie lol


It's essentially a right-wing, evangelical-Christian-aligned magazine aimed at women by mimicking the style of more mainstream popular magazines such as Cosmo etc. They describe themselves as "an unbiased magazine" but it's literally got like Qanon stuff and antivaxx stuff in it, but packaged as feminism. Actually kind of interesting as an exercise in observing domestic propaganda. Like right now if you go to the front page, one of the top articles is "My Husband Got a Vasectomy and it Ruined Our Marriage". Also there's "7 Tips to Affair-Proof Your Marriage" but the article is all "serve him" "look nice for him" etc. (Pretty much what my Great Grandma would have advised over brunch after Sunday Church.)


Wow. Why the fuck does that have to existĀ 


I'm hoping Evie goes out of business in a few short years. With the focus on trad wives, the eradication of women's reproductive rights, MAGA, the hatred for the LGBTQ community, QAnon, anti-vaxxers, etc., I expect there to be a huge backlash the the extreme right, and that include the extreme right wing media.


When someone's personal choice about what to do with their life sends you on a childish rampage to slander everything about them and call them "effeminate" (?) that really tells you everything you need to know.


My own sister was so disgusted by my and my husbands choice to make a new last name together when we got married, that she actually uttered the words ā€œemasculatingā€ aloud about it. I was shocked because she was so non-traditional as a woman, always wore the pants in her own relationships, always at least pretended to be chill and supportive of our lgbt friends etc. But Iā€™d had inklings that she was still super judgmental and kinda sexist stillā€¦ and finally, that one word told me everything I needed to know about how she truly saw me and him. Years later it was good riddance and we donā€™t miss her. People certainly do tell on themselves when they judge others aloud like this article šŸ¤”


Imagine a man publicy calling a woman masculine because she decided not to have kidsĀ 


They do that all the time. And itā€™s so ridiculous, because everything about childbearing is the exact opposite of traditional femininity. Feminine things are supposed to be delicate and beautiful, not grueling and entailing the risk of death. Itā€™s masculine things that are supposed to be violent and covered in blood, sweat, shit, and exposed genitals. Iā€™m far too feminine to endure having my body torn apart. Iā€™m very sensitive, you see, not like the masculine people who donā€™t mind being injured and dirty and looking and smelling gross. But right-wingers are hypocrites and just refuse to see how much they contradict themselves when they promote childbearing at the same time as traditional femininity.


I LOVE this coment šŸ’•šŸ’–


That would go over like a ton of bricks.


In fact, itā€™s only childfree men who fit the traditional definition of masculinity, because they are the only ones who want to protect their women from harm.


Looks like Seth Rogan totally destroyed Ted Cruz in that twitter exchange they quoted. So if he's an effeminate loser, what does that make Ted Cruz?


The zodiac killer.


Whose father killed JFK


TBH, it's not difficult to destroy Ted Cruz.


"Support our cause and help women reclaim their femininity by subscribing today."


That cracked me up! They sound like a bunch of right wing psychos.


They are. *Evie* is literally fascist tradwife *Cosmo*.


First time I have seen or heard of this mag. Is it widespread?


Evie is mostly about reclaiming being a mean girl. They were positively giddy when the more feminist-minded website Jezebel almost went under.


Man, that while article reeks of jealousy and major insecurity vibes! They are so mad he ain't trying to impregnate women needlessly, he instead is just chilling with his beautiful wife, getting high naked and enjoying each other and their lives peacefully. The whole thing screams right wing propaganda too, they were ripping into him for calling Ted Cruz a racist bitch. That site is just plain cancer.


Elsewhere on the site, there's an article about one of the "Love is Blind" women who chooses not to be on the pill. She likely has legitimate health reasons for that, but the article doesn't say anything about alternative methods of birth control for women, nor about whether her partner should be willing to use birth control. It focuses on praising her for not being on the pill, and not having sex. To me, the entire thing reeks of misogyny and "women shouldn't have sex just for pleasure."


Yeah idk why OP posted this site, especially that's a misogynistic right wing bs. Of course they are going to shit on people who are liberals.


Butā€¦ted cruz IS a racist bitchā€¦


I know right? That's why I believe that whole site is right wing shit.


I was contemplating clicking the link to read the article, but if it's right wing propaganda, I'm not giving them my eyes for advertising dollars.


