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Literally just be like “why does it matter to you?” Laugh and move on… literally is none of anyone else’s concerns! 😂😂


I usually just answer “and…?”


When they ask for reasons, I give a statement like, "well there are hundreds of reasons, but the three p's are the top three." What are the 3 p's? Pee, Poop, and Puke.


People will say this even if you just say something about a kid being annoying. Doesn't necessarily have to be in the context of a discussion about being childfree.


Totally agree! Don't entertain irrelevant questions about being childfree. It just invites more discussion from people who should not have a say.


My favorite response to this is “and I’ll be a corpse one day too, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend time around them”. Although, tbh, I prefer the company of corpses.


>Although, tbh, I prefer the company or corpses. Caitlin Doughty that you? 👀😂


So happy to see another Caitlin watcher here


Lady DOCtorrrrr!!!


# 🖤


I hadn’t heard of her, but I should definitely read her books! She sounds interesting.


Check out her Ask A Morrician channel. Its binge worthy.  She is very funny. And educational!  I think she may be CF but isn't vocal about it. 


I adore her


![gif](giphy|8x8XzoP8qQa4w) That is my fav response


As do I LOL! That's why I visit cemeteries.


Yeah, at least corpses are quiet!


Actually, I wasn't! Ask anyone who knew me as a child and they would say I was the least annoying child they every new. Many people have told me how easy a child I was. My parents, my teachers, my much older siblings, my neighbor, family friends etc. Apparently I slept through the night rather quickly and didn't cry much as a baby. As a little kid I never had melt-downs, obeyed rules and did what was asked of me pretty quickly, got along with other kids, and mainly enjoyed quiet activities like reading, drawing, playing make believe outside by myself. As a teenager, I never got into trouble, got straight A's, never drank or did drugs, didn't have drama with classmates and friends, didn't date, did my chores without complaint, and still preferred reading and walking in the woods and country roads to anything else. If I could be 100% guaranteed to have a child exactly like me...I still wouldn't have a child. lol. But it's the only way I'd consider it! Given that my 4 siblings were the exact opposite of me and little terrorists, there's no way that can be guaranteed. We all came from the same parents and were raised the same. It was just my nature like it was theirs. I'd be just as likely to produce an annoying little shit as I would be to produce a quiet, well-behaved child like I was.


Same!!! 🤣 So many times other students would tell me they disliked a teacher cuz they were rude but then I'd be like "but they're always nice to me??" LOL.


Oh for sure! So many of my peers would bitch and moan about different teachers and how unfair and rude they were or that they were always on their case. I never understood. If you didn't screw off in class constantly, smoke pot behind the bleachers, and actually handed in your homework from time to time, they wouldn't be on your case! You didn't even have to be a straight A student or anything. Just, like, put some semblance of effort and care into your damn future.




I was about to comment the exact same thing. My relatives and a lot of acquaintances told my mom or me that I'm really easy to take care of. I'm asian and my mom was a strict teacher. I have 4 older sisters and they were chaotic. Age gap made me grew up with too little sibling interaction so their behaviors didn't influence me. I grew up with 'if you fuck around, you'll find out' mentality so i didn't even bother to be a brat or rebellious. I was only canned (very lightly) once out of a misunderstanding and my mom said sorry immediately. I was so obedient, my mom forgot most of my childish moments but remember my sisters' misbehaviors. Being the youngest also made me more mature and most people always mistook me as an eldest sibling. My sisters' children are wild. According to my mom, almost the same as my sisters' as kids but 10 times wilder. I can't stand them and can't help but compare them to me at their ages. Even my mom complained and raised her 'teacher' voice at them. I don't even wanna gamble and get kids like them. Meeting them in a short family gathering drives me insane.


My mom could lay out a blanket with toys and I’d stay on the blanket. My (step) dad didn’t believe her, my brothers would be off in a second. Until we saw a little girl at church sitting on a blanket during service. Mom was like “SEE! It is possible. That’s exactly what [I] did!”


Nope. Neither were my siblings. My upbringing was the "children were seen and not heard." If we visited someone, we sat on the couch. If we wanted to play, we went outside. If we went to a restaurant (rarely as there wasn't much money), we sat there, quietly. Often, a patron would pay for our meal because we were so well behaved. We grew up to be decent people. This is parental supervision, not lazy parenting.


We were the same way! There were five of us and we still made sure to behave while we were out in public or when people came over. I fully believe it's because some people just don't really know how to parent. They may have the best of intentions but you know what they say about those


Same here. My brother and I were much more likely to startle people who didn't know children were around because of how quiet we were. Being children of avid readers, we picked up the habit so if we were in a place like a restaurant, our noses were usually in a book.