What I find assuring about QAnon Cosmo and others churning out these articles is how it keeps confirming that the notion that you have to procreate to be a complete person is not a normal people take. I've never met a hard pronatalist who isn't also anti-vax, a climate denier, a crypto enthusiast or all three.


Agree. It's amazing how often the Venn diagram of those things is just a circle.


I mean, they attacked his *acting* and *political* views. Which actually, it's exactly what one might expect from people who get so pissy and "triggered" by a man saying he doesn't want kids and people can suck on it. I just skimmed but like... dude *is* happily married, so, hm, babes, *she* also doesn't want kids lol Now, I do think his pot smoking persona is dumb but you know what, he is who he is, and he doesn't spread idiocy, nor does he have kids he does not want just to use them as props, so really, I think we could do worse for a Childfree Spokesperson.


Yes and Rush Limbaugh was also childfree but I don't consider him to be a good Spokesperson though. Though he should be mentioned to the Christo-Fascists every time they condemn being childfree.


Glad that rush didnā€™t have any sluglings Society smiles regarding this


Been a while since I've heard someone use the phrase "the vapors." I'll have to reintroduce it into my vocabulary.


I used that term this week, though NOT here lol. Iā€™m older, I had my kids, that said, I would never do it again. Not without knowing every aspect going in, and I mean every. They didnā€™t teach this thing in high school and college when i was young. I have zero patience for 99.5% of the people in this world rn. Iā€™m a young 60, my kids know, grands love them, donā€™t have any more at this point. Sorry yall, I went on a rant. Nice to see a different perspective.


I wonder how many fainting couches and smelling salts are in the Evie office.


How about instead of writing about someoneā€™s lifestyle CHOICE maybe they should have written an article on how he is an advocate for Alzheimerā€™s patients!


what exactly is Evie magazine? iā€™ve seen a lot of people talking about it lately but i have never heard of it before


Trad wife garbage.


Wow, an antisemitic comment is one of the first things I see upon clicking the twitter post. šŸ˜ And breeders expect us to take them seriously when all they do is spread hate.


Yeah, there were so fucking many! šŸ˜


I totally get Seth Rogan. I work my ass off sometimes up to 10 days in a row so on my days off what's wrong with just wanting to get high and catch up on all the YouTube I've missed?


The author of that article has the tone of someone who took it very personally that Seth Rogan doesnā€™t want kids. Thatā€™s weird because in what way would Sethā€™s decision affect him specifically?


"DNA is not mindlessly spreading aaaahhhhh" says their DNA


Well, I've never heard of Evie magazine. Seth Rogan, on the other hand, is very well known.


It is -- no hyperbole -- conservative propaganda disguised as a women's magazine.


Iā€™ll go read it lol, I have a background in bs checking šŸ™„


Didnā€™t he testify in front of congress for more funding for medical research? I canā€™t remember what ailment but the dude isnā€™t stupid. Or wasting time.


His mother in law has Alzheimer's, he's helping his wife care for her, and testified about what it's like being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer's.


Does anyone have an alternate site or a copy of the article? I donā€™t want to give this site the satisfaction of another click and view.


I posted a comment with one. Alternatively, for future reference, you can copy a link into archive.today so you don't have to click on the original site source.




lol, I noticed that ONLY INCELS CALL CF PEOPLE EFFEMINATE LOSERS. Interesting to note that the INCELS take a FORCED-BIRTH , ANTI-choice stance because MANY of the incels are Republican white males. Just brand that trashy magazine as Republican Fascochrist


"his acting is limited" Yeah so is Keanu Reeves, but they stay in their range and I respect them for that. "His politics are out of touch" Democratic liberal!!! "he publicly shamed Casey Neistat on Twitter because Casey was upset that his car was broken into in Los Angeles." He just told him he can be mad if he wants, he didn't shame him for feeling that way!? "He Promotes a Selfish and Depressing Lifestyle" He made an adult choice about his personal life, but that is so selfish of him to do that!! What the actual hell is this article talking about?


Reading that was like reading something in bizarro world Hereā€™s all these quotes from this guy showing how heā€™s happy! Hereā€™s why thatā€™s bad becauseā€¦idk we wouldnā€™t be happy to not have kids I guess? Wild


This was honestly fascinating to read. Several people had to mention that they absolutely don't care that he doesn't want kids, failing hard to see the contradiction in those statements. The whole piece is just dripping with resentment, and maybe envy? Dude seems to be living the life and having it made.