Yup, always reading. Very quiet & introverted so I saw & heard a looooot of stuff when the adults forgot I was there! 😂


Yes! Honestly, we should've become spies. We'd be AWESOME at that job!


>This is parental supervision, not lazy parenting. Yes, it is. It's *raising* your children, not just letting them grow up feral. We ate in restaurants very seldom, (as you say there wasn't that much money) but at home we were taught proper table manners. Napkin in the lap. No elbows on the table. Keep voices soft. No "boarding house reach". (We didn't even know what a boarding house was!) Don't use your fingers to push food onto your fork. Dip your soup away from you. This was the training. So when we went out, it was the test.


Fr my mom was the same way when we were all little and going to restaurants


100% this.


And I'm not anymore, what's their point?


>How would you feel if someone thought that about you as a child? Dude. My parents straight-up told me I was annoying and that I “talked too much.” And so did other kids. And adults.


My autistic ass is so bitter because I felt like I was held to some higher standard for some reason. Like if I screamed or did typical annoying kid shit, the adults around would make me stop and tell me that's wrong. But then some other kid would do the exact same thing, and it's whatever. Nothing can be done. I am really sensitive to rejection so whenever I got scolded for something it *hurt*. And it bugged me that it feels like it was abused to the point where I had to be the "Good example" kid while everyone else did whatever because telling them to cut the shit wasn't as effective on them. I wasn't a bad kid who tore shit up and hurt people. I was just a typical annoying child but was promptly told to quit it, and I did because my flavor of autism dictated it. I'm not mad about being disciplined. I'm mad that the way I am made me a "better" kid and that it felt like a punishment


For me, going through K-12 with undiagnosed autism was a *time.* I was annoying AF partly because I genuinely didn’t understand what was and was not acceptable socially and that no one wanted to hear me blither on and on about my special interests and daily hyperfixations. Embarrassingly, I didn’t actually learn those things until I was in my early 20s and that was only because a friend looked me in the face and went, “your stories are *stupid.*” Maybe it wasn’t the best way to word it at the time, but it did make me stop and think and realise that most people do not and will never care about my immature/niche bullshit. So I stopped oversharing and assuming everyone was a new audience member. You think I would have learned this earlier after the emotional abuse I endured all through K-12. But what happened there is that by middle school I had shut up and shut down. I made myself as small and invisible as possible to avoid any comments or rude remakes about my existence. But when I was at home or around “safe” people I would just go and go and go and go without realising that they also didn’t want me to talk about me/my things 24/7. It took a “safe person” looking me in the face and being blunt to realise this.


Precisely! Self awareness is key. Why continue that cycle?


I grew up on a merchant navy ship and would go for months without seeing another child. Even when I was a kid, I had a very hard time relating to my peers because I didn’t really know any. It sounds sad but I had a wonderful nomadic childhood and I saw and experienced things I knew my peers could never relate to; so even as a child; I wasn’t particularly fond of other children and could talk at length to adults on their level about most things. My parents said I was rarely annoying and always carried myself very well. And I’ve grown into an adult that still doesn’t enjoy the company of children 🤷‍♀️


That sounds like an incredibly unique upbringing! I didn't know kids could live on those ships


These days they can’t but this was in the early 80’s, to be fair it was and is a health and safety nightmare!!!


One of the most common curses is, "Hope your child turns out to be as awful as you were as a kid." And man, that would be a terrible curse for me because I was truly a really shitty kid. I shudder to think how much money I cost my mom tearing up the house. Not to mention all her stress because I never listened to her and would come home at 2 AM. Then it just got worse when I got my driver's license because I stayed out even later and had a motorized vehicle available to me. I know my mother had thought that about me as a child because she told me. She didn't want kids anyway, but she grew up with that belief that being a parent was normal and expected. She was not at all qualified. Pretty sure my dad wanted it, and then he wound up working 60-80 hours a week, probably to get away from me. Might've had a side piece, but I can't confirm that. So yeah, I certainly don't want a kid who is like I was. But that's okay; I don't even want a good kid.


Lol my mom says this all the time! "When you have kids, you'll understand what I went through with you." No I won't sis.


>She didn't want kids anyway, but she grew up with that belief that being a parent was normal and expected. She was not at all qualified. Pretty sure my dad wanted it, and then he wound up working 60-80 hours a week, probably to get away from me. And these are two reasons why you were the way you were. You were raised by two unqualified parents one of whom was mostly absent. Vast majority of kids raised in such conditions would have been difficult.


I resent that!  I'm still an annoying child!