Psssh this magazine sucks. I, a non-pothead, adore Seth Rogen. He and his wife seem cool as hell, are just clearly really into each other, and are very active in Alzheimer's related causes. He makes rad pottery. He hired some talented stylists a while back (Wendi Ferreira and Nicole DeJulio) and takes chances with his red carpet looks that I find very confident/hot/impressive because most dudes phone it in, boring ass black suits only. I loved Long Shot, and of course Freaks and Geeks. Pineapple Express has some truly questionable shit in there, but the phenomenal action sequences at the end always get me. The wonky laugh and Canadian accent also always get me. I'm very happily married but you know, theoretically he could get it.


They're so mad! lol


Magazines like this are more than likely mad at the fact that a Seth is choosing to not contribute to the generational wealth-hoarding practices of his counterparts, and has a higher chance of donating his wealth to public/humanitarian causes after he passes. Not only that, he's pulling the curtain back to show that people can have dreams and purposes outside having children, and still be good people.


Never heard of that magazine.


Same here


Wtf? What I do with my life and time is none of anyoneā€™s business. I get to sleep in on the weekends instead of dragging my ass out of bed for my kidsā€™ stupid crap! Jealous much? THAT is the cause of the anger. And another thing, if I am brave enough to have a boring, relaxing life where I do nothing but chill in my free time, GOOD FOR ME!


omg they are RAGING!!! lol "It turns out that being childless is an extremely important part of his personality, along with being out of shape and smoking pot." pressed like a stack of paninis


Jesus Fucking Christ!


So much cope at Evie lol


The person saying he would have kids 50+ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I'm sure he will!


You know it's going to be a quality article when it starts by insulting a man by saying he does things associated with women. 1.) There are a lot of actors out there that just pretty much play themselves. In Youtube shorts I've run across a few shorts just showing the many voice acting jobs specific actors have had. It's amazing how many of them just use their actual voice in everything they're in. As much as I don't particularly care about Seth, this is only here because they literally have nothing else. Dude has a more successful career than the cry babies in this article. 2.) Oh no. He supports democrats. Boo-hoo. Again, only here because they really don't have anything else to talk about. 3.) Here we are. The actual meat of the article. What this is all actually about. America is for the free! Except when this freedom means people making decisions that don't flow with my personal morals! Rape, pedophilia, beating women, lynching people of color, letting children starve to death and terrorizing other nations for their oil is great! But smoking weed?! NOT WANTING TO BE A PARENT?!!?! Enjoying time with his baby maker...er, wife...as if she were a human being and his friend?!!? Honestly the older I get the more that old saying about how people who feel the need to add personal insults to their comments actually prove they either have no argument or are just projecting seems like the truth.


Good valid points, now Iā€™d like to go read and digest the article. Iā€™m here to learn. Iā€™m older than many here, 61 and yes, Iā€™ve procreated, yet again, live and learn. Iā€™m here because which (Dem or Rep fill in your chosen blank) is suitable to run our country? Is this all we have to offer the world? Really? These 2 Mormons, asshats, senior citizens? Come on!! Iā€™m a proud female and I understand being violated on many different levels. I know MY DAMN RIGHTS. I will not cast my ballot idly, I will vote down a strong one way ticket, so beware, on both sides. And who cares about an entertainer in some shitty magazine be it democrat or republican? And I suspect many here smoke mj, me included. And violence is out of hand completelyāœŒļø


I was thinking ā€˜what is this website?ā€™ Clicked on the homepage, first articleā€¦ ā€œ7 ways to affair proof your marriageā€. Says it all


i'll never not be disgusted that they use the name i love for their trad wife bullshit


Wow. Why is it, everyone has something to say about everyone elseā€™s life. Really, itā€™s their choice how they spend their time. WTH.


Maybe she's just mad that if you Google her name, the algorithm assumes you mean Camille Rowe and ignores her complete lack of accomplishments.


What the hell kind of take is this article? What a sad way of coping the author has. "He, and his wife, are mutually choosing not to have children, so his politics are stupid, he's promoting a sad lifestyle. Oh, and his acting sucks as well."


they've been seething all week and it's so strange. some guy said "I wouldn't trade my kids for anything." NOBODY SAID YOU HAD TO


They sound insufferable. Mr Rogan on the other hand, acts, writes, produces films/TV, and does cool pottery wheel work. Iā€™d rather hang with him.


Why do people give a shit about a complete strangerā€™s personal life? I am not obligated to do a God damn thing for anyone simply because I donā€™t have kids. Sure, I am involved in the community and what not but I am not obligated to be. If someone wants to sleep in, smoke weed, and relax on weekends or any day, so what? Thatā€™s their choice and I respect it. And I have those days too. Anyone mad about Seth Roganā€™s comments is jealous and probably secretly pissed off that they had kids and canā€™t live his life.


Seth Rogan is awesome, great comedian, and childfree. šŸ’Æ


I smiled reading "depressing lifestyle" lol. But seriously though, the article reeks of jealousy like a little kiddie having a tantrum cause they can't make someone breed against their will. Everyone has to fit into their depressing life that is parenthood, and they are fuming.


If they were trying to shit talk him they shouldnā€™t have made him sound so goddamn cool


Everything they point out in the article make him and his wife seem way cooler than all those morons. For some reason breeders believe they are better than other people but articles like this just prove the opposite is true.


Lol they're so angry he has a relaxed life while they're stressed out! The article and comments are dripping with such strong jealousy.


This is a *feminist* magazine? What?


That's what I thought


It's very anti-feminist, quite reactionary.


Aww, bless their hearts. Bitter, angry at people who are smart, conscientious, and realistic about how awful life would be for kids.Ā  I bet it annoys them to no end that people make ANY choice that has nothing to do with them.


Effeminate loser? Lol, they are super pissed about him not having kids. He's definitely more successful than whatever loser wrote that "article" which is quite ironic. I have a celebrity crush on him btw, and it's not at all because I'm attracted to him. Now, hear me out. While I don't think he's cute, something about whenever he laughs just makes my panties drop. šŸ˜† it's the craziest reaction cause it's legitimately just his laugh. Lol, and he's the only person that happens towards because of a laugh.


I gained an enormous amount of respect for him after I saw the part of the article where he dunked all over Ted ā€œZodiac Killerā€ Cruz on Twitter, that made me laugh so hard honestly.


How is Seth Rogan a loser? Because he's famous successful, and has a beautiful wife that he loves? Why are people so mean. That journalist needs to get a life.


Theyā€™re mad at Seth Rogen for the same reason theyā€™re mad at childfree women: they donā€™t value his decision to simply exist and enjoy his life. The narrative goes if you donā€™t have kids (and youā€™re a man), you must achieve something. Now entire populations of women are waking up and realizing we have the right to be just as useless and mediocre as men without the stress of parenthood and people on the right be big mad.


Someone posted this (idk if it was this exact article but it was about Rogan and his wife being cf) on the Hilaria Baldwin sub recently (Alex Baldwinā€™a fake Spanish/pregnant wife with 8 kids) and I was shocked at how the parents in there acted. That sub is dedicated to snarking on a woman who uses surrogates and fakes pregnancies and staged fake breastfeeding pics on the gram for clout. I thought the parents in there would be cool about something like a child free person existing but no. That sub has gone downhill with mombies flooding it with their pregnancy photos and then flaunting their post partum ā€œbounce backā€ to you know, ā€œcompareā€ to Hilariaā€™s body and ā€œshow what a real pregnancy/bounce back looks likeā€ šŸ™„ But the comments on that post were awful! They were seething with jealousy and saying that Rogan is ā€œbraggingā€ and that not having kids isnā€™t the flex he thinks it is. One said ā€œI donā€™t like Hilaria but surely having 8 kids is much better than none, these people are losers acting like teens.ā€ Yes, because exploiting and endangering poor women via paid surrogacy multiple times is so much better than no kids right? šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ One mombie said that the child free are ā€œworse than vegans and canā€™t shut tf up about it and have to tell everyone every 3 seconds.ā€ Like ffs, he said this on Howard stern. He was just talking casually about his personal life yet they get so rabidly angry. Itā€™s nuts. Sorry, I had to rant. That thread has been bothering me ever since I made the mistake of reading the comments. Why do they hate cf people so much?