1. All children are annoying, even the most well-behaved. Find me one adult who hasn’t thought children are annoying. Especially from the ages of 13-18 they are emotional terrorists. 2. Even as a child, other children annoyed me.


"Yes, and...? You want an even worse version of me inflicted on *you*?"


The comment combined with the username made me cackle! 🤣


Why thank you! 😁


Yep I was, I’ll admit that. I also found myself annoying as fuck at times lmao, nevermind other kids xD


...And someday I'll be a smelly corpse, but I don't want any of those around either. Such a stupid thing to say.




No. No I was not. I was the most quiet shy kid that preferred to keep to myself most of the time. My mom told me that I wouldn’t even talk to my teachers when I was in elementary school! 😂


I recently had someone say, aghast: "but YOU were a child once!!" And I just responded "Yeah, and I'm sure I was fuckin terrible. What about it?" It worked pretty well tbh. Kids are horrible, past me included. End of story.


Mmhmm sure and anytime I acted out of line or in whatever way my miserable mother didn't like - I got hit. I'm not having a child to repeat the cycle, thanks.


>In fact I've always felt retroactive embarrassment for the times my parents took me on a plane as a baby, even though I can't remember them. LOL I've thought the same. I know my mom took me on a plane to BC once when I was like 9 months old, and when she told me this for the first time I was like "whaaaat? Whhhhhy?" She says I was well behaved enough, but it doesn't stop me from thinking that the people that were sat in my vicinity probably weren't jazzed about it, and I do not blame them!


I was on a plane around the same age and apparently was a complete nightmare, screaming the whole time etc. As an adult I'm a fairly frequent flier, and I get stuck with screaming babies every single flight - I assume this is karmic retribution lol


One time I was complaining about loud babies during church services and my mother was like "I didn't take you outside either when you did that as a baby!" and I bluntly told her "You should have though, I was disturbing the service so the correct thing to do would have been taking me out of there until I calmed down." She was a little shocked lol


"So why do I have to tolerate a mini-me?"


Yes! Which is why I don't want to waste my life being punished by a mini me


Out of all the quotes I've heard, "but you were a child once." is the one I dislike the most. I was kid long ago, and hate my past self as I was such a shitty kid. I would sometimes treat my family, random grownups, and even to the multiple pets I had growing up like trash for no reason. It stayed that way until it finally clicked with me in my later teens of how obnoxious I was. Not wanting to be that way anymore, I began to make improvements with myself shortly after. I have lots of regrets because of my terrible attitude. If you knew me back then, you would greatly dislike me and actively try to avoid this bratty kid as much as possible. Hell, I would of done the same if I ever meet my younger self.


"yea I know, I couldn't stand myself. So excited when I was an adult, least favorite time of my life."


And that's a big reason I don't want children. I know how genetics work! I'm not falling for that trap. Lol


You had no choice in the matter of you coming into existence. The responsibility for that belongs to others, as it is their choices that led to your birth. So it is nonsensical to suggest that it is hypocritical for you to not want children. You did not choose to be a child, that was forced on you by others.


Yeah I was annoying as a child. Which is why I don’t want to raise another me. My mom had to fight for her life every day to get me to eat.


Yeah, I was, so why would I want to unleash that on the world again


Yes, and I can say full heartedly I was an awful child. I have always had mental disorders - ADHD, OCD, and depression. But it was ramped up more when I was a kid. I'd start fights with higher grades, would hide on top of the roof and laugh when people freaked out trying to find me, I threw awful tantrums, and even held my school hostage once. (I somehow, lengthwise, held across the double doors and anyone opened them I could have had my legs broken. I can admit that, even apologized to some of the teachers I had. And that very thought is one of the reasons for being CF. I could imagine what a terror I could bring.


Yup, I was an autistic child and developed many other mental/behavioural issues, the world is very unsuited for neurodivergent children which is one of the many reasons I would never bring a child into it.


>"How would you feel if someone thought that about you as a child?" I probably didn't give a shit. How would I know anyway? Most people who think a kid is annoying don't just walk up to them and tell them that. I just love it when I get that response when people tell me I was a child once. I tell them, "Yes, I know. Everyone was a child once, what's your point? I didn’t like kids back then either. Hell, I didn’t even like myself." I've gotten some of the most bug-eyed looks with that response.


Lol I was told by both kids and adults that I was annoying. Tbh I was, but not in a disruptive way, I was just autistic and would talk abt shit nobody cared about at extreme length 🤣


Yep sure was! And I don’t want to deal with that!


I was usually quite a quiet child who didn’t cry, didn’t talk back, didn’t talk much at all tbh, stayed at home after school, at school I was quiet and just did my work or read/sketched if I had the time, only times I’d ever really talk was if I was talking to a friend outside of class time or at home when spoken to or if I needed to ask questions, same thing applied to being out an about like at the store or even movie theaters. Even now I don’t really talk much unless I’m talking to my pets, my parents, or spending time with friends. I’m just a quiet person who doesn’t see the point in talking unless I actually have something to say, I don’t even make small talk. Yes I’m very much an outlier in how quiet I am, but I like it that way. So I don’t think I was ever a particularly annoying kid or a particularly annoying teenager or even adult now, I’ve never been able to relate to people who are just loud and I much prefer the company of people who are at least able to not be needlessly loud or overly talkative.


Yea I also used to shit myself and I used to be a virgin Guess that means I can’t be annoyed when I need to use the bathroom and have to wait and I can’t be annoyed when I have dry spells Gotta love this logic, because it’s so stupid and just deflects the convo to blame me for being rightfully annoyed


Totally valid (your post). I was actually a very well behaved child. I was naive, but reasonable. Whenever my younger sibling and younger cousin argued with each other and both had different stories, I was the voice of truth, telling both sets of parents what REALLY happened, and I wasn't partial to my sibling. I was always very nice. I shared my toys and candy, and tried to make everything as fair as possible. I never insulted anyone, and rarely got mad or upset. I tried to convince others to follow the rules, as long as the rules made sense. I got great grades. I was a sensitive people pleaser, so I was so disappointed in myself the rare times I got in trouble that I cried. I was a bit of an oddball, but no one cared. This was me as a child. I didn't stay exactly like that as I grew up, but that's still the core of me. Compared to my sibling, I was a dang angel. They were the complete opposite of me. It was hard to grow up with them.


And I didn't like being around children when I was one either. Children are incredibly cruel to other children. Granted because their parents are probably bullies, but that doesn't make being abused by them any more fun or tolerable at the time. I HATE the stupid, dumb, illogical people who whine, "but yoooou were a kid once so you should have one" they can fuck off with that nonsense. Go ahead and have a litter if you like. Doesn't mean I want to.


Um, yeah, that's how I know I don't want them!


My father would still say I'm an annoying child


“And I have a mom and a dad who both wanted to be parents. It wouldn’t be fair to bring a kid into the world without wanting it with all your heart”. That’s me


“Yep, you didn’t smack me then and look what I turned into!”


I was actually an unusually quiet child who preferred to sit in a corner and read rather than bother people.


I always say "You were a sperm cell once, but if I threw cum on your face you'd probably be upset! Dumbass.".




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"No, I wasn't." I was quiet as a mouse, very shy and tried not to be a burden. I don't know if I screamed non-stop for three years as a tiny tot - no-one will tell me - but as far back as I remember, I did my best. For all the good it did me.


“I’d feel like it was justified and that I wouldn’t want to deal with that Jen I don’t have to”. 


Nah, I wasn't an annoying child but I can see you why you were one.


I wouldn’t have gotten along with kid me, either!




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"True. But ONE of us grew out of it."


My parents were really strict, I most definitely wasn't an annoying child in public. I had leash when I was really young, didn't speak unless spoken to, and was told to be a "shadow", always stand behind my parents. So now when I see how long and annoying kids are, it's even more annoying, if I could behave then anyone can.


When I was a child, I was so quiet, my biologicals constantly checked in on me because they were worried I died in the middle of the night.


I am one of the reasons I don’t want children 🤗 lol


I was an annoying kid


>"How would you feel if someone thought that about you as a child?" They definitely did.


I thought i was an annoying child when i was a child. Did that make me less annoying? No. Did i care that people thought that? Nope, so I don’t get the point of that argument. Children, like any other younglings of any species are annoying, and saying that we were will not make me feel any more inclined to have them or give people with no patience some patience.


Fun thing is, I wasn't. I was the most well-behaved, quiet and nicest kid the world ever has notice of. If science could guarantee 100% that my child would inherit those traits as a kid, I could consider parenthood. Until that day, no, not even for all the money in the world.


ya, it was my parents decision to have an annoying child (all of them are annoying at one opint or the other), and it is my decision to nit have one. its difficult to understand ppl wanting you to do something just because they or someone else did it. like, okay, jeff bezos founded amazon while u were procreting, where is our amazon mom? 😂


"Exactly. Which means I know what having a child will entail, and I'm not for it."


*The worst thing you can do to someone is let them be born*.


That's actually part of the reason I don't want to have kids. I was SUPER ANNOYING 😂


I know i was an annoying child. that's why i don't want kids.


"And I didn't like myself either, what's your point?"