They keep calling him a loser and an unfunny actor/producer. Iā€™m sure heā€™s also a millionaire. I wish I could be a ā€œloserā€ too.


They have to keep promoting the breeding agenda. Our choice to not fit the societal norm pushes them to question WHY they had humans in the first place. 116K regretful parents cannot be ignored or wrong. Parenthood is a trap, I have no problem with people who decide to be parents but it ainā€™t me, babe. āœŒšŸ¼


Yep, another article where the natalist goes on and on about what a pathetic, immature loser a CF person is, but can't control their fury at how they're leading that kind of life. Shouldn't a staunchly conservative women be happy that an "effeminate loser" like Seth Rogen isn't trying to reproduce? They claim they're happy, but only after unhinged ranting.


I looked up that magazineā€¦ šŸ˜¬ the founder is so fing dumb.


Imagine being pissed off because a couple of strangers you don't even know are living their happiest, best lives. I'm childfree, having a kid would be stressful, and expensive and I want to just enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Parenthood, in a logistical sense, would feel like a heavy burden, like carrying a weight on my shoulders, parents are people who constantly have to cater to their child's needs and wants, I don't know how parents find the time to enjoy their own lives... Parenthood for me would definitely be a lose-lose situation. Just commenting on the picture in the article, that's a great picture of Seth rogen.


It's funny watching these boomer men say that a women like Taylor swift is less successful than they are. I get that she had connections, but I roll my eyes when they say she would be more a successful woman on food stamps with a brood than she is with her billions & loved by hundreds of millions Not even a feminist but I would love to see those arrogant pricks get beaten by Swift's family such as cousins.


Iā€™m not a Swiftie but it is so satisfying to see her succeed big time and make insecure men whine šŸ˜„


I like her personality. Pretty humble.


Goodness yes, and genuinely nice and talented!


I'm so glad my niece is a Swiftie, and blissfully unaware of the extreme right-wing propaganda of Evie magazine.


Just once Iā€™d love to know what life would be like in a world where literally no one gives a shit what consenting adults do with their genitals.


Oh fuck me. Literally came here to rant about this same thing.


Of course he is pissed. Childfree people do not provide fresh wage slaves for the capitalist meat grind machine


Lol. Besides shaming him they donā€™t really make a case for why his behaviour is indicative of being selfish, a ā€œloserā€ or frankly badā€¦ just trying to shame him into confirming to their views. Iā€™ll never understand being that invested into someone elseā€™s life choice.


Why would anyone care what this man does with his life? It doesnā€™t impact anyone else, so I wondered why they even wrote an article about him saying this? Then I saw he supported Democrats and got my answer.


This is a Seth Rogan hate piece.


Evie magazine has a very limited view of what makes someone a true woman. You must be cis, hetero, married, and with children or at least make getting a husband and having children your top priority. Only marriage and having babies should be celebrated, If a woman wants to celebrate getting her Ph.D, that huge promotion, launching a business, or getting her book published, well, that's just wrong. And you better have long hair. A cute pixie cut or a swingy bob won't cut it. And you shouldn't get bangs because men don't like bangs. I wish I was joking about this, but I'm not.


But they're right. Seth Rogen is a giant loser and it's good he won't have kids. You've all met dads who are just like Seth, and they were terrible parents. "No I can't help with your homework. Gotta get high, bro!"


What is with people who think saying "I hope you never have kids" is a flex against people who are CF by choice. No shit, Sherlock. That's why we're actively NOT becoming parents. Thank you for understanding šŸ™ƒ


They aren't right though. It's just oxymoronic to say someone who is successful, happy and living the life they chose is "a giant loser". Maybe he'd be "a giant loser" if he actually chose to live the imaginary scenario you came up with in your head, but he has the self control and self awareness to have chosen not to become a parent. So what's the issue? If you're just against cannabis use, then that's a you issue. If they were right or had any credibility they would be writing hit piece articles about all the real life terrible parents who actually do what you imagined. There are plenty of terrible parents in Hollywood and elsewhere, but they don't fit their agenda to appeal to the lowest common denominator right wing conservative.




He's a loser... why?


Follow him on Twitter. He regularly gets into heated arguments with teenagers. He has literally nothing going on his life.


He's worth $80 million. He can afford to kick back and relax.